PBN_EV_ST_170315_NAWAJONA.EAF     karaoke karaoke2

niŋ-am ka nawa  
my name is nawa
a fuɓe ɗam am m je ɓalee  
this is my story, I will tell it
wu fub ɗamm am je ɓalioŋ ɗo  
the topic of the story, Me, I will be telling you here
ere joŋ nswe nowo ije, ma ne je ɓawã  
there are two women that go to a bush
ni je ɓowe siila ma ne ɓwa kojog  
they go to fetch firewood and they got [?] plant of the draw sup
ma nwa m bini bẽ, ka beeeem beeee m-leaŋ  
then the other one breaks it, it says that singing a song 'break me gently...
swa ɓeaŋ npaŋ ɓo kia kum, ɓeza ɓe belai wo ɗom ɲe kiam ma komlanom  
it was your husband-dog that bit me and I am feeling pain'
a be ka beeem ɓeee m leam,  
she breaks it and it says 'break me gently
swa ɓeaŋ npaŋ ɓo kia kum, ɓeza ɗe belai wo ɗeŋ ɲe kiam ma komlanom  
it was your dog of husband that bite me and I am feeling pain'
aje a ɓoreaŋ ka ɓom ɓomlem  
she goes and tides it, and it says singing a song 'tide me gently
swa ɓeeŋ npaŋ ɓo kia gum, ɓeza ɗe belai wo ɗom ɲe kiam ma komlanom  
that it was your huband's dog that bit me and I am feeling pain'
aje a koreaŋ ka kwam kwam leam  
she goes and prepares it, and it says: 'prepare me gently
swa ɓeeŋ npaŋ ɓo kia gum, ɓeza ɗe belai wo ɗom ɲe kiam ma komlanom  
it was your huband's dog that bit me and I am feeling pain'
a mog reaŋ ka mom momlem  
she is eating it and it says: eat me gently
swa ɓeeŋ npaŋ ɓo kia gum, ɓeza ɗe belai wo ɗom ɲe kiam ma komlanom  
it was your huband's dog that bit me and I am feeling pain'
a loɓoŋ sigaŋ je keape ka lo ɓom loɓomlem  
she is trowing the unuseful plant away, and it says: trow me away gently
swa ɓeeŋ npaŋ ɓo kia gum, ɓeza ɗe belai wo ɗom ɲe kiam ma komlanom  
that it was your huband's dog that bit me and I am feeling pain'
ma ɓo bahaŋ eaŋ ɗejege, je bwea maŋ ɗe ɓo ɓulie ɓo alaŋ ɗowe  
then her child went and saw it, it became a calabash
a og a eh a gaa [mama] yeneŋ ka ai ɗowe dam ɓuli ʔe  
he ran to meet his mother and said my calabash has germinate
ka toh, kaŋ jaŋ maŋ ka jaŋ zoɓaŋ-a  
then the mother said leave it dont destroy it
ee, ka ɓea ka aje ka [mama] ka jenam ka ɗowe ɗam ɓulii  
then he went there the next day
ka to ka jaŋ səng-a, kaŋ jaŋ  
that he should not touch it
ɓo geelaŋ be, ɓo owaŋ, ɓo eje bole ɓe  
it grew and it produced another one
ɓo lebe maŋ ɓe geele kãd a je a to naŋ a seŋ maŋ  
then it produced, it grew big, he went and touched it
ɓeɲaleaŋ, nwa eh to na-aŋ se-aŋ maŋ ɓeɲaleaŋ, nwa eh to na-aŋ se-aŋ maŋ ɓeɲaleaŋ  
it swallowed him, every person that touch it, it swallowed him
ɲe kuli naŋ ka balioŋ-a kãd ɓə ga ɓe ɲaleuŋ kãd  
it swallowed them all in the clan
to... waŋ ma oŋ fuwi, a og maŋ aje ɓe gab ne swetoneaŋ ɓo ɗom  
a pregnant woman also went, it bit her botocks
ɓe ɗom maŋ notoneaŋ ɓoɓe  
it bit her bum bum
a aje maŋ a eraŋ zapije ije, zaɓobea woɓe kãd  
she went and gave birth to twins and they were all male
ne geele ma ne ɓib ɲe-noŋ  
they grew up then they ask their mother
ka lege ɗe toŋneoŋ kaija? ma aga-aŋ kaja  
that where is their father's land? then she tells them
ka ne ke goŋ-a ɗwea faija, ka ɓowo lege ɗe toŋneoŋ ɗe  
that... they see that mountain? that's their father's land
ne sab kpe ne gbere, ne sab powe ne gbere  
they made an arrow and also make spears
ka nije maŋ, ne eaŋ, ne eaŋ, ne eaŋ, neje ne kpe ɓa tsii zam ne koɗe  
that they should go, then they proceeded they went and climbed a tamarin tree
ke kpe maŋ ɓa tsii zam ne ko, ma ne kpe səŋ  
they climbed the tamarin tree, then they sang a song
ka zirim kbokbo wo zirim kbokbo, tomdalam gbere zirim kbokbo, dwe eaŋ gbere-m zirim kbokbo  
siging: 'zirim kbokbo, my relatives has finished, come and also finish me'
ɓo ziraŋ, ɓo ziraŋ, ɓo ziraŋ, ka ɓe je swe kpag  
it shakes and shakes, and it stops
ka a kpe səŋ, ɓo dwe kiyarrr  
he sings again, and it turns
a kpe səŋ ka zirim kbokbo wo zirim kbokbo, tomdalam gbere zirim kbokbo, dwe eaŋ gbere-m zirim kbokbo  
he sings 'zirim kbokbo, my clan has finished, come and also finish me...'
ɓo sii kiyarr ma e swe tamsi kpag  
it turns and came under the tree
boŋ na gulag, ka boŋ na swe je, boŋ na swe ka boŋ na golag je  
the left branch (hand of tree) tells the right branch to go while the right branch tells him to go
boŋ na gulag ma tab kpog, boŋ na swe ma tab, ne tablaŋ maŋ kpog, kpog, kpog ɓo gbere  
then the left hand shuts it, the right hand also shuts it to the end
ne toh powe, nwã sue, nwa sue ɓo e ɓo ja iʔe  
they carry pairs to shut all of them, so it remains in two
boŋ na gulag sue ɓo juraŋ ije  
the left hand shut it, it divided into two
boŋ na swe sue ɓoga ɓo juraŋ  
the right hand also shut it and it divided into two
kje bea bini ɓowo ko ɓagoŋ, ja bea bini ɓo je mene zumo  
the other one stays at Bagong and the other one go to Bachama
maka awai maŋ lubi joŋ-a? ka a wuna lubioŋ ka ne mojaŋ maŋ mii  
it says, who call us out? that those that call us out should give us water
ɓo ne saŋ-e ɗa fem, ne le je  
they pay just a litle they drank it
ka a wa maŋ-a ne ire neuŋ-a nowo  
that who are those?, they look up and they saw it was them (the twins)
maka ne ziŋ ne ʔe, ka ʔaʔa ka ne oŋga ka ne ziŋ mana ne ziŋhaŋ  
they ask them to come off the tree, they said no! who are not coming down, they told them to come, then they come down
boŋ na swi kaja, ka boŋ na gulag ka a zwab tuŋ kaneaŋ-a  
the right hand tells the left hand to pull this water grass
azob maŋ mii pelele ne wuu ne wuu  
he pulls it and the water was all over, they all drank of it
boŋ na gulag alaŋ naŋɗa ɗeje wo kãd  
the left hand turn his hand it was house all over
boŋ na swi aŋ alangɗa binem wo kãd ɗe somɓaŋ  
the right hand still turn his hand it was traditioinal stores and it all full of with food storage
ma ka to, ka kowe ɗe ɗeg a ɗije ɗiaŋ, nwa ɗeg aɗije ɗijaŋ nwa ɗeg aɗije ɗiaŋ  
then they said everyone should enter his house, so every one of them entered
ere ne kpei ɗab ɗe, ere pasim wamɗe  
that is the end of my story
Adagram Project. March 15th, 2017. Recording Nyesam in the village of Kpasham, Adamawa state, Nigeria. Short story by Nawa Jona.