MEV_MK_NARR_201401_MARMITE.EAF     karaoke karaoke2

óò gbɔ̄ɔ̄ bɛ̀ī fɔ̰́á̰ ká  
Kettles are made with aluminum.
yé wāà gèē ó bɛ̀ī ā  
When one wants to make one,
óò gbɔ̄ɔ̄ bḭ́ḭ́ sī yílí pɛ̰́ɛ̰́ ká, wā gbɛ̰̀ ē kíè lé  
the kettle is drawn, with the wood, it is put together.
ō ɲɛ̀ɛ̄sɛ́lɛ́ bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ wā tɛ̀nɛ́ ē yīè ká ō gɛ̄lɛ̀wɛ́lɛ́ séŋ́ wā ɓō à bà,  
the sand is sifted, large rocks are removed.
gbɔ̄ɔ̄ bḭ́ḭ́ tɛ́ gbāāɓō wā bɛ̀ī yílí pɛ̰́ɛ̰́ ká wɛ̄  
The image of the kettle that was made with the boards,
óò yà gbāāɓō  
it is now put.
gùlù gbùò tɛ́ wā ká̰ ē kɛ̄ ké lɛ̀ cone lɛ́ɓē wɛ̄ óò yà gbāāɓō à yí  
The big pit that is dug that becomes like a cone, it is put inside now.
ō fɔ̰́á̰ wɛ̄ wā yíí, wā yà tíēē ē sèŋē  
The aluminum is put, the liquid aluminum, in the fire, it melted.
ō ɲɛ̀ɛ̄sɛ́lɛ́ wɛ̄ káá déŋ́ŋ́  
The sand is poured in an orderly manner.
ō fɔ̰́á̰ yíí ɓɛ̄ sí gbāāɓō wā káá á píé  
They take the liquid aluminum, they pour it inside.
ē tó yī ē kɔ̀ɔ̀, é kɔ̀á ā wā yílí pɛ̰́ɛ̰́ mɛ̀ wā ɓō yī  
It stays inside, it is dry, when it is dry, they break the boards, they remove it.
wā ɲɛ̀ɛ̄sɛ́lɛ́ bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ ɓō yī, kɛ̄ wāà gbɔ̄ɔ̄ bɛ̀ī.  
They removed the sand, the kettle was made.