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ŋwɔ́ lɛ́ mɔ̀ɔ́ ŋ́ gèē wɛ̄ lɛ̄ ŋwɔ́ zīī ká  
The story I want to tell, it is an old story,
tɛ́ ŋ̄ dàā làá yí dɔ̄ ŋ̄ dàā bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ zì dàā làá yí dɔ̄, bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ zì dàā làá yí dɔ̄  
that my father does not know, that the father of my father does not know, that his father does not know,
tɛ́ lɛ̄ ŋwɔ́ zīī wɔ́lɔ́wɔ́lɔ́ ká é gbɛ̰̀ á̰ kō pàà Gɔ́dḭ́ sɛ̀lɛ̀ mɔ̀.  
that is a very old story that happened in Godi.
wà gbàlà mìà tɛ́ ō gó Yɔ̀ɔ́ŋ́wìgbàlàbèí  
Them and the Kpelles that come from Yonwigbalabei (the Kpelle name Yɔ̀ɔ́mù = Yomou).
Gbàlà gèlè tɛ́ mɔ́ ē ká̰  
The Kpelle war that started long time ago.
Yɔ̀ɔ́ŋ́wìgbàlàbèí mìà wáà nù, wáà máá mìà kṵ̀  
The people from Yomou came, they took the Manos.
É wɛ̀lɛ̀ nɔ́ Bùnɔ́ ɔ̄ é dīá ká Gbà̰à̰ é ló é dà-á Gɔ́dḭ́ é ló é ɓɔ̄á Kàrànāà  
Merely go to Bounouma, passing through Gbaan until one falls at Godi and go to Karana.
Kɛ̄ Zāà nì séŋ́ wāà tó à yí ḛ̋ Yɛ̀í nì.  
Such that all the (dwellers of) Nzao and Yalenzou stay inside.
óò nū wáà máá mìà kṵ̀ wáà lò wáà ō kɛ̀ lùò vɔ̀ ká.  
They come, they take the Manos, they make slaves out of them.
kɛ̀ɛ̀ tɛ́ ō nū á Gɔ́dḭ́ lùò vɔ̀ kṵ́à̰ ā  
The year they came to take the slaves of Godi.
kɛ̄ Gɔ́dḭ́ mìà bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ wāà mā kélɛ̀ gbàlà mìà ó nūá ó máá mìà kṵ̄á̰ ó ō kɛ̄á lùò vɔ̀ ká ā óò wàā ɓèlè  
When the dwellers of Godi learned that when the Kpelles come, if they take the Manos, if they make slaves out of them, they will suffer.
óò wàā kpɔ̄ ō là  
They inflict pain on them.
Mīī gbúnùzɛ̀ é lōá ā lɛ̀ɛ́ yɛ́ gbāā ē zī é nū é ɓɔ̄ ē nā mɔ̀.  
Some, if they go, they do not return to arrive at their wife's.
é lōá ā, lɛ́ɛ̄ kɛ̀ nɔ́ à lóà séŋ́ ká.  
If they go, it is forever.
yé Gɔ́dḭ́ zì kɛ̀ɛ̀ ē ɓɔ̄ ɔ̄, gbàlà mìà kɛ̄ ó nū nū yí ā, ɓīī wāà gèē mɔ́ óò nū sɛ́lɛ́ yí ā, óò ō ɲɛ̀ɛ̄wɛ̀lɛ̀ vɔ̄  
When the year of Godi arrived, the Kpelles, before coming over there, because in the old times when they said that they would come to a village, they sent emissaries
wā gèē kà gɔ̰̄à̰ séŋ́ pá ē kíè mɔ̀  
They say, "Gather all the men,
kɛ̄ ó nūá nɔ́ ɔ̄ ó ō kṵ́ ó ló ō ká ɓīī ō kɔ̀ dīà lɛ̄ mīī séŋ́ là.  
so that, when they will come, they will take them, they will bring them along because they are stronger than everyone."
yé Gɔ́dḭ́ zì ā ē ɓɔ̄ ɔ̄ ō mīī vɔ̄ ē nū ā yí ɓō Gɔ́dḭ́ pɛ̀lɛ̀ì, ā gèē:  
When it was the turn of Godi, someone was sent, he came to explain to Godi, he said,
gbàlà mìà, Yɔ̀ɔ́ŋ́wìgbàlàbèí mìà ō nū-pɛ̀lɛ̀.  
"The Kpelles, the people of Yomou come."
Gɔ́dḭ́ bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ lɛ̄ kúlá sɛ̀lɛ̀ ká.  
Godi is also a village of warriors.
à kúlá wɛ̄ ō kɛ̄ ā gèē-pɛ̀lɛ̀ Sèémāsīè.  
This warrior was called Semasie.
Sèémāsīè à gɔ̰̀á̰ lɛ̀ɛ́ gbā kɛ̄ màá sɛ̀lɛ̀.  
There was no one like Semasie in the Maa villages.
à gɔ̰̀á̰ dò gbɛ̄ɛ̄ lɛ̀ɛ́ gbā kɛ̄ màá sɛ̀lɛ̀ nɔ́ féfé dò yí.  
There was no one - no one like Semasie in the Maa villages.
yé ō nū wā gèē ā dɔ̄mì áà gèè: Sèémāsīè, íì tō zèē, ó nū ó kò gɔ̰̄à̰ wɛ̄ séŋ́ kṵ́ ó ló ō ká, ó ló ō ká, ó ló ō kɛ̄ lùò vɔ̀ ká, ó kɔ̰́ ō nā nì yí, ó kɔ̰́ wà nɔ́ɔ̄ yí, ó kɔ̰́ ō kɛ̄pɛ̀ yí,  
When they came and they said, the chief said, "Semasie, you will stay here, so that we will come take our men and bring them all along, bring them along, make slaves out of them, so that we will deprive them of their wives, of their children, of their belongings."
lɛ́ Sèémāsīè ā gèē dɔ̄mì lɛ̀ɛ̄: Wálà é wēá mɔ̀ ɔ̄, gèlè ɓɛ̄ kóò lā gɔ̰̄ɔ̰̀, kòó ló nɔ́ kō dìè nɔ̄-ɔ̀ ō lɛ̀ɛ̄ kílī  
Semasie told the chief, "If God accepts, we will wage war, we will not turn ourselves over like this."
lɛ́ ā gèē íì nū gèlè wɛ̄ gɔ̰̄ kpɛ̄ɛ̀.  
He said, "How will you go fight the battle?"
ā gèē dɔ̄mì lɛ̀ɛ̄ lɔ́ɔ́ dōó nɔ̄ ŋ̄ lɛ̀ɛ̄ kò gɔ̰̄à̰ vɔ̀ kó sà̰ā̰ kɛ̄.  
He told the chief, "Give me a week so that us with the men, we may do the work."
yēlɛ́ dɔ̄mì ē wéé à mɔ̀.  
The chief accepted.
ē míá tɛ́ kílíɓɛ̄ nɔ̄ mɔ́ ā lɛ̀ɛ̄ ē pɛ̄lɛ̄í gɔ̰̀à̰nɛ̀ŋ́ séŋ́ nɔ̄ Sèémāsīè lɛ̀ɛ̄ wà yē nì ō lɔ́  
He gave him the people in question, he gave him all the young men of the village, they left.
zī tɛ́ wòló gèlè wɛ̄ gɔ̰̄ à ká ā  
The way they wanted to start the war.
wà yē nì wā mɛ́ dá̰. ō ló zī tɛ́ wòló sɛ́lɛ́ wɛ̄ mɛ́ lúó à ká ā nàà kpɔ́  
They learned (they knew many things). They went to strengthen the borders the way they wanted to defend the village.
ō gōō ká̰  
They dug the ditches.
à gōō yā óò gèē à lɛ̀ɛ̄ Gbōtōgōōyí.  
This ditch is called Gbotogoyi.
yé gbāā ɲɛ́nɛ́ wɛ̄ ē ɓɔ̄ ɔ̄ kɛ̄ gbāā míá wɛ̄ bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ wòló nū gbāā gèlè wɛ̄ dà, gbàlà mìà wɛ̄ wòló nū ā wā kɛ̄ ɲɛ́nɛ́ yììsɛ̄ lōà séŋ́ ō wàà kɛ́ì ō ká lé tā.  
When the day came, now then, these people were about to wage war, the Kpelles were about to come, they took four days, all the women went back home, they closed the door.
kèá zèē bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ gàlà ɓōà lɛ̄ mɔ́ sɛ́lɛ́ mɔ̀  
Long ago there was a fence around the village.
ō gàlà lé tā gbāā sɛ́lɛ́ mɔ̀ gɔ̰̄à̰ ō ɓō gbāā gàlà mɛ̀ŋ́  
They closed the fence, the men went out behind the fence.
ɓīī Gbōtōgōō wā ká̰ wɛ̄ wā ká̰ ɓéŋ́ɓō gbèkènī pɛ̄lɛ̄í mɔ̀, íī tàà kɛ̄ í tḭ̄ḭ̄ ɓɔ̄ Gbōtōgōōyí.  
Because the Gbotogo that they dug, they dug a bit, a bit far from the village, you walk before arriving to Gbotogo.
gɔ̰̄à̰ séŋ́ ō ló gbāā ō gbīnī Gbōtōgōō wɛ̄ kpóŋ́ là.  
All the men went now, they bent at the edge of Gbotogo.
ō gbīnà lɛ̄ gbāā gōō wɛ̄ kpóŋ́ là  
They are now bent at the edge of the ditch.
Gbōtōgōō ē kɛ̄ mìnìzɛ̀, à yí lɛ̄ gbèkènī.  
Gbotogo was horrible, it was deep.
lɔ̀ɔ̀mìà bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ ó nūá ā, ō kpáá tɛ́ à dùá lɛ̄ ó fɔ̰́ á̰ kɛ̄ ó dà pɛ̄lɛ̄í wɛ̄  
When the strangers come, the path they must take to arrive to the village,
gbàlà mìà wɛ̄ ō zīlèē wɛ̄ tā.  
the Kpelles blocked the path.
donc, zī dōó tɛ́ nɔ́ gbāā è bɛ̀ī é nū é ɓɔ̄ pɛ̄lɛ̄í, yē lɛ́ gbāā Gbōtōgōōyí wɛ̄ ká  
Hence, the only path that can lead to the village, it is just Gbotogoyi.
Gbōtōgōōyí wɛ̄ bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ Sèémāsīè wà là gèlè gɔ̰̄ kúlá vɔ̀ séŋ́ wāà ló wāà gbīnā là.  
This Gbotogoyi too, Semasie and his warriors they went, they bent.
mīī séŋ́ là mɛ̀ɛ́ lāā kɛ̀lɛ̀  
Everyone has their spear.
mīī séŋ́ là sá̰á̰ lāā kɛ̀lɛ̀  
Everyone has their bow.
í ō kɛ̀lɛ̀ gɛ̰̀á̰ ā̰ lɛ̄ mìnìzɛ̀  
When you look at the hands, it is horrible.
ō wɔ̄ɔ̀ lɛ̄ gbāā ká kpóŋ́ là yí  
They are lying with this on the edge.
ḛ̋ gbàlà mìà wɛ̄ zò lɛ̄ mɛ̄ɛ̄ mɔ̀  
Eh, the Kpelles, what are they thinking of?
zí nɔ́ kpá ò nū á wáā lùò vɔ̀ kṵ̀ sɛ́lɛ́ vɔ̀ yí ā lɛ̄ nɔ́ ō gé ékɛ̄á ó nūá ā óò nū nɔ́ Gɔ́dḭ́ mìà kṵ́à̰ kílī  
The way they come take the slaves in the village, they thought that when they come they will manage to take the people of Godi this way.
tɛ́ ò lō nūà ō ɓɔ̄ Gbōtōgōōyí bímíà fìlìlì wàà ká ā  
When they were about to come, they arrived at Gbotogoyi in the night,
mīā bèŋ̄zɛ̀ tɛ́ ō yɔ̀ló gōō yí ā kɔ̀bɛ̀ámɔ̀ lɛ̀ɛ́ gbāā kɛ̄ yí.  
the first persons who went down in the ditch, there was no possibility.
Wā zàà káá là ōē ō tó yí  
They started, they stayed over there.
mīā dò ō kɛ̄ ɓē ō mɛ̀ kpálá ō yɛ́ ō zí ō ló wā gèē míá wɛ̄ lɛ̀ɛ̄ kélɛ̄: a̋! míá kō ló kɛ̀ì ō kṵ́à̰ wɛ̄, gèlè gɔ̰̄ wɛ̀lɛ̀ lɛ̄ ō là, óò nàá kó gèlè gɔ̰̄.  
There are some who escaped, who came back, they left, they told the people, "The people that we went to capture, they want us to fight."
gbàlà mìà bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ ō ō zì pɔ̄ɔ̀ sí gbāā ō ō zì gèlè gɔ̰̄ pɔ̀ɔ̀ sí gbāā  
The Kpelles then took their things, they took the war things.
wáà nù mɔ̄ɔ́ ɓɔ̄ɔ̀ Gɔ́dḭ́ mìà mɔ̀ Gbōtōgōōyí ā, gèlè lɛ́ wā gɔ̰̄, ō gèlè gɔ̰̄, ō gèlè gɔ̰̄, ō gbàlà mìà zɛ̄, ō gbàlà mìà zɛ̄, ō gbàlà mìà zɛ̄, a̋  
They come towards the people of Godi in Gbotogoyi, the war they declared, they fought, they killed some Kpelles.
(mīī) dōó kéā lɛ̀ɛ́ gbāā yɛ́ ē zí kɛ̄ é ló.  
Not a single person came back.
ō séŋ́ séŋ́ ō tó yí tɛ̰̄ɛ̰́tɛ̰̄ɛ̰́  
Absolutely all of them stayed over there.
Sèémāsīè ē kɛ̄ gèlè gɔ̰̄-pɛ̀lɛ̀ ó ŋwū kèlè kā̰ -á̰ là ā  
Semasie fought, if the head is cut off,
gbàlà mìà ó ŋwū kèlè kā̰ -á̰ là ā à ŋwū kèlè lɛ́ɛ̀ dà dḭ̀ḭ̄ ké ē gìnī-gíní é ē kpɛ̄ɛ̄ zɔ̰̀ɔ̰́ nɔ́ ē ŋwū kèlè lɛ̀ɛ̄ à ŋwū kèlè lɛ́ɛ̀ nīà ē yà ē yà pɛ̀lɛ̀  
when the Kpelles cut off his head, the head falls over there, it rolls, if he shows his neck to his head, his head turns around, it puts itself in its place.
Gɔ́dḭ́ kúlá vɔ̀ séŋ́ ō kɛ̄ kílī ō gèlè gɔ̰̄ Gɔ́dḭ́ kúlá dōó kéā lɛ̀ɛ́ gbāā tó yí.  
The warriors of Godi were all like this, they fought, no warrior stayed over there.
wā gɔ̰̄, wā gɔ̰̄ ō kɔ̀ ē bɛ̀ī gbàlà mìà mɔ̀  
They fought, they defeated the Kpelles.
à ɓéŋ́ ē tó ā ō gbɛ̰̀ ō ō kṵ́  
The few that remained over there, they went down, they took them.
ō ō kɛ̄ wà lùò vɔ̀ ká  
They made slaves out of them.
gbàlà sɛ̀lɛ̀ tɛ́ mɔ́ ē kɛ̄ mɔ́ kílī Yɔ̀ɔ́ŋ́wìgbàlàbèí sɛ̀lɛ̀ ká  
The village of the Kpelles that was like this the village of Yomou.
ē yà mɔ́ màá mìà lɛ́ zī tɛ́ nɔ́ mɔ́ ō ō vɔ̰́ɔ̰́ ɓō à ká màá mìà mɔ̀ ɔ̄  
They tired the Maamias, like this the Maamia got rid of them.
ō ō vɔ̰́ɔ̰́ ɓō à ká màá mìà mɔ̀  
They got rid of them.
kɛ̄ ó tó ō dìè lɛ̀ɛ̄, à gà̰ ē gó nɔ́ Gɔ́dḭ́.  
So that they remain free, it came from Godi.
pɛ́ à kɛ̀ í kpɔ́ bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ màá sɛ̀lɛ̀ wɛ̄ yí déŋ́ŋ́, óò lō nɔ́ à geà ī lɛ̀ɛ̄ kúlá sɛ̀lɛ̀ tɛ́ kò dɔ̄ ɔ̄ yē lɛ́ Gɔ́dḭ́ ká.  
Such that even if you go in all the villages of the Maas, they will tell you, "The village of the warriors that we know, it is Godi.
ɓīī Gɔ́dḭ́ lɛ́ mɔ́ ē gbàlà gèlè wɛ̄ ā ɲɛ̄ ó ō zɛ̄ mɔ́ kílíā ē kɛ̄ nɔ́ à gèlè tɛ̀ká pɛ̀lɛ̀ ká  
Because it is Godi that ended the war of the Kpelles, the fact that we killed them, it was the end of the war."
gɔ̰́ lɛ̀ɛ́ gbāā kɛ̄ ɓē é wéé máá mìà píé  
There were now no men to speak of the Manos.
yé ō ɲɛ̄ gèlè yā gɔ̰̄ɔ̰̀ ká ā gɔ̰̄à̰ wáà tɔ̀ŋ̀ kṵ̀ pɛ̄lɛ̄í tá̰ ká  
When they have finished waging war, the men now go up in the village with a song.
í ō gɛ̰̀á̰ ā̰ wāà yɔ̀ɔ̄ líà ká  
If you see them, they are covered in blood, a lot.
líà áà gò mīā, mīā mɔ́ɔ̀ sɔ̀ mɔ̀ áà kàà  
The blood leaves people's clothes, it flows.
yé ɓàá kɛ̄ sɛ̀ ɓáà gɛ̰̀ ékɛ̄á mī líà è gō àmɔ́ɔ̀ sɔ̀ mɔ̀ áà kàà ā yē lɛ́ pɛ̄ píé lāā mɔ̀ àmɔ̀kɛ̀ì mí àyē ā zɛ̄ ɛ̄ yēlɛ́ à líà lɛ̄  
If you do not do well, you see as if the one whose blood leaves the clothes and flows is injured whereas it is the blood of the one he killed.
é Gbōtōgōō tɛ́ kílíɓɛ̄ dɛ̄ɛ̄ká mɔ̀ é wɛ̀lɛ̀ mɔ́ mɔ́ gèlè yā gɔ̰̄ pɛ̀lɛ̀ é ɓɔ̄á dɛ̄ɛ̄ká mɔ̀.  
The Gbotogoyi (is there) since the time of the war until now.
yíí tɛ́ lɛ̄ Gbōtōgōō wɛ̄ tō mɔ̀ mīī lɛ̀ɛ́ gbɛ̰̀ yíí ā bà  
The water that is in the source of Gbotogoo, no-one goes down there.
gèlè gɔ̰̄ pɛ̀kúlú yɔ̄ɔ̄ yɔ̄ɔ̄ ē tó mɔ́ kàá gōō yā yí  
Some bad battle objects had stayed before put in the ditch.
í gbɛ̰̀ bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ à bà é kɛ̄ bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ yílí sōŋ̄ lɛ̄ í gbɛ̰̀ bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ ā bà  
If you also go down inside, even if it is the sharp wood if you go down,
à yílí sōŋ̄ yā é ī kā̰ -á̰ ā̰, ī líà, ī líà à yíí ā é bā̰ -á̰ ī líà mɔ̀ ɔ̄ íì gā  
the sharp wood, if it injures you, your blood, this water, if it only touches your blood, you die.
donc, yíí ā lɛ̄ yí lɛ̄ gbāā gbā yìì ká  
The water over there, it is now sacred water.
mīī dò lɛ̀ɛ́ sɔ̀ɔ̄ ā bà mī dò là ŋwɔ́ dò lé wáá mɔ̀, mīī dò là ŋwɔ́ kɛ̄-pɛ̀lɛ̀ wáá, mīī dò là gbēŋ́ kɛ̄-pɛ̀lɛ̀ wáá  
No one plays inside, no one comes on a stroll.
mī é gbɛ̰̀á̰ yí ā pɔ̄ɔ̀ yɔ̄ɔ̄ yɔ̄ɔ̄ lāā yíí bà, donc, à yíí ā lɛ̄ yí  
If one goes down over there, there are dangerous things in the water, so this water is over there.
Sèémāsīè wà là kúlá vɔ̀ óò tɔ̀ŋ̀ kṵ̄ mɔ́ pɛ̄lɛ̄í tá̰ ká  
Semasie used to go up to the village with this song.
wāà ɲɛ̄ gbāā gbàlà mìà zɛ̄ɛ̀ ká féfé wáà tɔ̀ŋ̀ kṵ̀ gbāā pɛ̄lɛ̄í tá̰ ká  
When they have finished killing the Kpelles, they now go up the hill with the song.
gbàlà mìà zɛ̄ làà gɛ̰̀ gólóŋ́  
Here is the saber that killed the Kpelles.
káláláŋ́gólóŋ́ gbàlà mìà zɛ̄ làà gɛ̰̀ gólóŋ́  
kṵ́ kṵ́ kṵ́ kṵ́ gbàlà mìà zɛ̄ làà gɛ̰̀ kō ō zɛ̄  
Here is the saber that killed the Kpelles, we killed them.
ē dɔ̄mì gé lī, lōà vɔ̀ séŋ́ séŋ́ ō tó gbāā wɔá kɛ́ì, wáà gèè: e̋, wāà vɔ̰́ɔ̰́ ɓō kō mɔ̀.  
It made the chief happy, all the women had stayed home lying, they said: "We have defeated them."
zī tɛ́ mɔ́ gbàlà gèlè wɛ̄ ē kɛ̄ à ká Gɔ́dḭ́ ē dɛ̄ɛ̄dɛ̄ɛ̄ ká mɔ̀  
Here is how the war with the Kpelles happened in Godi.