MEV_MK_NARR_201203_BELETON.EAF     karaoke karaoke2

Míá lɛ́ ō sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ dɔ̄ ɔ̄ ō kɛ̄ lāā mìà ká.  
The people who founder this village are the Konos.
Míá lɛ́ sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ dɔ̄ ɔ̄ kɛ̄ lāā mìà ká.
mīā -/ lɛ́ sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ dɔ̄ kɛ̄ lāā mìà ká
person.PL -FOC FOC 3PL.EXI soil DEM.PROX stop TOP 3PL.PST do Kono person.PL with
n -mrph det AUX n det v part AUX v n n pp
Gɔ̰̄ vɔ̀ yààkā lɛ́ ō sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ dɔ̄ ɔ̄.  
It was three men who built this village.
Gɔ̰̄ vɔ̀ yààkā lɛ́ sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ dɔ̄ ɔ̄.
gɔ̰̄ vɔ̀ yààkā lɛ́ sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ dɔ̄
man PL three FOC 3PL.PST soil DEM.PROX stop TOP
n det num det AUX n det v part
Óò gèē ō lɛ̀ɛ̄ Bōòdā gbē nì.  
They are called the children of Boda.
Óò gèē lɛ̀ɛ̄ Bōòdā gbē nì.
óò gèē -` lɛ̀ɛ̄ Bɔ̄ɔ̀dā gbē nì
3PL.IPFV 3SG.NSBJ say -IPFV 3PL.NSBJ for *** son PL
AUX pron v -mrph pron pp *** n det
Ō gó Gámá.  
They come from Gama.
gó Gámá.
gó Gámá
3PL.PST leave **
AUX v ***
Gámá lɛ̄ kpà̰á̰ tó sɛ̀lɛ̀ ká.  
Game is a village where the totem is a fish.
Gámá lɛ̄ kpà̰á̰ tó sɛ̀lɛ̀ ká, lāā sɛ̀lɛ̀ ká, lɛ̀í dḭ̀ḭ̄  
Gama is a village where the totem is a fish, a Kono village, up over there.
Gámá lɛ̄ kpà̰á̰ tó sɛ̀lɛ̀ ká, lāā sɛ̀lɛ̀ ká, lɛ̀í dḭ̀ḭ̄
Gámá lɛ̄ kpà̰á̰ tó sɛ́lɛ́ -\ ká lāā sɛ́lɛ́ -\ ká lɛ̀í dḭ̀ḭ̄
*** 3SG.EXI fish leave soil -CSTR with Kono soil -CSTR with sky there
*** AUX n v n -mrph pp n n -mrph pp n adv
à sɛ́lɛ́ tɔ́ lɛ̄ Gámá  
The name of this village is Gama.
óò gèē à lɛ̀ɛ̄ Gámá, Gámáɓɛ̀lɛ̀mɔ̀  
It is called Gama, Gamabelemo.
óò gèē lɛ̀ɛ̄ Gámá, Gámáɓɛ̀lɛ̀mɔ̀
óò gèē -` lɛ̀ɛ̄ Gáfmá Gáfmáɓɛ̀lɛ̀mɔ̀
AUX pron v -mrph pron pp *** ***
yēlɛ́ ō gó mɔ́ yí lɛ́ ō nū zèē  
It is thus that they left from over there and they came here.
Yēlɛ́ gó mɔ́ yí lɛ́ nū zèē
yēlɛ́ gó mɔ́ yí lɛ́ nū zèē
then 3PL.PST leave long.time.ago there then 3PL.PST come here
part AUX v adv adv part AUX v adv
Kɛ̄ zèē lɛ̄ tḭ̄á̰ bíní ká.  
At the time, it was still a forest.
Kɛ̄ zèē lɛ̄ tḭ̄á̰ bíní ká.
kɛ̄ zèē lɛ̄ tḭ̄á̰ bíní ká
at.that.moment here 3SG.EXI yet forest with
part adv AUX adv n pp
Yēlɛ́ ō nū wà wìì kɛ̄ɛ̀.  
They came hunting.
Yēlɛ́ nū wà wìì kɛ̄ɛ̀.
yēlɛ́ nū wà wìì kɛ̄ -ɛ̀
then 3PL.PST come 3PL.POSS meat do -GER
part AUX v pron n v -mrph
Lɛ́ ō nū ō gbùlù dɔ̄ pɛ̄lɛ̄í zèē  
They came, they built a shed in this forest.
Lɛ́ nū gbùlù dɔ̄ pɛ̄lɛ̄í zèē bíní
lɛ́ nū gbùlù dɔ̄ pɛ̄lɛ̄í zèē bíní
then 3PL.PST come 3PL.PST shed stop village here forest
part AUX v AUX n v n adv n
bíní wɛ̄ yí.  
In the forest.
bíní wɛ̄ yí.  
In the forest.
bíní wɛ̄ yí.
bíní wɛ̄ yí
forest DEM.PROX in
n det pp
Maintenant yé ō gbùlù ɓɛ̄ dɔ̄ ɔ̄, ō wìì ɓɛ̄ zɛ̄.  
When they built this shed, they killed this animal.
Maintenant yé gbùlù ɓɛ̄ dɔ̄ ɔ̄, wìì ɓɛ̄ zɛ̄.
Maintenant yé gbùlù ɓɛ̄ dɔ̄ wìì ɓɛ̄ zɛ̄
now[FR] when 3PL.PST shed DEM.PROX stop TOP 3PL.PST meat DEM kill
adv part AUX n det v part AUX n det v
ō ló, wáà gèè gbāā a̋, gɔ̰́ lɛ̀ kō ló yí ɛ̄ lɛ̄ sɛ̀.  
They left, they said, "Man, the place we came from is good.
ló, wáà gèè gbāā a̋, gɔ̰́ lɛ̀ kō ló yí ɛ̄ lɛ̄ sɛ̀.
ló wáà gèē -\ gbāā gɔ̰́ lɛ̀ kō ló yí ɛ̄ lɛ̄ sɛ̀
3PL.PST go 3PL.JNT 3SG.NSBJ say -JNT now interjection man place 1PL.PST go there TOP 3SG.EXI good
AUX v AUX pron v -mrph adv inj n n AUX v adv mrph AUX adj
Fɔ̰́pē kó ló yí ā kó kò gbà̰à̰ dɔ̄ yí.  
We must go there to build a shelter."
Fɔ̰́pē kó ló yí kó kò gbà̰à̰ dɔ̄ yí.
fɔ̰́pē kó ló yí kó kò gbà̰à̰ dɔ̄ yí
until 1PL.CONJ go there TOP 1PL.CONJ 1PL.POSS shed stop there
part AUX v adv part AUX pron n v adv
Yēlɛ́ ō yɛ́ ō zí ō nū.  
That is how they turned back and returned.
Yēlɛ́ yɛ́ zí nū.
yēlɛ́ yɛ́ zí nū
then 3PL.PST break 3PL.NSBJ behind 3PL.PST come
part AUX v pron pp AUX v
ŋ̄ zéŋ́ wà gbùlù wɛ̄ là  
I am still on their shed (I return to the topic of the shed).
ŋ̄ zéŋ́ wà gbùlù wɛ̄ là
ŋ̄ zéŋ́ wà gbùlù wɛ̄ là
1SG.EXI yet 3PL.POSS shed DEM.PROX on
AUX adv pron n det pp
Gɔ̰̄ vɔ̀ yààkā kílíɓɛ̄ yēlɛ́ ō gbùlù ɓɛ̄ dɔ̄ ō gbɛ̄ɛ̄....  
These three men built the shed and they put together a bench...
Gɔ̰̄ vɔ̀ yààkā kílíɓɛ̄ yēlɛ́ gbùlù ɓɛ̄ dɔ̄ gbɛ̄ɛ̄
gɔ̰̄ vɔ̀ yààkā kílíɓɛ̄ yēlɛ́ gbùlù ɓɛ̄ dɔ̄ gbɛ̄ɛ̄
man PL three DEM.REF then 3PL.PST shed DEM.PROX stop 3PL.PST bench
n det num det part AUX n det v AUX n
ŋ̄ zì lɛ̄ wāā pɛ́ɛ́pɛ̀lɛ̀  
It is for me, they are talking.
Gɔ̰̄ vɔ̀ yààkā kílíɓɛ̄ yēlɛ́ ō gbùlù ɓɛ̄ dɔ̄ ō gbɛ̄ɛ̄ yààkā ɓō ā wì  
These three men built the shed and they put together three benches underneath.
Gɔ̰̄ vɔ̀ yààkā kílíɓɛ̄ yēlɛ́ gbùlù ɓɛ̄ dɔ̄ gbɛ̄ɛ̄ yààkā ɓō wì
gɔ̰̄ vɔ̀ yààkā kílíɓɛ̄ yēlɛ́ gbùlù ɓɛ̄ dɔ̄ gbɛ̄ɛ̄ yààkā ɓō wì
man PL three DEM.REF then 3PL.PST shed DEM.PROX stop 3PL.PST bench three 3SG.NSBJ under
n det num det part AUX n det v AUX n num v pron pp
Gbɛ̄ɛ̄ yààkā yé wā ɓō ā wì ā mī dōó ē ē zì gbɛ̄ɛ̄ ā ɓō ké, mī dōó bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ ā ɓō ké, mī dōó bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ ā ɓō ké.  
When all three they had done it this way, they made benches for themselves.
Gbɛ̄ɛ̄ yààkā yé wā ɓō wì mī dōó zì gbɛ̄ɛ̄ ɓō ké, mī dōó bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ ɓō ké, mī dōó bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ ɓō ké.
gbɛ̄ɛ̄ yààkā yé ɓō wì mī dōó zì gbɛ̄ɛ̄ ɓō ké mī dōó bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ ɓō ké mī dōó bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ ɓō ké
bench three when 3PL.PST 3SG.NSBJ 3SG.NSBJ under TOP person one 3SG.PST 3SG.REFL EMPH bench 3SG.PST 3SG.NSBJ like.this person one too 3SG.PST 3SG.NSBJ like.this person one too 3SG.PST 3SG.NSBJ like.this
n num part AUX pron v pron pp part n num AUX pron det n AUX pron v adv n num adv AUX pron v adv n num adv AUX pron v adv
mī yààkā kílíɓɛ̄ mī dōó mì wɔ̄ɔ̀ lɛ̄ zèē, mī dōó wɔ̄ɔ̀ lɛ̄ dḭ̀ḭ̄, mī dōó mì wɔ̄ɔ̀ lɛ̄ dḭ̀ḭ̀.  
They lied down, one here, the others there.
mī yààkā kílíɓɛ̄ mī dōó mì wɔ̄ɔ̀ lɛ̄ zèē, mī dōó wɔ̄ɔ̀ lɛ̄ dḭ̀ḭ̄, mī dōó mì wɔ̄ɔ̀ lɛ̄ dḭ̀ḭ̀.
mī yààkā kílíɓɛ̄ mī dōó mī -\ wɔ̄ɔ̄ -ɔ̀ lɛ̄ zèē mī dōó wɔ̄ɔ̄ -ɔ̀ lɛ̄ dḭ̀ḭ̄ mī dōó mī -\ wɔ̄ɔ̄ -ɔ̀ lɛ̄ dḭ̀ḭ̀
person three such person one person -CSTR lie -GER COP here person one lie -GER COP there person one person -CSTR lie -GER COP there
n num det n num n -mrph v -mrph copula adv n num v -mrph copula adv n num n -mrph v -mrph copula adv
Yēlɛ́ kɔ́nɔ́ ō nū à ká ɓɛ̄ ē ɲɛ̄.  
The food they brought ended.
Yēlɛ́ kɔ́nɔ́ nū ká ɓɛ̄ ɲɛ̄.
yēlɛ́ kɔ́nɔ́ nū ká ɓɛ̄ ɲɛ̄
then food 3PL.PST come 3SG.NSBJ with TOP.PROX 3SG.PST finish
part n AUX v pron pp part AUX v
Yé ē ɲɛ̄ gbāāɓō ā, ɓɛ́lɛ́ ē kɛ̄ píé lūú zèē.  
When it ended, there was yam in the bush.
Yé ɲɛ̄ gbāāɓō ā, ɓɛ́lɛ́ kɛ̄ píé lūú zèē.
yé ɲɛ̄ gbāāɓō ɓɛ́lɛ́ kɛ̄ píé lūú zèē
when 3SG.PST finish now TOP yam 3SG.PST do to bush here
part AUX v adv mrph n AUX v pp n adv
wáà ɓɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ ɲà, wāà fòō yā tó wìì yā gé pɔ̀ɔ̀ wáà ɓɛ́lɛ́ ā ɓèlè à ká.  
They took out the tubers, when they took them out, they ate them with the guts of the animal.
wáà ɓɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ ɲà, wāà fòō yā tó wìì yā gé pɔ̀ɔ̀ wáà ɓɛ́lɛ́ ɓèlè ká.
wáà ɓɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ ɲá -\ wāà fòō yā tó wìì yā gé pɔ̄ɔ̀ -\ wáà ɓɛ́lɛ́ ɓèlè -\ ká
3PL.JNT yam DEM.PROX plane -JNT 3PL.PRF 3SG.NSBJ dig TOP so meat DEM.DIST stomach thing.PL -CSTR 3PL.JNT yam DEM.DIST eat -JNT 3SG.NSBJ with
AUX n det v -mrph AUX pron v part part n det n n -mrph AUX n det v -mrph pron pp
Kɛ̄ ɓū wɛ́lɛ́ lɛ́ ō nū à ká ā kɛ̄ āà ɲɛ̄.  
At that moment, the rice they had brought had ended.
Kɛ̄ ɓū wɛ́lɛ́ lɛ́ nū ká kɛ̄ āà ɲɛ̄.
kɛ̄ ɓū wɛ́lɛ́ lɛ́ nū ká kɛ̄ āà ɲɛ̄
at.that.moment rice bone FOC 3PL.PST come 3SG.NSBJ with TOP at.that.moment 3SG.PRF finish
adv n n det AUX v pron pp part part AUX v
bon, yé wāà wìì ɓɛ̄ ɓèlè gbāā ɓɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ ká ɓɛ̄ mī dōó mì lɛ́ è tō wɔ̀á zèē lɛ́ ē tɔ̰́ ɓō gbṵ̀ṵ́  
When they ate the yam with the meat, one of the men that was lying over there farted, "Boom!"
bon, yé wāà wìì ɓɛ̄ ɓèlè gbāā ɓɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ ká ɓɛ̄ mī dōó mì lɛ́ tō wɔ̀á zèē lɛ́ tɔ̰́ ɓō gbṵ̀ṵ́
bon yé wāà wìì ɓɛ̄ ɓèlè gbāā ɓɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ ká ɓɛ̄ mī dōó mī -\ lɛ́ tó -` wɔ̄ɔ̄ -à ká zèē lɛ́ tɔ̰́ ɓō gbṵ̀ṵ́
well[FR] when 3PL.PRF meat DEM eat now yam DEM with TOP.PROX person one person -CSTR FOC 3SG.SBJV leave -IPFV lie -GER house here then 3SG.PST fart boom!
part part AUX n det v adv n det pp part n num n -mrph det AUX v -mrph v -mrph n adv part AUX n v onomat
Láà gèē a̋, gɔ̰̄, yékɛ̀ í ɓà ɓɛ́lɛ́ tɔ̰̀ gḭ̄ḭ̄ ɓō ŋ̄ mɔ̀.  
He said, "Man, you must not do your yam farts on me."
Láà gèē a̋, gɔ̰̄, yékɛ̀ ɓà ɓɛ́lɛ́ tɔ̰̀ gḭ̄ḭ̄ ɓō ŋ̄ mɔ̀.
lɛ́ɛ̀ gèē -` gɔ̰̄ yékɛ̀ ɓà ɓɛ́lɛ́ tɔ̰́ -\ gḭ̄ḭ̄ ɓō ŋ̄ mɔ̀
3SG.IPFV 3SG.NSBJ say -IPFV interjection man 2SG.CONJ 2SG.POSS yam fart -CSTR smell 1SG.NSBJ on
AUX pron v -mrph inj n part AUX pron n n -mrph n v pron pp
Mī ē zèē ā bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ áà tɔ̰́ ɓò gbṵ̀ṵ́.  
A(nother) person who was there, him too, he farted.
Mī zèē bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ áà tɔ̰́ ɓò gbṵ̀ṵ́.
mī zèē bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ áà tɔ̰́ ɓō -\ gbṵ̀ṵ́
person 3SG.EXI here 3SG.NSBJ too 3SG.JNT fart -JNT boom!
n AUX adv pron adv AUX n v -mrph onomat
áà gèè: e̋, gɔ̰̄, mɛ́ ē kɛ̄ lɛ́ kā kà ɓɛ́lɛ́ tɔ̰̀ ɓō kílī.  
"Why did you do a yam fart?"
áà gèè: e̋, gɔ̰̄, mɛ́ kɛ̄ lɛ́ kā kà ɓɛ́lɛ́ tɔ̰̀ ɓō kílī.
áà gèē -\ gɔ̰̄ mɛ̄ -/ kɛ̄ lɛ́ kā kà ɓɛ́lɛ́ tɔ̰́ -\ ɓō kílī
3SG.JNT 3SG.NSBJ say -JNT eh! man what -FOC 3SG.PST do then 2PL.PST 2PL.POSS yam fart -CSTR this.way
AUX pron v -mrph inj n n -mrph AUX v part AUX pron n n -mrph v adv
Mí ē dḭ̀ḭ̄ ā̰ áà gèè gbāā: gɔ̰̄, kɛ̄ kò kpà̰ā̰ é tó nɔ́ ɓɛ́lɛ́tɔ̰̀ gḭ̄ḭ̄  
The person who is over there now says, "Man, our camp will now stay in the yam fart?"
Mí dḭ̀ḭ̄ ā̰ áà gèè gbāā: gɔ̰̄, kɛ̄ kò kpà̰ā̰ tó nɔ́ ɓɛ́lɛ́tɔ̰̀ gḭ̄ḭ̄
mī -/ dḭ̀ḭ̄ áà gèē -\ gbāā gɔ̰̄ kɛ̄ kò kpà̰ā̰ tó nɔ́ ɓɛ́lɛ́ - tɔ̰́ -\ gḭ̄ḭ̄
person -FOC 3SG.EXI there TOP 3SG.JNT 3SG.NSBJ say -JNT now man for.the.sake.of 1PL.POSS ground 3SG.CONJ leave just yam - fart -CSTR smell
n -mrph AUX adv part AUX pron v -mrph adv n part pron n AUX v adv n - n -mrph n
Donc yēlɛ́ gbāāɓō wāà gèē kò sɛ́lɛ́ kō nū à dɔ̄ɔ̀ kò kpà̰ā̰ kō nū à dɔ̄ɔ̀, à tɔ́ lɛ́ ɓɛ́lɛ́tɔ̰̀ gḭ̄ḭ̄  
They now say, "The village we came to found, the camp we came to build, its name is Beletongin."
Donc, yēlɛ́ gbāāɓō wā gèē kò sɛ́lɛ́ kō nū dɔ̄ɔ̀ kò kpà̰ā̰ kō nū dɔ̄ɔ̀, tɔ́ lɛ́ ɓɛ́lɛ́tɔ̰̀ gḭ̄ḭ̄
donc yēlɛ́ gbāāɓō gèē kò sɛ́lɛ́ kō nū dɔ̄ -ɔ̀ kò kpà̰ā̰ kō nū dɔ̄ -ɔ̀ tɔ́ lɛ́ ɓɛ́lɛ́ - tɔ̰́ -\ gḭ̄ḭ̄
so then now 3PL.PST 3SG.NSBJ say 1PL.POSS soil 1PL.PST come 3SG.NSBJ stop -GER 1PL.POSS ground 1PL.PST come 3SG.NSBJ stop -GER 3SG.NSBJ name 3SG.EXI yam - fart -CSTR smell
part part adv AUX pron v pron n AUX v pron v -mrph pron n AUX v pron v -mrph pron n AUX n - n -mrph n
óò gèē ɓɛ́lɛ́ tɔ̰̀ tɔ̀ŋ̀ wɔ́ zèē, óò gèē ɓɛ́lɛ́tɔ̰̀ gḭ̄ḭ̄ sɛ́lɛ́ wɛ̄ tɔ́ dìè à mɔ̀ yē gɛ̰̀ ɓɛ̄.  
They say, "It is not the yam mountain", they say, "It is the smell of the yam fart."
óò gèē ɓɛ́lɛ́ tɔ̰̀ tɔ̀ŋ̀ wɔ́ zèē, óò gèē ɓɛ́lɛ́tɔ̰̀ gḭ̄ḭ̄ sɛ́lɛ́ wɛ̄ tɔ́ dìè mɔ̀ yē gɛ̰̀ ɓɛ̄.
óò gèē -` ɓɛ́lɛ́ tɔ̰́ -\ tɔ̀ŋ̀ wɔ́ zèē óò gèē -` ɓɛ́lɛ́ - tɔ̰́ -\ gḭ̄ḭ̄ sɛ́lɛ́ wɛ̄ tɔ́ dìè mɔ̀ yē gɛ̰̀ ɓɛ̄
3PL.IPFV 3SG.NSBJ say -IPFV yam fart -CSTR mountain COP.NEG here 3PL.IPFV 3SG.NSBJ say -IPFV yam - fart -CSTR smell soil DEM.PROX name true 3SG.NSBJ on 3SG.EMPH COP.DEICT TOP.PROX
AUX pron v -mrph n n -mrph n copula adv AUX pron v -mrph n - n -mrph n n det n adj pron pp pron copula part
à gà̰ wɛ̀lɛ̀ pìà gɛ̰̀ yí óò gèē ɓɛ́lɛ́tɔ̰̀ gḭ̄ḭ̄.  
This place is called the yam fart.
gà̰ wɛ̀lɛ̀ pìà gɛ̰̀ yí óò gèē ɓɛ́lɛ́tɔ̰̀ gḭ̄ḭ̄.
gà̰ wɛ̀lɛ̀ píá -\ gɛ̰̀ yí óò gèē -` ɓɛ́lɛ́ - tɔ̰́ -\ gḭ̄ḭ̄
3SG.NSBJ foot get.up place -CSTR TOP there 3PL.IPFV 3SG.NSBJ say -IPFV yam - fart -CSTR smell
pron n v n -mrph part adv AUX pron v -mrph n - n -mrph n
Donc, mīā kílíɓɛ̄ yēlɛ́ ō wà wìì yā kɔ̀ɔ̀ ɔ̄ ō ló ō pà.  
So when they dried their meat, they went home.
Donc, mīā kílíɓɛ̄ yēlɛ́ wà wìì yā kɔ̀ɔ̀ ɔ̄ ló pà.
donc mīā kílíɓɛ̄ yēlɛ́ wà wìì yā kɔ̀ɔ̀ ló pà
so[FR] person.PL DEM.REF then 3PL.PST 3PL.POSS meat DEM.DIST dry TOP 3PL.PST go 3PL.NSBJ at
part n det part AUX pron n det v part AUX v pron pp
ō ló-pìà ō pàà ā wáà gèè gbāā ō nā nì lɛ̀ɛ̄  
They were going home, they told their wives,
ló-pìà pà wáà gèè gbāā nā nì lɛ̀ɛ̄
ló -pìà pà wáà gèē -\ gbāā nā nì lɛ̀ɛ̄
AUX v -mrph pron pp part AUX pron v -mrph adv pron n det pp
ō pà Gámá  
at their place in Gama,
ō pà Gámá  
at their place at Gama.
pà Gámá
pà Gámá
3PL.NSBJ at Gama
pron pp prop.n
yēlɛ́ ō yɛ́ gbāā ō zí wáà gèè lɛ̀ ɓɛ̄ lɛ̄ sɛ̀, fɔ̰́kɛ̄ gbāā kó ló kó kō pà dɔ̄ yí.  
They came back, they said: "This place is good, we must install the (new) home over there."
yēlɛ́ yɛ́ gbāā zí wáà gèè lɛ̀ ɓɛ̄ lɛ̄ sɛ̀, fɔ̰́kɛ̄ gbāā kó ló kó kō pà dɔ̄ yí.
yēlɛ́ yɛ́ gbāā zí wáà gèē -\ lɛ̀ ɓɛ̄ lɛ̄ sɛ̀ fɔ̰́kɛ̄ gbāā kó ló kó kō pà dɔ̄ yí
then 3PL.PST fold now 3PL.NSBJ behind 3PL.JNT 3SG.NSBJ say -JNT place DEM.PROX 3SG.EXI good until now 1PL.CONJ go 1PL.CONJ 1PL.PST at stop there
part AUX v adv pron pp AUX pron v -mrph n det AUX adj part adv AUX v AUX AUX pp v adv
à kpɔ́à wɔ́ lɛ̀ lɛ́ ɓɛ̀lɛ̄ŋ̀ gbùò dɔ̄ɔ̀ lɛ̄ yí lɛ́ yē gɛ̰̀ Ɲàá Gónó ē káfé tā yí ɓɛ̄.  
Their trace is there where Nyaa Gono made his coffee plantation.
kpɔ́à wɔ́ lɛ̀ lɛ́ ɓɛ̀lɛ̄ŋ̀ gbùò dɔ̄ɔ̀ lɛ̄ yí lɛ́ yē gɛ̰̀ Ɲàá Gónó káfé tā yí ɓɛ̄.
kpɔ́à wɔ́ lɛ̀ lɛ́ ɓɛ̀lɛ̄ŋ̀ gbùò dɔ̄ -ɔ̀ lɛ̄ yí lɛ́ yē gɛ̰̀ Ɲàá Gónó káfé tā yí ɓɛ̄
3SG.NSBJ trace COP.DEICT place FOC tree big stop -GER COP there FOC 3SG.EMPH COP.DEICT second.son Gono 3SG.PST cafe plant there TOP.PROX
pron n copula n det n adj v -mrph copula adv det pron copula n n AUX n v adv part
maintenant lɛ̀ ē kɛ̄ gbāā kílíɓɛ̄ ō nū gbāāɓō ó sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ dɔ̄.  
This is how it was happening, they came to establish their village.
maintenant lɛ̀ kɛ̄ gbāā kílíɓɛ̄ nū gbāāɓō sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ dɔ̄.
maintenant lɛ̀ kɛ̄ gbāā kílíɓɛ̄ nū gbāāɓō sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ dɔ̄
*** place 3SG.PST do now DEM.REF 3PL.PST come now 3PL.CONJ soil DEM.PROX stop
*** n AUX v adv det AUX v adv AUX n det v
wà ō nā nì wà ō famille vɔ̀ ká  
Them and their wives, their families,
wà nā nì wà famille vɔ̀ ká
wà nā nì wà famille vɔ̀ ká
3PL.COORD 3PL.NSBJ wife PL 3PL.COORD 3PL.NSBJ famille[FR] PL with
pron pron n det pron pron n det pp
ō nū gbāā ō nā nì séŋ́ ká gbāāɓō.  
they came with all their wives.
nū gbāā nā nì séŋ́ ká gbāāɓō.
nū gbāā nā nì sɛ̰́ḭ́ ká gbāāɓō
3PL.PST ome now 3PL.NSBJ wife PL every with now
AUX v adv pron n det det pp adv
ō nū nɔ́ wìì zɛ̄ɛ̀  
They came to hunt.
ō nū á gbāā zèē ō kɛ̄ gbāā ō pà ká, ō tó zèē, wáà wìì zɛ̀, ō bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ wáà ō kɔ́nɔ́ tà.  
They came, they made a new home, they hunted some animals, they planted some plants.
nū gbāā zèē kɛ̄ gbāā pà ká, tó zèē, wáà wìì zɛ̀, bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ wáà kɔ́nɔ́ tà.
nū ká gbāā zèē kɛ̄ gbāā pà ká tó zèē wáà wìì zɛ̄ -\ bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ wáà kɔ́nɔ́ tā -\
3PL.PST come 3SG.NSBJ with now here 3PL.PST do now 3PL.NSBJ at with 3PL.PST leave here 3PL.JNT meat kill -JNT 3PL.NSBJ too 3PL.JNT 3PL.NSBJ food plant -JNT
AUX v pron pp adv adv AUX v adv pron pp pp AUX v adv AUX n v -mrph pron adv AUX pron n v -mrph
Bon, ō kɛ̄ gbāā zèē, yé ō sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ dɔ̄ gbāāɓō ā  
Well, they were now here, when they founded this village,
Bon, kɛ̄ gbāā zèē, yé sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ dɔ̄ gbāāɓō
bon kɛ̄ gbāā zèē yé sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ dɔ̄ gbāāɓō
well[FR] 3PL.PST do now here when 3PL.PST soil DEM stop now TOP
part AUX v adv adv part AUX n det v adv part
wà ō famille vɔ̀ séŋ́ ō nū gbāā ō sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ dɔ̄.  
they are now with their families, they have founded this village.
wà famille vɔ̀ séŋ́ nū gbāā sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ dɔ̄.
wà famille vɔ̀ séŋ́ nū gbāā sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ dɔ̄
3PL.COORD 3PL.NSBJ famille PL every 3PL.PST come now 3PL.PST soil DEM.PROX stop
pron pron n det det AUX v adv AUX n det v
yé ō sɛ́lɛ́ wɛ̄ dɔ̄ ō gbāā sɛ́lɛ́ wɛ̄ yí  
When they founded this village, they are now in the village.
yé sɛ́lɛ́ wɛ̄ dɔ̄ gbāā sɛ́lɛ́ wɛ̄ yí
yé sɛ́lɛ́ wɛ̄ dɔ̄ gbāā sɛ́lɛ́ wɛ̄ yí
when 3PL.PST soil DEM.PROX stop 3PL.PST now soil DEM.PROX in
part AUX n det v AUX adv n det pp
Wāà nɛ́ yē zèē, à gbāā sɛ́lɛ́ ká.  
They gave birth to some children, it is now a village.
Wāà nɛ́ yē zèē, gbāā sɛ́lɛ́ ká.
wāà nɛ́ yē zèē gbāā sɛ́lɛ́ ká
3PL.PRF child give.birth here 3SG.NSBJ now soil with
AUX n v adv pron adv n pp
Maintenant, ē tó gbāā kílī ī ̄ ō lúlɔ̀ vɔ̀ ō kùù lɛ̄ gbùò.  
Now it was like this, their daughters were numerous.
Maintenant, tó gbāā kílī ̄ lúlɔ̀ vɔ̀ kùù lɛ̄ gbùò.
Maintenant tó gbāā kílī lúlɔ̀ vɔ̀ kùù lɛ̄ gbùò
now[FR] 3SG.PST leave now this.way TOP 3PL.NSBJ sister PL 3PL.NSBJ quantity 3SG.EXI big
part AUX v adv adv mrph pron n mrph pron n AUX adj
Nɛ́ŋ̀ vɔ̀ ká.  
They are pubescent.
Nɛ́ŋ̀ vɔ̀ ká.
nɛ́ŋ̀ vɔ̀ ká
puberty PL with
n det pp
gbàlà mìà bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ wāà nū mɔ́ɔ́ ɔ̄ óò gèlè dà mɔ́ɔ́ zèē.  
The Kpelles, when they used to come, they waged war.
gbàlà mìà bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ wāà nū mɔ́ɔ́ ɔ̄ óò gèlè dà mɔ́ɔ́ zèē.
gbàlà mīā -\ bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ wāà nū mɔ́ɔ́ óò gèlè dà -` mɔ́ɔ́ zèē
Kpelle person.PL -CSTR too 3PL.PRF come long.time.ago TOP 3PL.IPFV war fall -IPFV long.time.ago here
n n -mrph adv AUX v adv part AUX n v -mrph adv adv
Gèlè ò dà ɓɛ̄ óò dà tó wáà lūā yīè yīè kṵ̀ wáà lò ō ká.  
The struggle they waged, it was to come take the pretty women and bring them back.
Gèlè dà ɓɛ̄ óò dà tó wáà lūā yīè yīè kṵ̀ wáà lò ká.
gèlè dà -` ɓɛ̄ óò dà -` tó wáà lūā yīè yīè kṵ́ -\ wáà ló -\ ká
war 3PL.SBJV 3SG.NSBJ fall -IPFV TOP.PROX 3PL.IPFV 3SG.NSBJ fall -IPFV so 3PL.JNT woman.PL good good take -JNT 3PL.JNT go -JNT 3PL.NSBJ with
n AUX pron v -mrph part AUX pron v -mrph part AUX n adj adj v -mrph AUX v -mrph pron pp
Wáà tòlòpɛ̀ nì kṵ̀ wáà lò ō ká.  
They took the animals and brought them back.
Wáà tòlòpɛ̀ nì kṵ̀ wáà lò ká.
wáà tòlò pɛ̄ -\ nì kṵ́ -\ wáà ló -\ ká
3PL.JNT expand thing -CSTR PL catch -JNT 3PL.JNT go -JNT 3PL.NSBJ with
AUX v n -mrph det v -mrph AUX v -mrph pron pp
yēlɛ́ gbàlà mìà ō wɛ̀lɛ̀ gbāāɓō ō pà.  
The Kpelles got up at their place.
yēlɛ́ gbàlà mìà wɛ̀lɛ̀ gbāāɓō pà.
yēlɛ́ gbàlà mīā -\ wɛ̀lɛ̀ gbāāɓō pà
then Kpelle person.PL -CSTR 3PL.PST get.up now 3PL.NSBJ at
part n n -mrph AUX v adv pron pp
à gbàlà gèlè kpáá yā lɛ̄ nɔ́ bíní kùù ɓɛ̄ yí.  
The path they took to go to this war is still visible in the thicket.
gbàlà gèlè kpáá yā lɛ̄ nɔ́ bíní kùù ɓɛ̄ yí.
gbàlà gèlè kpáá yā lɛ̄ nɔ́ bíní kùù ɓɛ̄ yí
BRIDG Kpelle war way DEM 3SG.EXI just forest quantity DEM.PROX there
det n n n det AUX adv n n det adv
ɲɛ́nɛ́ ē dɔ̄ ɓɛ̄ ō píé ō kpáá lɛ̄ tḭ̄á̰ yí.  
The day when they stopped, their path is still visible.
ɲɛ́nɛ́ dɔ̄ ɓɛ̄ píé kpáá lɛ̄ tḭ̄á̰ yí.
ɲɛ́nɛ́ dɔ̄ ɓɛ̄ píé kpáá lɛ̄ tḭ̄á̰ yí
sun 3SG.PST stop TOP.PROX 3PL.PST trace 3PL.NSBJ way 3SG.EXI yet there
n AUX v part AUX n pron n AUX adv adv
Maintenant yé ō nū gbāāɓō zèē ā, ɓīī kèá zèē ā óò sɛ̀ɛ̄ ɓō kèá sɛ́lɛ́ mɔ̀.  
When they came here, at the time the villages were still surrounded with fortifications.
Maintenant yé nū gbāāɓō zèē ā, ɓīī kèá zèē óò sɛ̀ɛ̄ ɓō kèá sɛ́lɛ́ mɔ̀.
Maintenant yé nū gbāāɓō zèē ɓīī kèá zèē óò sɛ̀ɛ̄ ɓō -` kèá sɛ́lɛ́ mɔ̀
now[FR] when 3PL.PST come now here TOP because long.time.ago here TOP 3PL.IPFV fortifications -IPFV long.time.ago soil on
part part AUX v adv adv part part adv adv part AUX n v -mrph adv n pp
kélá sɛ̀ɛ̄ lɛ́ ē kɛ̄ kɛ̀ì ɲɔ̀nɔ́ tííkpé, òó sɛ̀ɛ̄ ɓō kèá  
But the fortifications were very small, they didn't make any fortifications.
òó sɛ̀ɛ̄ ɓō kèá  
They didn't make any fortifications.
òó sɛ̀ɛ̄ ɓō kèá
òó sɛ̀ɛ̄ ɓō kèá
3PL.NEG fortifications long.time.ago
AUX n v adv
óò gùlù fòō, à sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ wáà zɔ̰̀, lɛ̀ zī kèá ò ká pā à ká ɓɛ̄  
Pits are dug, soil (that is extracted) is pounded, the way houses where built with.
óò gùlù fòō, sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ wáà zɔ̰̀, lɛ̀ zī kèá ká pā ká ɓɛ̄
óò gùlù fòō -` sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ wáà zɔ̰̄ -\ lɛ̀ zī kèá ká pā -` ká ɓɛ̄
3PL.IPFV pit dig -IPFV BRIDG soil DEM.PROX 3PL.JNT 3SG.NSBJ beat -JNT like road long.time.ago 3PL.SBJV house fill -IPFV 3SG.NSBJ house TOP.PROX
AUX n v -mrph det n det AUX pron v -mrph part n adv AUX n v -mrph pron n part
wáà yà ē kíè là áà lò lɛ̀í  
They put them one atop the other until the top.
Óò yà kílī ē kíè là háá ē ló ē ɓō lɛ̀í dḭ̀ḭ̄.  
They are being piled up until the top over there.
Óò yà kílī kíè là háá ló ɓō lɛ̀í dḭ̀ḭ̄.
óò yà -` kílī kíè là háá ló ɓō lɛ̀í dḭ̀ḭ̄
3PL.IPFV 3SG.NSBJ sit -IPFV this.way 3SG.REFL RECP on for.a.long.time 3SG.PST go 3SG.PST on there
AUX pron v -mrph adv pron det pp adv AUX v AUX v pp adv
Maintenant ɓí ī gèlè kùlá ká ā ī yà-à gbāā sɛ̀ɛ̄ wɛ̄ lé mɔ̀.  
You who is a warrier, you must sit at the entrance of the fortifications.
Maintenant ɓí gèlè kùlá ká yà-à gbāā sɛ̀ɛ̄ wɛ̄ lé mɔ̀.
Maintenant ɓí gèlè kúlá -\ ká yà -à gbāā sɛ̀ɛ̄ wɛ̄ lé mɔ̀
now[FR] 2SG.FOC 2SG.EXI war warrior -CSTR with TOP 2SG.NSBJ sit -GER now fortifications DEM mouth on
part pron AUX n n -mrph pp part AUX v -mrph adv n det n pp
gàlà ɓɛ̄ lé mɔ̀.  
At the entrance of the fortified village.
gàlà ɓɛ̄ lé mɔ̀.  
At the entrance of the fortified village.
gàlà ɓɛ̄ lé mɔ̀.
gàlà ɓɛ̄ lé mɔ̀
fence DEM.PROX mouth on
n det n pp
maintenant yé ē kɛ̄ gbāā kílíɓɛ̄ gbàlà gèlè ɓɛ̄ ē gó gbāā yí ē nū ā.  
So war left from the Kpelles' and it came to our place.
maintenant yé kɛ̄ gbāā kílíɓɛ̄ gbàlà gèlè ɓɛ̄ gó gbāā yí nū ā.
maintenant yé kɛ̄ gbāā kílíɓɛ̄ gbàlà gèlè ɓɛ̄ gó gbāā yí nū
now[FR] when 3SG.PST do now such Kpelle war DEM.PROX 3SG.PST leave now there 3SG.PST come TOP
part part AUX v adv det n n det AUX v adv adv AUX v part
gbàlà gèlè wɔ́ pɛ̄lɛ̄í zèē  
There is no war with the Kpelles.
ē nū zèē  
It came here.
nū zèē
nū zèē
3SG.PST come here
AUX v adv
pɛ́ wāà pɛ́ɛ́ ŋ̄ lɛ̀ɛ̄ ɛ̄ séŋ́ séŋ́ ŋ́ŋ̀ lō à pɛ́ɛ̀, íì lō à yí gɛ̰̀ɛ̰̀ ŋwánà ká.  
Everything that was told to me, I will tell it too. You will see the truth in what I say.
pɛ́ wāà pɛ́ɛ́ ŋ̄ lɛ̀ɛ̄ ɛ̄ séŋ́ séŋ́ ŋ́ŋ̀ lō pɛ́ɛ̀, íì lō yí gɛ̰̀ɛ̰̀ ŋwánà ká.
pɛ̄ -/ wāà pɛ́ɛ́ ŋ̄ lɛ̀ɛ̄ séŋ́ séŋ́ ŋ́ŋ̀ ló -` pɛ́ɛ́ -ɛ̀ íì ló -` yí gɛ̰̀ -ɛ̰̀ ŋwánà ká
thing -FOC 3PL.PRF 3SG.NSBJ tell 1SG.NSBJ ADR TOP every every 1SG.IPFV go -IPFV 3SG.NSBJ tell -GER 2SG.IPFV go -IPFV 3SG.NSBJ interior see -GER truth with
n -mrph AUX pron v pron pp part det det AUX v -mrph pron v -mrph AUX v -mrph pron n v -mrph n pp
Yé gbàlà gèlè ē nū gbāāɓō ɓɛ̄, gɔ́ dò lɛ́ kèá zèē ē óò gèē à lɛ̀ɛ̄ kpà̰á̰ tó gɔ̀.  
When the war came, there was a cola tree that was called the cola whose totem is the fish.
Yé gbàlà gèlè nū gbāāɓō ɓɛ̄, gɔ́ dò lɛ́ kèá zèē óò gèē lɛ̀ɛ̄ kpà̰á̰ tó gɔ̀.
yé gbàlà gèlè nū gbāāɓō ɓɛ̄ gɔ́ dò lɛ́ kèá zèē óò gèē -` lɛ̀ɛ̄ kpà̰á̰ tó gɔ́ -\
when Kpelle war 3SG.PST come now TOP.PROX cola INDEF FOC long.time.ago here TOP 3PL.IPFV 3SG.NSBJ say -IPFV 3SG.NSBJ for fish leave cola -CSTR
part n n AUX v adv part n det det adv adv part AUX pron v -mrph pron pp n v n -mrph
míá òó kpà̰á̰ ɓèlè ā, òó gbā kɛ̄ gɔ́ yā ɓèlè-pɛ̀lɛ̀.  
Those who did not eat fish did not eat this cola.
míá òó kpà̰á̰ ɓèlè ā, òó gbā kɛ̄ gɔ́ yā ɓèlè-pɛ̀lɛ̀.
mīā -/ òó kpà̰á̰ ɓèlè òó gbā kɛ̄ gɔ́ yā ɓèlè -pɛ̀lɛ̀
person.PL -FOC 3PL.NEG fish eat TOP 3PL.NEG NEG do cola DEM.DIST eat -INF
n -mrph AUX n v part AUX part v n det v -mrph
Gɔ́ yāā yē lɛ́ ē ō lā bèŋ̄zɛ̀.  
It is the cola that saved them first and foremost.
Gɔ́ yāā yē lɛ́ lā bèŋ̄zɛ̀.
gɔ́ yāā yē lɛ́ lā bèŋ̄zɛ̀
cola DEM.DIST 3SG.EMPH FOC 3SG.PST 3PL.NSBJ save before
n det pron part AUX pron v adv
gɛ̄ɛ̄ vùò lɛ̄ mɔ́ɔ́ dɔ̀á dḭ̀ḭ̄ ḭ̄ óò gèē mɔ́ɔ́ á lɛ̀ɛ̄ Yànēgɛ̀ɛ̀.  
Formerly there was a big baobab called Yanege.
gɛ̄ɛ̄ vùò lɛ̄ mɔ́ɔ́ dɔ̀á dḭ̀ḭ̄ ḭ̄ óò gèē mɔ́ɔ́ lɛ̀ɛ̄ Yànēgɛ̀ɛ̀.
gɛ̄ɛ̄ vùò lɛ̄ mɔ́ɔ́ dɔ̄ -à ká dḭ̀ḭ̀ óò gèē -` mɔ́ɔ́ lɛ̀ɛ̄ Yànēgɛ̀ɛ̀
baobab big 3SG.EXI long.time.ago stop -GER with there TOP 3PL.IPFV 3SG.NSBJ say -IPFV long.time.ago 3SG.NSBJ ADR ***
n adj AUX adv v -mrph pp adv part AUX pron v -mrph adv pron pp ***
àyē kō séŋ́ kɔ̄ā gɛ̰̀ kóò lō mɔ́ɔ́ kɔ́áà gɛ̄ɛ̄ yā kɔ́áà gbà  
This, we all saw it, we went over there to give it sacrifices.
àyē kō séŋ́ kɔ̄ā gɛ̰̀ kóò lō mɔ́ɔ́ kɔ́áà gɛ̄ɛ̄ yā kɔ́áà gbà
àyē kō séŋ́ kō gɛ̰̀ kóò ló -` mɔ́ɔ́ kɔ́áà gɛ̄ɛ̄ yā kɔ́áà gbā -\
3SG.EMPH 1PL.NSBJ every 1PL.PST 3SG.NSBJ see 1PL.IPFV go -IPFV long.time.ago 1PL.JNT baobab DEM.DIST 1PL.JNT 3SG.NSBJ present -JNT
pron pron det AUX pron v AUX v -mrph adv AUX n det AUX pron v -mrph
lɛ̀ nɔ́ ō làkólē kà dɔ̄ yí ā à ká zīī ā.  
Where they built the school, the old building.
lɛ̀ nɔ́ làkólē kà dɔ̄ yí ká zīī ā.
lɛ̀ nɔ́ làkólē ká -\ dɔ̄ yí ká zīī
place just 3PL.PST pupil house -CSTR stop there TOP BRIDG house old TOP
n part AUX n n -mrph v adv part det n adj part
kɛ̄ ā kpɔ́à wɔ́ yā  
Here is its trace.
kɛ̄ kpɔ́à wɔ́ yā
kɛ̄ kpɔ́à wɔ́ yā
at.that.moment 3SG.NSBJ trace COP.DEICT DEM.DIST
part pron n copula det
bon yé gbàlà mìà wɛ̄ ō nū gbāāɓō ó káá gbāā lɛ̀ ā mɔ̀ ɓɛ̄ gɔ́ yìlì gbùò ē kɛ̄ dɔ̀á yí.  
When the Kpelles came to gather, there was a tall cola tree.
bon yé gbàlà mìà wɛ̄ nū gbāāɓō káá gbāā lɛ̀ mɔ̀ ɓɛ̄ gɔ́ yìlì gbùò kɛ̄ dɔ̀á yí.
bon yé gbàlà mīā -\ wɛ̄ nū gbāāɓō káá gbāā lɛ̀ mɔ̀ ɓɛ̄ gɔ́ yílí -\ gbùò kɛ̄ dɔ̄ -à ká yí
well[FR] when Kpelle person.PL -CSTR DEM.PROX 3PL.PST come now 3PL.CONJ put now place DEM.DIST on TOP.PROX cola tree -CSTR big 3SG do stop -GER with there
part part n n -mrph det AUX v adv AUX v adv n det pp part n n -mrph adj AUX v v -mrph pp adv
Gɔ́ ɓɛ̄ kpàà ē gó lɛ̀í, ē dà tá̰à̰.  
A bundle of cola left from up there and it fell.
Gɔ́ ɓɛ̄ kpàà gó lɛ̀í, dà tá̰à̰.
gɔ́ ɓɛ̄ kpáá -\ gó lɛ̀í dà tá̰à̰
cola DEM.PROX cluster -CSTR 3SG.PST leave sky 3SG.PST fall ground
n det n -mrph AUX v n AUX v n
ɲɛ́nɛ́ pɛ̰́ sùù ē kɛ̄ à mɔ̀ yé ē dà tá̰à̰ gbṵ̀ṵ́ ā, gèlè vɔ̀ ō nū wáà gɛ̰̀: m̋m̋!  
In the moment of such heat, when it fell, boom, the enemies came and they said, "Hm!
ɲɛ́nɛ́ pɛ̰́ sùù kɛ̄ mɔ̀ yé dà tá̰à̰ gbṵ̀ṵ́ ā, gèlè vɔ̀ nū wáà gɛ̰̀: m̋!
ɲɛ́nɛ́ pɛ̰́ sùù kɛ̄ mɔ̀ yé dà tá̰à̰ gbṵ̀ṵ́ gèlè vɔ̀ nū wáà gɛ̰̀ -\ m m
sun period type 3SG.PST do 3SG.NSBJ on when 3SG.PST fall ground boom! TOP war PL 3PL.PST come 3PL.JNT 3SG.NSBJ see -JNT *** ***
n n n AUX v pron pp part AUX v n onomat part n det AUX v AUX pron v -mrph *** ***
Nú kɔ̄āà ɓō ɓɛ̄ míá yā wāà ŋwɔ̀ yí dɔ̄.  
That we came, these people they already understood it."
Nú kɔ̄āà ɓō ɓɛ̄ míá yā wāà ŋwɔ̀ yí dɔ̄.
nū -/ kɔ̄āà ɓō ɓɛ̄ mīā -/ yā wāà ŋwɔ́ -\ yí dɔ̄
come -FOC 1PL.PRF 3SG.NSBJ TOP.PROX person.PL -FOC DEM.DIST 3PL.PRF 3SG.NSBJ affair -CSTR interior stop
v -mrph AUX pron v part n -mrph det AUX pron n -mrph n v
Wáà yɛ̀ ō zí wáà lò.  
They turned back.
Wáà yɛ̀ zí wáà lò.
wáà yɛ́ -\ zí wáà ló -\
3PL.JNT break -JNT 3PL.NSBJ behind 3PL.JNT go -JNT
AUX v -mrph pron pp AUX v -mrph
ɓīī gɔ́ ɓɛ̄ ē dà tá̰à̰ ā̰ ē kɛ̄ ō zò mɔ̀ kélɛ̀ mīā lɛ́ wāà yí dɔ̄ gbāā kɛ̄ ó nìà ō mɔ̀ ɔ̄.  
Thus when the cola nuts fell, they thought that these people had understood and would surround them.
ɓīī gɔ́ ɓɛ̄ dà tá̰à̰ ā̰ kɛ̄ zò mɔ̀ kélɛ̀ mīā lɛ́ wāà yí dɔ̄ gbāā kɛ̄ nìà mɔ̀ ɔ̄.
ɓīī gɔ́ ɓɛ̄ dà tá̰à̰ kɛ̄ zò mɔ̀ kélɛ̀ mīā lɛ́ wāà yí dɔ̄ gbāā kɛ̄ nìà mɔ̀
because cola DEM.PROX 3SG.PST fall ground TOP 3SG.PST do 3PL.NSBJ heart on that person.PL FOC 3PL.PRF 3SG.NSBJ interior stop now for.the.sake.of 3PL.CONJ turn 3PL.NSBJ on TOP
part n det AUX v n part AUX v pron n pp part n part AUX pron n v adv part AUX v pron pp part
Ō yɛ́ gbāā ō zí ō ló  
They turned back.
yɛ́ gbāā zí ló
yɛ́ gbāā zí ló
3PL.PST fold now 3PL.NSBJ behind 3PL.PST go
AUX v adv pron pp AUX v
Yé ō yɛ́ gbāā ō zí ō ló ā yēlɛ́ bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ zéŋ́ à lɛ̀ ē yìì à lɛ̀ ē yìì  
When they turned back, it took time.
Yé yɛ́ gbāā zí ló yēlɛ́ bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ zéŋ́ lɛ̀ yìì lɛ̀ yìì
yé yɛ́ gbāā zí ló yēlɛ́ bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ zéŋ́ lɛ̀ yìì lɛ̀ yìì
when 3PL.PST break now 3PL.NSBJ behind 3PL.PST go TOP then too yet 3SG.NSBJ place 3SG.PST live 3SG.NSBJ place 3SG.PST live
part AUX v adv pron pp AUX v part part part adv pron n AUX v pron n AUX v
ō yɛ́ ō zí ō nū.  
They turned back and came.
yɛ́ zí nū.
yɛ́ zí nū
3PL.PST break 3PL.NSBJ behind 3PL.PST come
AUX v pron pp AUX v
Yé ō nū gbāāɓō ā lɛ́ ō gèlè ɓɛ̄ dà.  
When they came, they declared war.
Yé nū gbāāɓō lɛ́ gèlè ɓɛ̄ dà.
yé nū gbāāɓō lɛ́ gèlè ɓɛ̄ dà
when 3PL.PST come now TOP then 3PL.PST war DEM.PROX fall
part AUX v adv part part AUX n det v
Lɛ́ ō mīā zɛ̄ Ɓɛ́lɛ́tɔ̰̀ zèē.  
They killed a lot of people at Beleton.
Lɛ́ mīā zɛ̄ Ɓɛ́lɛ́tɔ̰̀ zèē.
lɛ́ mīā zɛ̄ Ɓɛ́lɛ́tɔ̰̀ zèē 3PL.PST person.PL kill Beleton here
inj AUX n v prop.n adv
Ɓɛ́lɛ́tɔ̰̀ kpɔ́à yí dḭ̀ḭ̄ o  
The trace of Beleton is over there.
Ɓɛ́lɛ́tɔ̰̀ kpɔ́à yí dḭ̀ḭ̄ o
Ɓɛ́lɛ́tɔ̰̀ kpɔ́à yí dḭ̀ḭ̄ o
Beleton trace there there o
n n adv adv inj
Zí ō dɔ̄ á ō zèē bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ dɔ̄ ɔ̄ ŋ́ŋ̀ lō à séŋ́ séŋ́ pɛ́ɛ̀.  
The way they built here, I will tell everything.
Zí dɔ̄ zèē bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ dɔ̄ ɔ̄ ŋ́ŋ̀ lō séŋ́ séŋ́ pɛ́ɛ̀.
zī -/ dɔ̄ ká zèē bɛ̰̀ɛ̰̄ dɔ̄ ŋ́ŋ̀ ló -` séŋ́ séŋ́ pɛ́ɛ́ -ɛ̀
road -FOC 3PL.PST stop 3SG.NSBJ with 3PL.EXI here too stop TOP 1SG.IPFV go -IPFV 3SG.NSBJ every every tell -GER
n -mrph AUX v pron pp AUX adv part v part AUX v -mrph pron det det v -mrph
Bon yēlɛ́ gbāāɓō yé ō gèlè ɓɛ̄ dà ā lɛ́ ō mīā zɛ̄, ō zèē mìà zɛ̄,  
When they declared war, they killed some people.
bon yēlɛ́ gbāāɓō yé gèlè ɓɛ̄ dà lɛ́ mīā zɛ̄, zèē mìà zɛ̄,
bon yēlɛ́ gbāāɓō yé gèlè ɓɛ̄ dà lɛ́ mīā zɛ̄ zèē mīā -\ zɛ̄
well[FR] then now when 3PL.PST war DEM.PROX fall TOP then 3PL.PST person.PL kill 3PL.PST here person.PL -CSTR kill
part part adv part AUX n det v part part AUX n v AUX adv n -mrph v
à gbàlà mìà nɔ́ ō kùù ká ɲɔ́ɔ̄  
These Kpelles were numerous.
ō nɔ́ kùù gbùò ká,  
They were numerous.
nɔ́ kùù gbùò ká,
nɔ́ kùù gbùò ká
3PL.EXI just quantity big with
AUX part n adj pp
yé ō mīā zɛ̄ gbāā ɓɛ̄, yēlɛ́ pɔ̄ɔ̀ ō kɛ̄ zèē lōà vɔ̀ ō kɛ̄ zèē ō séŋ́ séŋ́ ō kṵ́ wáà lò ō ká.  
They killed some people here, when they killed some people, they took all the women and brought them.
yé mīā zɛ̄ gbāā ɓɛ̄, yēlɛ́ pɔ̄ɔ̀ kɛ̄ zèē lōà vɔ̀ kɛ̄ zèē séŋ́ séŋ́ kṵ́ wáà lò ká.
yé mīā zɛ̄ gbāā ɓɛ̄ yēlɛ́ pɔ̄ɔ̀ kɛ̄ zèē lōà vɔ̀ kɛ̄ zèē séŋ́ séŋ́ kṵ́ wáà ló -\ ká
when 3PL.PST person.PL kill now TOP.PROX then thing.PL 3PL.PST do here woman.PL PL 3PL.PST do here 3PL.PST every every 3PL.PST catch 3PL.JNT go -JNT 3PL.NSBJ with
part AUX n v adv part part n AUX v adv n det AUX v adv AUX det det AUX v AUX v -mrph pron pp
Lɛ́ ō gbá̰ yà.  
They hurt the dog.
Lɛ́ gbá̰ yà.
lɛ́ gbá̰ yà
then 3PL.PST dog sit
part AUX n v
Gbá̰ ɓɛ̄ yà-à gbāā ɓɛ̄, yēlɛ́ ē wɛ̀lɛ̀ ē ló Kpāá.  
The dog being hurt, it got up and it went to Kpaa.
Gbá̰ ɓɛ̄ yà-à gbāā ɓɛ̄, yēlɛ́ wɛ̀lɛ̀ ló Kpāá.
gbá̰ ɓɛ̄ yà -à gbāā ɓɛ̄ yēlɛ́ wɛ̀lɛ̀ ló Kpāá
dog DEM.PROX sit -GER now TOP.PROX then 3SG.PST get.up 3SG.PST go ***
n det v -mrph adv part part AUX v AUX v ***
Gbá̰ yā ē wɛ̀lɛ̀ áà lò Kpāá, gbá̰ yàà ɓɛ̄  
The dog got up, it left to Kpaa.
Gbá̰ yā wɛ̀lɛ̀ áà lò Kpāá, gbá̰ yà-à ɓɛ̄
gbá̰ yā wɛ̀lɛ̀ áà ló -\ Kpāá gbá̰ yà -à ɓɛ̄
dog DEM.DIST 3SG.PST get.up 3SG.JNT go -JNT *** dog sit -GER DEM.PROX
n det AUX v AUX v -mrph *** n v -mrph det
yēlɛ́ gbá̰ yā ē wɛ̀lɛ̀ áà lò Kpāá  
So the dog got up, it left to Kpaa.
yēlɛ́ gbá̰ yā wɛ̀lɛ̀ áà lò Kpāá
yēlɛ́ gbá̰ yā wɛ̀lɛ̀ áà ló -\ Kpāá
then dog DEM.DIST 3SG.PST get.up 3SG.JNT go -JNT ***
part n det AUX v AUX v -mrph ***
C' est à dire gbá̰ nì séŋ́ wáà gèlè sì lūú kɛ̀ gbāā.  
Which is to say that the dogs were also going to seek refuge now.
C' est à dire gbá̰ nì séŋ́ wáà gèlè sì lūú kɛ̀ gbāā.
C est à dire gbá̰ nì séŋ́ wáà gèlè sí -\ lūú kɛ̄ -\ gbāā
*** *** *** *** dog PL every 3PL.JNT war pick.up -JNT bush do -JNT now
*** *** *** *** n det det AUX n v -mrph n v -mrph adv
Gbá̰ líàzɛ̀ ē ló gbāā kpāá ā sɛ́lɛ́ lɛ́ kō pà zèē ā à zīī lāā mɔ̀ lɛ̄ Kpāá sɛ̀lɛ̀ ká  
The bloody dog now arrived at Kpaa, all the villages that are here at our place, the oldest is Kpaa.
Gbá̰ líàzɛ̀ ló gbāā Kpāá sɛ́lɛ́ lɛ́ kō pà zèē zīī lāā mɔ̀ lɛ̄ Kpāá sɛ̀lɛ̀ ká
gbá̰ líà -zɛ̀ ló gbāā Kpāá sɛ́lɛ́ lɛ́ kō pà zèē zīī lɛ̄ mɔ̀ lɛ̄ Kpāá sɛ́lɛ́ -\ ká
dog blood -ADJ 3SG.PST go now *** TOP soil FOC 1PL.NSBJ at here TOP 3SG.NSBJ old 3SG.EXI 3SG.NSBJ on 3SG.EXI *** soil -CSTR with
n n -mrph AUX v adv *** part n det pron pp adv part pron adj AUX pron pp AUX *** n -mrph pp
sɛ́lɛ́ zèē ā séŋ́ séŋ́ lɛ̄ sɛ́lɛ́ dɛ̄ɛ̄ dɛ̄ɛ̄ ká tɛ̀kɛ́tɛ̀kɛ́.  
All the villages here, they are new villages.
sɛ́lɛ́ zèē séŋ́ séŋ́ lɛ̄ sɛ́lɛ́ dɛ̄ɛ̄ dɛ̄ɛ̄ ká tɛ̀kɛ́tɛ̀kɛ́.
sɛ́lɛ́ zèē séŋ́ séŋ́ lɛ̄ sɛ́lɛ́ dɛ̄ɛ̄ dɛ̄ɛ̄ ká tɛ̀kɛ́tɛ̀kɛ́
soil here DEM.DIST every every 3SG.EXI soil new new with in.the.whole
n adv det det det AUX n adj adj pp adv
à tò kō mɔ̀ ɔ̄ yēlɛ́ Ɓɛ́lɛ́tɔ̰̀ zèē ká.  
The second is Beleton.
tò kōmɔ̀ ɔ̄ yēlɛ́ Ɓɛ́lɛ́tɔ̰̀ zèē ká.
tó -\ kōmɔ̀ yēlɛ́ Ɓɛ́lɛ́tɔ̰̀ zèē ká
3SG.NSBJ leave -V.NMNZ behind TOP then Beleton here with
pron v -mrph pp part part n adv pp
Bon, yé gbá̰ ē ló gbāā ɓɛ̄, Kpāá mìà wáà gèè: Ḿ! ŋwɔ́ dò kɛ̄ɛ̀ lɛ̄ Ɓɛ́lɛ́tɔ̰̀.  
When the dog came there, the people of Kpaa said, "Hm! Something has happened at Beleton.
Bon, yé gbá̰ ló gbāā ɓɛ̄, Kpāá mìà wáà gèè: Ḿ! ŋwɔ́ dò kɛ̄ɛ̀ lɛ̄ Ɓɛ́lɛ́tɔ̰̀.
bon yé gbá̰ ló gbāā ɓɛ̄ Kpāá mīā -\ wáà gèē -\ ŋwɔ́ dò kɛ̄ -ɛ̀ lɛ̄ Ɓɛ́lɛ́tɔ̰̀
well[FR] when dog 3SG.PST go now TOP.PROX ** person.PL -CSTR 3PL.JNT 3SG.NSBJ say -JNT *** thing INDEF do -GER COP Beleton
part part n AUX v adv part *** n -mrph AUX pron v -mrph *** n det v -mrph copula prop.n
Yē gɛ̰̀ gbá̰ líàzɛ̀ ē gó yí ē nū ɓɛ̄, wáà gèlè túú dà à mɔ̀  
Since a bloody dog left from over there and it came here, they signaled."
Yē gɛ̰̀ gbá̰ líàzɛ̀ gó yí nū ɓɛ̄, wáà gèlè túú dà mɔ̀
yē gɛ̰̀ gbá̰ líà -zɛ̀ gó yí nū ɓɛ̄ wáà gèlè túú dà -\ mɔ̀
3SG.EMPH COP.DEICT dog blood -ADJ 3SG.PST leave there 3SG.PST come TOP.PROX 3PL.JNT war horn fall -JNT 3SG.NSBJ on
pron copula n n -mrph AUX v adv AUX v part AUX n n v -mrph pron pp
gèlè kpàkòlò vɔ̀ lɛ́ ō kɛ̄ ɛ̄, gèlè kùlá vɔ̀ lɛ́ ō kɛ̄ ɛ̄ Gɔ́dḭ́ nì, ō kɛ̄ Bùnɔ́ɔ̀ nì, ō kɛ̄ Kpāá nì, ō séŋ́ séŋ́, ɓīī wà túlú ɓɛ̄ wáà pìè mɔ́ɔ́ ɔ̄ óò à sá̰à̰ dɔ̄.  
The war strongmen they were, the warriors they were too at Godi, at Bunuma too, at Kpao too, all of them, when long time ago they whistled their horns, they knew the sign.
gèlè kpàkòlò vɔ̀ lɛ́ kɛ̄ ɛ̄, gèlè kùlá vɔ̀ lɛ́ kɛ̄ ɛ̄ Gɔ́dḭ́ nì, kɛ̄ Bùnɔ́ɔ̀ nì, kɛ̄ Kpāá nì, séŋ́ séŋ́, ɓīī wà túlú ɓɛ̄ wáà pìè mɔ́ɔ́ ɔ̄ óò sá̰à̰ dɔ̄.
gèlè kpàkòlò vɔ̀ lɛ́ kɛ̄ gèlè kúlá -\ vɔ̀ lɛ́ kɛ̄ Gɔ́dḭ́ nì kɛ̄ Bùnɔ́ɔ̀ nì kɛ̄ Kpāá nì séŋ́ séŋ́ ɓīī wà túlú ɓɛ̄ wáà pīè -\ mɔ́ɔ́ ɔ̄ óò sá̰à̰ dɔ̄ -`
war strongman PL FOC 3PL.PST do TOP war warrior -CSTR PL FOC 3PL.PST do TOP Godi ASSOC 3PL.PST do Bunuma ASSOC 3PL.PST do *** ASSOC 3PL.NSBJ every every because 3PL.COORD horn DEM.PROX 3PL.JNT 3SG.NSBJ van -JNT long.time.ago TOP 3PL.IPFV 3SG.NSBJ sign know -IPFV
n n det det AUX v part n n -mrph det det AUX v part prop.n det AUX v prop.n det AUX v *** det pron det det part pron n det AUX pron v -mrph adv mrph AUX pron n v -mrph
wáà pà ō kíè mɔ̀  
They gathered.
wáà pà kíè mɔ̀
wáà pā -\ kíè mɔ̀
AUX v -mrph pron det pp
ō pā ō kíè mɔ̀ wáà nù Ɓɛ́lɛ́tɔ̰̀ zèē  
They gathered, they came to Beleton.
pā kíè mɔ̀ wáà nù Ɓɛ́lɛ́tɔ̰̀ zèē
pā kíè mɔ̀ wáà nū -\ Ɓɛ́lɛ́tɔ̰̀ zèē
3PL.PST fill 3PL.NSBJ RECP on 3PL.JNT come -JNT Beleton here
AUX v pron det pp AUX v -mrph prop.n adv
Ō nū zèē ā kɛ̄ zèē āà dɔ̄ dḭ̄  
When they came, there was absolute silence.
nū zèē kɛ̄ zèē āà dɔ̄ dḭ̄
nū zèē kɛ̄ zèē āà dɔ̄ dḭ̄
3PL.PST come here TOP at.that.moment here 3SG.PRF stop silence
AUX v adv part part adv AUX v n
āà tó kpɔ́à yí ká  
Everything was ruined.
āà tó kpɔ́à yí ká
āà tó kpɔ́à yí ká
3SG.PRF leave trace in with
AUX v n pp pp
kɛ̄ míá yā wāà ló.  
At that moment, it so happened that the people had already left.
wāà ló, wāà pɔ̄ɔ̀ vɔ̀ wɛ̄ sí wāà lōà vɔ̀ séŋ́ sí wāà ló ō ká.  
They took all the things, including the girls, and they took them away.
wāà ló, wāà pɔ̄ɔ̀ vɔ̀ wɛ̄ sí wāà lōà vɔ̀ séŋ́ sí wāà ló ká.
wāà ló wāà pɔ̄ɔ̀ vɔ̀ wɛ̄ sí wāà lōà vɔ̀ séŋ́ sí wāà ló ká
3PL.PRF go 3PL.PRF thing.PL PL DEM.PROX pick.up 3PL.PRF woman.PL PL every pick.up 3PL.PRF go 3PL.NSBJ with
AUX v AUX n det det v AUX n det det v AUX v pron pp
ō kpáá yā yē wɔ́ ɔ̄, wáà tò ō kōyí vṵ̄ɓɛ́lɛ̀ à mɔ̀.  
Their trace, there it is, they followed them in the bushes.
kpáá yā yē wɔ́ ɔ̄, wáà tò kōyí vṵ̄ɓɛ́lɛ̀ mɔ̀.
kpáá yā yē wɔ́ wáà tó -\ kōyí vṵ̄ɓɛ́lɛ̀ mɔ̀
3PL.NSBJ way DEM.DIST 3SG.EMPH FOC TOP 3PL.JNT leave -JNT 3PL.NSBJ behind bush 3SG.NSBJ on
pron n det pron part part AUX v -mrph pron pp n pron pp
ɛ̰̀ɛ̰̀, kílī, gbāā ō gó zízàá lɛ́ ō tó gbāā míá ō kōyí ɓɛ̄.  
Those who came from the other side, they followed these people.
ɛ̰̀ɛ̰̀, kílī, gbāā gó zízàá lɛ́ tó gbāā míá kōyí ɓɛ̄.
ɛ̰̀ɛ̰̀ kílī gbāā gó zízàá lɛ́ tó gbāā mīā -/ kōyí ɓɛ̄
*** this.way now 3PL.PST leave behind FOC 3PL.PST leave now person.PL -FOC 3PL.NSBJ behind TOP.PROX
*** adv adv AUX v adv det AUX v adv n -mrph pron pp part
ō ló gbāāɓō kō píé ɲɛ́nɛ̄ lɛ́ Fāāsūù ē kélé dɔ̄ yí lɛ̀ ké óò gèē Zɛ̄ɓàáɓèlè ɓɛ̄.  
They then went to our field where Fasu has built a shelter, the place called Zebabele.
ló gbāāɓō kō píé ɲɛ́nɛ̀ lɛ́ Fāāsūù kélé dɔ̄ yí lɛ̀ ké óò gèē Zɛ̄ɓàáɓèlè ɓɛ̄.
ló gbāāɓō kō píé ɲɛ́nɛ̀ lɛ́ Fāāsūù kélé dɔ̄ yí lɛ̀ ké óò gèē -` zɛ̄ - ìí - ɓèlè ɓɛ̄
3PL.PST go now 1PL.NSBJ trace field FOC *** 3SG.PST shed stop there place like.this 3PL.IPFV 3SG.NSBJ ay -IPFV kill - 2SG.NEG 3SG.NSBJ - eat TOP.PROX
AUX v adv pron n n det *** AUX n v adv n adv AUX pron v -mrph v - AUX pron - v part
Bēāfòòká tɔ̀ŋ̀ gà̰ wì ā tɔ̀ŋ̀ yéā mɛ̀ŋ́ zàá nɔ́ ɓā yìlì gáà là yā, yēlɛ́ gbāā ō yà gbāā tɔ̀ŋ̀ yā tùlū, gbàlà mìà ō yà gbāā yí.  
At the bottom of the Beafoka mountain, behind this mountain, at the place where the Ba yili tree (which heals wounds) is, the Kpelles they are sitting at the top of this mountain.
Bēāfòòká tɔ̀ŋ̀ gà̰ wì tɔ̀ŋ̀ yéā mɛ̀ŋ́ zàá nɔ́ ɓā yìlì gáà là yā, yēlɛ́ gbāā yà gbāā tɔ̀ŋ̀ yā tùlū, gbàlà mìà yà gbāā yí.
Bēāfòòká tɔ̀ŋ̀ gà̰ wì tɔ̀ŋ̀ yéā mɛ̀ŋ́ zàá nɔ́ ɓā yílí -\ gáà là yā yēlɛ́ gbāā yà gbāā tɔ̀ŋ̀ yā tùlū gbàlà mīā -\ yà gbāā yí
*** mountain foot under TOP mountain DEM.DIST behind in just wound tree -CSTR strong on DEM now 3PL.PST sit now mountain DEM top Kpelle person.PL -CSTR 3PL.PST sit now there
*** n n pp part n det pp pp adv n n -mrph adj pp det inj adv AUX v adv n det n n n -mrph AUX v adv adv
Pɔ̄ɔ̀ gbāā wìì tòlòpɛ̀ wā kṵ́ gbāā pɛ̄lɛ̄í tɔ̀ɔ̀ nì ɓūwɛ́lɛ́ nì wāà sí séŋ́ séŋ́ ā, wā séŋ́ séŋ́ zɛ̄ gbāā  
The things, the cattle they took, the chickens, the rice, everything they took, they killed them all.
Pɔ̄ɔ̀ gbāā wìì tòlòpɛ̀ wā kṵ́ gbāā pɛ̄lɛ̄í tɔ̀ɔ̀ nì ɓūwɛ́lɛ́ nì wāà sí séŋ́ séŋ́ ā, wā séŋ́ séŋ́ zɛ̄ gbāā
pɔ̄ɔ̀ gbāā wìì tòlò pɛ̄ -\ kṵ́ gbāā pɛ̄lɛ̄í tɔ̀ɔ̀ nì ɓū - wɛ́lɛ́ nì wāà sí séŋ́ séŋ́ séŋ́ séŋ́ zɛ̄ gbāā
thing.PL now meat expand thing -CSTR 3PL.PST 3SG.NSBJ catch now village chicken ASSOC rice - bone ASSOC 3PL.PRF 3SG.NSBJ pick.up every every TOP 3PL.PST 3SG.NSBJ every every kill now
n adv n v n -mrph AUX pron v adv n n det n - n det AUX pron v det det part AUX pron det det v adv
ō yà gbāā tɔ̀ŋ̀ yā tùlù wáà kpàà.  
They sat at the top and they prepared (all this).
yà gbāā tɔ̀ŋ̀ yā tùlū wáà kpàà.
yà gbāā tɔ̀ŋ̀ yā tùlū wáà kpàà -\
3PL.PST sit now mountain DEM.DIST mountaintop 3PL.JNT 3SG.NSBJ cook -JNT
AUX v adv n det n AUX pron v -mrph
wìì āà tó gbāā tɛ́lɛ́-pìà, āà mā ē yīè ká ɓɛ̄  
The meat stayed cooking, it was well cooked.
wìì āà tó gbāā tɛ́lɛ́-pìà, āà mā yīè ká ɓɛ̄
wìì āà tó gbāā tɛ́lɛ́ -pìà āà mā yīè ká ɓɛ̄
meat 3SG.PRF leave now boil -INF 3SG.PRF be.cooked 3SG.REFL good with TOP.PROX
n AUX v adv v -mrph AUX v pron adj pp part
Míá ō gó gbāā zē ā ō nū gbāā ō gɛ̰̀ɛ̰̀ tɔ̀ŋ̀ yā tùlù.  
The people who had come from the other side they came to find them at the top of the mountain.
Míá gó gbāā zízàá nū gbāā gɛ̰̀ɛ̰̀ tɔ̀ŋ̀ yā tùlū.
mīā -/ gó gbāā zē nū gbāā gɛ̰̀ -ɛ̰̀ tɔ̀ŋ̀ yā tùlū
person.PL -FOC 3PL.PST leave no here TOP 3PL.PST come now 3PL.NSBJ see -GER mountain DEM.DIST mountaintop
n -mrph AUX v inj adv part AUX v adv pron v -mrph n det n
wāà hm-hm wè mā gbāā  
They heard their voices.
wāà hm-hm wè mā gbāā
wāà hm-hm wé -\ mā gbāā
3PL.PRF *** speech -CSTR hear now
AUX *** n -mrph v adv
ɓīī ō zì ā wāà frí kɛ̄ ō zò mɔ̀.  
Now they feel free.
ɓīī zì wāà frí kɛ̄ zò mɔ̀.
ɓīī zì wāà frí kɛ̄ zò mɔ̀
because 3PL.NSBJ EMPH DEM.DIST 3PL.PRF free do 3PL.NSBJ heart on
part pron det det AUX adj v pron n pp
Gèlè kùlá vɔ̀ yā wáà nìà gbāāɓō gèlè kùlá vɔ̀ ō gó zízàá o, wáà nìà gbāā tɔ̀ŋ̀ ɓɛ̄ mɔ̀.  
The warriors, they started to surround (them), the warriors came from over there, they started to surround the mountain.
Gèlè kùlá vɔ̀ yā wáà nìà gbāāɓō gèlè kùlá vɔ̀ gó zízàá o, wáà nìà gbāā tɔ̀ŋ̀ ɓɛ̄ mɔ̀.
gèlè kúlá -\ vɔ̀ yā wáà nìà -\ gbāāɓō gèlè kúlá -\ vɔ̀ gó zízàá o wáà nìà -\ gbāā tɔ̀ŋ̀ ɓɛ̄ mɔ̀
war warrior -CSTR PL DEM 3PL.JNT turn -JNT now war warrior -CSTR PL 3PL.PST leave behind o 3PL.JNT turn -JNT no mountain DEM.PROX on
n n -mrph det det AUX v -mrph adv n n -mrph det AUX v adv inj AUX v -mrph inj n det pp
Yé ō nìà gbāā tɔ̰̀ ɓɛ̄ mɔ̀ ɔ̄ gèlè kùlá ē gó zízàá ɓɛ̄ áà tɛ̀nɛ̀ gbāā tɔ̀ŋ̀ ɓɛ̄ ŋwí  
When they had surrounded the mountain, the (chief) warrior who came from over there, he now climbs to the top.
Yé nìà gbāā tɔ̀ŋ̀ ɓɛ̄ mɔ̀ ɔ̄ gèlè kùlá gó zízàá ɓɛ̄ áà tɛ̀nɛ̀ gbāā tɔ̀ŋ̀ ɓɛ̄ ŋwīí
yé nìà gbāā tɔ̀ŋ̀ ɓɛ̄ mɔ̀ ɔ̄ gèlè kúlá -\ gó zízàá ɓɛ̄ áà tɛ̀nɛ̀ -\ gbāā tɔ̀ŋ̀ ɓɛ̄ ŋwīí
when 3PL.PST turn now mountain DEM.PROX on TOP war warrior -CSTR 3SG.PST leave behind TOP.PROX 3SG.JNT climb -JNT now mountain DEM.PROX top
part AUX v adv n det pp mrph n n -mrph AUX v adv part AUX v -mrph adv n det n
àyē kpókpó lɛ́ ō láà lāā là ā  
The one who they trust.
gèlè āà zɛ̄ ē kíè mɔ̀  
The war has begun.
gèlè āà zɛ̄ kíè mɔ̀
gèlè āà zɛ̄ kíè mɔ̀
war 3SG.PRF kill 3SG.REFL RECP on
n AUX v pron det pp
Yēlɛ́ wāà gɔ̰̄, yēlɛ́ wāà gɔ̰̄, lɛ́ ō gbàlà mìà ɓɛ̄ zɛ̄ ké.  
It is this way that they fought, that all were killed.
Yēlɛ́ wāà gɔ̰̄, yēlɛ́ wāà gɔ̰̄, lɛ́ gbàlà mìà ɓɛ̄ zɛ̄ ké.
yēlɛ́ wāà gɔ̰̄ yēlɛ́ wāà gɔ̰̄ lɛ́ gbàlà mīā -\ ɓɛ̄ zɛ̄ ké
then 3PL.PRF fight then 3PL.PRF fight then 3PL.PST Kpelle person.PL -CSTR DEM.PROX kill like.this
part AUX v part AUX v part AUX n n -mrph det v adv
Mī dōó lɛ́ ē tó ā  
Only one person remained.
Mī dōó lɛ́ tó
mī dōó lɛ́ tó
person one FOC 3SG.PST leave TOP
n num det AUX v part
Gbàlà gèlè ɓɛ̄ à kúlá téétèè ē kɛ̄ yí ā wā zɛ̄.  
This Kpelle war, the real warrior that was over there, he was killed.
Gbàlà gèlè ɓɛ̄ kúlá téétèè kɛ̄ yí wā zɛ̄.
gbàlà gèlè ɓɛ̄ kúlá téétèè kɛ̄ yí zɛ̄
Kpelle war DEM.PROX BRIDG warrior special 3SG.PST do there TOP 3PL.PST 3SG.NSBJ kill
n n det det n adj AUX v adv part AUX pron v
Yé wā zɛ̄ ɛ̄ ŋwɔ́ gbɔ́kò āà gó gbāā tɔ̀ŋ̀ ɓɛ̄ tùlū.  
When he was killed, a certain thing ended at this mountain top.
Yé wā zɛ̄ ɛ̄ ŋwɔ́ gbɔ́kò āà gó gbāā tɔ̀ŋ̀ ɓɛ̄ tùlū.
yé zɛ̄ ŋwɔ́ gbɔ́kò āà gó gbāā tɔ̀ŋ̀ ɓɛ̄ tùlū
when 3PL.PST 3SG.NSBJ kill TOP affair numerous 3SG.PRF leave now mountain DEM.PROX top
part AUX pron v part n adj AUX v adv n det n
Míá ō tó à séŋ́ yā ō ō káá tá̰à̰ fèlē ō ō tó yí ó vú.  
All the ones that remained over there, they were just made to lie on the ground, they were left over there to rot.
Míá tó séŋ́ yā káá tá̰à̰ fèlē tó yí vú.
mīā -/ tó séŋ́ yā káá tá̰à̰ fèlē tó yí vú
person.PL -FOC 3PL.PST leave 3SG.NSBJ every TOP 3PL.PST 3PL.NSBJ put ground in.vain 3PL.PST 3PL.NSBJ leave there 3PL.CONJ rot
n -mrph AUX v pron det part AUX pron v n adv AUX pron v adv AUX v
Mais à kúlá dìètḭ́ wɛ̄ wā ɓúà kpɔ́ yí ō gɛ̀lɛ̀ sí wā gbɛ̰̀ à tùlū ɲɛ́nɛ́ ē dɔ̄ ɓɛ̄ sáá gɛ̀lɛ̀ ā lɛ̄ tḭ̄á̰ gbɛ̰̀á̰ yí.  
But the real warrior, when they buried him, they took a big rock and they put it on the mountain top, up to this day this rock is there.
Mais kúlá dìètḭ́ wɛ̄ wā ɓúà kpɔ́ yí gɛ̀lɛ̀ sí wā gbɛ̰̀ tùlū ɲɛ́nɛ́ dɔ̄ ɓɛ̄ sáá gɛ̀lɛ̀ lɛ̄ tḭ̄á̰ gbɛ̰̀á̰ yí.
mais kúlá dìètḭ́ wɛ̄ ɓúà kpɔ́ yí gɛ̀lɛ̀ sí gbɛ̰̀ tùlū ɲɛ́nɛ́ dɔ̄ ɓɛ̄ sáá gɛ̀lɛ̀ lɛ̄ tḭ̄á̰ gbɛ̰̀ -à ká yí
but[FR] BRIDG warrior EMPH DEM.PROX 3PL.PST 3SG.NSBJ grave ut there 3PL.PST rock pick.up 3PL.PST 3SG.NSBJ put 3SG.NSBJ mountaintop sun 3SG.PST stop TOP.PROX for.a.long.time rock DEM.DIST 3SG.EXI yet pose GER with there
part det n det det AUX pron n v adv AUX n v AUX pron v pron n n AUX v part adv n det AUX adv v mrph pp adv
tɔ̀ŋ̀ yāā tùlù kɛ̄ láá ɓō lɛ́ tḭ̄á̰ sūú là ká gɛ̀lɛ̀ lɛ̄ tḭ̄á̰ gbɛ̰̀á̰ yí, kóò lō pɛ̄lɛ̄í kɔ́áà gɛ̀lɛ̀ ā kɔ́áà gɛ̰̀.  
The top of this mountain has turned into a clear forest, the rock is still over there, we go to town and we see this rock.
tɔ̀ŋ̀ yāā tùlū kɛ̄ láá ɓō lɛ́ tḭ̄á̰ sūú là ká gɛ̀lɛ̀ lɛ̄ tḭ̄á̰ gbɛ̰̀á̰ yí, kóò lō pɛ̄lɛ̄í kɔ́áà gɛ̀lɛ̀ kɔ́áà gɛ̰̀.
tɔ̀ŋ̀ yāā tùlū kɛ̄ láá ɓō lɛ́ tḭ́á̰ sūú là ká gɛ̀lɛ̀ lɛ̄ tḭ̄á̰ gbɛ̰̀ -à ká yí kóò ló -` pɛ̄lɛ̄í kɔ́áà gɛ̀lɛ̀ kɔ́áà gɛ̰̀
mountain DEM.DIST mountaintop at.that.moment expand FOC yet *** on with rock 3SG.EXI yet put GER with there 1PL.IPFV go -IPFV village 1PL.JNT rock DEM.DIST 1PL.JNT 3SG.NSBJ see
n det n part v v det adv *** pp pp n AUX adv v mrph pp adv AUX v -mrph n AUX n det AUX pron v
ō gɛ̀lɛ̀ ā gbɛ̰̀ gbāāɓō kúlá yāā tùlū à ɓúà mɔ̀  
they put this rock down on the mountain top of the head of the warrior, on his grave.
gɛ̀lɛ̀ gbɛ̰̀ gbāāɓō kúlá yāā tùlū ɓúà mɔ̀
gɛ̀lɛ̀ gbɛ̰̀ gbāāɓō kúlá yāā tùlū ɓúà mɔ̀
3PL.PST rock DEM.DIST put now warrior DEM.DIST mountaintop 3SG.NSBJ grave on
AUX n det v adv n det n pron n pp
Bon, yé ē kɛ̄ gbāā kílíɓɛ̄ pɔ̄ɔ̀ lɛ́ wā kṵ́ ɓɛ̄ tɛ̀kɛ́tɛ̀kɛ́ lōà vɔ̀ ō ō kṵ́ ɓɛ̄ tɛ̀kɛ́tɛ̀kɛ́, ɓū wɛ́lɛ́ nì, ɓáá nì, dìì nì nɛ́ wāà zɛ̄ tɛ̀kɛ́tɛ̀kɛ́ ɛ̄ ē tó gbāā tíé  
At this moment, the things they took, all the women they took, the rice, the sheep, the cows they all killed, everything had stayed on the fire.
Bon, yé kɛ̄ gbāā kílíɓɛ̄ pɔ̄ɔ̀ lɛ́ wā kṵ́ ɓɛ̄ tɛ̀kɛ́tɛ̀kɛ́ lōà vɔ̀ kṵ́ ɓɛ̄ tɛ̀kɛ́tɛ̀kɛ́, ɓū wɛ́lɛ́ nì, ɓáá nì, dìì nì nɛ́ wāà zɛ̄ tɛ̀kɛ́tɛ̀kɛ́ ɛ̄ tó gbāā tíé
bon yé kɛ̄ gbāā kílíɓɛ̄ pɔ̄ɔ̀ lɛ́ kṵ́ ɓɛ̄ tɛ̀kɛ́tɛ̀kɛ́ lōà vɔ̀ kṵ́ ɓɛ̄ tɛ̀kɛ́tɛ̀kɛ́ ɓū wɛ́lɛ́ nì ɓáá nì dìì nì nɛ́ wāà zɛ̄ tɛ̀kɛ́tɛ̀kɛ́ tó gbāā tíé
well[FR] when 3SG.PST do now such thing.PL FOC 3PL.PST 3SG.NSBJ catch TOP.PROX in.the.whole woman.PL PL 3PL.PST 3PL.NSBJ catch TOP.PROX in.the.whole rice bone ASSOC sheep ASSOC cow ASSOC FOC 3PL.PRF 3SG.NSBJ kill in.the.whole TOP 3SG.PST leave now fire
part part AUX v adv det n det AUX pron v part adv n det AUX pron v part adv n n det n det n det part AUX pron v adv part AUX v adv n
òó gbāā ɓèlè.  
They didn't eat.
òó gbāā ɓèlè.
òó gbāā ɓèlè
AUX part pron v
Kúlá vɔ̀ lɛ́ gbāā ō gó zízàá ā yē lɛ́ wā ɓèlè.  
The warriors that came from behind, it is them who ate.
Kúlá vɔ̀ lɛ́ gbāā gó zízàá yē lɛ́ wā ɓèlè.
kúlá vɔ̀ lɛ́ gbāā gó zízàá yē lɛ́ ɓèlè
warrior PL FOC now 3PL.PST leave behind TOP 3SG.EMPH FOC 3PL.PST 3SG.NSBJ eat
n det part adv AUX v adv part pron part AUX pron v
ɓīī māē ŋ́ŋ̀ ŋwɔ́ pɛ̀ɛ̀ mīī āà kɛ̄ ŋwɔ́ pɛ́ɛ́-pìà ŋ̄ lɛ̀ɛ̄ ɛ̄, à kélá zɔ̰̀ɔ̰̀ máà gɛ̰̀ ŋwánà ká.  
Thus I speak, if someone explains something to me, show me a witness (so) that I will consider it the truth.
ɓīī māē ŋ́ŋ̀ ŋwɔ́ pɛ̀ɛ̀ mīī āà kɛ̄ ŋwɔ́ pɛ́ɛ́-pìà ŋ̄ lɛ̀ɛ̄ ɛ̄, kélá zɔ̰̀ɔ̰̀ máà gɛ̰̀ ŋwánà ká.
ɓīī mā -ē ŋ́ŋ̀ ŋwɔ́ pɛ́ɛ́ -` mīī āà kɛ̄ ŋwɔ́ pɛ́ɛ́ -pìà ŋ̄ lɛ̀ɛ̄ ɛ̄ kélá zɔ̰̀ɔ̰̀ máà gɛ̰̀ -\ ŋwánà ká
because 1SG.EMPH -E 1SG.IPFV thing tell -IPFV personne 3SG.PRF do thing tear -INF 1SG.NSBJ for TOP 3SG.NSBJ witness show 1SG.JNT 3SG.NSBJ see -JNT trith with
part pron -mrph AUX n v -mrph n AUX v n v -mrph pron pp mrph pron n v AUX pron v -mrph т pp
Kɛ̄ māē ŋ́ gɛ̰̀ máà gèè ŋwánà lɛ̄.  
So that I can see and say that it is true.
Kɛ̄ māē ŋ́ gɛ̰̀ máà gèè ŋwánà lɛ̄.
kɛ̄ mā -ē ŋ́ gɛ̰̀ máà gèē -\ ŋwánà lɛ̄
for.the.sake.of 1SG.EMPH -E 1SG.CONJ 3SG.NSBJ see 1SG.JNT 3SG.NSBJ say -JNT truth COP
part pron -mrph AUX pron v AUX pron v -mrph n copula
Yēlɛ́ wā mɔ́ɔ̀ tɔ̀ŋ̀ yā tɔ́ kpɔ́ ɓáà zɛ̄ ɓàá ɓèlè.  
It is the reason why they called the mountain You-kill-but-you-do-not-eat.
Yēlɛ́ wā mɔ́ɔ̀ tɔ̀ŋ̀ yā tɔ́ kpɔ́ ɓáà zɛ̄ ɓàá ɓèlè.
yēlɛ́ mɔ́ɔ̄ tɔ̀ŋ̀ yā tɔ́ kpɔ́ íì zɛ̄ -` ìí ɓèlè
then 3PL.PST 3SG.NSBJ urface mmountain DEM.DIST name put 2SG.IPFV 3SG.NSBJ kill -IPFV 2SG.NEG 3SG.NSBJ eat
part AUX pron n n det n v AUX pron v -mrph AUX pron v
à lōà vɔ̀ lɛ̄ píé ō ō kṵ́ ɓāā  
The women they took now,
ō ō kṵ́ ɓɛ̄ ō séŋ́ ō nū gbāāɓō zèē ā  
the women that were taken there, they have all returned now.
kṵ́ ɓɛ̄ séŋ́ nū gbāāɓō zèē
kṵ́ ɓɛ̄ séŋ́ nū gbāāɓō zèē
3PL.PST 3PL.NSBJ take TOP.PROX 3PL.NSBJ every 3PL.PST come now here TOP
AUX pron v part pron det AUX v adv adv part
míá wā ō séŋ́ ō ō zɛ̄ bāā  
These people they were all killed.
míá wā séŋ́ zɛ̄ ɓāā
mīā -/ wā séŋ́ zɛ̄ ɓāā
person.PL -FOC DEM 3PL.NSBJ every 3PL.PST 3PL.NSBJ kill TOP.PROX
n -mrph det pron det AUX pron v part
Lɛ́ mī dōó wā kṵ́ bāā ɓɛ̄ wā pá̰á̰ ɓō  
Thus the man who was caught, he was given instructions.
Lɛ́ mī dōó wā kṵ́ bāā ɓɛ̄ wā pá̰á̰ ɓō
lɛ́ mī dōó kṵ́ bāā ɓɛ̄ pá̰á̰ ɓō person one 3PL.PST 3SG.NSBJ catch now TOP.PROX 3PL.PST 3SG.NSBJ warning
inj n num AUX pron v adv part AUX pron n v
lɛ́ wā gèē í lōá kā pà ā, à gèē ā gèlè kō nū á wɛ̄ ē sìè kō mɔ̀.  
They said, "When you go in your village, say that the war that we started, we lost it."
lɛ́ wā gèē lōá kā pà ā, gèē gèlè kō nū wɛ̄ sīè kō mɔ̀.
lɛ́ gèē ló -` -á kā pà gèē gèlè kō nū ká wɛ̄ sīè kō mɔ̀
then 3PL.PST 3SG.NSBJ say 2SG.CONJ go -COND -COND 2PL.NSBJ at TOP 3SG.NSBJ say TOP war 1PL.PST come 3SG.NSBJ with TOP.PROX 3SG.PST spoil 1PL.NSBJ on
part AUX pron v AUX v -mrph -mrph pron pp part pron v part n AUX v pron pp part AUX v pron pp
yēlɛ́ ō ká̰ gbāā mɔ̀ é ló.  
Thus he was let go.
yēlɛ́ ká̰ gbāā mɔ̀ ló.
yēlɛ́ ká̰ gbāā mɔ̀ ló
then 3PL.PST cut now 3SG.NSBJ on 3SG.CONJ go
part AUX v adv pron pp AUX v
wāà gèē í lōá ā, à gèē ī pà mìà lɛ̀ɛ̄ kélɛ̀ ŋwɔ́ kō ló ā ē sīè kō mɔ̀.  
They said, "When you go, tell the dwellers of your village, the war we brought on, we failed.
wāà gèē lōá ā, gèē pà mìà lɛ̀ɛ̄ kélɛ̀ gèlè kō ló sīè kō mɔ̀.
wāà gèē ló -` -á gèē pà mīā -\ lɛ̀ɛ̄ kélɛ̀ gèlè kō ló ká sīè kō mɔ̀
3PL.PRF 3SG.NSBJ say 2SG.CONJ go -COND -COND TOP 3SG.NSBJ say 2SG.NSBJ at person.PL -CSTR ADR that war 1PL.PST go 3SG.NSBJ with TOP 3SG.PST spoil 1PL.NSBJ on
AUX pron v AUX v -mrph -mrph part pron v AUX pp n -mrph pp part n AUX v pron pp part AUX v pron pp
Lɛ̀ɛ́ gbā lī kō mɔ̀.  
We were wrong.
Lɛ̀ɛ́ gbā lī kō mɔ̀.
lɛ̀ɛ́ gbā lī kō mɔ̀
3SG.NEG NEG become.beautiful 1PL.NSBJ on
AUX part v pron pp
kòó ló kā séŋ́ kā zɛ̄ɛ̀.  
We will not kill you all."
kòó ló kā séŋ́ kā zɛ̄ɛ̀.
kòó ló kā séŋ́ kā zɛ̄ -ɛ̀
1PL.NEG go 2PL.NSBJ every 2PL.NSBJ kill -GER
AUX v pron det pron v -mrph
áà yɛ̀ ē zí áà lò  
He turned back and he left.
áà yɛ̀ zí áà lò
áà yɛ́ -\ zí áà ló -\
3SG.JNT break -JNT 3SG.REFL behind 3SG.JNT go -JNT
AUX v -mrph pron pp AUX v -mrph
yé ē kɛ̄ gbāā kílī nū gbāā wā ɓō ɓɛ̄, mīā dōódōó lɛ́ ō tó gbāā píé lɛ́ ō sí lūú ɓɛ̄ lɛ́ ō nū.  
When this was over, when they had turned back now, a few of these people who had stayed behind them, that fled in the bush, started to come back.
yé kɛ̄ gbāā kílī nū gbāā, wā ɓō ɓɛ̄, mīā dōódōó lɛ́ tó gbāā píé lɛ́ sí lūú ɓɛ̄ lɛ́ nū.
yé kɛ̄ gbāā kílī nū gbāā ɓō ɓɛ̄ mīā dōódōó lɛ́ tó gbāā píé lɛ́ sí lūú ɓɛ̄ lɛ́ nū
when 3SG.PST do now this.way come now 3PL.PST 3SG.NSBJ TOP.PROX person.PL some FOC 3PL.PST leave now 3SG.NSBJ at FOC 3PL.PST pick.up bush TOP.PROX FOC 3PL.PST come
part AUX v adv adv v adv AUX pron v part n det det AUX v adv pron pp det AUX v n part det AUX v
yé ō nū ā yēlɛ́ gèlè kùlá vɔ̀ ō gó zízàá ā wáà gèè é ɓɔ̄ kā mɔ̀.  
When they came, the warriors that came from there, they said: "It is happening to you.
yé nū yēlɛ́ gèlè kùlá vɔ̀ gó zízàá wáà gèè ɓɔ̄ kā mɔ̀.
yé nū yēlɛ́ gèlè kúlá -\ vɔ̀ gó zízàá wáà gèē -\ ɓɔ̄ kā mɔ̀
when 3PL.PST come TOP then war warrior -CSTR PL 3PL.PST leave behind TOP 3PL.JNT 3SG.NSBJ say -JNT 3SG.CONJ go.out 2PL.NSBJ on
part AUX v part part n n -mrph det AUX v adv part AUX pron v -mrph AUX v pron pp
gèlè lɛ́ ē kɛ̄ zèē ā kɔ̄āà gɔ̰̄ kà sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ yē gɛ̰̀.  
The war that was here, we fought, here is our village."
gèlè lɛ́ kɛ̄ zèē kɔ̄āà gɔ̰̄ kà sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ yē gɛ̰̀.
gèlè lɛ́ kɛ̄ zèē kɔ̄āà gɔ̰̄ kà sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ yē gɛ̰̀
n det AUX v adv part AUX v pron n det pron copula
yēlɛ́ ō míá ɓɛ̄ ō ō sɛ̀kɛ́ ɓō yēlɛ́ ō ō pá̰á̰ ɓō  
That is how they thanked these people, they were warned.
yēlɛ́ míá ɓɛ̄ sɛ̀kɛ́ ɓō yēlɛ́ pá̰á̰ ɓō
yēlɛ́ mīā -/ ɓɛ̄ sɛ̀kɛ́ ɓō yēlɛ́ pá̰á̰ ɓō
then 3PL.PST person.PL -FOC DEM.PROX 3PL.PST 3PL.NSBJ gratitude then 3PL.PST 3PL.PST warning
part AUX n -mrph det AUX pron n v part AUX AUX n v
kō nɔ́ɔ̄ nì séŋ́ kō wɛ̀lɛ̀ yēlɛ́ kō yà zéní sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ yí.  
We all got up, we sat again in this village.
kō nɔ́ɔ̄ nì séŋ́ kō wɛ̀lɛ̀ yēlɛ́ kō yà zéní sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ yí.
kō nɔ́ɔ̄ nì séŋ́ kō wɛ̀lɛ̀ yēlɛ́ kō yà zéní sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ yí
1PL.NSBJ enfant.PL PL every 1PL.PST get.up then 1PL.PST sit yet soil DEM.PROX in
pron n det det AUX v part AUX v adv n det pp
míá ō tó gbāā sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ yí ɓɛ̄ wáà gèè gbāā kő nàá  
The people who stayed in the village, they said, "Oh!
míá tó gbāā sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ yí ɓɛ̄ wáà gèè gbāā kő nàá
mīā -/ tó gbāā sɛ́lɛ́ ɓɛ̄ yí ɓɛ̄ wáà gèē -\ gbāā kő nàá
person.PL -FOC 3PL.PST leave now soil DEM.PROX in DEM.PROX 3PL.JNT 3SG.NSBJ say -JNT now *** meantime
n -mrph AUX v adv n det pp det AUX pron v -mrph adv *** part
yé nɛ́í vɔ̀ ō kō pà zèē lɛ́ ō līà lɛ̄ lɛ́ wà gɔ̰̄à̰ vɔ̀ ō nū gèlè ká kɛ̄ ó ō sí ó ló ō ká bāā fɔ̰́kɛ̄ nɛ́ŋ̀ vɔ̀ kó ō pà dɔ̄.  
Since the young girls who are in our village here, who are pretty, whose men come bringing war, that they take them, that they bring them now, we need to build their village."
yé nɛ́ŋ̀ vɔ̀ kō pà zèē lɛ́ līà lɛ̄ lɛ́ wà gɔ̰̄à̰ vɔ̀ nū gèlè ká kɛ̄ sí ló ká bāā fɔ̰́kɛ̄ nɛ́ŋ̀ vɔ̀ kó pà dɔ̄.
yé nɛ́ŋ̀ vɔ̀ kō pà zèē lɛ́ lī -à lɛ̄ lɛ́ wà gɔ̰̄à̰ vɔ̀ nū gèlè ká kɛ̄ sí ló ká bāā fɔ̰́kɛ̄ nɛ́ŋ̀ vɔ̀ kó pà dɔ̄
when puberty PL 3PL.EXI 1PL.NSBJ at here FOC 3PL.EXI become.beautiful -GER COP FOC 3PL.POSS man.PL PL 3PL.PST come war with for.the.sake.of 3PL.CONJ 3PL.NSBJ pick.up 3PL.CONJ go 3PL.NSBJ with now until puberty PL 1PL.CONJ 3PL.NSBJ at stop
part n det AUX pron pp adv det AUX v -mrph copula det pron n det AUX v n pp part AUX pron v AUX v pron pp adv part n det AUX pron pp v
wáà Dīē Mī Wèè kílíā kà̰, yē lɛ́ ò gèē nɛ́ŋ̀ pà kpɔ́à.  
They cross the brook The word that passes, it is over there that the trace of the village of the young girls is called.
wáà Dīē Mī Wèè kílíā kà̰, yē lɛ́ gèē nɛ́ŋ̀ pà kpɔ́à.
wáà dīē mī wéé -\ kílíā ká̰ -\ yē lɛ́ gèē -` nɛ́ŋ̀ pà kpɔ́à
3PL.JNT pass person speech -JNT DEM.REF cut -JNT 3SG.EMPH FOC 3PL.SBJV 3SG.NSBJ say -IPFV puberty at race
AUX v n n -mrph det v -mrph pron part AUX pron v -mrph n pp n
Kò ɓī lɛ́ kō ló yí ā temps lɛ́ kō kɛ̄ yílí ká̰ -pìà ká ?????  
It is us who were there when we cut the trees?
ká kpɔ́à lɛ̄ píé?  
There are traces of houses over there?
Maintenant wáà gèè gbāā kélɛ̀ yé nɛ́ŋ̀ vɔ̀ lɛ́ ò kɛ̀ gèlè áà nù kō pà zèē ā fɔ̰́kɛ̄ kó nɛ́ŋ̀ vɔ̀ ɓɔ̄ kō wì ā, kó ō pà dɔ̄ ɔ̄, nàá wà gɔ̰̄à̰ vɔ̀ ó nūá gbāāɓō ā wáà lò ō píé kpēŋ̄kpēŋ̄.  
Now they said since it is the young girls who make it so that war arrives in our village, the young girls must be isolated, their village will be built, this way when the boys come from now on, they will go directly at their place.
Maintenant wáà gèè gbāā kélɛ̀ yé nɛ́ŋ̀ vɔ̀ lɛ́ kɛ̀ gèlè áà nù kō pà zèē fɔ̰́kɛ̄ kó nɛ́ŋ̀ vɔ̀ ɓɔ̄ kō wì ā, kó pà dɔ̄ ɔ̄, nàá wà gɔ̰̄à̰ vɔ̀ nūá gbāāɓō wáà lò píé kpēŋ̄kpēŋ̄.
Maintenant wáà gèē -\ gbāā kélɛ̀ yé nɛ́ŋ̀ vɔ̀ lɛ́ kɛ̄ -` gèlè áà nū -\ kō pà zèē fɔ̰́kɛ̄ kó nɛ́ŋ̀ vɔ̀ ɓɔ̄ kō wì kó pà dɔ̄ nàá wà gɔ̰̄à̰ vɔ̀ nū -á gbāāɓō wáà ló -\ píé kpēŋ̄kpēŋ̄
*** 3PL.JNT 3SG.NSBJ say -JNT now that when puberty PL FOC 3PL.SBJV do -IPFV war 3SG.JNT come -JNT 1PL.NSBJ at here TOP until 1PL.CONJ puberty PL go.out 1PL.NSBJ under TOP 1PL.CONJ 3PL.NSBJ at stop TOP meantime 3PL.COORD man.PL PL 3PL.CONJ come -COND now TOP 3PL.JNT go -JNT 3PL.NSBJ to direcly
*** AUX pron v -mrph adv part part n det det AUX v -mrph n AUX v -mrph pron pp adv part part AUX n det v pron pp part AUX pron pp v part part pron n det AUX v -mrph adv part AUX v -mrph pron pp adv
yēlɛ́ ō Dīē Mī Yìì ká̰ gbāā yēlɛ́ ō nɛ́ŋ̀ pà yā dɔ̄.  
When they crossed the brook, they built the village of the young girls.
yēlɛ́ Dīē Mī Yìì ká̰ gbāā yēlɛ́ nɛ́ŋ̀ pà yā dɔ̄.
yēlɛ́ dīē mī yíí -\ ká̰ gbāā yēlɛ́ nɛ́ŋ̀ pà yā dɔ̄
then 3PL.PST pass person water -CSTR cut now TOP then 3PL.PST puberty at DEM.DIST stop
part AUX v n n -mrph v adv part part AUX n pp det v
nɛ́ŋ̀ pà tɛ́ à tɔ́ lɛ̄ zèē nɛ́ŋ̀ pà kpɔ́à yē wɔ́ yā.  
The village whose name is here, the trace of the village there it is.
nɛ́ŋ̀ pà tɛ́ tɔ́ lɛ̄ zèē nɛ́ŋ̀ pà kpɔ́à yē wɔ́ yā.
nɛ́ŋ̀ pà tɛ́ tɔ́ lɛ̄ zèē nɛ́ŋ̀ pà kpɔ́à yē wɔ́ yā
puberty at FOC 3SG.NSBJ name 3SG.EXI here puberty at trace 3SG.EMPH COP.DEICT TOP
n pp det pron n AUX adv n pp n pron copula part
gámá mìà wà lūú wɔ́ yā, wà tá̰à̰ wɔ́ yā yēlɛ́ lɛ̄ nɛ́ŋ̀ pà ká zèē ā.  
The dwellers of Gama, it is their forest, it is their land, it is what is here.
gámá mìà wà lūú wɔ́ yā, wà tá̰à̰ wɔ́ yā yēlɛ́ lɛ̄ nɛ́ŋ̀ pà ká zèē ā.
gámámìà mìà wà lūú wɔ́ yā wà tá̰à̰ wɔ́ yā yēlɛ́ lɛ̄ nɛ́ŋ̀ pà ká zèē
*** person.PL 3PL.POSS bush COP.DEICT TOP 3PL.POSS ground COP.DEICT TOP then 3SG.EXI puberty at with here TOP
*** n pron n copula part pron n copula part part AUX n pp pp adv part