KTB_YT_LECT_2017_QL-CH26-P3.EAF     karaoke karaoke2

hikkáan yí ké' teesúu osa'llée'u .  
Having said that, he laughed again.
hikkáan ké' teesúu osa'llée'u .
hikkáan y ké' tees ´-u -V́ osa'll -ée'u .
P_DEM2.M.ACC say -3M.PFV.CVB SEQ now -M.OBL -ADD laugh\MID -3M.PFV
PRO V -infl V N -infl -post V -infl
hikkáan yú teesó beezzée ma'nnéen osa'llú daggáa hoolamáta qaacilchaakkáta  
"This means, (consider it as if I had given you), in the place of stars, a lot of little bells that knew how to laugh ...
hikkáan teesó beezzée ma'nnéen osa'llú daggáa hoolamáta qaacilchaakkáta
hikkáan y ´-u tees -o´ beezz -ee´ ma'nn -éen osa'll dag -taa´ hoolam -áta qaacil -ch -aakk -áta
P_DEM2.M.ACC say -M.NOM now -M.GEN stars -F.GEN place -F.LOC laugh\MID -M.ACC know -3F.IPFV.REL many -F.ACC bell -SGV -PLV2 -F.ACC
PRO V -infl N -infl N -infl N -infl V -infl V -infl A -infl N -der -der -infl
aasseenkéhanníga wollísi .  
.. consider (lit. count) it as if I had given you (a lot of little bells ...)."
aasseenkéhanníga wollísi .
aass -eemmi´ -ke =hann -i´ =g woll -s ´-i .
give -1SG.PFV.REL -2SG.OBJ =NMZ2 -M.GEN =SIM -M.ACC number -CAUS1 -2SG.IMP
V -infl -post =clt -infl =clt -infl N -der -infl
hikkáan yí ké' teesúu osa'llée'u .  
Having said that, he laughed again.
hikkáan ké' teesúu osa'llée'u .
hikkáan y ké' tees ´-u -V́ osa'll -ée'u .
P_DEM2.M.ACC say -3M.PFV.CVB SEQ now -M.OBL -ADD laugh\MID -3M.PFV
PRO V -infl V N -infl -post V -infl
mexxénin ammóo osalús agúrr hittigúta yée'u .  
Then quickly he became serious (lit. stopped his laughter) and said as follows:
mexxénin ammóo osalús agúrr hittigúta yée'u .
mexx -n -n ammóo osal -s agur ´-§G hittig -úta y -ée'u .
single -MULT -EMP -EMP however laughter -F.ACC -3M.POSS stop -3M.PFV.CVB like_this -F.ACC say -3M.PFV
A -der -post -post DSC N -infl -post V -infl PRO -infl V -infl
kabaré ankarí waaltókkoont dág .  
"Tonight, you know, do not come!"
kabaré ankarí waaltókkoont dág .
kabar -e´ ankar waal -tókkoont dág .
today -M.GEN night -M.ACC come -2SG.APPR actually[?]
N -infl N -infl V -infl DSC
án aguráankeba'a .  
"I will not leave you," ...
án aguráankeba'a .
án agur -áamm -ke -ba'a .
1SG.NOM leave -1SG.IPFV -2SG.OBJ -NEG1
PRO V -infl -post -post
yéens .  
... I said to him.
yéens .
y -éemm -s .
say -1SG.PFV -3M.OBJ
V -infl -post
án muddamaammíhannígaat ihaammíi .  
"It will look (lit. be) as if I am suffering. ...
án muddamaammíhannígaat ihaammíi .
án mudd -am -aammi´ =hann -i´ =g -Vt ih -aammi´ -V .
1SG.NOM make_suffer -PASS -1SG.IPFV.REL =NMZ2 -M.GEN =SIM -M.ACC -COP3 become -1SG.IPFV.REL -EXCL
PRO V -der -infl =clt -infl =clt -infl -post V -infl -post
rehaammíhanníga íkk lallohéta dandáamm .  
... I might look as if I am dying. ...
rehaammíhanníga íkk lallohéta dandáamm .
reh -aammi´ =hann -i´ =g ih ´-§G lall -o´ta -<he> dand -áamm .
die -1SG.IPFV.REL =NMZ2 -M.GEN =SIM -M.ACC become -1SG.PFV.CVB be_seen -3M.PURP.SS -2SG.OBJ be_able -1SG.IPFV
V -infl =clt -infl =clt -infl V -infl V -infl -post V -infl
hittíguta .  
... It's like that. ...
hittíguta .
hittig ´-u ´_-ta .
like_this -F.PRED -F.COP2
PRO -infl -post
hikkáan xuudíi waaltókkoont .  
... Do not come to see that. ...
hikkáan xuudíi waaltókkoont .
hikkáan xuud -íi waal -tókkoont .
P_DEM2.M.ACC see -M.DAT come -2SG.APPR
PRO V -infl V -infl
má káa'lluntaat hikkáan hawwitaantíi ?  
... It is not worth the trouble (lit. what's the use to suffer (like) that?)."
káa'lluntaat hikkáan hawwitaantíi ?
m kaa'll ´-unta -Vt hikkáan haww -taanti´ -Vhu ?
what -M.ACC be_useful -3M.PURP.DS -COP3 P_DEM2.M.ACC suffer -2SG.IPFV.REL -NMZ1.M.NOM
PRO -infl V -infl -post PRO V -infl -post+infl
án aguráankeba'a .  
"I will not leave you," ...
án aguráankeba'a .
án agur -áamm -ke -ba'a .
1SG.NOM leave -1SG.IPFV -2SG.OBJ -NEG1
PRO V -infl -post -post
yéens .  
... I said to him.
yéens .
y -éemm -s .
say -1SG.PFV -3M.OBJ
V -infl -post
hikkanneeníi muddámmee íkke .  
He was very worried about that.
hikkanneeníi muddámmee íkke .
hikkann -éen -V́ mudd -am ´-§Gee íkke .
P_DEM2.M -M.LOC -ADD cause_distress -PASS -3M.PRF.REL PST
PRO -infl -post V -der -infl PART
wólu kulaankée ammóo  
"The other (reason) I tell you that (is) ...
wólu kulaankée ammóo
wol ´-u kul -aammi´ -ke -Vhu ammóo
other -M.NOM tell -1SG.IPFV.REL -2SG.OBJ -NMZ1.M.NOM however
A -infl V -infl -post -post+infl DSC
án waaltókkoont yáayyoommii worríichchu karókkoohe yíneebbe .  
... I am saying 'Don't come!' because the snake might bite (lit. sting) you. ...
án waaltókkoont yáayyoommii worríichchu karókkoohe yíneebbe .
án waal -tókkoont y -áyyoomm -Vhu worr -iichch ´-u kar -ókkoo -he y -n -Vt -be .
1SG.NOM come -2SG.APPR say -1SG.PROG -NMZ1.M.NOM snakes -SGV -M.NOM bite -3M.APPR -2SG.OBJ say -1SG.PFV.CVB -LNK -COP3 -PRAG1
PRO V -infl V -infl -post+infl N -der -infl V -infl -post V -infl -post -post -post
wórru abbíshsh híilaa qooccáncha .  
... Snakes are malicious creatures. ...
wórru abbíshsh híilaa qooccáncha .
worr ´-u abb -s ´-§P§G hiil ´-a ´_-a qoocc -anch ´-a .
snakes -M.NOM become_much -CAUS1 -3M.PFV.CVB dangerous -M.OBL -M.COP2 create -RLTN -M.PRED
N -infl V -der -infl A -infl -post V -der -infl
sá'mm yí naaciiháa yíbe karanóo .  
... It might simply bite you for fun."
sá'mm naaciiháa yíbe karanóo .
sá'mm y naac -íiha -V́ y -be kar -ano´ -Vhu .
do_simply say -3M.PFV.CVB joke -M.DAT -ADD say -3M.PFV.CVB -PRAG1 bite -3M.IPFV.REL -NMZ1.M.NOM
IDEO V -infl N -infl -post V -infl -post V -infl -post+infl
án aguráankeba'a .  
"I will not leave you," ...
án aguráankeba'a .
án agur -áamm -ke -ba'a .
1SG.NOM leave -1SG.IPFV -2SG.OBJ -NEG1
PRO V -infl -post -post
yéens .  
... I said to him.
yéens .
y -éemm -s .
say -1SG.PFV -3M.OBJ
V -infl -post
ammóo mátu sawwíttu wozanáantas wáall  
But a thought came to him ...
ammóo mátu sawwíttu wozanáantas wáall
ammóo mat ´-u sawwitt ´-u wozan -áan -ta -s waal ´-§G
however one -M.NOM thought -M.NOM heart -M.LOC -LNK -3M.POSS come -3M.PFV.CVB
DSC NUM -infl N -infl N -infl -post -post V -infl
hoolamá sáww yaanóbeechch fa'íshshos .  
... and saved him from more thinking.
hoolamá sáww yaanóbeechch fa'íshshos .
hoolam sáww y -ano´ =b -éechch fa' -s ´-§P§Go -s .
much -M.ACC think say -3M.IPFV.REL =PLC -M.ABL be_saved -CAUS1 -3M.PFV -3M.OBJ
A -infl IDEO V -infl =clt -infl V -der -infl -post
wórru matúrra mexxé karróochch  
"If snakes have bitten once, ...
wórru matúrra mexxé karróochch
worr ´-u mat =rr mexx kar -§Go´ -V́chch
snakes -M.NOM one -M.ACC =NMZ4 -M.ACC single -MULT bite -3M.PFV.REL -NMZ1.M.ABL
N -infl NUM -infl =clt -infl A -der V -infl -post+infl
lankíi karanó zábbu aléentas he'úmbua .  
... they do not have any more poision for a second bite."
lankíi karanó zábbu aléentas he'úmbua .
lam -k -íi kar -ano´ zabb ´-u al -éen -ta -s he' -umb ´-u ´_-a .
two -ORD -M.DAT bite -3M.IPFV.REL medicine -M.NOM top -M.LOC -LNK -3M.POSS live -3M.NEG5 -M.PRED -M.COP2
NUM -der -infl V -infl N -infl N -infl -post -post V -infl -infl -post
híkka ankarí  
That evening ...
híkka ankarí
híkka ankar
A_DEM2.M.ACC night -M.ACC
A N -infl
ís marancháa fulániyan xuudimbás íkke .  
... I did not see him setting out on (his) way.
ís marancháa fulániyan xuudimbás íkke .
ís mar -anch -áa ful -án -yan xuud -im´ -ba'a -s íkke .
3M.NOM go -RLTN -F.DAT go_out -3M.IPFV.CVB -DS look_at -1SG.NIPFV -NEG1 -3M.OBJ PST
PRO V -der -infl V -infl -post V -infl -post -post PART
mexxíta laagatáa maccooccisú'nnan áda ís orooqqí fájjee'u .  
(As I became aware afterwards) he went out without making any sound.
mexxíta laagatáa maccooccisú'nnan áda ís orooqqí fájjee'u .
mexx -íta laag -áta -V́ maccoocc -s -ú'nna -n áda ís orooqq fájjee'u .
single -F.ACC sound -F.ACC -ADD hear -CAUS1 -3M.NEG4 -EMP [awareness] 3M.NOM go_away -3M.PFV.CVB
A -infl N -infl -post V -der -infl -post DSC PRO V -infl
án isú hordóff iillaammída  
When I managed to catch up with him ...
án isú hordóff iillaammída
án isú hordof ´-§G iill -aammi´ =da
1SG.NOM 3M.ACC advance -1SG.PFV.CVB reach -1SG.IPFV.REL =COND
PRO PRO V -infl V -infl =clt
abbíshsh sarbamán murticcí maramáyyoo íkke .  
... he was walking along with a quick and resolute step.
abbíshsh sarbamán murticcí maramáyyoo íkke .
abb -s ´-§P§G sarb -am -án murticc mar -am -áyyoo íkke .
become_much -CAUS1 -3M.PFV.CVB hurry -PASS -3M.IPFV.CVB decide -3M.PFV.CVB go -PASS -3M.PROG.REL PST
V -der -infl V -der -infl V -infl V -der -infl PART
ísin ées xuujjóganka hittigúta yée'e .  
When he saw me he said as follows:
ísin ées xuujjóganka hittigúta yée'e .
ís -n ées xuud -§Go´ =g -áha -<n> hittig -úta y -ée'u -'e .
3M.NOM -EMP 1SG.ACC see -3M.PFV.REL =SIM -M.ACC -<EMP> like_this -F.ACC say -3M.PFV -1SG.OBJ
PRO -post PRO V -infl =clt -infl -post PRO -infl V -infl -post
"Oh! ...
wáalt ?  
... You are here (lit. you have come)?"
wáalt ?
waal ´-t ?
come -2SG.PFV.CVB
V -infl
hikkáan yí ké' angá' táff a'í maramánin  
Having said this, he took my hand and (continued) walking, ...
hikkáan ké' angá' táff a'í maramánin
hikkáan y ké' ang -' táff a' mar -am -án -n
P_DEM2.M.ACC say -3M.PFV.CVB SEQ hand -F.ACC -1SG.POSS take_hold do -3M.PFV.CVB go -PASS -3M.IPFV.CVB -EMP
PRO V -infl V N -infl -post IDEO V -infl V -der -infl -post
teesúu áazus muddamáyyoo íkke .  
... he was still worrying.
teesúu áazus muddamáyyoo íkke .
tees ´-u -V́ aaz ´-u -s mudd -am -áyyoo'u íkke .
now -M.OBL -ADD inside -M.NOM -3M.POSS cause_distress -PASS -3M.PROG PST
N -infl -post N -infl -post V -der -infl PART
waalíintakk abbíss lúusseent .  
"It was wrong of you to come. ...
waalíintakk abbíss lúusseent .
waal -íin -ta -kk abb -s ´-t luus ´-teent .
come -M.ICP -LNK -2SG.POSS become_much -CAUS1 -2SG.PFV.CVB be_mistaken_about -2SG.PRF
V -infl -post -post V -der -infl V infl
abbíss hawwitáant .  
... You will suffer. ...
abbíss hawwitáant .
abb -s ´-t haww -táant .
become_much -CAUS1 -2SG.PFV.CVB suffer -2SG.IPFV
V -der -infl V -infl
án rehaammíhanníga iháammia bagáan  
... I will look as if I am dying, even if ...
án rehaammíhanníga iháammia bagáan
án reh -aammi´ =hann -i´ =g ih -aammi´ ´_-a bagáan
PRO V -infl =clt -infl =clt -infl V -infl -post CONJ
án rehúmbua .  
... I won't die."
án rehúmbua .
án reh -umb ´-u ´_-a .
PRO V -infl -infl -post
án sá'mm yí agurróomm .  
I remained silent.
án sá'mm agurróomm .
án sá'mm y agur -§Góomm .
1SG.NOM fall_silent say -1SG.PFV.CVB leave -1SG.PFV
PRO IDEO V -infl AUX -infl
daggaantíganka báadu' abbíshsh qée'rraa .  
"As you know, my coutnry is very far away. ...
daggaantíganka báadu' abbíshsh qée'rraa .
dag -taanti´ =g -áha -<n> baad ´-u -' abb -s ´-§P§G qee'rr ´-a ´_-a .
know -2SG.IPFV.REL =SIM -M.ACC -<EMP> country -M.NOM -1SG.POSS become_much -CAUS1 -3M.PFV.CVB far -M.PRED -M.COP2
V -infl =clt -infl -post N -infl -post V -der -infl A -infl -post
ká alí' iyyí orooqqíi dandáamba'a .  
... I cannot carry this body with me. ...
alí' iyyí orooqqíi dandáamba'a .
al -' iyy orooqq -íi dand -áamm -ba'a .
A_DEM1.M.ACC body -M.ACC -1SG.POSS carry -3M.PFV.CVB go_away -M.DAT be_able -1SG.IPFV -NEG1
A N -infl -post V -infl V -infl V -infl -post
abbíshsh kee'mmáno'e .  
... It is too heavy for me."
abbíshsh kee'mmáno'e .
abb -s ´-§P§G kee'mm -áno -'e .
become_much -CAUS1 -3M.PFV.CVB become_heavy -3M.IPFV -1SG.OBJ
V -der -infl V -infl -post
án sá'mm yí agurróomm .  
I remained silent
án sá'mm agurróomm .
án sá'mm y agur -§Góomm .
1SG.NOM fall_silent say -1SG.PFV.CVB leave -1SG.PFV
PRO IDEO V -infl AUX -infl
teesó nubaaphphíyan uujjeemmá kobíga ihanó ká alí' uujjí oróoqqu  
"Me leaving behind this body of mine which is like an old abandoned shell (is) ...
teesó nubaaphphíyan uujjeemmá kobíga ihanó alí' uujjí oróoqqu
tees -o´ nubaaphph -yan uujj -eemma´ kob -i´ =g ih -ano´ al -' uujj orooqq ´-u
now -M.GEN become_old -3M.PFV.CVB -DS drop -3HON.PFV.REL shell -M.GEN =SIM -M.ACC become -3M.IPFV.REL A_DEM1.M.ACC body -M.ACC -1SG.POSS drop -1SG.PFV.CVB go_away -M.NOM
N -infl V -infl -post V -infl N -infl =clt -infl V -infl A N -infl -post V -infl V -infl
mexxurráa kichche'isanohéru yóoba'ia .  
... is nothing to be sad about."
mexxurráa kichche'isanohéru yóoba'ia .
mexx =rr -V́ kichche' -s -ano´ -he =r ´-u yóo -ba'i ´_-a .
single -M.ACC =NMZ4 -M.ACC -ADD become_sad -CAUS1 -3M.IPFV.REL -2SG.OBJ =NMZ4 -M.NOM COP1.3.REL -NEG1.REL -M.COP2
A -infl =clt -infl -post V -der -infl -post =clt -infl V+infl -post -post
án sá'mm yí agurróomm .  
I remained silent.
án sá'mm agurróomm .
án sá'mm y agur -§Góomm .
1SG.NOM fall_silent say -1SG.PFV.CVB leave -1SG.PFV
PRO IDEO V -infl AUX -infl
án xahaaqqú hoogíinta' qakkíchchu láahu aazéentas qahúnka tassáa múrree íkke .  
The Little Prince was a little discouraged by the fact that I didn't talk.
án xahaaqqú hoogíinta' qakkíchchu láahu aazéentas qahúnka tassáa múrree íkke .
án xahaaqq hoog -íin -ta -' qakkichch ´-u laah ´-u aaz -éen -ta -s qah -úha -<n> tass -áa mur ´-§Gee'u íkke .
1SG.NOM speak -M.ACC not_do -M.ICP -LNK -1SG.POSS small -M.NOM prince -M.NOM inside -M.LOC -LNK -3M.POSS small -M.ACC -<EMP> hope -M.ACC cut -3M.PRF PST
PRO V -infl V -infl -post -post A -infl N -infl N -infl -post -post A -infl -post N -infl V -infl PART
ikkodáa mexxé xahaaqqíi háshsh ké' hittigúta yée'e .  
But he tried to talk (to me) once more and said as follows:
ikkodáa mexxé xahaaqqíi háshsh ké' hittigúta yée'e .
ih -§Go´ =da -V́ mexx xahaaqq -íi has ´-§P§G ké' hittig -úta y -ée'u -'e .
become -3M.PFV.REL =COND -ADD single -MULT speak -M.DAT want -3M.PFV.CVB SEQ like_this -F.ACC say -3M.PFV -1SG.OBJ
V -infl =clt -post A -der V -infl V -infl V PRO -infl V -infl -post
kárag kúun abbíshsh danáamua xáha dág .  
"Look, it will in fact be very nice. ...
kárag kúun abbíshsh danáamua xáha dág .
kárag kúun abb -s ´-§P§G dan -aam ´-u ´_-a xah ´-a dág .
PRES_V_DEM1 P_DEM1.M.NOM become_much -CAUS1 -3M.PFV.CVB goodness -PROP -M.PRED -M.COP2 thing -M.PRED actually[?]
INTJ PRO V -der -infl N -der -infl -post N -infl DSC
anisíi beezzéeta xuudáamm .  
... I, too, will look at the stars. ...
anisíi beezzéeta xuudáamm .
án -s -V́ beezz -éeta xuud -áamm .
1SG.NOM -DEF -ADD stars -F.ACC see -1SG.IPFV
PRO -post -post N -infl V -infl
hítt hórant beezzéet esáa teesó nubaaphphitóo púulit yóo bu'lleechchúta aguddáa'e .  
... All these stars will seem like a well with an old pulley for me. ...
hítt hórant beezzéet esáa teesó nubaaphphitóo púulit yóo bu'lleechchúta aguddáa'e .
hítt hor ´-at -<n> beezz -éet esáa tees -o´ nubaaphph -too´ puul ´-it yóo bu'll -eechch -úta agud -táa'u -'e .
A_DEM2.F.NOM all -F.NOM -<EMP> stars -F.NOM 1SG.DAT now -M.GEN become_old -3F.PFV.REL pulley[ENG] -F.NOM COP1.3.REL springs -SGV -F.ACC seem -3F.IPFV -1SG.OBJ
A A -infl -post N -infl PRO N -infl V -infl N -infl V+infl N -der -infl V -infl -post
hítt hórant beezzéet esáa  
... All these stars (will produce) for me ...
hítt hórant beezzéet esáa
hítt hor ´-at -<n> beezz -éet esáa
A_DEM2.F.NOM all -F.NOM -<EMP> stars -F.NOM 1SG.DAT
A A -infl -post N -infl PRO
muccurú agaammí wo'á buqissáa'e .  
... (all these stars) will pour out clear drinking water (for me)."
muccurú agaammí wo'á buqissáa'e .
muccur ag -aammi´ wo' buq -s -táa'u -'e .
clean -M.ACC drink -1SG.IPFV.REL water -M.ACC spring -CAUS1 -3F.IPFV -1SG.OBJ
A -infl V -infl N -infl V -der -infl -post
án sá'mm yí agurróomm .  
I remained silent.
án sá'mm agurróomm .
án sá'mm y agur -§Góomm .
1SG.NOM fall_silent say -1SG.PFV.CVB leave -1SG.PFV
PRO IDEO V -infl AUX -infl
hikkúun abbíshsh maalalsiisánoa xáhabay ?  
"That will be so funny. ...
hikkúun abbíshsh maalalsiisánoa xáhabay ?
hikkúun abb -s ´-§P§G maalal -siis -ano´ ´_-a xah ´-a -bay ?
P_DEM1.M.NOM become_much -CAUS1 -3M.PFV.CVB become_surprised -CAUS2 -3M.IPFV.REL -M.COP2 thing -M.PRED -PRAG4
PRO V -der -infl V -der -infl -post N -infl -post
kesáa ónte xibbé milooní qakkichcháannut qaacilcháakkat he'áahe .  
... You will ahve five hundred million little bells. ...
kesáa ónte xibbé milooní qakkichcháannut qaacilcháakkat he'áahe .
kesáa ont ´-e xibb -e´ miloon -i´ qakkichch -aan -n ´-ut qaacil -ch -aakk ´-at he' -táa'u -he .
2SG.DAT five -F.OBL hundred -F.GEN million -M.GEN small -AG -PLV3 -F.NOM bell -SGV -PLV2 -F.NOM exist -3F.IPFV -2SG.OBJ
PRO NUM -infl N -infl N -infl A -der -der -infl N -der -der -infl V -infl -post
esáa ammóo  
... And I (will have) ...
esáa ammóo
esáa ammóo
1SG.DAT however
ónte xibbé milooní  
... five hundred million ...
ónte xibbé milooní
ont ´-e xibb -e´ miloon -i´
five -F.OBL hundred -F.GEN million -M.GEN
NUM -infl N -infl N -infl
muccurú wo'á buqissáa bu'lléet he'áa'e .  
... I will have (five hundred million) wells that pour out clear water."
muccurú wo'á buqissáa bu'lléet he'áa'e .
muccur wo' buq -s -taa´ bu'll -éet he' -táa'u -'e .
clean -M.ACC water -M.ACC spring -CAUS1 -3F.IPFV.REL springs -F.NOM exist -3F.IPFV -1SG.OBJ
A -infl N -infl V -der -infl N -infl V -infl -post
hikkanníichch zakkíin qakkíchchu láahuhuu o'óon aaggótannée  
After that the Little Prince (couldn't say anything (any more), because he started to cry ...
hikkanníichch zakkíin qakkíchchu láahuhuu o'óon aaggótannée
hikkann -íichch zakk -íin qakkichch ´-u laah ´-uhu -V o' -óon aag -§Go´ =tann -ée
P_DEM2.M -M.ABL after -M.ICP small -M.NOM prince -M.NOM -ADD cry -M.LOC enter -3M.PFV.REL =NMZ2 -F.DAT
PRO -infl N -infl A -infl N -infl -post V -infl V -infl =clt -infl
mexxurráa xahaaqqóta dandimbá'a .  
... he couldn't say anything (any more).
mexxurráa xahaaqqóta dandimbá'a .
mexx =rr -V́ xahaaqq -o´ta dand -im´ -ba'a .
single -M.ACC =NMZ4 -M.ACC -ADD speak -3M.PURP.SS be_able -3M.NIPFV -NEG1
A -infl =clt -infl -post V -infl V -infl -post
kú'nnibay !  
"Here it is!/You see! ...
kú'nnibay !
kú'nn -bay !
PRED -post
téesu méxxi'nnin maramáamm .  
... I will now go on my own (i.e. let me go alone)."
téesu méxxi'nnin maramáamm .
tees ´-u méxxin -<'> -n mar -am -áamm .
now -M.OBL alone -1SG.POSS -EMP go -PASS -1SG.IPFV
N -infl ADV -post -post V -der -infl
ísin waajjéetannée hikkánnen afuu'llí ké'  
Because he was afraid, he said down (and) ...
ísin waajjéetannée hikkánnen afuu'llí ké'
ís -n waajj -ée =tann -ée hikkann ´-e -n afuu'll ké'
3M.NOM -EMP become_afraid -3M.PRF.REL =NMZ2 -F.DAT P_DEM2.M -M.OBL -EMP sit_down\MID -3M.PFV.CVB SEQ
PRO -post V -infl =clt -infl PRO -infl -post V+der -infl V
hittigúta yée'u .  
... he said as follows:
hittigúta yée'u .
hittig -úta y -ée'u .
like_this -F.ACC say -3M.PFV
PRO -infl V -infl
kárag íi fiitichchóo wólu ánnu áyi yóosela ?  
"Look, does my flower have anybody that is responsible for her? ...
kárag íi fiitichchóo wólu ánnu áyi yóosela ?
kárag ii´ fiit -ichch -óo wol ´-u ann ´-u ay ´-i yóo -se -la ?
PRES_V_DEM1 1SG.GEN flower -SGV -F.DAT other -M.NOM owner -M.NOM who -M.NOM COP1.3.REL -3F.OBJ -MIT
INTJ PRO N -der -infl A -infl N -infl PRO -infl V+infl -post -post
áneentmat !  
... It is me! ...
áneentmat !
án -Vt -<n> -mat !
PRO -post -post -post
íse abbíss hoogímata .  
... She is very weak. ...
íse abbíss hoogímata .
íse abb -s ´-t hoogim ´-a ´_-ta .
3F.NOM become_much -CAUS1 -3F.PFV.CVB weak -F.PRED -F.COP2
PRO V -der -infl A -infl -post
ánshata .  
... She is naïve. ...
ánshata .
ansh ´-a ´_-ta .
even_tempered[?] -F.PRED -F.COP2
A -infl -post
yoosée shóolon utíchchu .  
... She has four thorns. ...
yoosée shóolon utíchchu .
yoo´ -se -Vhu shool ´-o -n ut -ichch ´-u .
COP1.3.REL -3F.OBJ -NMZ1.M.NOM four -M.OBL -EMP thorn -SGV -M.PRED
V -post -post+infl NUM -infl -post N -der -infl
ísinsin diiníichch kamoséta mexxurráa dandúmbua .  
... And these are of no use at all to protect herself against enemies."
ísinsin diiníichch kamoséta mexxurráa dandúmbua .
ís -n -s -n diin -íichch kam -o´ta -<se> mexx =rr -V́ dand -umb ´-u ´_-a .
3M.NOM -EMP -DEF -EMP enemy -M.ABL protect -3M.PURP.SS -<3F.OBL> single -M.ACC =NMZ4 -M.ACC -ADD be_able -3M.NEG5 -M.PRED -M.COP2
PRO -post -post -post N -infl V -infl -post A -infl =clt -infl -post V -infl -infl -post
anisíi hikkanníichch zakkíin uurríi dandú hooggoommítannée  
Because I, too, was not able to stand up (any longer), ...
anisíi hikkanníichch zakkíin uurríi dandú hooggoommítannée
án -s -V́ hikkann -íichch zakk -íin uurr -íi dand hoog -§Goommi´ =tann -ée
1SG.NOM -DEF -ADD P_DEM2.M -M.ABL after -M.ICP stand -M.DAT be_able -M.ACC not_do -1SG.PFV.REL =NMZ2 -F.DAT
PRO -post -post PRO -infl N -infl V -infl V -infl V -infl =clt -infl
afuu'lléemm .  
... I sat down.
afuu'lléemm .
afuu'll -éemm .
sit_down\MID -1SG.PFV
V+der -infl
hikkú'nn kánnin qáxabala !  
"Voilà, that's all (i.e. it is finished)."
hikkú'nn kánnin qáxabala !
hikkú'nn kánn -n qax ´-a -bala !
PRED A -post N -infl -post
qahúnka kídd yí egerróhanníichch etaríin afuu'lléebeechch xóqq yí ké' matíta lokkáta qaaffodáa  
When he, after he had hesitated a little, got up from where he was sitting and took one step, ...
qahúnka kídd egerróhanníichch etaríin afuu'lléebeechch xóqq ké' matíta lokkáta qaaffodáa
qah -úha -<n> kídd y eger -§Go´ =hann -íichch etar -íin afuu'll -ée =b -éechch xóqq y ké' mat -íta lokk -áta qaaf -§Go´ =da -V́
small -M.ACC -<EMP> hesitate say -3M.PFV.CVB stay -3M.PFV.REL =NMZ2 -M.ABL after -M.ICP sit_down\MID -3M.PRF.REL =PLC -M.ABL rise say -3M.PFV.CVB SEQ one -F.ACC foot -F.ACC step_across -3M.PFV.REL =COND -ADD
A -infl -post IDEO V -infl AUX -infl =clt -infl N -infl V+der -infl =clt -infl IDEO V -infl V NUM -infl N -infl V -infl =clt -post
ánis lenqeeqqíi dandimbá'a .  
... I could not move.
ánis lenqeeqqíi dandimbá'a .
áni -s lenqeeqq -íi dand -im´ -ba'a .
1SG.NOM -DEF move -M.DAT be_able -1SG.NIPFV -NEG1
PRO -post V -infl V -infl -post
qakkíchcho laahí moqontáan mátu worqagúdurru  
Something golden (suddenly flashed up) at the Little Prince's ankle ...
qakkíchcho laahí moqontáan mátu worqagúdurru
qakkichch ´-o laah -i´ moqont -áan mat ´-u worq -agud ´-u =rr ´-u
small -M.OBL prince -M.GEN ankle -M.LOC one -M.NOM gold[AMH] -resemble -M.NOM =NMZ4 -M.NOM
A -infl N -infl N -infl NUM -infl N -V -infl =clt -infl
mexxénin caakkí agúrro .  
... (something golden) suddenly flashed up (at the Little Prince's ankle).
mexxénin caakkí agúrro .
mexx -n -n caakk agur ´-§Go .
single -MULT -EMP -EMP become_light -3M.PFV.CVB leave -3M.PFV
A -der -post -post V -infl AUX -infl
mexxurráa lenqeeqqú'nna qakkichchúnka qaxá egérro .  
He remained motionless for an instant.
mexxurráa lenqeeqqú'nna qakkichchúnka qaxá egérro .
mexx =rr -V́ lenqeeqq -ú'nna qakkichch -úha -<n> qax eger ´-§Go .
single -M.ACC =NMZ4 -M.ACC -ADD move -3M.NEG4 small -M.ACC -<EMP> extent -M.ACC stay -3M.PFV
A -infl =clt -infl -post V -infl A -infl -post N -infl AUX -infl
o'imbá'a .  
He did not cry out.
o'imbá'a .
o' -im´ -ba'a .
cry -3M.NIPFV -NEG1
V -infl -post
teesó haqqá ubanoríiga lácc yí márr úulla úbbo .  
He fell slowly to the ground as a tree falls.
teesó haqqá ubanoríiga lácc márr úulla úbbo .
tees -o´ haqq ub -ano´ =r -ii´ =g lácc y mar ´-§G uull ´-a ub ´-§Go .
now -M.GEN tree -M.ACC fall -3M.IPFV.REL =NMZ4 -M.GEN =SIM -M.ACC do_slowly say -3M.PFV.CVB go -3M.PFV.CVB ground -F.OBL fall -3M.PFV
N -infl N -infl V -infl =clt -infl =clt -infl IDEO V -infl V -infl N -infl V -infl
úbbeesii ammóo shaafí aléen ikkótannée  
As he fell into the sand ...
úbbeesii ammóo shaafí aléen ikkótannée
ub ´-§Gee -s -Vhu ammóo shaaf -i´ al -éen ih -§Go´ =tann -ée
fall -3M.PRF.REL -DEF -NMZ1.M.NOM however sand -M.GEN top -M.LOC become -3M.PFV.REL =NMZ2 -F.DAT
V -infl -post -post+infl DSC N -infl N -infl V -infl =clt -infl
dúbb yaanóruu maccooccamimba'a .  
... he did not make a falling sound.
dúbb yaanóruu maccooccamimba'a .
dúbb y -ano´ =r ´-u -V maccoocc -am -im´ -ba'a .
sound_of_heavy_thing_falling say -3M.IPFV.REL =NMZ4 -M.NOM -ADD hear -PASS -3M.NIPFV -NEG1
IDEO V -infl =clt -infl -post V -der -infl -post