KTB_YT_LECT_2017_QL-CH26-P2.EAF     karaoke karaoke2

ís garínta abbíshsh waajjeedáa qahúnka osa'llée'u .  
He was truly afraid, but he laughed a bit.
ís garínta abbíshsh waajjeedáa qahúnka osa'llée'u .
ís gar -íta -<n> abb -s ´-§P§G waajj -ee´ =da -V́ qah -úha -<n> osa'll -ée'u .
3M.NOM truth -F.ACC -<EMP> become_much -CAUS1 -3M.PFV.CVB become_afraid -3M.PFV.REL =COND -ADD small -M.ACC -<EMP> laugh\MID -3M.PFV
PRO N -infl -post V -der -infl V -infl =clt -post A -infl -post V -infl
kabaré hawwarrúta  
"This evening ...
kabaré hawwarrúta
kabar -e´ hawwarr -úta
today -M.GEN evening -F.ACC
N -infl N -infl
kanníichch abbá waajjáamm .  
... I will be (even) more afraid," ...
kanníichch abbá waajjáamm .
kann -íichch abb waajj -áamm .
P_DEM1.M -M.ABL much -M.ACC become_afraid -1SG.IPFV
PRO -infl A -infl V -infl
yée'u .  
he said.
yée'u .
y -ée'u .
say -3M.PFV
V -infl
hítta jáata  
In this moment, ...
hítta jáata
hítta j -áata
A_DEM2.F.ACC time -F.ACC
A N -infl
má assínii kamíi dandúmbu xáhu  
... something I could do nothing against ...
assínii kamíi dandúmbu xáhu
m ass -nii kam -íi dand -umb ´-u xah ´-u
what -M.ACC do -1SG.PFV.CVB -ADD do_irrevocably -M.DAT be_able -1SG.NEG5 -M.NOM thing -M.NOM
PRO -infl V -infl -post AUX -infl V -infl -infl N -infl
... because (something I could do nothing against) happened to me,
iill -ee´ -'e =tann -ée
arrive -3M.PFV.REL -1SG.OBJ =NMZ2 -F.DAT
V -infl -post =clt -infl
aazí' ábbu kichchéchchu wíimm agúrro .  
... I was terribly sad (lit. great sadness filled my interior).
aazí' ábbu kichchéchchu wíimm agúrro .
aaz -' abb ´-u kichchechch ´-u wiim ´-§G agur ´-§Go .
inside -M.ACC -1SG.POSS much -M.NOM sadness -M.NOM be_filled -3M.PFV.CVB leave -3M.PFV
N -infl -post A -infl N -infl V -infl AUX -infl
qakkíchcho laahí osalúta lankíi maccooccíi dandumbúu íhus gágunkus  
Not being able to hear the Little Prince's laugther again ...
qakkíchcho laahí osalúta lankíi maccooccíi dandumbúu íhus gágunkus
qakkichch ´-o laah -i´ osal -úta lam -k -íi maccoocc -íi dand -umb -Vha ih ´-u -s gag ´-uhu -<n> -s
small -M.OBL prince -M.GEN laughter -F.ACC two -ORD -M.DAT hear -M.DAT be_able -1SG.NEG5 -M.ACC -NMZ1.M.ACC become -M.NOM -DEF self -M.NOM -<EMP> -DEF
A -infl N -infl N -infl NUM -der -infl V -infl V -infl -infl -post+infl V -infl -post N -infl -post -post
abbíshsh kee'mmí agúrro'e .  
... weighed on me a lot.
abbíshsh kee'mmí agúrro'e .
abb -s ´-§P§G kee'mm agur ´-§Go -'e .
become_much -CAUS1 -3M.PFV.CVB become_heavy -3M.PFV.CVB leave -3M.PFV -1SG.OBJ
V -der -infl V -infl AUX -infl -post
isí osálut esáa teesó uullá udumí aléen yóo muccúro bu'lléechchoagga íkke .  
His laughter was for me like a spring of clear water in the desert.
isí osálut esáa teesó uullá udumí aléen yóo muccúro bu'lléechchoagga íkke .
isi´ osal ´-ut esáa tees -o´ uull -a´ udum -i´ al -éen yóo muccur ´-o bu'll -eechch -o´ ´_-a =gg ´-a íkke .
3M.GEN laughter -F.NOM 1SG.DAT now -M.GEN earth -F.GEN desert -M.GEN top -M.LOC COP1.3.REL clean -F.OBL springs -SGV -F.GEN -M.COP2 =SIM -M.PRED PST
PRO N -infl PRO N -infl N -infl N -infl N -infl V+infl A -infl N -der -infl -post =clt -infl PART
qakkíchcho máncho  
"Little man, ...
qakkíchcho máncho
qakkichch ´-o manch -o
small -M.VOC person\SGV -M.VOC
A -infl N+der -infl
háy osa'llitániyan teesúu maccooccóta hasáamm .  
... please, I want to hear you laugh again," ...
háy osa'llitániyan teesúu maccooccóta hasáamm .
háy osa'll -tán -yan tees ´-u -V́ maccoocc -o´ta has -áamm .
please laugh\MID -2SG.IPFV.CVB -DS now -M.OBL -ADD hear -1SG.PURP.SS want -1SG.IPFV
INTJ V -infl -post N -infl -post V -infl V -infl
yéemm .  
... I said.
yéemm .
y -éemm .
say -1SG.PFV
V -infl
ísin ammóo hittigúta yée'e .  
He said as follows:
ísin ammóo hittigúta yée'e .
ís -n ammóo hittig -úta y -ée'u -'e .
3M.NOM -EMP however like_this -F.ACC say -3M.PFV -1SG.OBJ
PRO -post DSC PRO -infl V -infl -post
kabár woggeechchú' ikkótannée  
"Because it is (exactly) one year today (lit. because it is my (exact) year today)...
kabár woggeechchú' ikkótannée
kabár wogg -eechch -' ih -§Go´ =tann -ée
today\M.OBL year -SGV -M.ACC -1SG.POSS become -3M.PFV.REL =NMZ2 -F.DAT
N+infl N -der -infl -post V -infl =clt -infl
íi beezzéechchut kabaré woggáa uulláta dirreemmí ma'nnichchó alúudiin xuudantáa'u .  
... my star is seen exactly above the place where I came down to the earth a year ago."
íi beezzéechchut kabaré woggáa uulláta dirreemmí ma'nnichchó alúudiin xuudantáa'u .
ii´ beezz -eechch ´-ut kabar -e´ wogg -áa uull -áta dirr -eemmi´ ma'nn -ichch -o´ aluud -íin xuud -am -táa'u .
1SG.GEN stars -SGV -F.NOM today -M.GEN year -M.ACC earth -F.ACC descend -1SG.PFV.REL place -SGV -F.GEN above -M.ICP see -PASS -3F.IPFV
PRO N -der -infl N -infl N -infl N -infl V -infl N -der -infl N+N -infl V -der -infl
qakkíchcho máncho  
"Little man, ...
qakkíchcho máncho
qakkichch ´-o manch -o
small -M.VOC person\SGV -M.VOC
A -infl N+der -infl
kúun haqéetaa yíbbe kúle'e !  
... tell me that this is only a (bad) dream (lit. saying 'this is a dream', tell me)!" ...
kúun haqéetaa yíbbe kúle'e !
kúun haq -ée ´-taa y ´-t -be kul ´-i -'e !
P_DEM1.M.NOM dream -F.PRED -F.COP2 say -2SG.PFV.CVB -PRAG1 tell -2SG.IMP -1SG.OBJ
PRO N -infl -post V -infl -post V -infl -post
yéens .  
... I said to him.
yéens .
y -éemm -s .
say -1SG.PFV -3M.OBJ
V -infl -post
kú worriichchíin haasaawwitoontí xáhu  
"This affair of you talking to the snake, ...
worriichchíin haasaawwitoontí xáhu
worr -iichch -íin haasaaww -toonti´ xah ´-u
A_DEM1.M.NOM snakes -SGV -M.ICP speak -2SG.PFV.REL thing -M.NOM
A N -der -infl V -infl N -infl
daqqammáamm yaqqanteentá má'nnit  
... the place where you agreed to meet (lit. the place (of) which you said to each other 'we will meet'), ...
daqqammáamm yaqqanteentá má'nnit
dag -' -am -náamm y -aqq -am -teenta´ ma'nn ´-it
find -MID -PASS -1PL.IPFV say -MID -PASS -2PL.PFV.REL place -F.NOM
V -der -der -infl V -der -der -infl N -infl
hittigúnta ammóo tánn beezzeechchó xáhunku  
... and this affair of the star, ...
hittigúnta ammóo tánn beezzeechchó xáhunku
hittig -úta -<n> ammóo tánn beezz -eechch -o´ xah ´-uhu -<n>
like_this -F.ACC -<EMP> however A_DEM1.F.OBL stars -SGV -F.GEN thing -M.NOM -<EMP>
PRO -infl -post DSC A N -der -infl N -infl -post
gáritaba'a yíbbe kúle'e !  
... tell me that it is not true!"
gáritaba'a yíbbe kúle'e !
gar ´-i ´_-ta -ba'a y ´-t -be kul ´-i -'e !
truth -F.PRED -F.COP2 -NEG1 say -2SG.PFV.CVB -PRAG1 tell -2SG.IMP -1SG.OBJ
N -infl -post -post V -infl -post V -infl -post
ís án uuccaqqeensíra agúrr ké' hittigúta yée'e .  
But he ignored (lit. left) my plea and said as follows:
ís án uuccaqqeensíra agúrr ké' hittigúta yée'e .
ís án uucc -aqq -eemmi´ -s =r agur ´-§G ké' hittig -úta y -ée'u -'e .
3M.NOM 1SG.NOM beg -MID -1SG.PFV.REL -3M.OBJ =NMZ4 -M.ACC leave -3M.PFV.CVB SEQ like_this -F.ACC say -3M.PFV -1SG.OBJ
PRO PRO V -der -infl -post =clt -infl V -infl V PRO -infl V -infl -post
illéen xuudeenúmbua xáha dág manníi kaa'llanóo .  
"What is important to people are things that the eye cannot see," ...
illéen xuudeenúmbua xáha dág manníi kaa'llanóo .
ill -éen xuud -eenumb ´-u ´_-a xah ´-a dág mann -íi kaa'll -ano´ -Vhu .
seed -F.ICP see -3HON.NEG5 -M.PRED -M.COP2 thing -M.PRED actually[?] people -M.DAT be_useful -3M.IPFV.REL -NMZ1.M.NOM
N -infl V -infl -infl -post N -infl DSC N -infl V -infl -post+infl
yée'u .  
... he said.
yée'u .
y -ée'u .
say -3M.PFV
V -infl
ā́ā gárita .  
"Yes, I know."
ā́ā gárita .
ā́ā gar ´-i ´_-ta .
yes truth -F.PRED -F.COP2
INTJ N -infl -post
teesó fiitíchchoaggankabe .  
"It is just like the flower. ...
teesó fiitíchchoaggankabe .
tees -o´ fiit -ichch -o´ ´_-a =gg ´-a -<n> -be .
now -M.GEN flower -SGV -F.GEN -M.COP2 =SIM -M.PRED -<EMP> -PRAG1
N -infl N -der -infl -post =clt -infl -post -post
beezzeechchó aléen yóo matíta fiitichchúta iittitaantíi ikkóochch  
... If you love a flower that lives on a star, ...
beezzeechchó aléen yóo matíta fiitichchúta iittitaantíi ikkóochch
beezz -eechch -o´ al -éen yóo mat -íta fiit -ichch -úta iitt -taanti´ -Vha ih -§Go´ -V́chch
stars -SGV -F.GEN top -M.LOC COP1.3.REL one -F.ACC flower -SGV -F.ACC love -2SG.IPFV.REL -NMZ1.M.ACC become -3M.PFV.REL -NMZ1.M.ABL
N -der -infl N -infl V+infl NUM -infl N -der -infl V -infl -post+infl V -infl -post+infl
ankarí samáa xúudu kées abbíshsh bajigisánohe .  
... it makes you happy to look at the stars in the night. ...
ankarí samáa xúudu kées abbíshsh bajigisánohe .
ankar sam -áa xuud ´-u kées abb -s ´-§P§G bajig -s -áno -he .
night -M.ACC sky -M.ACC look_at -M.NOM 2SG.ACC become_much -CAUS1 -3M.PFV.CVB become_happy -CAUS1 -3M.IPFV -2SG.OBJ
N -infl N -infl V -infl PRO V -der -infl V -der -infl -post
hítt hórant samáan yóo beezzéet fiittáahanníga assít xuuddáantissa .  
... All the stars in the sky seem to be abloom for you (lit. you see all those stars in the sky, doing as if they are blooming)."
hítt hórant samáan yóo beezzéet fiittáahanníga assít xuuddáantissa .
hítt hor ´-at -<n> sam -áan yóo beezz -éet fiit -taa´ =hann -i´ =g ass ´-t xuud -táant -ssa .
A_DEM2.F.NOM all -F.NOM -<EMP> sky -M.LOC COP1.3.REL stars -F.NOM bloom -3F.IPFV.REL =NMZ2 -M.GEN =SIM -M.ACC do -2SG.PFV.CVB see -2SG.IPFV -3PL.OBJ
A A -infl -post N -infl V+infl N -infl V -infl =clt -infl =clt -infl V -infl V -infl -post
ā́ā gárita .  
"Yes, I know."
ā́ā gárita .
ā́ā gar ´-i ´_-ta .
yes truth -F.PRED -F.COP2
INTJ N -infl -post
teesó wó'iaggankabe .  
"It is like the water. ...
teesó wó'iaggankabe .
tees -o´ wo' -i´ ´_-a =gg ´-a -<n> -be .
now -M.GEN water -M.GEN -M.COP2 =SIM -M.PRED -<EMP> -PRAG1
N -infl N -infl -post =clt -infl -post -post
híkka án águnta aattoonte'é wo'á  
... (Because you pulled it out of the hole with a rope, using a pulley) the water that you gave me to drink ...
híkka án águnta aattoonte'é wo'á
híkka án ag ´-unta aat -toonti´ -'e wo'
A_DEM2.M.ACC 1SG.NOM drink -1SG.PURP.DS give -2SG.PFV.REL -1SG.OBJ water -M.ACC
A PRO V -infl V -infl -post N -infl
puulíta ta'mmít  
... (you) using the pulley ...
puulíta ta'mmít
puul -íta tam -' ´-t
pulley[ENG] -F.ACC make_use_of -MID -2SG.PFV.CVB
N -infl V -der -infl
wodarchíin eléechch mídd fushshíteentii ikkótannée  
... because you pulled (the water that you gave me to drink) up from the hole with a rope (, using a pulley), ...
wodarchíin eléechch mídd fushshíteentii ikkótannée
wodar -ch -íin el -éechch mid ´-t ful -s ´-teenti -Vha ih -§Go´ =tann -ée
rope -SGV -M.ICP hole -M.ABL pull -2SG.PFV.CVB go_up -CAUS1 -2SG.PRF.REL -NMZ1.M.ACC become -3M.PFV.REL =NMZ2 -F.DAT
N -der -infl N -infl V -infl V -der -infl -post+infl V -infl =clt -infl
híkku wó'u esáa diráanchaagga .  
... this water is like a eulogy for you. ...
híkku wó'u esáa diráanchaagga .
híkku wo' ´-u esáa diraanch ´-a ´_-a =gg ´-a .
A_DEM2.M.NOM water -M.NOM 1SG.DAT eulogy -F.PRED -M.COP2 =SIM -M.PRED
A N -infl PRO N -infl -post =clt -infl
hikkúun habanká danáamuando átin qaaggáant .  
... You remember how good it was.
hikkúun habanká danáamuando átin qaaggáant .
hikkúun habank dan -aam ´-u ´_-a -ndo át -n qaag -táant .
P_DEM1.M.NOM how_much -M.ACC goodness -PROP -M.PRED -M.COP2 -Q 2SG.NOM -EMP remember -2SG.IPFV
PRO A -infl N -der -infl -post -post PRO -post V -infl
ā́ābay ?  
... Don't you?"
ā́ābay ?
ā́ā -bay ?
yes -PRAG4
INTJ -post
ā́ā qaagáamm .  
"Yes, I remember."
ā́ā qaagáamm .
ā́ā qaag -áamm .
yes remember -1SG.IPFV
INTJ V -infl
hittigúnta ammóo ankarí beezzéeta samáa láqq xuuddáant .  
"And at night you will look up at the stars. ...
hittigúnta ammóo ankarí beezzéeta samáa láqq xuuddáant .
hittig -úta -<n> ammóo ankar beezz -éeta sam -áa laq ´-t xuud -táant .
like_this -F.ACC -<EMP> however night -M.ACC stars -F.ACC sky -M.ACC move_towards -2SG.PFV.CVB see -2SG.IPFV
PRO -infl -post DSC N -infl N -infl N -infl V -infl V -infl
án he'aammíbeechchóon hórunkurru abbíshsh qakkichchú ikkótannée  
... Because everything is tiny where I live, ...
án he'aammíbeechchóon hórunkurru abbíshsh qakkichchú ikkótannée
án he' -aammi´ =b -eechch -óon hor ´-uhu -<n> =rr ´-u abb -s ´-§P§G qakkichch ih -§Go´ =tann -ée
1SG.NOM live -1SG.IPFV.REL =PLC -SGV -M.LOC all -M.NOM -<EMP> =NMZ4 -M.NOM become_much -CAUS1 -3M.PFV.CVB small -M.ACC become -3M.PFV.REL =NMZ2 -F.DAT
PRO V -infl =clt -der -infl A -infl -post =clt -infl V -der -infl A -infl V -infl =clt -infl
íi beezzéechchut hakkánne dagantáando kulisohéta dandáamba'a .  
... I cannot show (lit. make tell) you where (lit. at which) my stars is found.
íi beezzéechchut hakkánne dagantáando kulisohéta dandáamba'a .
ii´ beezz -eechch ´-ut hakkann ´-e dag -am -taa´ -ndo kul -s -o´ta -<he> dand -áamm -ba'a .
1SG.GEN stars -SGV -F.NOM which -M.OBL find -PASS -3F.IPFV.REL -Q tell -CAUS1 -1SG.PURP.SS -2SG.OBJ be_able -1SG.IPFV -NEG1
PRO N -der -infl PRO -infl V -der -infl -post V -der -infl -post V -infl -post
káan íhus danáamua .  
... It's good like that. ...
káan íhus danáamua .
káan ih ´-u -s dan -aam ´-u ´_-a .
P_DEM1.M.ACC become -M.NOM -DEF goodness -PROP -M.PRED -M.COP2
PRO V -infl -post N -der -infl -post
hittánn samáan xuuddaantí beezzéechch matís  
One of the stars that you see in the sky ...
hittánn samáan xuuddaantí beezzéechch matís
hittánn sam -áan xuud -taanti´ beezz -éechch mat -s
A_DEM2.F.OBL sky -M.LOC see -2SG.IPFV.REL stars -F.ABL one -F.ACC -DEF
A N -infl V -infl N -infl NUM -infl -post
íitaa beezzéechchu yít ké' aaqqitáant .  
... you will consider (one of the stars that you see in the sky) as your star (lit. saying '(it) is my star' you will take it). ...
íitaa beezzéechchu yít ké' aaqqitáant .
ii´ ´-taa beezz -eechch ´-u y ´-t ké' aaqq -táant .
1SG.GEN -F.COP2 stars -SGV -F.PRED say -2SG.PFV.CVB SEQ take -2SG.IPFV
PRO -post N -der -infl V -infl V V -infl
hikkannítannée samáan yóo beezzéeta horánta xuudú  
... So (you will love very much) to look at all the stars in the sky ...
hikkannítannée samáan yóo beezzéeta horánta xuudú
hikkann -i´ =tann -ée sam -áan yóo beezz -éeta hor -áta -<n> xuud
P_DEM2.M -M.GEN =NMZ2 -F.DAT sky -M.LOC COP1.3.REL stars -F.ACC all -F.ACC -<EMP> look_at -M.ACC
PRO -infl =clt -infl N -infl V+infl N -infl A -infl -post V -infl
át abbíss iittitáant .  
... you will love very much.
át abbíss iittitáant .
át abb -s ´-t iitt -táant .
2SG.NOM become_much -CAUS1 -3F.PFV.CVB love -2SG.IPFV
PRO V -der -infl V -infl
beezzéent jaallákk ikkáahe .  
... The stars will be your friends.
beezzéent jaallákk ikkáahe .
beezz -éet -<n> jaal -C -kk ih -táa'u -he .
stars -F.NOM -<EMP> friend -PLV1 -F.ACC -2SG.POSS become -3F.IPFV -2SG.OBJ
N -infl -post N -der -infl -post V -infl -post
hikkannéenin bargí án ammóo matíta irrifúta aassohétaat .  
... And on top of that, I am going to make you a present."
hikkannéenin bargí án ammóo matíta irrifúta aassohétaat .
hikkann -éen -n barg án ammóo mat -íta irrif -úta aass -o´ta -<he> -Vt .
P_DEM2.M -M.LOC -EMP add -1SG.PFV.CVB 1SG.NOM however one -F.ACC gift -F.ACC give -1SG.PURP.SS -2SG.OBJ -COP3
PRO -infl -post V -infl PRO DSC NUM -infl N -infl V -infl -post -post
hikkáan yí ké' teesúu osa'llée'u .  
After having said this, he laughed again.
hikkáan ké' teesúu osa'llée'u .
hikkáan y ké' tees ´-u -V́ osa'll -ée'u .
P_DEM2.M.ACC say -3M.PFV.CVB SEQ now -M.OBL -ADD laugh\MID -3M.PFV
PRO V -infl V N -infl -post V -infl
háy qakkíchcho láaha  
"Please, Little Prince, ...
háy qakkíchcho láaha
háy qakkichch ´-o laah ´-a
please small -M.VOC prince -M.VOC
INTJ A -infl N infl
abbíshsh iittaanké qakkíchcho láaha  
... my dearly loved Little Prince, ...
abbíshsh iittaanké qakkíchcho láaha
abb -s ´-§P§G iitt -aammi´ -ke qakkichch ´-o laah ´-a
become_much -CAUS1 -1SG.PFV.CVB love -1SG.IPFV.REL -2SG.OBJ small -M.VOC prince -M.VOC
V -der -infl V -infl -post A -infl N infl
osa'llitániyan maccooccú habankándo iittaammíga !  
... how much I love to hear you laugh!"
osa'llitániyan maccooccú habankándo iittaammíga !
osa'll -tán -yan maccoocc habank -ndo iitt -aammi´ =g !
laugh\MID -2SG.IPFV.CVB -DS hear -M.ACC how_much -M.ACC -Q love -1SG.IPFV.REL =SIM -M.ACC
V -infl -post V -infl A -infl -post V -infl =clt -infl
íi irrífut hittánneent  
"That is my present. ...
íi irrífut hittánneent
ii´ irrif ´-ut hittánn -Vt -<n>
PRO N -infl A -post -post
... Just that (lit. just her).
íse -Vt -<n>
PRO -post -post
wo'á xaaccín angoommí jeechchóganka iháno .  
... I will be like when we drank the water together."
wo'á xaaccín angoommí jeechchóganka iháno .
wo' xaaz -' ´-n ag -noommi´ j -eechch -o´ =g -áha -<n> ih -áno .
water -M.ACC gather -MID -1PL.PFV.CVB drink -1SG.PFV.REL time -SGV -F.GEN =SIM -M.ACC -<EMP> become -3M.IPFV
N -infl V -der -infl V -infl N -der -infl =clt -infl -post V -infl
má yíi hásseella ?  
"What do you want to say?" (i.e. What do you mean?)
yíi hásseella ?
m y -íi has ´-t -Vt -la ?
what -M.ACC say -M.DAT want -2SG.PFV.CVB -COP3 -MIT
PRO -infl V -infl V -infl -post -post
qakkíchchu láahunku fanqashshí hittigúta yée'u .  
The Little Prince answered as follows:
qakkíchchu láahunku fanqashshí hittigúta yée'u .
qakkichch ´-u laah ´-uhu -<n> fanqal -s hittig -úta y -ée'u .
small -M.NOM prince -M.NOM -<EMP> return -CAUS1 -3M.PFV.CVB like_this -F.ACC say -3M.PFV
A -infl N -infl -post V -der -infl PRO -infl V -infl
hórunku mánnu beezzéeta xuudanóo ikkodáa  
"Even though all people look at the stars, ...
hórunku mánnu beezzéeta xuudanóo ikkodáa
hor ´-uhu -<n> mann ´-u beezz -éeta xuud -ano´ -Vha ih -§Go´ =da -V́
all -M.NOM -<EMP> people -M.NOM stars -F.ACC look_at -3M.IPFV.REL -NMZ1.M.ACC become -3M.PFV.REL =COND -ADD
A -infl -post N -infl N -infl V -infl -post+infl V -infl =clt -post
ánnunku ánnunku aazéentas beezzéetannée sáww yaanó xáhu annánnaa .  
... what each of them thinks about the stars is different. ...
ánnunku ánnunku aazéentas beezzéetannée sáww yaanó xáhu annánnaa .
ann ´-uhu -<n> ann ´-uhu -<n> aaz -éen -ta -s beezz -ee´ =tann -ée sáww y -ano´ xah ´-u annann ´-a ´_-a .
each -M.NOM -<EMP> each -M.NOM -<EMP> inside -M.LOC -LNK -3M.POSS stars -F.GEN =NMZ2 -F.DAT think say -3M.IPFV.REL thing -M.NOM different -M.PRED -M.COP2
A -infl -post A -infl -post N -infl -post -post N -infl =clt -infl IDEO V -infl N -infl A -infl -post
woqqáa marantáa keeníi  
... For the pople who travel, ...
woqqáa marantáa keeníi
woqq -áa mar -am -taa´ keen -íi
road -M.PRED go -PASS -3F.IPFV.REL people -M.DAT
N -infl V -der -infl N -infl
beezzéet woqqáa malakkáahaarra .  
... the stars are travel guides (lit. are ones that show the road). ...
beezzéet woqqáa malakkáahaarra .
beezz -éet woqq -áa malah -taa´ ´-haa =rr ´-a .
stars -F.NOM road -M.PRED show -3F.IPFV.REL -M.COP2 =NMZ4 -M.PRED
N -infl N -infl V -infl -post =clt -infl
mámmatiro'óohans ammóo sá'mm yít samáan lallanó  
... For some others, (they are) simply (little lights that) shine in the sky ...
mámmatiro'óohans ammóo sá'mm yít samáan lallanó
mát- matiro' -óoha -n -s ammóo sá'mm y ´-t sam -áan lall -ano´
RED- one\ASSOC -F.DAT -LNK -DEF however do_simply say -3F.PFV.CVB sky -M.LOC be_seen -3M.IPFV.REL
NUM- NUM+der -infl -post -post DSC IDEO V -infl N -infl V -infl
qakkíchchu cáakku yóossaarra .  
... they are (simply) little lights (lit. ones that have little lights). ...
qakkíchchu cáakku yóossaarra .
qakkichch ´-u caakk ´-u yóo -ssa ´_-a =rr ´-a .
small -M.NOM light -M.NOM COP1.3.REL -3PL.OBJ -M.COP2 =NMZ4 -M.PRED
A -infl N -infl V+infl -post -post =clt -infl
mámmáto dagaanniiháa serekketaanniiháa ammóo  
For some knowledgeable people and scientists, ...
mámmáto dagaanniiháa serekketaanniiháa ammóo
mát- mat ´-o dag -aan -n -íiha -V́ serekket -aan -n -íiha -V́ ammóo
RED- one -M.OBL know -AG -PLV3 -M.DAT -ADD do_research -AG -PLV3 -M.DAT -ADD however
NUM- NUM -infl V -der -der -infl -post V -der -der -infl -post DSC
beezzéet serekketantáahaarra .  
... the stars are objects of study. ...
beezzéet serekketantáahaarra .
beezz -éet serekket -am -taa´ ´-haa =rr ´-a .
stars -F.NOM do_research -PASS -3F.IPFV.REL -M.COP2 =NMZ4 -M.PRED
N -infl V -der -infl -post =clt -infl
híkka íi zazzalaanchíi ammóo dúubua .  
... For that businessman of mine, (they) are wealth.
híkka íi zazzalaanchíi ammóo dúubua .
híkka ii´ zazzal -aan -ch -íi ammóo duub ´-u ´_-a .
A_DEM2.M.ACC 1SG.GEN trade -AG -SGV -M.DAT however wealth -M.PRED -M.COP2
A PRO V -der -der -infl DSC N -infl -post
ikkodáa hítt hórant beezzéet sá'mm yít agúrteehaarra .  
... But all these stars are silent. ...
ikkodáa hítt hórant beezzéet sá'mm yít agúrteehaarra .
ih -§Go´ =da -V́ hítt hor ´-at -<n> beezz -éet sá'mm y ´-t agur ´-tee ´_-haa =rr ´-a .
become -3M.PFV.REL =COND -ADD A_DEM2.F.NOM all -F.NOM -<EMP> stars -F.NOM fall_silent say -3F.PFV.CVB leave -3F.PRF.REL -M.COP2 =NMZ4 -M.PRED
V -infl =clt -post A A -infl -post N -infl IDEO V -infl AUX -infl -post =clt -infl
áteet xálla  
... You only ...
áteet xálla
át -Vt xall ´-a
2SG.NOM -COP3 only -M.PRED
PRO -post A -infl
mexxíchchuankakk kanníichch zakkíin beezzéeta annánnaagiin xuudíi danditaantíi .  
... you alone can see the stars in a different way from now on."
mexxíchchuankakk kanníichch zakkíin beezzéeta annánnaagiin xuudíi danditaantíi .
mexx -ichch ´-u -<n> -kk kann -íichch zakk -íin beezz -éeta annann ´-aa =g -íin xuud -íi dand -taanti´ -Vhu .
single -SGV -M.PRED -<EMP> -2SG.POSS P_DEM1.M -M.ABL after -M.ICP stars -F.ACC different -M.OBL =SIM -M.ICP see -M.DAT be_able -2SG.IPFV.REL -NMZ1.M.NOM
A -der -infl -post -post PRO -infl N -infl N -infl A -infl =clt -infl V -infl V -infl -post+infl
má yíi hásseella ?  
"What do you want to say?"
yíi hásseella ?
m y -íi has ´-t -Vt -la ?
what -M.ACC say -M.DAT want -2SG.PFV.CVB -COP3 -MIT
PRO -infl V -infl V -infl -post -post
án he'aammíi beezzéechch matéentaseet .  
"I will be living on one of the stars. ...
án he'aammíi beezzéechch matéentaseet .
án he' -aammi´ -Vhu beezz -éechch mat -éen -ta -se -Vt .
1SG.NOM live -1SG.IPFV.REL -NMZ1.M.NOM stars -F.ABL one -F.LOC -LNK -DEF -COP3
PRO V -infl -post+infl N -infl NUM -infl -post -post -post
án máte beezzeechchó aléen he'án osa'lláamm .  
... I will live and laugh on one of the stars. ...
án máte beezzeechchó aléen he'án osa'lláamm .
án mat ´-e beezz -eechch -o´ al -éen he' -án osa'll -áamm .
1SG.NOM one -F.OBL stars -SGV -F.GEN top -M.LOC live -1SG.IPFV.CVB laugh\MID -1SG.IPFV
PRO NUM -infl N -der -infl N -infl V -infl V -infl
hikkanníi át ankarí ankarí samáa láqq beezzéeta xuuddaantí jáata horánta  
... So when you look at the stars in the sky at night ...
hikkanníi át ankarí ankarí samáa láqq beezzéeta xuuddaantí jáata horánta
hikkann -íi át ankar ankar sam -áa laq ´-t beezz -éeta xuud -taanti´ j -áata hor -áta -<n>
P_DEM2.M -M.DAT 2SG.NOM night -M.ACC night -M.ACC sky -M.ACC move_towards -2SG.PFV.CVB stars -F.ACC look_at -2SG.IPFV.REL time -F.ACC all -F.ACC -<EMP>
PRO -infl PRO N -infl N -infl N -infl V -infl N -infl V -infl N -infl A -infl -post
beezzéet osa'llitáahanníga assít ké' xuuddáant .  
... it will seem to you as if the stars were laughing. ...
beezzéet osa'llitáahanníga assít ké' xuuddáant .
beezz -éet osa'll -taa´ =hann -i´ =g ass ´-t ké' xuud -táant .
stars -F.NOM laugh\MID -3F.IPFV.REL =NMZ2 -M.GEN =SIM -M.ACC do -2SG.PFV.CVB SEQ see -2SG.IPFV
N -infl V -infl =clt -infl =clt -infl V -infl V V -infl
hikkannítannée osa'llú danditáa beezzéet yoohée  
... So the (only) one who has stars that can laugh
hikkannítannée osa'llú danditáa beezzéet yoohée
hikkann -i´ =tann -ée osa'll dand -taa´ beezz -éet yóo -he -Vhu
P_DEM2.M -M.GEN =NMZ2 -F.DAT laugh\MID -M.ACC be_able -3F.IPFV.REL stars -F.NOM COP1.3.REL -2SG.OBJ -NMZ1.M.NOM
PRO -infl =clt -infl V -infl V -infl N -infl V+infl -post -post+infl
kesáahaat xálla .  
... is you only."
kesáahaat xálla .
kesáaha -Vt xall ´-a .
2SG.DAT -COP3 only -M.PRED
PRO -post A -infl
hikkáan yí ké' teesúu osa'llée'u .  
Having said this, he laughed again.
hikkáan ké' teesúu osa'llée'u .
hikkáan y ké' tees ´-u -V́ osa'll -ée'u .
P_DEM2.M.ACC say -3M.PFV.CVB SEQ now -M.OBL -ADD laugh\MID -3M.PFV
PRO V -infl V N -infl -post V -infl
át kichchechchákk dirriiccít sabi'rritoontí jáata  
"When you sorrow is comforted - ...
át kichchechchákk dirriiccít sabi'rritoontí jáata
át kichchechch -kk dirr -iis -' ´-t sabi'rr -toonti´ j -áata
2SG.NOM sadness -M.ACC -2SG.POSS descend -CAUS1 -MID -2SG.PFV.CVB be_comforted\MID -2SG.PFV.REL time -F.ACC
PRO N -infl -post V -der -der -infl V+der -infl N -infl
jeechchóon higúmbu kichchéchchu yóoba'iankabay ?  
... time soothes all sorrows (lit. there isn't sorrow that does not pass with time) - ...
jeechchóon higúmbu kichchéchchu yóoba'iankabay ?
j -eechch -óon hig -umb ´-u kichchechch ´-u yoo´ -ba'í ´_-a -<n> -bay ?
time -SGV -F.LOC pass -3M.NEG5 -M.NOM sadness -M.NOM COP1.3.REL -NEG1.REL -M.COP2 -<EMP> -PRAG4
N -der -infl V -infl -infl N -infl V -post+infl -post -post -post
hítta jáata  
... at this time ...
hítta jáata
hítta j -áata
A_DEM2.F.ACC time -F.ACC
A N -infl
esáan dagaqqamíintakk abbíss bajiggáant .  
... you will be happy that you have known me. ...
esáan dagaqqamíintakk abbíss bajiggáant .
esáan dag -aqq -am -íin -ta -kk abb -s ´-t bajig -táant .
1SG.ICP find -MID -PASS -M.ICP -LNK -2SG.POSS become_much -CAUS1 -3F.PFV.CVB become_happy -2SG.IPFV
PRO V -der -der -infl -post -post V -der -infl V -infl
jaalá' ikkoontíga he'áant .  
... You will always be my friend. ...
jaalá' ikkoontíga he'áant .
jaal -' ih -toonti´ =g he' -táant .
friend -M.ACC -1SG.POSS become -2SG.PFV.REL =SIM -M.ACC exist -2SG.IPFV
N -infl -post V -infl =clt -infl V -infl
esáanin bargánt osa'llú hassáant .  
... You will want to laugh with me. ...
esáanin bargánt osa'llú hassáant .
esáan -n barg -am ´-t osa'll has -táant .
1SG.ICP -EMP add -PASS -2SG.PFV.CVB laugh\MID -M.ACC want -2SG.IPFV
PRO -post V -der -infl V -infl V -infl
hítta bajigúta daqqitótanne yít  
... In order for you to find this pleasure ...
hítta bajigúta daqqitótanne yít
hítta bajig -úta dag -' -tótanne y ´-t
A N -infl V -der -infl V -infl
maskootákk fánt samáa xuuddán osa'llitaantí jáata  
... when you will open your window, look at the sky and laugh, ...
maskootákk fánt samáa xuuddán osa'llitaantí jáata
maskoot -kk fan ´-t sam -áa xuud -tán osa'll -taanti´ j -áata
window[AMH] -M.ACC -2SG.POSS open -2SG.PFV.CVB sky -M.ACC look_at -2SG.IPFV.CVB laugh\MID -2SG.IPFV.REL time -F.ACC
N -infl -post V -infl N -infl V -infl V -infl N -infl
kíi jáallat maalaltán kéesin fanqashshít osa'llitáahe .  
... your friends will be astonished and they will laugh about you (lit. they will laugh back; returning you, they will laugh).
kíi jáallat maalaltán kéesin fanqashshít osa'llitáahe .
kii´ jaal -C ´-at maalal -tán kées -n fanqal -s ´-t osa'll -táa'u -he .
2SG.GEN friend -PLV1 -F.NOM become_surprised -3F.IPFV.CVB 2SG.ACC -EMP return -CAUS1 -3F.PFV.CVB laugh\MID -3F.IPFV -2SG.OBJ
PRO N -der -infl V -infl PRO -post V -der -infl V -infl -post
átin ammóo  
... And you (will say) ...
átin ammóo
át -n ammóo
2SG.NOM -EMP however
PRO -post DSC
ā́ā beezzéeta xuudaammí jáata  
... "Yes, when I look at the stars, ...
ā́ā beezzéeta xuudaammí jáata
ā́ā beezz -éeta xuud -aammi´ j -áata
yes stars -F.ACC look_at -1SG.IPFV.REL time -F.ACC
INTJ N -infl V -infl N -infl
osalsiissáa'e yitán ké' ku'llitáant .  
... they make me laugh," you will tell (them). ...
osalsiissáa'e yitán ké' ku'llitáant .
osalsiis -táa'u -'e y -tán ké' kul -' -táant .
laugh\CAUS2 -3F.IPFV -1SG.OBJ say -2SG.IPFV.CVB SEQ tell -MID -2SG.IPFV
V+der -infl -post V -infl V V -der -infl
... They (will think about you) ...
isso'óot -<n>
PRO -post
kúun machcháarreendo yitáahe .  
... "Has this one become crazy?" they will think (i.e. say) about you.
kúun machcháarreendo yitáahe .
kúun machchaar ´-§Gee'u -ndo y -táa'u -he .
P_DEM1.M.NOM become_crazy -3M.PRF -Q say -3F.IPFV -2SG.OBJ
PRO V -infl -post V -infl -post
án kées hítt a'íneet alaphphaankée .  
... It is like this that I will play (a trick) on you."
án kées hítt a'íneet alaphphaankée .
án kées hítt a' -n -Vt alaphph -aammi´ -ke -Vhu .
PRO PRO IDEO V -infl -post -post V+der -infl -post -post+infl