KTB_YT_LECT_2017_QL-CH26-P1.EAF     karaoke karaoke2

foolooccatí laméena lehú  
Chapter 26
foolooccatí laméena lehú
foolooccat lamée -na leh
chapter -M.ACC twenty -CRD six -M.ACC
N -infl NUM -post NUM -infl
bu'lleechchó shiináan  
Beside the well ...
bu'lleechchó shiináan
bu'll -eechch -o´ shiin -áan
springs -SGV -F.GEN side -M.LOC
N -der -infl N -infl
nubaaphphí zirrámmee miníichch fá'ee kiníin makkítee híilut yóo íkke .  
... there was a wall made from the stones left over from a ruin.
nubaaphphí zirrámmee miníichch fá'ee kiníin makkítee híilut yóo íkke .
nubaaphph zirr -am ´-§Gee min -íichch fa' ´-ee kin -íin makk ´-tee híil ´-ut yóo íkke .
become_old -3M.PFV.CVB tear_down -PASS -3M.PRF.REL house -M.ABL remain -3M.PRF.REL stone -M.ICP be_made -3F.PRF.REL area_whre_roof_and_wall_meet -F.NOM COP1.3 PST
V -infl V -der -infl N -infl V -infl N -infl V -infl N -infl V+infl PART
ga'aasí hawwarróga  
On the next evening ...
ga'aasí hawwarróga
ga' -aa´ -s hawwarr -o´ =g
next_day -F.GEN -DEF evening -F.GEN =SIM -M.ACC
N -infl -post N -infl =clt -infl
án hují' xóoff ké' fanqáll isíba waalloommí jeechchúta  
... when I had finished my work and returned to him ...
án hují' xóoff ké' fanqáll isíba waalloommí jeechchúta
án huj -' xoof ´-§G ké' fanqal ´-§G isi´ =b waal -§Goommi´ j -eechch -úta
1SG.NOM work -F.ACC -1SG.POSS finish -1SG.PFV.CVB SEQ return -1SG.PFV.CVB 3M.GEN =PLC -M.ACC come -1SG.PFV.REL time -SGV -F.ACC
PRO N -infl -post V -infl V V -infl PRO =clt -infl V -infl N -der -infl
íi qakkichchú laahá hittánn hiilosí aléen afuu'llí  
... (I saw from far that) the Little Prince was sitting on that wall ...
íi qakkichchú laahá hittánn hiilosí aléen afuu'llí
ii´ qakkichch laah hittánn hiil -o´ -s al -éen afuu'll
1SG.GEN small -M.ACC prince -M.ACC A_DEM2.F.OBL area_whre_roof_and_wall_meet -F.GEN -DEF top -M.LOC sit_down\MID -3M.PFV.CVB
PRO A -infl N -infl A N -infl -post N -infl V+der -infl
lokkás lenqeeqqisániyan qée'rran asi'mméens .  
... I saw from far (that the Little Prince sitting on that wall,) his feet dangling.
lokkás lenqeeqqisániyan qée'rran asi'mméens .
lokk -s lenqeeqq -s -án -yan qee'rr ´-a -n asi'mm -éemm -s .
foot -F.ACC -3M.POSS move -CAUS1 -3M.IPFV.CVB -DS far -M.OBL -EMP see -1SG.PFV -3M.OBJ
N -infl -post V -der -infl -post A -infl -post V -infl -post
ísin hittigúta yáaniyan maccooccéens .  
I heard him saying as follows:
ísin hittigúta yáaniyan maccooccéens .
ís -n hittig -úta y -án -yan maccoocc -éemm -s .
3M.NOM -EMP like_this -F.ACC say -1SG.IPFV.CVB -DS hear -1SG.PFV -3M.OBJ
PRO -post PRO -infl V -infl -post V -infl -post
híkkada át qaaggúmbua .  
"Then you don't remember. ...
híkkada át qaaggúmbua .
híkka =da át qaag -tumb ´-u ´_-a .
A =clt PRO V -infl -infl -post
tíin hittánn má'nniba'a  
... This is not the exact spot (lit. this is not that place). ...
tíin hittánn má'nniba'a
tíin hittánn ma'nn ´-i -ba'a
PRO A N -infl -post
áyindo híkka yéerii  
Somebody (must have given an answer) to what he had said ...
áyindo híkka yéerii
ay ´-i -ndo híkka y -ee´ =r -íi
who -F.NOM -Q A_DEM2.M.ACC say -3M.PFV.REL =NMZ4 -M.DAT
PRO -infl -post A V -infl =clt -infl
fanqashshúta aassées agújjee'e .  
... (somebody) must have given an answer (lit. (someone) gave an answer it seemed to me).
fanqashshúta aassées agújjee'e .
fanqashsh -úta aass -ée'u -s agud ´-§Gee'u -'e .
answer -F.ACC give -3M.PFV -3M.OBJ seem -3M.PRF -1SG.OBJ
N -infl V -infl -post V -infl -post
ísin hittigúta yée'u .  
He said as follows:
ísin hittigúta yée'u .
ís -n hittig -úta y -ée'u .
3M.NOM -EMP like_this -F.ACC say -3M.PFV
PRO -post PRO -infl V -infl
ā́ā ā́ā .  
"Yes, yes. ...
ā́ā ā́ā .
ā́ā ā́ā .
yes yes
kúun yaqqammóommianka bári .  
... This is the day we agreed on (lit. the day we said to each other). ...
kúun yaqqammóommianka bári .
kúun y -aqq -noommi´ ´_-a -<n> bar ´-i .
PRO V -der -infl -post -post N -infl
ikkodáa tíin má'nnitansiba'a .  
... But this is not the (right) spot."
ikkodáa tíin má'nnitansiba'a .
ih -§Go´ =da -V́ tíin ma'nn ´-i ´_-ta -n -s -ba'a .
become -3M.PFV.REL =COND -ADD P_DEM1.F.NOM place -F.PRED -F.COP2 -LNK -DEF -NEG1
V -infl =clt -post PRO N -infl -post -post -post -post
hiilosíba maramán hínc yeemmidáa mexxurráa xuudimbá'a .  
When walking closer towards the wall, I did not see anything.
hiilosíba maramán hínc yeemmidáa mexxurráa xuudimbá'a .
hiil -o´ -s =b mar -am -án hínc y -eemmi´ =da -V́ mexx =rr -V́ xuud -im´ -ba'a .
area_whre_roof_and_wall_meet -F.GEN -DEF =PLC -M.ACC go -PASS -1SG.IPFV.CVB become_close say -1SG.PFV.REL =COND -ADD single -M.ACC =NMZ4 -M.ACC -ADD see -1SG.NIPFV -NEG1
N -infl -post =clt -infl V -der -infl IDEO V -infl =clt -post A -infl =clt -infl -post V -infl -post
maccooccimbá'inii .  
I neither heard (anything).
maccooccimbá'inii .
maccoocc -im´ -ba'i -nii .
hear -1SG.NIPFV -NEG1 -ADD
V -infl -post -post
ikkodáa qakkíchchu láahu hittigúta yí ké' fanqashshée'u .  
But the Little Prince replied as follows:
ikkodáa qakkíchchu láahu hittigúta ké' fanqashshée'u .
ih -§Go´ =da -V́ qakkichch ´-u laah ´-u hittig -úta y ké' fanqal -s -ée'u .
become -3M.PFV.REL =COND -ADD small -M.NOM prince -M.NOM like_this -F.ACC say -3M.PFV.CVB SEQ return -CAUS1 -3M.PFV
V -infl =clt -post A -infl N -infl PRO -infl V -infl V V -der -infl
áddea xáha .  
"Exactly. ...
áddea xáha .
add -e´ ´_-a xah ´-a .
truth -F.GEN -M.COP2 thing -M.PRED
N -infl -post N -infl
híkka shaafí aazéen íi kottíta xuuddáant .  
... You will see my tracks in the sand. ...
híkka shaafí aazéen íi kottíta xuuddáant .
híkka shaaf -i´ aaz -éen ii´ kott -íta xuud -táant .
A_DEM2.M.ACC sand -M.GEN inside -M.LOC 1SG.GEN track -F.ACC see -2SG.IPFV
A N -infl N -infl PRO N -infl V -infl
át wólu attaantíru méxxurruu yóoba'a .  
... There is nothing else for you to do. ...
át wólu attaantíru méxxurruu yóoba'a .
át wol ´-u a' -taanti´ =r ´-u mexx ´-u =rr ´-u -V yóo -ba'a .
2SG.NOM other -M.NOM do -2SG.IPFV.REL =NMZ4 -M.NOM single -M.NOM =NMZ4 -M.NOM -ADD COP1.3 -NEG1
PRO A -infl V -infl =clt -infl A -infl =clt -infl -post V+infl -post
sá'mm yít hikká'en qorábe'e .  
... Just wait for me over there. ...
sá'mm yít hikká'en qorábe'e .
sá'mm y ´-t hikka' ´-e -n qorab ´-i -'e .
do_simply say -2SG.PFV.CVB P_DEM4.M -M.OBL -EMP wait -2SG.IMP -1SG.OBJ
IDEO V -infl PRO -infl -post V -infl -post
kabaré ankarí hikkabá waaláamm .  
... I will come there tonight."
kabaré ankarí hikkabá waaláamm .
kabar -e´ ankar híkka =b waal -áamm .
today -M.GEN night -M.ACC A_DEM2.M.ACC =PLC -F.ACC come -1SG.IPFV
N -infl N -infl A =clt -infl V -infl
hítta jáata án hiilóochchis lamoodúmaa meetirí qee'rrimáan xalláan yoommíi ikkodáa  
Even though I was at that moment only twenty meters away from the wall, ...
hítta jáata án hiilóochchis lamoodúmaa meetirí qee'rrimáan xalláan yoommíi ikkodáa
hítta j -áata án hiil -óochch -s lamoodum ´-aa meetir -i´ qee'rr -im -áan xall -áan yoommí -Vha ih -§Go´ =da -V́
A_DEM2.F.ACC time -F.ACC 1SG.NOM area_whre_roof_and_wall_meet -F.ABL -DEF twenty -M.OBL meter -M.GEN far -QUAL -F.LOC only -F.LOC exist.1SG.REL -NMZ1.M.ACC become -3M.PFV.REL =COND -ADD
A N -infl PRO N -infl -post NUM -infl N -infl A -der -infl A -infl V+infl -post+infl V -infl =clt -post
mexxuháa xuudimbá'a .  
... I (still) did not see anything.
mexxuháa xuudimbá'a .
mexx -úha -V́ xuud -im´ -ba'a .
single -M.ACC -ADD see -1SG.NIPFV -NEG1
A -infl -post V -infl -post
matú qaxá sá'mm yí agurróhanníichch etaríin qakkíchchu láahu hittigúta yée'u .  
After the Little Prince had been silent for a while, he said (as follows):
matú qaxá sá'mm agurróhanníichch etaríin qakkíchchu láahu hittigúta yée'u .
mat qax sá'mm y agur -§Go´ =hann -íichch etar -íin qakkichch ´-u laah ´-u hittig -úta y -ée'u .
one -M.ACC extent -M.ACC fall_silent say -3M.PFV.CVB leave -3M.PFV.REL =NMZ2 -M.ABL after -M.ICP small -M.NOM prince -M.NOM like_this -F.ACC say -3M.PFV
NUM -infl N -infl IDEO V -infl AUX -infl =clt -infl N -infl A -infl N -infl PRO -infl V -infl
ées sarbí shí kamanó danáamu zabbíchchu yookkée ihús  
"(Have you made sure) that you have good poison that will kill me quickly ...
ées sarbí shí kamanó danáamu zabbíchchu yookkée ihús
ées sarb sh kam -ano´ dan -aam ´-u zabb -ichch ´-u yoo´ -kke -Vha ih -s
1SG.ACC hurry -3M.PFV.CVB kill -3M.PFV.CVB do_irrevocably -3M.IPFV.REL goodness -PROP -M.NOM medicine -SGV -M.NOM COP1.3.REL -2SG.OBJ -NMZ1.M.ACC become -M.ACC -DEF
PRO V -infl V -infl AUX -infl N -der -infl N -der -infl V -post -post+infl V -infl -post
... have you made sure ...
mool -s ´-teenti ´_-a -bala
become_dry -CAUS1 -2SG.PRF.REL -M.COP2 -PRAG2
V -der -infl -post -post
án hoolamá muddamán egerúmboga ?  
... so that I don't suffer too long?"
án hoolamá muddamán egerúmboga ?
án hoolam mudd -am -án eger -umb ´-o =g ?
1SG.NOM much -M.ACC make_suffer -PASS -1SG.IPFV.CVB stay -1SG.NEG5 -M.OBL =SIM -M.ACC
PRO A -infl V -der -infl AUX -infl -infl =clt -infl
hítta jáata hikkánne sá'mm yí uurréemm .  
In this moment I stopped in my tracks.
hítta jáata hikkánne sá'mm uurréemm .
hítta j -áata hikkann ´-e sá'mm y uurr -éemm .
A_DEM2.F.ACC time -F.ACC P_DEM2.M -M.OBL do_simply say -1SG.PFV.CVB stand -1SG.PFV
A N -infl PRO -infl IDEO V -infl V -infl
wozánu' fíiqq yí hiliqqodáa xáhus máhaando aago'éta dandimbá'a .  
I was deeply shocked (lit. my heart split into two) but I (still) did not understand (lit. It could not enter me what the thing was).
wozánu' fíiqq hiliqqodáa xáhus máhaando aago'éta dandimbá'a .
wozan ´-u -' fíiqq y hiliq -§Go´ =da -V́ xah ´-u -s mah ´-a ´_-a -ndo aag -o´ta -<'e> dand -im´ -ba'a .
heart -M.NOM -1SG.POSS cleave say -3M.PFV.CVB get_frightened -3M.PFV.REL =COND -ADD thing -M.NOM -DEF what -F.PRED -M.COP2 -Q enter -3M.PURP.SS -<1SG.OBJ> be_able -3M.NIPFV -NEG1
N -infl -post IDEO V -infl V -infl =clt -post N -infl -post PRO -infl -post -post V -infl -post V -infl -post
téesu oróoqqi !  
"Now go away. ...
téesu oróoqqi !
tees ´-u orooqq ´-i !
now -M.OBL go_away -2SG.IMP
N -infl V -infl
án tánn hiiló alíichch dirrótaat .  
... I want to get down from the wall," ...
án tánn hiiló alíichch dirrótaat .
án tánn hiil -o´ al -íichch dirr -o´ta -Vt .
1SG.NOM A_DEM1.F.OBL area_whre_roof_and_wall_meet -F.GEN top -M.ABL descend -1SG.PURP.SS -COP3
PRO A N -infl N -infl V -infl -post
yée'u qakkíchchu láahu .  
... said the Little Prince.
yée'u qakkíchchu láahu .
y -ée'u qakkichch ´-u laah ´-u .
say -3M.PFV small -M.NOM prince -M.NOM
V -infl A -infl N -infl
uulláta láqq xuujjoommí jáata mexxénin xóphph yéemm .  
When I looked to the ground, I suddenly leaped into the air.
uulláta láqq xuujjoommí jáata mexxénin xóphph yéemm .
uull -áta laq ´-§G xuud -§P§Goommi´ j -áata mexx -n -n xóphph y -éemm .
earth -F.ACC move_towards -1SG.PFV.CVB see -1SG.PFV.REL time -F.ACC single -MULT -EMP -EMP jump say -1SG.PFV
N -infl V -infl V -infl N -infl A -der -post -post IDEO V -infl
áda mátu kárreehe ikkeeráan sajjadúmaa sekondí aazéen foolíkk higisanó agúdu  
(I now realised) a type that would take thirty seconds to bring your life to an end (lit. to make pass your life) if (it said) 'I bite you', ...
áda mátu kárreehe ikkeeráan sajjadúmaa sekondí aazéen foolíkk higisanó agúdu
áda mat ´-u kar ´-§Gee'u -he ikkeeráan sajjadum ´-aa sekond -i´ aaz -éen fool -kk hig -s -ano´ agud ´-u
[awareness] one -M.NOM bite -3M.PRF -2SG.OBJ IRR thirty -M.OBL second -M.GEN inside -M.LOC life -M.ACC -2SG.POSS pass -CAUS1 -3M.IPFV.REL similar_thing -M.NOM
DSC NUM -infl V -infl -post PART NUM -infl N -infl N -infl N -infl -post V -der -infl N -infl
hagárus báaru worríichchu  
... a type of yellow snake, ....
hagárus báaru worríichchu
hagar ´-u -s baar ´-u worr -iichch ´-u
type -M.NOM -3M.POSS sea -M.NOM snakes -SGV -M.NOM
N -infl -post N -infl N -der -infl
qakkichchú laahá sangaaggí xuudán afuu'llíyan xuujjóomm .  
... I saw (a yellow snake) looking up at the Little Prince.
qakkichchú laahá sangaaggí xuudán afuu'llíyan xuujjóomm .
qakkichch laah sangaagg xuud -án afuu'll -yan xuud -§P§Góomm .
small -M.ACC prince -M.ACC lean_back_one's_head -3M.PFV.CVB see -3M.IPFV.CVB sit_down\MID -3M.PFV.CVB -DS see -1SG.PFV
A -infl N -infl V -infl V -infl V+der -infl -post V -infl
ánin qoríichchi' shugguxá fushshóta  
To take a revolver out of my belt, ...
ánin qoríichchi' shugguxá fushshóta
án -n qor -íichch -' shuggux ful -s -o´ta
1SG.NOM -EMP belt -M.ABL -MID pistol[AMH] -M.ACC go_out -CAUS1 -1SG.PURP.SS
PRO -post N -infl -der N -infl V -der -infl
angá' qoráan woránin  
... I slid my hand into my belt, ...
angá' qoráan woránin
ang -' qor -áan wor -án -n
hand -F.ACC -1SG.POSS belt -M.LOC put_into -1SG.IPFV.CVB -EMP
N -infl -post N -infl V -infl -post
biríta láqq dagujjóomm .  
... I ran forward.
biríta láqq dagujjóomm .
bir -íta laq ´-§G dagud -§P§Góomm .
front -F.ACC move_towards -1SG.PFV.CVB run -1SG.PFV
N -infl V -infl V -infl
worríichchunku íi laagáta maccooccéeganka  
As soon as the snake heard me, ...
worríichchunku íi laagáta maccooccéeganka
worr -iichch ´-uhu -<n> ii´ laag -áta maccoocc -ee´ =g -áha -<n>
snakes -SGV -M.NOM -<EMP> 1SG.GEN sound -F.ACC hear -3M.PFV.REL =SIM -M.ACC -<EMP>
N -der -infl -post PRO N -infl V -infl =clt -infl -post
sangaaggí uurréebeechch buuríga shíill  
... it melted like butter away from the place it had stood looking up, ...
sangaaggí uurréebeechch buuríga shíill
sangaagg uurr -ée =b -éechch buur -i´ =g shiil ´-§G
lean_back_one's_head -3M.PFV.CVB stand -3M.PRF.REL =PLC -M.ABL butter -M.GEN =SIM -M.ACC melt -3M.PFV.CVB
V -infl V -infl =clt -infl N -infl =clt -infl V -infl
lácc yí shaafí aazéen záajj kinná mereeróon áagg illéechch bá' fájjo .  
... it flowed slowly across the sand and, between stones, it disappeared from the eye.
lácc shaafí aazéen záajj kinná mereeróon áagg illéechch bá' fájjo .
lácc y shaaf -i´ aaz -éen zaaz ´-§P§G kin -C -a´ mereer -óon aag ´-§G ill -éechch ba' ´-§G fad ´-§P§Go .
do_slowly say -3M.PFV.CVB sand -M.GEN inside -M.LOC flow -3M.PFV.CVB stone -PLV1 -F.GEN middle -M.LOC enter -3M.PFV.CVB eye -F.ABL be_lost -3M.PFV.CVB do_irrevocably -3M.PFV
IDEO V -infl N -infl N -infl V -infl N -der -infl N -infl V -infl N -infl V -infl AUX -infl
qakkíchchu láahu  
The Little Prince ...
qakkíchchu láahu
qakkichch ´-u laah ´-u
small -M.NOM prince -M.NOM
A -infl N -infl
hiilóochch dirrú'nnan iillí hanqáff dirriishshoonsí jáata  
... when I reached (the Little Prince) before he came down from the wall and caught him in my arms, ...
hiilóochch dirrú'nnan iillí hanqáff dirriishshoonsí jáata
hiil -óochch dirr -ú'nna -n iill hanqaf ´-§G dirr -iis -§P§Goommi´ -s j -áata
area_whre_roof_and_wall_meet -F.ABL descend -3M.NEG4 -EMP reach -1SG.PFV.CVB hug -1SG.PFV.CVB descend -CAUS1 -1SG.PFV.REL -3M.OBJ time -F.ACC
N -infl V -infl -post V -infl V -infl V -der -infl -post N -infl
míinis azóga wójj yítee íkke .  
... his face was white like milk.
míinis azóga wójj yítee íkke .
miin ´-i -s az -o´ =g wójj y ´-tee íkke .
face -F.NOM -3M.POSS milk -F.GEN =SIM -M.ACC white say -3F.PRF.REL PST
N -infl -post N -infl =clt -infl IDEO V -infl PART
kúun máhaala ?  
"What does this mean? ...
kúun máhaala ?
kúun mah ´-a ´_-a -la ?
PRO PRO -infl -post -post
míihaat worríin haasaawwitáyyoontii ?  
... Why are you talking with snakes?" ...
míihaat worríin haasaawwitáyyoontii ?
m -íiha -Vt worr -íin haasaaww -táyyoonti -Vhu ?
what -M.DAT -COP3 snakes -M.ICP speak -2SG.PROG.REL -NMZ1.M.NOM
PRO -infl -post N -infl V -infl -post+infl
yí ké' xa'mméens .  
... I asked him.
ké' xa'mméens .
y ké' xa'mm -éemm -s .
say -1SG.PFV.CVB SEQ ask -1SG.PFV -3M.OBJ
V -infl V V -infl -post
goobáantas worqagúdu hagáru yoosína horánta jáata xaaxaqqanó sharbá fananséemm .  
I loosed the golden scarf that he always wore around his neck.
goobáantas worqagúdu hagáru yoosína horánta jáata xaaxaqqanó sharbá fananséemm .
goob -áan -ta -s worq -agud ´-u hagar ´-u yoo´ -s -na hor -áta -<n> j -áata xaax -aqq -ano´ sharb fan -ans -éemm .
neck -M.LOC -LNK -3M.POSS gold[AMH] -resemble -M.NOM color -M.NOM COP1.3.REL -3M.OBJ -CRD all -F.ACC -<EMP> time -F.ACC wrap_around -MID -3M.IPFV.REL scarf[IT] -M.ACC open -FREQ -1SG.PFV
N -infl -post -post N -V -infl N -infl V -post -post A -infl -post N -infl V -der -infl N -infl V -der -infl
miinís wo'íin abbaashshóomm .  
I wiped his face with water.
miinís wo'íin abbaashshóomm .
miin -s wo' -íin abbaas -§P§Góomm .
face -F.ACC -3M.POSS water -M.ICP wipe -1SG.PFV
N -infl -post N -infl V -infl
wo'á agishshóonsinii .  
And I also gave him water to drink.
wo'á agishshóonsinii .
wo' ag -s -§P§Góomm -s -nii .
water -M.ACC drink -CAUS1 -1SG.PFV -3M.OBJ -ADD
N -infl V -der -infl -post -post
hikkanníichch zakkíin mexxíta xa'mmutáa xa'mmosíta dandimbá'a .  
After that I couldn't ask him any (more) questions.
hikkanníichch zakkíin mexxíta xa'mmutáa xa'mmosíta dandimbá'a .
hikkann -íichch zakk -íin mexx -íta xa'mm -úta -V́ xa'mm -o´ta -<si> dand -im´ -ba'a .
P_DEM2.M -M.ABL after -M.ICP single -F.ACC question -F.ACC -ADD ask -1SG.PURP.SS -<3M.OBJ> be_able -1SG.NIPFV -NEG1
PRO -infl N -infl A -infl N -infl -post V -infl -post V -infl -post
isisíi goobá' hanqáff ké'  
He embraced me (and) ...
isisíi goobá' hanqáff ké'
ís -s -V́ goob -' hanqaf ´-§G ké'
3M.NOM -DEF -ADD neck -M.ACC -1SG.POSS embrace -3M.PFV.CVB SEQ
PRO -post -post N -infl -post V -infl V
qáshsh áff xuudáyyoo'e íkke .  
... he looked at me very gravely (lit. piercingly).
qáshsh áff xuudáyyoo'e íkke .
qas ´-§P§G af ´-§G xuud -áyyoo -'e íkke .
pierce -3M.PFV.CVB start -3M.PFV.CVB look_at -3M.PROG.REL -1SG.OBJ PST
V -infl V -infl V -infl -post PART
teesó mánnu qawwéen woqqárriyan rehíi ikkáa cii'á wozaníga  
Like the heart of a bird that was about to die after people had shot it ...
teesó mánnu qawwéen woqqárriyan rehíi ikkáa cii'á wozaníga
tees -o´ mann ´-u qaww -éen woqqar ´-§G -yan reh -íi ih -taa´ cii' -a´ wozan -i´ =g
now -M.GEN people -M.NOM rifle -F.ICP strike -3M.PFV.CVB -DS die -M.DAT become -3F.IPFV.REL birds -F.GEN heart -M.GEN =SIM -M.ACC
N -infl N -infl N -infl V -infl -post V -infl V -infl N -infl N -infl =clt -infl
wozánus tíqq tíqq yáaniyan maccooccéemm .  
... I felt his heart beating (like the heart of a bird that was about to die after people had shot it).
wozánus tíqq tíqq yáaniyan maccooccéemm .
wozan ´-u -s tíqq tíqq y -án -yan maccoocc -éemm .
heart -M.NOM -3M.POSS beat_of_heart beat_of_heart say -1SG.IPFV.CVB -DS hear -1SG.PFV
N -infl -post IDEO IDEO V -infl -post V -infl
horophphillikkí motorí aléen iillée háwwu  
The problem with (lit. that happened to) your plane enging ...
horophphillikkí motorí aléen iillée háwwu
horophphill -i´ -kk motor -i´ al -éen iill -ee´ haww ´-u
plane -M.GEN -2SG.POSS engine[AMH] -M.GEN top -M.LOC arrive -3M.PFV.REL problem -M.NOM
N -infl -post N -infl N -infl V -infl N -infl
máhaando dágg ké' makkiccitoontítannée án abbíshsh bajíggeemm .  
... I am very happy that you found out what (the problem was with your plane engine) and that you repaired it," ...
máhaando dágg ké' makkiccitoontítannée án abbíshsh bajíggeemm .
mah ´-a ´_-a -ndo dag ´-t ké' makk -s -' -toonti´ =tann -ée án abb -s ´-§P§G bajig ´-§Geemm .
what -M.PRED -M.COP2 -Q find -2SG.PFV.CVB SEQ become_good -CAUS1 -MID -2SG.PFV.REL =NMZ2 -F.DAT 1SG.NOM become_much -CAUS1 -1SG.PFV.CVB become_happy -1SG.PRF
PRO -infl -post -post V -infl V V -der -der -infl =clt -infl PRO V -der -infl V infl
yée'e .  
... he said to me.
yée'e .
y -ée'u -'e .
say -3M.PFV -1SG.OBJ
V -infl -post
téesu miníkk orooqqíi dandeetáant .  
"Now you can go back home."
téesu miníkk orooqqíi dandeetáant .
tees ´-u min -kk orooqq -íi dandeeh -táant .
now -M.OBL house -M.ACC -2SG.POSS go_away -M.DAT be_able -2SG.IPFV
N -infl N -infl -post V -infl V -infl
míin dággila hikkáan ?  
"How (lit. through what) do you know that?"
míin dággila hikkáan ?
m -íin dag ´-t -la hikkáan ?
what -M.ICP know -2SG.PFV.CVB -MIT P_DEM2.M.ACC
PRO -infl V -infl -post PRO
makkáno yí horóoman tassáa assúmbu kú ba'ó horophphilli'í motóru makkéega  
(I was just coming to tell the Little Prince) that my broken plane engine that I had had no hope to repair was okay (again) ...
makkáno horóoman tassáa assúmbu ba'ó horophphilli'í motóru makkéega
makk -áno y horoom ´-a -n tass -áa ass -umb ´-u ba' -o´ horophphill -i´ -' motor ´-u makk -ée =g
become_good -3M.IPFV say -1SG.PFV.CVB entirety -F.OBL -EMP hope -M.ACC do -1SG.NEG5 -M.NOM A_DEM1.M.NOM stop_functioning -3M.PFV.REL plane -M.GEN -1SG.POSS engine[AMH] -M.NOM become_good -3M.PRF.REL =SIM -M.ACC
V -infl V -infl N -infl -post N -infl V -infl -infl A V -infl N -infl -post N -infl V -infl =clt -infl
qakkíchcho laahíi ku'llóta waaláyyoommia íkke wónas .  
... I was just coming to tell the Little Prince (that ...).
qakkíchcho laahíi ku'llóta waaláyyoommia íkke wónas .
qakkichch ´-o laah -íi kul -' -o´ta waal -áyyoommi ´_-a íkke won ´-a -s .
small -M.OBL prince -M.DAT tell -MID -1SG.PURP.SS come -1SG.PROG.REL -M.COP2 PST first -F.OBL -DEF
A -infl N -infl V -der -infl V -infl -post PART ORD -infl -post
án xa'mmeensíra fanqashshú'nnan ís hittigúta yée'e .  
He did not answer what I had asked and said as follows:
án xa'mmeensíra fanqashshú'nnan ís hittigúta yée'e .
án xa'mm -eemmi´ -s =r fanqal -s -ú'nna -n ís hittig -úta y -ée'u -'e .
1SG.NOM ask -1SG.PFV.REL -3M.OBJ =NMZ4 -M.ACC return -CAUS1 -3M.NEG4 -EMP 3M.NOM like_this -F.ACC say -3M.PFV -1SG.OBJ
PRO V -infl -post =clt -infl V -der -infl -post PRO PRO -infl V -infl -post
anisíi kabár miní' fanqáll orooqqáyyoomm .  
"Me, too, am going back home today."
anisíi kabár miní' fanqáll orooqqáyyoomm .
án -s -V́ kabár min -' fanqal ´-§G orooqq -áyyoomm .
1SG.NOM -DEF -ADD today\M.OBL house -M.ACC -1SG.POSS return -1SG.PFV.CVB go_away -1SG.PROG
PRO -post -post N+infl N -infl -post V -infl V -infl
hítta jáata kichche'án  
Then, sad, (he said) ...
hítta jáata kichche'án
hítta j -áata kichche' -án
A_DEM2.F.ACC time -F.ACC become_sad -3M.IPFV.CVB
A N -infl V -infl
íibeechchu abbíshsh qée'rraa .  
... "My place is much farther (lit. very far). ...
íibeechchu abbíshsh qée'rraa .
ii´ =b -eechch abb -s ´-§P§G qee'rr ´-a ´_-a .
1SG.GEN =PLC -SGV -M.ACC become_much -CAUS1 -3M.PFV.CVB far -M.PRED -M.COP2
PRO =clt -der -infl V -der -infl A -infl -post
abbíshsh kee'mmáashshaa woqqáanii .  
... It is a much (more) difficult journey," ...
abbíshsh kee'mmáashshaa woqqáanii .
abb -s ´-§P§G kee'mmaashsh ´-a ´_-a woqq -áa -nii .
become_much -CAUS1 -3M.PFV.CVB difficult -M.PRED -M.COP2 journey -M.PRED -ADD
V -der -infl A -infl -post N -infl -post
yée'u .  
... he said.
yée'u .
y -ée'u .
say -3M.PFV
V -infl
mátu ábbu xáhu iháyyoo'ii íhus hítta jáata danáamoga áaggo'e .  
I understood clearly in this moment that something extraordinary (lit. big) was happening.
mátu ábbu xáhu iháyyoo'ii íhus hítta jáata danáamoga áaggo'e .
mat ´-u abb ´-u xah ´-u ih -áyyoo -Vha ih ´-u -s hítta j -áata dan -aam ´-o =g ´-a aag ´-§Go -'e .
one -M.NOM much -M.NOM thing -M.NOM become -3M.PROG.REL -NMZ1.M.ACC become -M.NOM -DEF A_DEM2.F.ACC time -F.ACC goodness -PROP -M.OBL =SIM -M.OBL enter -3M.PFV -1SG.OBJ
NUM -infl A -infl N -infl V -infl -post+infl V -infl -post A N -infl N -der -infl =clt -infl V -infl -post
isú teesó qakkíchcho ciilíga hanqaphphí áffeensii ikkodáa  
I was holding him in my arms like a little child, ...
isú teesó qakkíchcho ciilíga hanqaphphí áffeensii ikkodáa
isú tees -o´ qakkichch ´-o ciil -i´ =g hanqaf -' af ´-§Geemmi -s -Vha ih -§Go´ =da -V́
3M.ACC now -M.GEN small -M.OBL infant -M.GEN =SIM -M.ACC embrace -MID -1SG.PFV.CVB hold -1SG.PRF.REL -3M.OBJ -NMZ1.M.ACC become -3M.PFV.REL =COND -ADD
PRO N -infl A -infl N -infl =clt -infl V -der -infl V -infl -post -post+infl V -infl =clt -post
ísis angáachchi' fushshaqqí hantalalá dirrí orooqqanóhanníga iháyyoo'ii agújjo'e .  
... but it seemed to me that he was moving out of my arms and descending into an abyss.
ísis angáachchi' fushshaqqí hantalalá dirrí orooqqanóhanníga iháyyoo'ii agújjo'e .
ís -s ang -áachch -' ful -s -aqq hantalal dirr orooqq -ano´ =hann -i´ =g ih -áyyoo -Vha agud ´-§Go -'e .
3M.NOM -DEF hand -F.ABL -1SG.POSS go_out -CAUS1 -MID -3M.PFV.CVB abyss -M.ACC descend -3M.PFV.CVB go_away -3M.IPFV.REL =NMZ2 -M.GEN =SIM -M.ACC become -3M.PROG.REL -NMZ1.M.ACC seem -3M.PFV -1SG.OBJ
PRO -post N -infl -post V -der -der -infl N -infl V -infl V -infl =clt -infl =clt -infl V -infl -post+infl V -infl -post
dageenúmbo qée'rraabbaan ba'ó manchíga  
Like someone lost far away where one cannot find (him), ...
dageenúmbo qée'rraabbaan ba'ó manchíga
dag -eenumb ´-o qee'rr ´-aa =bb -áan ba' -o´ manch -i´ =g
find -3HON.NEG5 -M.OBL far -M.OBL =PLC -M.LOC be_lost -3M.PFV.REL person.SGV -M.GEN =SIM -M.ACC
V -infl -infl A -infl =clt -infl V -infl N+der -infl =clt -infl
míinis xingírr yíteetaa íkke .  
... his face looked very serious.
míinis xingírr yíteetaa íkke .
miin ´-i -s xingírr y ´-tee ´_-taa íkke .
face -F.NOM -3M.POSS frown say -3F.PRF.REL -F.COP2 PST
N -infl -post IDEO V -infl -post PART
téesu esáa hóolchut yóo'e .  
"I have a sheep now. ...
téesu esáa hóolchut yóo'e .
tees ´-u esáa hoolch ´-ut yóo -'e .
now -M.OBL 1SG.DAT sheep\SGV -F.NOM COP1.3 -1SG.OBJ
N -infl PRO N+der -infl V+infl -post
hoolchú' wo'rraammí saaxínu  
... (I have) a box into which to put the sheep ...
hoolchú' wo'rraammí saaxínu
hoolch -' wor -' -aammi´ saaxin ´-u
sheep\SGV -F.ACC -1SG.POSS put_into -MID -1SG.IPFV.REL box -M.NOM
N+der -infl -post V -der -infl N -infl
hittigúnta ammóo bixáaluse yóo'e  
... and I have its (lit. her) muzzle.
hittigúnta ammóo bixáaluse yóo'e
hittig -úta -<n> ammóo bixaal ´-u -se yóo -'e
like_this -F.ACC -<EMP> however bridle -M.NOM -3F.POSS COP1.3 -1SG.OBJ
PRO -infl -post DSC N -infl -post V+infl -post
kichche'ánin mushúqq yée'u .  
He smiled sadly.
kichche'ánin mushúqq yée'u .
kichche' -án -n mushúqq y -ée'u .
become_sad -3M.IPFV.CVB -EMP smile say -3M.PFV
V -infl -post IDEO V -infl
án hoolamá irá qorabbóomm .  
I waited a long time.
án hoolamá irá qorabbóomm .
án hoolam ir qorab -§Góomm .
1SG.NOM much -M.ACC time -M.ACC wait -1SG.PFV
PRO A -infl N -infl V -infl
qahíin qahíin qakkíchchu láahu fanqashshaqqániyan xuujjóomm .  
I saw that he was reviving (lit. coming back to himself) little by little.
qahíin qahíin qakkíchchu láahu fanqashshaqqániyan xuujjóomm .
qah -íin qah -íin qakkichch ´-u laah ´-u fanqal -s -aqq -án -yan xuud -§P§Góomm .
little -M.ICP little -M.ICP small -M.NOM prince -M.NOM return -CAUS1 -MID -3M.IPFV.CVB -DS see -1SG.PFV
A -infl A -infl A -infl N -infl V -der -der -infl -post V -infl
iittaanké qáho máncho  
"My beloved little man, ...
iittaanké qáho máncho
iitt -aammi´ -ke qah ´-o manch -o
love -1SG.IPFV.REL -2SG.OBJ small -M.VOC person\SGV -M.VOC
V -infl -post A -infl N+der -infl
át abbíss waajjíteent .  
... you are very afraid," ...
át abbíss waajjíteent .
át abb -s ´-t waajj ´-teent .
2SG.NOM become_much -CAUS1 -3F.PFV.CVB become_afraid -2SG.PRF
PRO V -der -infl V infl
yéens .  
... I said to him.
yéens .
y -éemm -s .
say -1SG.PFV -3M.OBJ
V -infl -post