KTB_YT_LECT_2017_QL-CH22.EAF     karaoke karaoke2

foolooccatí laméena lamú  
Chapter 22
foolooccatí laméena lamú
foolooccat lamée -na lam
chapter -M.ACC twenty -CRD two -M.ACC
N -infl NUM -post NUM -infl
xummá gált ? yí xummíshshos qakkíchchu láahu .  
"Good morning," the Little Prince greeted him.
xummá gált ? xummíshshos qakkíchchu láahu .
xumm gal ´-t ? y xumm -s ´-§P§Go -s qakkichch ´-u laah ´-u .
peace -M.ACC pass_the_night -2SG.PFV.CVB say -3M.PFV.CVB become_peaceful -CAUS1 -3M.PFV -3M.OBJ small -M.NOM prince -M.NOM
N -infl V -infl V -infl V -der -infl -post A -infl N -infl
xummá gált ?  
"Good morning," ...
xummá gált ?
xumm gal ´-t ?
peace -M.ACC pass_the_night -2SG.PFV.CVB
N -infl V -infl
yí xummíshshos baaburí maarí qorabáanchu .  
... the railway switchman (lit. railway line guard) greeted him.
xummíshshos baaburí maarí qorabáanchu .
y xumm -s ´-§P§Go -s baabur -i´ maar -i´ qorab -aan -ch ´-u .
say -3M.PFV.CVB become_peaceful -CAUS1 -3M.PFV -3M.OBJ train -M.GEN line -M.GEN keep -AG -SGV -M.NOM
V -infl V -der -infl -post N -infl N -infl V -der -der -infl
kánne má attáyyoontila ?  
"What are you doing here?" ...
kánne attáyyoontila ?
kann ´-e m a' -táyyoonti -la ?
PRO -infl PRO -infl V -infl -post
yí xa'mmée'u qakkíchchu láahu .  
... the Little Prince asked.
xa'mmée'u qakkíchchu láahu .
y xa'mm -ée'u qakkichch ´-u laah ´-u .
say -3M.PFV.CVB ask -3M.PFV small -M.NOM prince -M.NOM
V -infl V -infl A -infl N -infl
marancháa qixxantóo mannáha  
"The people who are ready to set out on a journey ...
marancháa qixxantóo mannáha
mar -anch -áa qixxam -too´ mann -áha
go -RLTN -F.DAT get_ready\PASS -3F.PFV.REL people -M.ACC
V -der -infl V -infl N -infl
kumíta kumíta ihán xaaccán  
... I gather them (in bundles of a) thousand each (and) ...
kumíta kumíta ihán xaaccán
kum -íta kum -íta ih -án xaaz -' -án
thousand -F.ACC thousand -F.ACC become -1SG.IPFV.CVB gather -MID -1SG.IPFV.CVB
N -infl N -infl V -infl V -der -infl
hasanosí baaburáan áagunta assáamm .  
... I have them enter the right (lit. necessary) train. ...
hasanosí baaburáan áagunta assáamm .
has -ano´ -s baabur -áan aag ´-unta ass -áamm .
want -3M.IPFV.REL -3M.OBJ train -M.LOC enter -1SG.PURP.DS do -1SG.IPFV
V -infl -post N -infl V -infl V -infl
manná iyyitóo baaburráta  
... The trains that carry the people, ...
manná iyyitóo baaburráta
mann iyy -too´ baabur -C -áta
people -M.ACC carry -3F.PFV.REL train -PLV1 -F.ACC
N -infl V -infl N -der -infl
matús gurá wudíin  
... one to the left, ...
matús gurá wudíin
mat -s gur -a´ wud -íin
one -M.ACC -DEF left -F.GEN side -M.ICP
NUM -infl -post N -infl N -infl
matús ammóo makké wudíin marámunta soháamm .  
... I send (thre trains that carry the people) (one to the left) and one to the right."
matús ammóo makké wudíin marámunta soháamm .
mat -s ammóo makk -e´ wud -íin mar -am ´-unta soh -áamm .
one -M.ACC -DEF however right -F.GEN side -M.ICP go -PASS -3M.PURP.DS send -1SG.IPFV
NUM -infl -post DSC N -infl N -infl V -der -infl V -infl
mátu ábbu cáakku yoosí  
One brilliantly lighted ...
mátu ábbu cáakku yoosí
mat ´-u abb ´-u caakk ´-u yoo´ -s
one -M.NOM much -M.NOM light -M.NOM COP1.3.REL -DEF
NUM -infl A -infl N -infl V -post
dálu baabúru gugán wáall  
... (one brilliantly lighted) express train came thundering (and) ...
dálu baabúru gugán wáall
dal ´-u baabur ´-u gug -án waal ´-§G
fast -M.NOM train -M.NOM thunder -3M.IPFV.CVB come -3M.PFV.CVB
A -infl N -infl V -infl V -infl
ká baaburí maarí qorabáanchu afuu'llée minchú gagánkas huxíshsh ké' híggo .  
... (the train) shook the switchman's cabin (lit. the little house in which the railway line guard sat) as it passed by.
baaburí maarí qorabáanchu afuu'llée minchú gagánkas huxíshsh ké' híggo .
baabur -i´ maar -i´ qorab -aan -ch ´-u afuu'll -ée min -ch gag -áha -<n> -s hux -s ´-§P§G ké' hig ´-§Go .
A_DEM1.M.ACC train -M.GEN line -M.GEN keep -AG -SGV -M.NOM sit_down\MID -3M.PRF.REL house -SGV -M.ACC self -M.ACC -<EMP> -DEF shake -CAUS1 -3M.PFV.CVB SEQ pass -3M.PFV
A N -infl N -infl V -der -der -infl V+der -infl N -der -infl N -infl -post -post V -der -infl V V -infl
abbíss sarbantáyyoo manná aguddáyyoo'u .  
"They seem to be in a great hurry (lit. they seem to be people who are in a great hurry). ...
abbíss sarbantáyyoo manná aguddáyyoo'u .
abb -s ´-t sarb -am -táyyoo mann agud -táyyoo'u .
become_much -CAUS1 -3F.PFV.CVB hurry -PASS -3F.PROG.REL people -M.ACC seem -3F.PROG
V -der -infl V -der -infl N -infl V -infl
mí bá'iyans haccitáyyoohaarrala ?  
... What have they lost (lit. what is lost from them) that they are looking for?" ...
bá'iyans haccitáyyoohaarrala ?
m ba' -yan -s has -' -táyyoo ´-haa =rr ´-a -la ?
what -M.NOM be_lost -3M.PFV.CVB -DS -3M.OBJ look_for -MID -3F.PROG.REL -M.COP2 =NMZ4 -M.PRED -MIT
PRO -infl V -infl -post -post V -der -infl -post =clt -infl -post
yí ké' qakkíchchu láahu xa'mmée'u .  
... asked the Little Prince.
ké' qakkíchchu láahu xa'mmée'u .
y ké' qakkichch ´-u laah ´-u xa'mm -ée'u .
say -3M.PFV.CVB SEQ small -M.NOM prince -M.NOM ask -3M.PFV
V -infl V A -infl N -infl V -infl
hikkáan baaburisí ota'áanchuhuu dagíi dandánoba'a .  
Not even the train driver can know that," ...
hikkáan baaburisí ota'áanchuhuu dagíi dandánoba'a .
hikkáan baabur -i´ -s ota' -aan -ch ´-uhu -V dag -íi dand -áno -ba'a .
P_DEM2.M.ACC train -M.GEN -DEF drive -AG -SGV -M.NOM -ADD know -M.DAT be_able -3M.IPFV -NEG1
PRO N -infl -post V -der -der -infl -post V -infl V -infl -post
yée'u baaburí maarí qorabáanchu .  
... said the switchman.
yée'u baaburí maarí qorabáanchu .
y -ée'u baabur -i´ maar -i´ qorab -aan -ch ´-u .
say -3M.PFV train -M.GEN line -M.GEN keep -AG -SGV -M.NOM
V -infl N -infl N -infl V -der -der -infl
wólos wudíin ammóo teesúu  
Now, in the opposite direction, ...
wólos wudíin ammóo teesúu
wol ´-o -s wud -íin ammóo tees ´-u -V́
other -M.OBL -DEF side -M.ICP however now -M.OBL -ADD
A -infl -post N -infl DSC N -infl -post
mátu ábbu cáakku yoosí dálu baabúru  
... a brilliantly lighted express train ...
mátu ábbu cáakku yoosí dálu baabúru
mat ´-u abb ´-u caakk ´-u yoo´ -s dal ´-u baabur ´-u
one -M.NOM much -M.NOM light -M.NOM COP1.3.REL -DEF fast -M.NOM train -M.NOM
NUM -infl A -infl N -infl V -post A -infl N -infl
gugán wáall hígg orooqqée'u .  
... thundred by (lit. thundering, came, passed, went away).
gugán wáall hígg orooqqée'u .
gug -án waal ´-§G hig ´-§G orooqq -ée'u .
thunder -3M.IPFV.CVB come -3M.PFV.CVB pass -3M.PFV.CVB go_away -3M.PFV
V -infl V -infl V -infl V -infl
teesóru fanqált waaltóondo ?  
"Are they (lit. the just-now-ones) already coming (back)?" ...
teesóru fanqált waaltóondo ?
tees -o´ =r ´-u fanqal ´-t waal -tóo'u -ndo ?
now -M.GEN =NMZ4 -M.NOM return -2SG.PFV.CVB come -3F.PFV -Q
N -infl =clt -infl V -infl V -infl -post
yí ké' qakkíchchu láahu xa'mmée'u .  
... the Little Prince asked.
ké' qakkíchchu láahu xa'mmée'u .
y ké' qakkichch ´-u laah ´-u xa'mm -ée'u .
say -3M.PFV.CVB SEQ small -M.NOM prince -M.NOM ask -3M.PFV
V -infl V A -infl N -infl V -infl
tirú wóle mannáakka .  
"These are other people. ...
tirú wóle mannáakka .
tirú wol ´-e mann -aakk ´-a .
P_DEM1.F.PL.NOM other -F.OBL people -PLV2 -F.PRED
PRO A -infl N -der -infl
wólos wudíin maramáyyoohaa baabúra .  
... It's a train going in the opposite direction," ...
wólos wudíin maramáyyoohaa baabúra .
wol ´-o -s wud -íin mar -am -áyyoo ´-haa baabur ´-a .
other -M.OBL -DEF side -M.ICP go -PASS -3M.PROG.REL -M.COP2 train -M.PRED
A -infl -post N -infl V -der -infl -post N -infl
yée'u baaburí maarí qorabáanchu .  
... said the switchman.
yée'u baaburí maarí qorabáanchu .
y -ée'u baabur -i´ maar -i´ qorab -aan -ch ´-u .
say -3M.PFV train -M.GEN line -M.GEN keep -AG -SGV -M.NOM
V -infl N -infl N -infl V -der -der -infl
wóna yóobeechchu culú a'ú hóoggiyans waaltáyyoohaarrando ?  
"Do they come back (because) they were not satisfied where they were?" ...
wóna yóobeechchu culú a'ú hóoggiyans waaltáyyoohaarrando ?
won ´-a yóo =b -eechch ´-u culú a' hoog ´-§G -yan -s waal -táyyoo ´-haa =rr ´-a -ndo ?
first -F.OBL COP1.3.REL =PLC -SGV -M.NOM beautiful do -M.ACC not_do -3M.PFV.CVB -DS -3M.OBJ come -3F.PROG.REL -M.COP2 =NMZ4 -M.PRED -Q
ORD -infl V+infl =clt -der -infl IDEO V -infl V -infl -post -post V -infl -post =clt -infl -post
yí xa'mmée'u qakkíchchu láahu .  
... the Little Prince asked.
xa'mmée'u qakkíchchu láahu .
y xa'mm -ée'u qakkichch ´-u laah ´-u .
say -3M.PFV.CVB ask -3M.PFV small -M.NOM prince -M.NOM
V -infl V -infl A -infl N -infl
yóobu bajigisanosí méxxu mánchuhuu he'ánoba'a .  
"No one is ever satisfied where he is (lit. there is not a single person that the place where he is makes him happy)," ...
yóobu bajigisanosí méxxu mánchuhuu he'ánoba'a .
yóo =b ´-u bajig -s -ano´ -s mexx ´-u manch ´-uhu -V he' -áno -ba'a .
COP1.3.REL =PLC -M.NOM become_happy -CAUS1 -3M.IPFV.REL -3M.OBJ single -M.NOM person\SGV -M.NOM -ADD exist -3M.IPFV -NEG1
V+infl =clt -infl V -der -infl -post A -infl N+der -infl -post V -infl -post
yée'u baaburí maarí qorabáanchu .  
... said the switchman.
yée'u baaburí maarí qorabáanchu .
y -ée'u baabur -i´ maar -i´ qorab -aan -ch ´-u .
say -3M.PFV train -M.GEN line -M.GEN keep -AG -SGV -M.NOM
V -infl N -infl N -infl V -der -der -infl
hikkáan yitániyanin sakkí ábbu cáakku yoosí dálu baabúru gugán híggo .  
While they said this, a third brilliantly lighted express train thunderd by.
hikkáan yitániyanin sakkí ábbu cáakku yoosí dálu baabúru gugán híggo .
hikkáan y -tán -yan -n sas -k -i´ abb ´-u caakk ´-u yoo´ -s dal ´-u baabur ´-u gug -án hig ´-§Go .
P_DEM2.M.ACC say -3F.IPFV.CVB -DS -EMP three -ORD -M.GEN much -M.NOM light -M.NOM COP1.3.REL -DEF fast -M.NOM train -M.NOM thunder -3M.IPFV.CVB pass -3M.PFV
PRO V -infl -post -post NUM -der -infl A -infl N -infl V -post A -infl N -infl V -infl V -infl
kurús woná baaburáan yóo manná sharritáyyoohaarrando ?  
"Are these ones pursuing the people in the first train?" ...
kurús woná baaburáan yóo manná sharritáyyoohaarrando ?
kurú -s won -a´ baabur -áan yóo mann sharr -táyyoo ´-haa =rr ´-a -ndo ?
P_DEM1.M.PL.NOM -DEF first -F.GEN train -M.LOC COP1.3.REL people -M.ACC chase -3F.PROG.REL -M.COP2 =NMZ4 -M.PRED -Q
PRO -post ORD -infl N -infl V+infl N -infl V -infl -post =clt -infl -post
yí xa'mmée'u qakkíchchu láahu .  
... the Little Prince asked.
xa'mmée'u qakkíchchu láahu .
y xa'mm -ée'u qakkichch ´-u laah ´-u .
say -3M.PFV.CVB ask -3M.PFV small -M.NOM prince -M.NOM
V -infl V -infl A -infl N -infl
méxxuhuu sharráyyoo'ii yóoba'a .  
"They are not pursuing (anybody). ...
méxxuhuu sharráyyoo'ii yóoba'a .
mexx ´-uhu -V sharr -áyyoo -Vhu yóo -ba'a .
single -M.NOM -ADD chase -3M.PROG.REL -NMZ1.M.NOM COP1.3 -NEG1
A -infl -post V -infl -post+infl V+infl -post
tadá hoolámus áaze ossá'ee'u .  
... Many of them are asleep in there. ...
tadá hoolámus áaze ossá'ee'u .
tadá hoolam ´-u -s aaz ´-e ossa' ´-ee'u .
by_now many -M.NOM -DEF inside -M.OBL lie_down -3M.PRF
ADV A -infl -post N -infl V -infl
ossa'umbusíru ammóo hafaaffa'áyyoo'u .  
... The ones that don't sleep are yawning. ...
ossa'umbusíru ammóo hafaaffa'áyyoo'u .
ossa' -umb ´-u -s =r ´-u ammóo hafaaffa' -áyyoo'u .
lie_down -3M.NEG5 -M.NOM -DEF =NMZ4 -M.NOM however yawn -3M.PROG
V -infl -infl -post =clt -infl DSC V -infl
cíillata xálla sanússa maskootíba sókk hadáta xuuddáyyoo'ii .  
... Only the children press their noses against the windows and look out," ...
cíillata xálla sanússa maskootíba sókk hadáta xuuddáyyoo'ii .
ciil -C ´-a ´_-ta xall ´-a san -ssa maskoot -i´ =b soh ´-t had -áta xuud -táyyoo -Vhu .
infant -PLV1 -F.PRED -F.COP2 only -F.PRED nose -F.ACC -3PL.POSS window[AMH] -M.GEN =PLC -M.ACC send -3F.PFV.CVB outside -F.ACC look_at -3F.PROG.REL -NMZ1.M.NOM
N -der -infl -post A -infl N -infl -post N -infl =clt -infl V -infl N -infl V -infl -post+infl
yée'u baaburí maarí qorabáanchu .  
... the switchman said.
yée'u baaburí maarí qorabáanchu .
y -ée'u baabur -i´ maar -i´ qorab -aan -ch ´-u .
say -3M.PFV train -M.GEN line -M.GEN keep -AG -SGV -M.NOM
V -infl N -infl N -infl V -der -der -infl
cíillaanta xállama mí hasisánossando garéenin daggáaru .  
"Only the children know what they needed," ...
cíillaanta xállama hasisánossando garéenin daggáaru .
ciil -C ´-a -n ´_-ta xall ´-a -ma m has -s -áno -ssa -ndo gar -éen -n dag -taa´ =r ´-u .
infant -PLV1 -F.PRED -EMP -F.COP2 only -F.PRED -CFOC what -M.NOM want -CAUS1 -3M.IPFV -3PL.OBJ -Q truth -F.ICP -EMP know -3F.IPFV.REL =NMZ4 -M.NOM
N -der -infl -post -post A -infl -post PRO -infl V -der -infl -post -post N -infl -post V -infl =clt -infl
yée'u qakkíchchu láahu .  
... said the Little Prince.
yée'u qakkíchchu láahu .
y -ée'u qakkichch ´-u laah ´-u .
say -3M.PFV small -M.NOM prince -M.NOM
V -infl A -infl N -infl
suusíin wezámmee ashaanguliitíin alaphphitán jeechchússa ba'issáa'u .  
"They waste their time playing with a rag doll. ...
suusíin wezámmee ashaanguliitíin alaphphitán jeechchússa ba'issáa'u .
suus -íin wez -am ´-§Gee ashaanguliit -íin alaphph -tán j -eechch -ssa ba' -s -táa'u .
rags -M.ICP make -PASS -3M.PRF.REL doll[AMH] -M.ICP play\MID -3F.IPFV.CVB time -SGV -F.ACC -3PL.POSS be_lost -CAUS1 -3F.IPFV
N -infl V -der -infl N -infl V+der -infl N -der -infl -post V -der -infl
hikkúunin isso'óo abbíshsh kaa'llanó xahá íkk fadanossátannée  
... Because this becomes very important for them, ...
hikkúunin isso'óo abbíshsh kaa'llanó xahá íkk fadanossátannée
hikkúun -n isso'óo abb -s ´-§P§G kaa'll -ano´ xah ih ´-§G fad -ano´ -ssa =tann -ée
P_DEM1.M.NOM -EMP 3PL.DAT become_much -CAUS1 -3M.PFV.CVB be_useful -3M.IPFV.REL thing -M.ACC become -3M.PFV.CVB do_irrevocably -3M.IPFV.REL -3PL.OBJ =NMZ2 -F.DAT
PRO -post PRO V -der -infl V -infl N -infl V -infl AUX -infl -post =clt -infl
ayíi wáall hikkáan angáachchissa aaqqíi affóda  
... (they cry) if anybody takes it away from them ...
ayíi wáall hikkáan angáachchissa aaqqíi affóda
ay ´-i -V́ waal ´-§G hikkáan ang -áachch -ssa aaqq -íi af -§Go´ =da
who M.NOM -ADD come -3M.PFV.CVB P_DEM2.M.ACC hand -F.ABL -3PL.POSS receive -M.DAT seize -3M.PFV.REL =COND
PRO infl -post V -infl PRO N -infl -post V -infl V -infl =clt
yaartáa'u .  
... they cry.
yaartáa'u .
yaar -táa'u .
cry -3F.IPFV
V -infl
má makkí bá'eessarrando cíillat !  
"They are very lucky, the children (lit. they are ones for whom it has become very favourable, the children)!" ...
makkí bá'eessarrando cíillat !
m makk ba' ´-ee -ssa =rr ´-a -ndo ciil -C ´-at !
what -M.ACC become_favourable -3M.PFV.CVB be_very -3M.PRF.REL -3PL.OBJ =NMZ4 -M.PRED -Q infant -PLV1 -F.NOM
PRO -infl V -infl AUX -infl -post =clt -infl -post N -der -infl
yée'u baaburí maarí qorabáanchu .  
... said the switchman.
yée'u baaburí maarí qorabáanchu .
y -ée'u baabur -i´ maar -i´ qorab -aan -ch ´-u .
say -3M.PFV train -M.GEN line -M.GEN keep -AG -SGV -M.NOM
V -infl N -infl N -infl V -der -der -infl