KTB_YT_LECT_2017_QL-CH21-P2.EAF     karaoke karaoke2

íi héechchat xoné xoné isénta íkkeetaa  
"My life is very monotonous," ...
íi héechchat xoné xoné isénta íkkeetaa
ii´ heechch ´-at xon -e´ xon -e´ iséta -<n> ih ´-tee ´_-taa
1SG.GEN life -F.NOM just -F.GEN just -F.GEN 3F.ACC -<EMP> become -3F.PRF.REL -F.COP2
PRO N -infl N -infl N -infl PRO -post V -infl -post
yée'u wengereellíchchu .  
... said the fox.
yée'u wengereellíchchu .
y -ée'u wengereell -ichch ´-u .
say -3M.PFV foxes -SGV -M.NOM
V -infl N -der -infl
án antabee'ú hugaaxáamm .  
"I hunt chicken. ...
án antabee'ú hugaaxáamm .
án antabee' hugaax -áamm .
1SG.NOM chicken -M.ACC hunt -1SG.IPFV
PRO N -infl V -infl
mánnu ammóo ées hugaaxáno'e .  
... Men hunt me. ...
mánnu ammóo ées hugaaxáno'e .
mann ´-u ammóo ées hugaax -áno -'e .
people -M.NOM however 1SG.ACC hunt -3M.IPFV -1SG.OBJ
N -infl DSC PRO V -infl -post
hórunku antabée'u esáa méxxoont .  
... All the chicken are the same to me. ...
hórunku antabée'u esáa méxxoont .
hor ´-uhu -<n> antabee' ´-u esáa mexx ´-u -Vt -<n> .
all -M.NOM -<EMP> chicken -M.NOM 1SG.DAT single -M.NOM -COP3 -<EMP>
A -infl -post N -infl PRO A -infl -post -post
hórunku mánnuhuu ammóo esáa méxxoont .  
... All the people are the same to me. ...
hórunku mánnuhuu ammóo esáa méxxoont .
hor ´-uhu -<n> mann ´-uhu -V ammóo esáa mexx ´-u -Vt -<n> .
all -M.NOM -<EMP> people -M.NOM -ADD however 1SG.DAT single -M.NOM -COP3 -<EMP>
A -infl -post N -infl -post DSC PRO A -infl -post -post
hikkúun ammóo esáa shigíg a'áno'e .  
... And this is dull to me. ...
hikkúun ammóo esáa shigíg a'áno'e .
hikkúun ammóo esáa shigíg a' -áno -'e .
P_DEM1.M.NOM however 1SG.DAT off_putting do -3M.IPFV -1SG.OBJ
PRO DSC PRO IDEO V -infl -post
ikkodáa át gabbartoonte'éda  
... But if you tame me, ...
ikkodáa át gabbartoonte'éda
ih -§Go´ =da -V́ át gabbar -toonti´ -'e =da
V -infl =clt -post PRO V -infl -post =clt
íi héechchat arriichchóga caakkitáa'u .  
... my life will light up like the sun. ...
íi héechchat arriichchóga caakkitáa'u .
ii´ heechch ´-at arr -iichch -o´ =g caakk -táa'u .
1SG.GEN life -F.NOM sunlight -SGV -F.GEN =SIM -M.ACC become_light -3F.IPFV
PRO N -infl N -der -infl =clt -infl V -infl
át qée'rran dúbb dúbb yitán íiba waaltaantíga maccooccí ké'  
... I hear you coming, dubb dubb, from far (and) ...
át qée'rran dúbb dúbb yitán íiba waaltaantíga maccooccí ké'
át qee'rr ´-a -n dúbb dúbb y -tán ii´ =b waal -taanti´ =g maccoocc ké'
2SG.NOM far -M.OBL -EMP sound_of_footstep sound_of_footstep say -2SG.IPFV.CVB 1SG.GEN =PLC -M.ACC come -2SG.IPFV.REL =SIM -M.ACC hear -1SG.PFV.CVB SEQ
PRO A -infl -post IDEO IDEO V -infl PRO =clt -infl V -infl =clt -infl V -infl V
wóluarriichch annanná assí dagú rosáamm .  
... I will learn to distinguish them from those of others. ...
wóluarriichch annanná assí dagú rosáamm .
wol ´-ua =rr -íichch annann ass dag ros -áamm .
other -M.OBL =NMZ4 -M.ABL different -M.ACC do -1SG.PFV.CVB know -M.ACC learn -1SG.IPFV
A infl =clt -infl A -infl V -infl V -infl V -infl
wólit íiba waaltáa lókkat  
... Other steps coming towards me ...
wólit íiba waaltáa lókkat
wol ´-it ii´ =b waal -taa´ lokk ´-at
other -F.NOM 1SG.GEN =PLC -M.ACC come -3F.IPFV.REL foot -F.NOM
A -infl PRO =clt -infl V -infl N -infl
ées úulla moogíihaat sarbantaa'íi .  
... will make me hurry back underground. ...
ées úulla moogíihaat sarbantaa'íi .
ées uull ´-a moog -íiha ´-at sarb -am -taa´ -Vhu .
1SG.ACC ground -F.OBL bury -M.DAT -F.NOM hurry -PASS -3F.IPFV.REL -NMZ1.M.NOM
PRO N -infl V -infl -infl V -der -infl -post+infl
ikkodáa kíi lókkat  
... Your footsteps, however, ...
ikkodáa kíi lókkat
ih -§Go´ =da -V́ kii´ lokk ´-at
become -3M.PFV.REL =COND -ADD 2SG.GEN foot -F.NOM
V -infl =clt -post PRO N -infl
teesó culú attáa shalága uullá aazí bonqoqíichch ga'ít ké' fushshitaa'éeta ikkáa'u .  
... (your footsteps) will be like beautiful music that calls me out from my burrow underground ...
teesó culú attáa shalága uullá aazí bonqoqíichch ga'ít ké' fushshitaa'éeta ikkáa'u .
tees -o´ culú a' -taa´ shal -a´ =g uull -a´ aaz -i´ bonqoq -íichch ga' ´-t ké' ful -s -taa´ -'e -Vta ih -táa'u .
now -M.GEN beautiful do -3F.IPFV.REL song -F.GEN =SIM -M.ACC earth -F.GEN inside -M.GEN burrow -M.ABL call -3F.PFV.CVB SEQ go_out -CAUS1 -3F.IPFV.REL -1SG.OBJ -NMZ1.F.ACC become -3F.IPFV
N -infl IDEO V -infl N -infl =clt -infl N -infl N -infl N -infl V -infl V V -der -infl -post -post+infl V -infl
kárag . hikká'e biddíq yí uurrée alasí úullat lallitáyyoohe ?  
... Look ! Do you see the wheat field over there (lit. is the (plot of) land of wheat which is spread out and standing over there visible to you)? ...
kárag . hikká'e biddíq uurrée alasí úullat lallitáyyoohe ?
kárag . hikka' ´-e biddíq y uurr -ée alas -i´ uull ´-at lall -táyyoo'u -he ?
PRES_V_DEM1 P_DEM4.M -M.OBL become_spread_out say -3M.PFV.CVB stand -3M.PRF.REL wheat -M.GEN land -F.NOM become_visible -3F.PROG -2SG.OBJ
INTJ PRO -infl IDEO V -infl V -infl N -infl N -infl V -infl -post
án daabbúta itúmbua .  
... I don't eat bread. ...
án daabbúta itúmbua .
án daabb -úta it -umb ´-u ´_-a .
1SG.NOM bread -F.ACC eat -3M.NEG5 -M.PRED -M.COP2
PRO N -infl V -infl -infl -post
alásu esáa mexxurráa kaa'llumbó'ea .  
... Wheat is of no use to me. ...
alásu esáa mexxurráa kaa'llumbó'ea .
alas ´-u esáa mexx =rr -V́ kaa'll -umb -o´ -'e ´_-a .
wheat -M.NOM 1SG.DAT single -M.ACC =NMZ4 -M.ACC -ADD be_useful -3M.NEG5 -M.OBL[?] -1SG.OBJ -M.COP2
N -infl PRO A -infl =clt -infl -post V -infl -infl -post -post
alásu uurrée úullat esáa mexxurráa aattumbó'eta .  
... Wheat does not mean anything to me. ...
alásu uurrée úullat esáa mexxurráa aattumbó'eta .
alas ´-u uurr -ée uull ´-at esáa mexx =rr -V́ aat -tumb -o´ -'e ´_-ta .
wheat -M.NOM stand -3M.PRF.REL land -F.NOM 1SG.DAT single -M.ACC =NMZ4 -M.ACC -ADD give -3F.NEG5 -M.OBL[?] -1SG.OBJ -F.COP2
N -infl V -infl N -infl PRO A -infl =clt -infl -post V -infl -infl -post -post
híkkus kichche'isanó xahá ikkodáa  
... This is sad, but ...
híkkus kichche'isanó xahá ikkodáa
híkku -s kichche' -s -ano´ xah ih -§Go´ =da -V́
A_DEM2.M.NOM -DEF become_sad -CAUS1 -3M.IPFV.REL thing -M.ACC become -3M.PFV.REL =COND -ADD
A -post V -der -infl N -infl V -infl =clt -post
kesáa ammóo worqagúdu múummu yóohea .  
... you have hair in the colour of gold. ...
kesáa ammóo worqagúdu múummu yóohea .
kesáa ammóo worq -agud ´-u muumm ´-u yóo -he ´_-a .
2SG.DAT however gold[AMH] -resemble -M.NOM hair -M.NOM COP1.3.REL -2SG.OBJ -M.COP2
PRO DSC N -V -infl N -infl V+infl -post -post
át ées gabbartoonte'é jáata híkku xáhu  
... (How wonderful, do think, will be) this thing (i.e. the wheat) when you have tamed me ...
át ées gabbartoonte'é jáata híkku xáhu
át ées gabbar -toonti´ -'e j -áata híkku xah ´-u
2SG.NOM 1SG.ACC tame -2SG.PFV.REL -1SG.OBJ time -F.ACC A_DEM2.M.NOM thing -M.NOM
PRO PRO V -infl -post N -infl A N -infl
habanká culú assánondo xúuddeent ?  
... how wondeful, do you think (lit. see), will be (this thing) for me? ...
habanká culú assánondo xúuddeent ?
habank culú ass -áno -ndo xuud ´-teenti ?
how_much -M.ACC beautiful do -3M.IPFV -Q see -2SG.PRF.REL
A -infl IDEO V -infl -post V -infl
kú uurrée alásu  
... This wheat in the field (lit. this standing wheat) ...
uurrée alásu
uurr -ée alas ´-u
A_DEM1.M.NOM stand -3M.PRF.REL wheat -M.NOM
A V -infl N -infl
worqá agudanó hagáru yoosítannée  
... because (this wheat) has the colour of gold, ...
worqá agudanó hagáru yoosítannée
worq agud -ano´ hagar ´-u yoo´ -s =tann -ée
gold[AMH] -M.ACC resemble -3M.IPFV.REL color -M.NOM COP1.3.REL -3M.OBJ =NMZ2 -F.DAT
N -infl V -infl N -infl V -post =clt -infl
isú xuujjoommí jáata kéesin xuujjoommíi agudáno'e .  
... when I see it, it will bring me back the thought of you (lit. it will seem to me that I am seeing you). ...
isú xuujjoommí jáata kéesin xuujjoommíi agudáno'e .
isú xuud -§P§Goommi´ j -áata kées -n xuud -§P§Goommi´ -Vha agud -áno -'e .
3M.ACC see -1SG.PFV.REL time -F.ACC 2SG.ACC -EMP see -1SG.PFV.REL -NMZ1.M.ACC seem -3M.IPFV -1SG.OBJ
PRO V -infl N -infl PRO -post V -infl -post+infl V -infl -post
hítta jáata bobíru  
... At (the same) time (it means when I hear) the wind ...
hítta jáata bobíru
hítta j -áata bobir ´-u
A_DEM2.F.ACC time -F.ACC wind -M.NOM
A N -infl N -infl
alasús lenqeeqqisániyan maccóoccu esáa abbíshsh bajigisano'é xahá iháno yánnaa .  
... it means, when I hear (the wind) moving the wheat it will make me happy (lit. it will be a thing that makes me happy)."
alasús lenqeeqqisániyan maccóoccu esáa abbíshsh bajigisano'é xahá iháno yánnaa .
alas ´-u -s lenqeeqq -s -án -yan maccoocc ´-u esáa abb -s ´-§P§G bajig -s -ano´ -'e xah ih -áno yann ´-a ´_-a .
wheat -M.NOM -DEF move -CAUS1 -3M.IPFV.CVB -DS hear -M.NOM 1SG.DAT become_much -CAUS1 -3M.PFV.CVB become_happy -CAUS1 -3M.IPFV.REL -1SG.OBJ thing -M.ACC become -3M.IPFV saying -M.PRED -M.COP2
N -infl -post V -der -infl -post V -infl PRO V -der -infl V -der -infl -post N -infl V -infl N -infl -post
wengereellíchchunku haasaawwanóra agúrr agúrr  
The fox stopped speaking (lit. stopped what he was speaking) (and) ...
wengereellíchchunku haasaawwanóra agúrr agúrr
wengereell -ichch ´-uhu -<n> haasaaww -ano´ =r agur ´-§G agur ´-§G
foxes -SGV -M.NOM -<EMP> speak -3M.IPFV.REL =NMZ4 -M.ACC stop -3M.PFV.CVB leave -3M.PFV.CVB
N -der -infl -post V -infl =clt -infl V -infl AUX -infl
qakkichchú laahá hoolamá irá  
... (looked at) the Little Prince for a long time ...
qakkichchú laahá hoolamá irá
qakkichch laah hoolam ir
small -M.ACC prince -M.ACC much -M.ACC time -M.ACC
A -infl N -infl A -infl N -infl
xíshsh a'í xúujjos .  
... he looked at him fixedly.
xíshsh a'í xúujjos .
xíshsh a' xuud ´-§P§Go -s .
do_firmly do -3M.PFV.CVB look_at -3M.PFV -3M.OBJ
IDEO V -infl V -infl -post
háy ées gabbáre'ebe  
"Please, tame me!" ...
háy ées gabbáre'ebe
háy ées gabbar ´-i -'e -be
please 1SG.ACC tame -2SG.IMP -1SG.OBJ -PRAG1
INTJ PRO V -infl -post -post
yée'u wengereellíchchu .  
... said the fox.
yée'u wengereellíchchu .
y -ée'u wengereell -ichch ´-u .
say -3M.PFV foxes -SGV -M.NOM
V -infl N -der -infl
qakkíchchu láahu fanqashshí  
The Little Prince replied, ...
qakkíchchu láahu fanqashshí
qakkichch ´-u laah ´-u fanqal -s
small -M.NOM prince -M.NOM return -CAUS1 -3M.PFV.CVB
A -infl N -infl V -der -infl
kées gabbarohéta abbíshsh hasáamm .  
... "I want to tame you very much. ...
kées gabbarohéta abbíshsh hasáamm .
kées gabbar -o´ta -<he> abb -s ´-§P§G has -áamm .
2SG.ACC tame -1SG.PURP.SS -2SG.OBJ become_much -CAUS1 -1SG.PFV.CVB want -1SG.IPFV
PRO V -infl -post V -der -infl V -infl
ikkodáa esáa kankánka jéechchut yóo'eba'a .  
... But I don't have much time. ...
ikkodáa esáa kankánka jéechchut yóo'eba'a .
ih -§Go´ =da -V́ esáa kank -áha -<n> j -eechch ´-ut yóo -'e -ba'a .
become -3M.PFV.REL =COND -ADD 1SG.DAT this_much -M.ACC -<EMP> time -SGV -F.NOM COP1.3 -1SG.OBJ -NEG1
V -infl =clt -post PRO A -infl -post N -der -infl V+infl -post -post
án dagaqqamíi hasaammí hoolámat jáallat yóo'e .  
... I have friends to discover. ...
án dagaqqamíi hasaammí hoolámat jáallat yóo'e .
án dag -aqq -am -íi has -aammi´ hoolam ´-at jaal -C ´-at yóo -'e .
1SG.NOM find -MID -PASS -M.DAT want -1SG.IPFV.REL many -F.NOM friend -PLV1 -F.NOM COP1.3 -1SG.OBJ
PRO V -der -der -infl V -infl A -infl N -der -infl V+infl -post
isíichchin abbá án dagóta hasaammí hoolámu xáhu yóo'e .  
... And beyond that I have many things to understand (lit. know)."
isíichchin abbá án dagóta hasaammí hoolámu xáhu yóo'e .
isíichch -n abb án dag -o´ta has -aammi´ hoolam ´-u xah ´-u yóo -'e .
3M.ABL -EMP much -M.ACC 1SG.NOM know -1SG.PURP.SS want -1SG.IPFV.REL many -M.NOM thing -M.NOM COP1.3 -1SG.OBJ
PRO -post A -infl PRO V -infl V -infl A -infl N -infl V+infl -post
máto xahítannée dagíi dandeennóo  
"One only understand the things ...
máto xahítannée dagíi dandeennóo
mat ´-o xah -i´ =tann -ée dag -íi dand -eenno´ -Vhu
one -M.OBL thing -M.GEN =NMZ2 -F.DAT know -M.DAT be_able -3HON.IPFV.REL -NMZ1.M.NOM
NUM -infl N -infl =clt -infl V -infl V -infl -post+infl
gagás gabbaréen gagíbíi eecceemmádaat .  
... if one has tamed (them) oneself and made (them) one's own," ...
gagás gabbaréen gagíbíi eecceemmádaat .
gag -s gabbar -éen gag -i´ =bíiha eecc -eemma´ =da -Vt .
self -M.ACC -3M.POSS tame -3HON.PFV.CVB self -M.GEN =NMZ3.M.ACC do\MID -3HON.PFV.REL =COND -COP3
N -infl -post V -infl N -infl =clt V+der -infl =clt -post
yée'u wengereellíchchu .  
... said the fox.
yée'u wengereellíchchu .
y -ée'u wengereell -ichch ´-u .
say -3M.PFV foxes -SGV -M.NOM
V -infl N -der -infl
mánnu mátuarriitannée dagíi hasóta jéechchunt yóosiba'ia .  
"The people don't have time any more to understand anything. ...
mánnu mátuarriitannée dagíi hasóta jéechchunt yóosiba'ia .
mann ´-u mat ´-ua =rr -ii´ =tann -ée dag -íi has -o´ta j -eechch ´-ut -<n> yóo -s -ba'í ´_-a .
people -M.NOM one -M.OBL =NMZ4 -M.GEN =NMZ2 -F.DAT know -M.DAT look_for -3M.PURP.SS time -SGV -F.NOM -<EMP> COP1.3.REL -3M.OBJ -NEG1.REL -M.COP2
N -infl NUM infl =clt -infl =clt -infl V -infl V -infl N -der -infl -post V+infl -post -post+infl -post
wónan wezámm afuu'lléera dikkóochch hi'rráno .  
... They buy ready-made things (lit. ones that are have been produced before and are sitting) at (lit. from) the market. ...
wónan wezámm afuu'lléera dikkóochch hi'rráno .
won ´-a -n wez -am ´-§G afuu'll -ée =r dikk -óochch hir -' -áno .
first -F.OBL -EMP produce -PASS -3M.PFV.CVB sit_down\MID -3M.PRF.REL =NMZ4 -M.ACC market -F.ABL buy -MID -3M.IPFV
ORD -infl -post V -der -infl V+der -infl =clt -infl N -infl V -der -infl
ikkodáa jaalloomá iittáta hi'rreennó méxxit díkkutii yooba'ítannée  
... But because there is no market where one can buy friendship ...
ikkodáa jaalloomá iittáta hi'rreennó méxxit díkkutii yooba'ítannée
ih -§Go´ =da -V́ jaal -C -oom -a´ iitt -áta hir -' -eenno´ mexx ´-it dikk ´-ut -V yoo´ -ba'í =tann -ée
become -3M.PFV.REL =COND -ADD friend -PLV1 -STAT -F.GEN love -F.ACC buy -MID -3HON.IPFV.REL single -F.NOM market -F.NOM -ADD COP1.3.REL -NEG1.REL =NMZ2 -F.DAT
V -infl =clt -post N -der -der -infl N -infl V -der -infl A -infl N -infl -post V -post+infl =clt -infl
manníi jaalláta yeennóru hóran yóosiba'ia .  
... people do no longer have friends. ...
manníi jaalláta yeennóru hóran yóosiba'ia .
mann -íi jaal -C -áta y -eenno´ =r ´-u hor ´-a -n yóo -s -ba'í ´_-a .
people -M.DAT friend -PLV1 -F.ACC say -3HON.IPFV.REL =NMZ4 -M.NOM all -M.OBL -EMP COP1.3.REL -3M.OBJ -NEG1.REL -M.COP2
N -infl N -der -infl V -infl =clt -infl A -infl -post V+infl -post -post+infl -post
hikkannítannée át jaalá hassáyyoontii ikkoontíichch  
... So if you want a friend ...
hikkannítannée át jaalá hassáyyoontii ikkoontíichch
hikkann -i´ =tann -ée át jaal has -táyyoonti -Vha ih -toonti´ -V́chch
P_DEM2.M -M.GEN =NMZ2 -F.DAT 2SG.NOM friend -M.ACC want -2SG.PROG.REL -NMZ1.M.ACC become -2SG.PFV.REL -NMZ1.M.ABL
PRO -infl =clt -infl PRO N -infl V -infl -post+infl V -infl -post+infl
ées gabbáre'e .  
... tame me."
ées gabbáre'e .
ées gabbar ´-i -'e .
1SG.ACC tame -2SG.IMP -1SG.OBJ
PRO V -infl -post
híkkada án kées gabbaríi má ássu hasisáno'ela ?  
"So what do I need to do to tame you?" ...
híkkada án kées gabbaríi ássu hasisáno'ela ?
híkka =da án kées gabbar -íi m ass ´-u has -s -áno -'e -la ?
A_DEM2.M.ACC =COND 1SG.NOM 2SG.ACC tame -M.DAT what -M.ACC do -M.NOM want -CAUS1 -3M.IPFV -1SG.OBJ -MIT
A =clt PRO PRO V -infl PRO -infl V -infl V -der -infl -post -post
yí ké' qakkíchchu láahu xa'mmées .  
... asked the Little Prince.
ké' qakkíchchu láahu xa'mmées .
y ké' qakkichch ´-u laah ´-u xa'mm -ée'u -s .
say -3M.PFV.CVB SEQ small -M.NOM prince -M.NOM ask -3M.PFV -3M.OBJ
V -infl V A -infl N -infl V -infl -post
át abbíss ké' iyyaqqá íhu hasisánohe .  
"You have to be very patient," ...
át abbíss ké' iyyaqqá íhu hasisánohe .
át abb -s ´-t ké' iyyaqq ih ´-u has -s -áno -ke .
2SG.NOM become_much -CAUS1 -3F.PFV.CVB SEQ patient\MID -M.ACC become -M.NOM want -CAUS1 -3M.IPFV -2SG.OBJ
PRO V -der -infl V A -infl V -infl V -der -infl -post
yí ké' wengereellíchchu fanqashshées .  
... replied the fox.
ké' wengereellíchchu fanqashshées .
y ké' wengereell -ichch ´-u fanqal -s -ée'u -s .
say -3M.PFV.CVB SEQ foxes -SGV -M.NOM return -CAUS1 -3M.PFV -3M.OBJ
V -infl V N -der -infl V -der -infl -post
wóna esáachch qahúnka qee'rrít  
"First you (will sit down) at a little distance from me ...
wóna esáachch qahúnka qee'rrít
won ´-a esáachch qah -úha -<n> qee'rr ´-t
first -F.OBL 1SG.ABL small -M.ACC -<EMP> become_far -2SG.PFV.CVB
ORD -infl PRO A -infl -post V -infl
teesó hixé aazéen afuu'llitoontíhanníga íkk afuu'llitáant .  
... you will sit down in the grass like you are sitting down. ...
teesó hixé aazéen afuu'llitoontíhanníga íkk afuu'llitáant .
tees -o´ hix -e´ aaz -éen afuu'll -toonti´ =hann -i´ =g ih ´-t afuu'll -táant .
now -M.GEN grass -F.GEN inside -M.LOC sit_down\MID -2SG.PFV.REL =NMZ2 -M.GEN =SIM -M.ACC become -2SG.PFV.CVB sit_down\MID -2SG.IPFV
N -infl N -infl N -infl V+der -infl =clt -infl =clt -infl V -infl V+der -infl
án ammóo hikkánn afuu'llitoontíbaan  
... And I (will look at you) while you are sitting ...
án ammóo hikkánn afuu'llitoontíbaan
án ammóo hikkánn afuu'll -toonti´ =b -áan
1SG.NOM however A_DEM2.M.OBL sit_down\MID -2SG.PFV.REL =PLC -M.LOC
PRO DSC A V+der -infl =clt -infl
hi'rí illéen xuudáanke .  
... I will look at you out of the corner of (my) eye. ...
hi'rí illéen xuudáanke .
hi'r -i´ ill -éen xuud -áamm -ke .
core -M.GEN seed -F.ICP see -1SG.IPFV -2SG.OBJ
N -infl N -infl V -infl -post
át mexxurráa xahaatókkoont .  
... You will say nothing (lit. Don't say anything!). ...
át mexxurráa xahaatókkoont .
át mexx =rr -V́ xahaa -tókkoont .
2SG.NOM single -M.ACC =NMZ4 -M.ACC -ADD speak -2SG.APPR
PRO A -infl =clt -infl -post V -infl
aféechch fultáa láagat  
... Words coming from the mouth ...
aféechch fultáa láagat
af -éechch ful -taa´ laag ´-at
mouth -M.ABL go_out -3F.IPFV.REL voice -F.NOM
N -infl V -infl N -infl
lúusa wortáa bagáan mexxurráa kaa'llitáaba'a .  
... (words) are the source of misunderstandings (lit. put into/lead into mistake) and are of no use.
lúusa wortáa bagáan mexxurráa kaa'llitáaba'a .
luus ´-a wor -taa´ bagáan mexx =rr -V́ kaa'll -táa'u -ba'a .
mistake -F.OBL put_into -3F.IPFV.REL CNTR single -M.ACC =NMZ4 -M.ACC -ADD be_useful -3F.IPFV -NEG1
N -infl V -infl CONJ A -infl =clt -infl -post V -infl -post
baréen baréen íibeechchu hínc yitán hínc yitán afuu'llitáant .  
... Every day you will sit a bit closer to me."
baréen baréen íibeechchu hínc yitán hínc yitán afuu'llitáant .
bar -éen bar -éen ii´ =b -eechch hínc y -tán hínc y -tán afuu'll -táant .
day -M.LOC day -M.LOC 1SG.GEN =PLC -SGV -M.ACC become_close say -2SG.IPFV.CVB become_close say -2SG.IPFV.CVB sit_down\MID -2SG.IPFV
N -infl N -infl PRO =clt -der -infl IDEO V -infl IDEO V -infl V+der -infl
lankí barí qakkíchchu láahu fanqáll wáallo .  
The Little Prince came back on the next day.
lankí barí qakkíchchu láahu fanqáll wáallo .
lam -k -i´ bar qakkichch ´-u laah ´-u fanqal ´-§G waal ´-§Go .
two -ORD -M.GEN day -M.ACC small -M.NOM prince -M.NOM return -3M.PFV.CVB come -3M.PFV
NUM -der -infl N -infl A -infl N -infl V -infl V -infl
beré waaltoontí saatáanin fanqált wáalteent íkkiyan danáamua íkke .  
"It would have been better if you had come at the same hour like yesterday," ...
beré waaltoontí saatáanin fanqált wáalteent íkkiyan danáamua íkke .
ber waal -toonti´ saat -áan -n fanqal ´-t waal ´-teent ih ´-§G -yan dan -aam ´-u ´_-a íkke .
yesterday -M.ACC come -2SG.PFV.REL time -M.LOC -EMP return -2SG.PFV.CVB come -2SG.PRF become -3M.PFV.CVB -DS goodness -PROP -M.PRED -M.COP2 PST
N -infl V -infl N -infl -post V -infl V infl V -infl -post N -der -infl -post PART
yée'u wengereellíchchu .  
... said the folx.
yée'u wengereellíchchu .
y -ée'u wengereell -ichch ´-u .
say -3M.PFV foxes -SGV -M.NOM
V -infl N -der -infl
té agudiishsháa át  
"For example, (if) you ...
agudiishsháa át
agudiishsh -áa át
or example -F.DAT 2SG.NOM
CONJ N -infl PRO
shóolo saatáan waaltaantíi ikkóda  
... if you come at four o'clock ...
shóolo saatáan waaltaantíi ikkóda
shool ´-o saat -áan waal -taanti´ -Vha ih -§Go´ =da
four -M.OBL time -M.LOC come -2SG.IPFV.REL -NMZ1.M.ACC become -3M.PFV.REL =COND
NUM -infl N -infl V -infl -post+infl V -infl =clt
án sáso saatáanin áff bajigáamm .  
... I will start to be happy at three o'clock. ...
án sáso saatáanin áff bajigáamm .
án sas ´-o saat -áan -n af ´-§G bajig -áamm .
1SG.NOM three -M.OBL time -M.LOC -EMP start -3M.PFV.CVB become_happy -1SG.IPFV
PRO NUM -infl N -infl -post V -infl V -infl
sáatus shóolu hínc yáan marróochch  
... As the hour advances to four ...
sáatus shóolu hínc yáan marróochch
saat ´-u -s shool ´-u hínc y -án mar -§Go´ -V́chch
time -M.NOM -DEF four -M.NOM become_close say -3M.IPFV.CVB go -3M.PFV.REL -NMZ1.M.ABL
N -infl -post NUM -infl IDEO V -infl V -infl -post+infl
bajígu' abbíss bargitán martáa'u .  
... I will feel happier and happier. ...
bajígu' abbíss bargitán martáa'u .
bajig ´-u -' abb -s ´-t barg -tán mar -táa'u .
joy -F.NOM -1SG.POSS become_much -CAUS1 -3F.PFV.CVB add -3F.IPFV.CVB go -3F.IPFV
N -infl -post V -der -infl V -infl V -infl
shóolu sáatu wiimmóochch ammóo  
... When it is four o'clock ...
shóolu sáatu wiimmóochch ammóo
shool ´-u saat ´-u wiim -§Go´ -V́chch ammóo
four -M.NOM time -M.NOM be_filled -3M.PFV.REL -NMZ1.M.ABL however
NUM -infl N -infl V -infl -post+infl DSC
áchche ábbata muddáan guffáamm .  
... I will jump around, very worried. ...
áchche ábbata muddáan guffáamm .
áchche abb ´-ata mudd -áan guff -áamm .
so big -F.OBL distress -F.LOC jump_around -1SG.IPFV
DSC A -infl N -infl V -infl
hítta jáata bajigo'é mahoomatáa galatisée dagáamm .  
... At that time I will come to know the meaning (lit. what-ness) of and the value (lit. thans) of my happiness. ...
hítta jáata bajigo'é mahoomatáa galatisée dagáamm .
hítta j -áata bajig -o´ -'e mah -oom -áta -V́ galat -i´ -se -V́ dag -áamm .
A_DEM2.F.ACC time -F.ACC joy -F.GEN -1SG.POSS what -STAT -F.ACC -ADD thanks -M.GEN -3F.POSS -ADD know -1SG.IPFV
A N -infl N -infl -post PRO -der -infl -post N -infl -post -post V -infl
ikkodáa át  
... But (if) you ...
ikkodáa át
ih -§Go´ =da -V́ át
V -infl =clt -post PRO
hassoontí saatáan waaltoontída  
... if you come at any time you want ...
hassoontí saatáan waaltoontída
has -toonti´ saat -áan waal -toonti´ =da
want -2SG.PFV.REL time -M.LOC come -2SG.PFV.REL =COND
V -infl N -infl V -infl =clt
íi wozánu kées hátta jáata xummisíi qixxámm qorabánondo dagíi dandánoba'a .  
... my heart cannot know at what time it is to be ready to greet you. ...
íi wozánu kées hátta jáata xummisíi qixxámm qorabánondo dagíi dandánoba'a .
ii´ wozan ´-u kées hátta j -áata xumm -s -íi qixxam ´-§G qorab -áno -ndo dag -íi dand -áno -ba'a .
1SG.GEN heart -M.NOM 2SG.ACC which.F.ACC time -F.ACC become_peaceful -CAUS1 -M.DAT get_ready\PASS -3M.PFV.CVB wait -3M.IPFV -Q know -M.DAT be_able -3M.IPFV -NEG1
PRO N -infl PRO A N -infl V -der -infl V -infl V -infl -post V -infl V -infl -post
hóraarriinka seerás qorabeemmáda danáamuabala !  
... It is good to observe the rites for everything."
hóraarriinka seerás qorabeemmáda danáamuabala !
hor ´-aa =rr -íiha -<n> seer -s qorab -eemma´ =da dan -aam ´-u ´_-a -bala !
all -M.OBL =NMZ4 -M.DAT -<EMP> rite -M.ACC -3M.POSS keep -3HON.PFV.REL =COND goodness -PROP -M.PRED -M.COP2 -PRAG2
A -infl =clt -infl -post N -infl -post V -infl =clt N -der -infl -post -post