KTB_YT_LECT_2017_QL-CH20.EAF     karaoke karaoke2

foolooccatí lamoodumá  
Chapter 20
foolooccatí lamoodumá
foolooccat lamoodum
chapter -M.ACC twenty -M.ACC
N -infl NUM -infl
qakkíchchu láahu  
The Little Prince ...
qakkíchchu láahu
qakkichch ´-u laah ´-u
small -M.NOM prince -M.NOM
A -infl N -infl
shaafí aazíin  
... through sand, ...
shaafí aazíin
shaaf -i´ aaz -íin
sand -M.GEN inside -M.ICP
N -infl N -infl
kinná mereeríin  
... between rocks, ...
kinná mereeríin
kin -C -a´ mereer -íin
stone -PLV1 -F.GEN middle -M.ICP
N -der -infl N -infl
hittigúnta ammóo baradí alíin hoolamá irá marammóhanníichch zakkíin  
... after (the Little Prince) had walked for a long time (through sand, between rocks) and across snow, ...
hittigúnta ammóo baradí alíin hoolamá irá marammóhanníichch zakkíin
hittig -úta -<n> ammóo barad -i´ al -íin hoolam ir mar -am -§Go´ =hann -íichch zakk -íin
like_this -F.ACC -<EMP> however snow -M.GEN top -M.ICP much -M.ACC time -M.ACC go -PASS -3M.PFV.REL =NMZ2 -M.ABL after -M.ICP
PRO -infl -post DSC N -infl N -infl A -infl N -infl V -der -infl =clt -infl N -infl
matú woqqáa iillée'u .  
... he reached a road.
matú woqqáa iillée'u .
mat woqq -áa iill -ée'u .
one -M.ACC road -M.PRED reach -3M.PFV
NUM -infl N -infl V -infl
hórunku woqqóo mánnu he'anóbeechchú láqq massánoa íkke .  
All roads lead towards the places where people live.
hórunku woqqóo mánnu he'anóbeechchu láqq massánoa íkke .
hor ´-uhu -<n> woqq -óo mann ´-u he' -ano´ =b -eechch laq ´-§G mass -ano´ ´_-a íkke .
all -M.NOM -<EMP> road -M.NOM people -M.NOM live -3M.IPFV.REL =PLC -SGV -M.ACC move_towards -3M.PFV.CVB go\CAUS1 -3M.IPFV.REL -M.COP2 PST
A -infl -post N -infl N -infl V -infl =clt -der -infl V -infl V -infl -post PART
xummá galtéen ?  
"Good morning," ...
xummá galtéen ?
xumm gal -téen ?
peace -M.ACC pass_the_night -2PL.PFV.CVB
N -infl V -infl
yí xummíshshossa qakkíchchu láahu .  
... the Little Prince greeted them.
xummíshshossa qakkíchchu láahu .
y xumm -s ´-§P§Go -ssa qakkichch ´-u laah ´-u .
say -3M.PFV.CVB become_peaceful -CAUS1 -3M.PFV -3PL.OBJ small -M.NOM prince -M.NOM
V -infl V -der -infl -post A -infl N -infl
hikkáan yaanó jáata  
When he said this ...
hikkáan yaanó jáata
hikkáan y -ano´ j -áata
P_DEM2.M.ACC say -3M.IPFV.REL time -F.ACC
PRO V -infl N -infl
tsiggeeradí fíitit wíimaankas iráan kaasánt zaráarteebeechchú iillí ké' uurrée íkke .  
... he had reached and was standing at a place where roses were planted all over a plot of land and were all a-bloom.
tsiggeeradí fíitit wíimaankas iráan kaasánt zaráarteebeechchu iillí ké' uurrée íkke .
tsiggeerad -i´ fiit ´-it wiim ´-aa -n ´_-ha -s ir -áan kaas -am ´-t zaraar ´-tee =b -eechch iill ké' uurr -ée'u íkke .
rose[AMH] -M.GEN flower -F.NOM full -M.OBL -EMP -M.COP2 -DEF plot_of_land -M.LOC plant -PASS -3F.PFV.CVB flower -3F.PRF.REL =PLC -SGV -M.ACC reach -1SG.PFV.CVB SEQ stand -3M.PRF PST
N -infl N -infl A -infl -post -post -post N -infl V -der -infl V -infl =clt -der -infl V -infl V V -infl PART
xummá gált ?  
"Good morning," ...
xummá gált ?
xumm gal ´-t ?
peace -M.ACC pass_the_night -2SG.PFV.CVB
N -infl V -infl
yít xummissóos fíitintis .  
... the flowers greeted him.
yít xummissóos fíitintis .
y ´-t xumm -s -tóo'u -s fiit ´-it -<n> -s .
say -3F.PFV.CVB become_peaceful -CAUS1 -3F.PFV -3M.OBJ flower -F.NOM -<EMP> -DEF
V -infl V -der -infl -post N -infl -post -post
qakkíchchu láahu xíshsh a'í géeqqossa .  
The Little Prince gazed at them intently.
qakkíchchu láahu xíshsh a'í géeqqossa .
qakkichch ´-u laah ´-u xíshsh a' geeq ´-§Go -ssa .
small -M.NOM prince -M.NOM do_firmly do -3M.PFV.CVB stare -3M.PFV -3PL.OBJ
A -infl N -infl IDEO V -infl V -infl -post
hórunkussan isí fiitichchúta aguddáyyoo íkke .  
All of them looked like his flower.
hórunkussan isí fiitichchúta aguddáyyoo íkke .
hor ´-uhu -<n> -ssa -n isi´ fiit -ichch -úta agud -táyyoo'u íkke .
all -M.NOM -<EMP> -3PL.POSS -EMP 3M.GEN flower -SGV -F.ACC resemble -3F.PROG PST
A -infl -post -post -post PRO N -der -infl V -infl PART
qakkíchchu láahu teesó  
The Little Prince, ...
qakkíchchu láahu teesó
qakkichch ´-u laah ´-u tees -o´
small -M.NOM prince -M.NOM now -M.GEN
A -infl N -infl N -infl
gugánat woqqartoosíga manchíga abbíshsh hilíqq ké'  
... thunderstruck (lit. shocked like a person who thunder had struck), ...
gugánat woqqartoosíga manchíga abbíshsh hilíqq ké'
gugan ´-at woqqar -too´ -s =g manch -i´ =g abb -s ´-§P§G hiliq ´-§G ké'
thunder -F.NOM strike -3F.PFV.REL -3M.OBJ =SIM -M.ACC person.SGV -M.GEN =SIM -M.ACC become_much -CAUS1 -3M.PFV.CVB get_frightened -3M.PFV.CVB SEQ
N -infl V -infl -post =clt -infl N+der -infl =clt -infl V -der -infl V -infl V
a'nno'óot aye'éetaama ?  
... "Who are you?" ...
a'nno'óot aye'éetaama ?
a'nno'óot ay -e´ -' -ée ´_-taa -ma ?
PRO PRO -infl -der -infl -post -post
yí xa'mméessa .  
... (he) asked them.
xa'mméessa .
y xa'mm -ée'u -ssa .
say -3M.PFV.CVB ask -3M.PFV -3PL.OBJ
V -infl V -infl -post
na'óot tsiggeerádaa yitóos fíitintis .  
"We are roses," the flowers said to him.
na'óot tsiggeerádaa yitóos fíitintis .
na'óot tsiggeerad ´-a ´_-a y -tóo'u -s fiit ´-it -<n> -s .
1PL.NOM rose[AMH] -M.PRED -M.COP2 say -3F.PFV -3M.OBJ flower -F.NOM -<EMP> -DEF
PRO N -infl -post V -infl -post N -infl -post -post
hítta jáata qakkíchchu láahu ábbaa kichchechchíin wíimmo .  
At that moment, the Little Prince was overcome with great sadness.
hítta jáata qakkíchchu láahu ábbaa kichchechchíin wíimmo .
hítta j -áata qakkichch ´-u laah ´-u abb ´-aa kichchechch -íin wiim ´-§Go .
A_DEM2.F.ACC time -F.ACC small -M.NOM prince -M.NOM big -M.OBL sadness -M.ICP be_filled -3M.PFV
A N -infl A -infl N -infl A -infl N -infl V -infl
hakkánn alamí aleeníi  
"Anywhere in the world, ...
hakkánn alamí aleeníi
hakkánn alam -i´ al -éen -V́
which world[AMH] -M.GEN top -M.LOC -ADD
A N -infl N -infl -post
íi agúdu yóoba'a .  
... there is nobody like me (lit. there is not my image) (anywhere in the world). ...
íi agúdu yóoba'a .
ii´ agud ´-u yóo -ba'a .
1SG.GEN image -M.NOM COP1.3 -NEG1
PRO N -infl V+infl -post
án mexxíchcheenti'  
... I am unique," ...
án mexxíchcheenti'
án mexx -ichch ´-i -Vt -'
1SG.NOM single -SGV -F.NOM -COP3 -1SG.POSS
PRO A -der -infl -post -post
yít isí fiitíchchut kultoosíi qáaggo .  
... he rembered that his flower had told him (this).
yít isí fiitíchchut kultoosíi qáaggo .
y ´-t isi´ fiit -ichch ´-ut kul -too´ -s -Vha qaag ´-§Go .
say -3F.PFV.CVB 3M.GEN flower -SGV -F.NOM tell -3F.PFV.REL -3M.OBJ -NMZ1.M.ACC remember -3M.PFV
V -infl PRO N -der -infl V -infl -post -post+infl V -infl
tánn ma'nnéen xalláan  
In this place alone, ...
tánn ma'nnéen xalláan
tánn ma'nn -éen xall -áan
A_DEM1.F.OBL place -F.LOC only -F.LOC
A N -infl A -infl
méxxo iráan ontíta kumíta ikkáa mexxagállat fíitit tí'nnibay .  
... on a single plot of land, voilà/here were five thousand (of them), all alike," ...
méxxo iráan ontíta kumíta ikkáa mexxagállat fíitit tí'nnibay .
mexx ´-o ir -áan ont -íta kum -íta ih -taa´ mexxagall ´-at fiit ´-it tí'nn -bay .
single -M.OBL plot_of_land -M.LOC five -F.ACC thousand -F.ACC become -3F.IPFV.REL same_type -F.NOM flower -F.NOM PRES_DEM1.F -PRAG4
A -infl N -infl NUM -infl N -infl V -infl A -infl N -infl PRED -post
yí sáww yée'u .  
... he thought.
sáww yée'u .
y sáww y -ée'u .
say -3M.PFV.CVB think say -3M.PFV
V -infl IDEO V -infl
íi fiitíchchut káan xúuddee ikkeeráan  
"If my flower saw this, ...
íi fiitíchchut káan xúuddee ikkeeráan
ii´ fiit -ichch ´-ut káan xuud ´-tee'u ikkeeráan
1SG.GEN flower -SGV -F.NOM P_DEM1.M.ACC see -3F.PRF IRR
PRO N -der -infl PRO V infl PART
habankándo amu'rrantáa íkke .  
... she would be very much annoyed," ...
habankándo amu'rrantáa íkke .
habank -ndo amu'rr -am -táa'u íkke .
how_much -M.ACC -Q get_angry -PASS -3F.IPFV PST
A -infl -post V -der -infl PART
yée'u qakkíchchu láahu .  
... said the Little Prince.
yée'u qakkíchchu láahu .
y -ée'u qakkichch ´-u laah ´-u .
say -3M.PFV small -M.NOM prince -M.NOM
V -infl A -infl N -infl
tadá osa'lleennoséhanníichch yít rehitáa qaxá ganshitáa íkke .  
"To avoid being laughed at she would preted to cough herself to death. ...
tadá osa'lleennoséhanníichch yít rehitáa qaxá ganshitáa íkke .
tadá osa'll -eenno´ -se =hann -íichch y ´-t reh -taa´ qax gansh -táa'u íkke .
by_now laugh\MID -3HON.IPFV.REL -3F.OBJ =NMZ2 -M.ABL say -3F.PFV.CVB die -3F.IPFV.REL extent -M.ACC cough -3F.IPFV PST
ADV V -infl -post =clt -infl V -infl V -infl N -infl V -infl PART
anisíi má assáammila ?  
... And what would I do? ...
anisíi assáammila ?
án -s -V́ m ass -áamm -la ?
PRO -post -post PRO -infl V -infl -post
áchche mannooma'ítannéenka yí  
... For my own good [translation unclear], ...
áchche mannooma'ítannéenka
áchche mannoom -a´ -' =tann -éeha -<n> y
so body -F.GEN -1SG.POSS =NMZ2 -F.DAT -<EMP> say -1SG.PFV.CVB
DSC N -infl -post =clt -infl -post V -infl
isénta moosiccán foolí woroséta malaxaqqáansea íkke .  
... I would pretend that I was nursing her back to life. ...
isénta moosiccán foolí woroséta malaxaqqáansea íkke .
iséta -<n> moos -s -' -án fool wor -o´ta -<se> malax -aqq -áamm -se ´_-a íkke .
3F.ACC -<EMP> fall_ill -CAUS1 -MID -1SG.IPFV.CVB life -M.ACC put_into -1SG.PURP.SS -<3F.OBL> pretend -MID -1SG.IPFV -3F.OBJ -M.COP2 PST
PRO -post V -der -der -infl N -infl V -infl -post V -der -infl -post -post PART
táabba'iichch isesíi ées fokkisíi yít  
... If not, in order to humble me, ...
táabba'iichch isesíi ées fokkisíi yít
táabba'iichch íse -s -V́ ées fokk -s -íi y ´-t
if_not 3F.NOM -DEF -ADD 1SG.ACC breach_of_social_rules -CAUS1 -M.DAT say -3F.PFV.CVB
ADV PRO -post -post PRO N -der -infl V -infl
garínta rehít fadíi dandeetáahaabala ?  
... she might really die."
garínta rehít fadíi dandeetáahaabala ?
gar -íta -<n> reh ´-t fad -íi dandeeh -taa´ ´-haa -bala ?
truth -F.ACC -<EMP> die -3F.PFV.CVB do_irrevocably -M.DAT be_able -3F.IPFV.REL -M.COP2 -PRAG2
N -infl -post V -infl AUX -infl V -infl -post -post
hoolamá irá káan sáww yáan egérr ké'  
He went on with his reflections for quite a while, ...
hoolamá irá káan sáww yáan egérr ké'
hoolam ir káan sáww y -án eger ´-§G ké'
much -M.ACC time -M.ACC P_DEM1.M.ACC think say -3M.IPFV.CVB wait -3M.PFV.CVB SEQ
A -infl N -infl PRO IDEO V -infl V -infl V
áda án mexxiiháa yooba'í fiitíchchut yóo'e yáan ké'  
... "(I become aware/I now realize that) I thought that I had a flower that nobody else had, ...
áda án mexxiiháa yooba'í fiitíchchut yóo'e yáan ké'
áda án mexx -íiha -V́ yoo´ -ba'í fiit -ichch ´-ut yóo -'e y -án ké'
[awareness] 1SG.NOM single -M.DAT -ADD COP1.3.REL -NEG1.REL flower -SGV -F.NOM COP1.3 -1SG.OBJ say -1SG.IPFV.CVB SEQ
DSC PRO A -infl -post V -post+infl N -der -infl V+infl -post V -infl V
gagá' abbíshsh duuballíga xuudaqqáyyoommii .  
... and I considered myself very rich (lit. I saw myself like someone very rich). ...
gagá' abbíshsh duuballíga xuudaqqáyyoommii .
gag -' abb -s ´-§P§G duuball -i´ =g xuud -aqq -áyyoommi -Vhu .
self -M.ACC -1SG.POSS become_much -CAUS1 -1SG.PFV.CVB rich -M.GEN =SIM -M.ACC see -MID -1SG.PROG.REL -NMZ1.M.NOM
N -infl -post V -der -infl A -infl =clt -infl V -der -infl -post+infl
áda hakkanneníi dagantáa tsiggeeradí fiitíta aphphíneet ?  
... (but) (as I realize now) all I owned (lit. held) was a rose that can be found anywhere. ...
áda hakkanneníi dagantáa tsiggeeradí fiitíta aphphíneet ?
áda hakkann ´-e -níi dag -am -taa´ tsiggeerad -i´ fiit -íta af -' -n -Vt ?
[awareness] which -M.OBL -ADD find -PASS -3F.IPFV.REL rose[AMH] -M.GEN flower -F.ACC hold -MID -1SG.PFV.CVB -LNK -COP3
DSC PRO -infl -post V -der -infl N -infl N -infl V -der -infl -post -post
hítt sásit giirá dúunnat ikkodáa gulube'íba xallá iillitáahaarra .  
... (My) three volcanos only came up to my knees. ...
hítt sásit giirá dúunnat ikkodáa gulube'íba xallá iillitáahaarra .
hítt sas ´-it giir -a´ duun -C ´-at ih -§Go´ =da -V́ gulub -e´ -' =b xall iill -taa´ ´-haa =rr ´-a .
A_DEM2.F.NOM three -F.NOM fire -F.GEN mountain -PLV1 -F.NOM become -3M.PFV.REL =COND -ADD knee -F.GEN -1SG.POSS =PLC -M.ACC only -M.ACC reach -3F.IPFV.REL -M.COP2 =NMZ4 -M.PRED
A NUM -infl N -infl N -der -infl V -infl =clt -post N -infl -post =clt -infl A -infl V -infl -post =clt -infl
isíichchin ammóo matisí gíirat xa'ít fáddeetaa .  
... And one of them is extinct (lit. the fire of one of them is extinguished). ...
isíichchin ammóo matisí gíirat xa'ít fáddeetaa .
isíichch -n ammóo mat -i´ -s giir ´-at xa' ´-t fad ´-tee ´_-taa .
3M.ABL -EMP however one -M.GEN -3M.POSS fire -F.NOM go_out(fire) -3F.PFV.CVB do_irrevocably -3F.PRF.REL -F.COP2
PRO -post DSC NUM -infl -post N -infl V -infl AUX -infl -post
doollíi horíi aphphú hoogíi danditáataa .  
... It (lit. she = the fire) may never light up again (lit. may not seize (fire) for all times). ...
doollíi horíi aphphú hoogíi danditáataa .
dooll -íi hor -íi af -' hoog -íi dand -taa´ ´-taa .
time -M.DAT all -M.DAT seize -MID -M.ACC not_do -M.DAT be_able -3F.IPFV.REL -F.COP2
N -infl A -infl V -der -infl V -infl V -infl -post
kúun ées abbá laahá assumbó'ea xáha .  
... (All) hhis is not something that makes me a great prince."
kúun ées abbá laahá assumbó'ea xáha .
kúun ées abb laah ass -umb -o´ -'e ´_-a xah ´-a .
P_DEM1.M.NOM 1SG.ACC much -M.ACC prince -M.ACC do -3M.NEG5 -M.OBL[?] -1SG.OBJ -M.COP2 thing -M.PRED
PRO PRO A -infl N -infl V -infl -infl -post -post N -infl
hítta jáanta hixé aléen úbb ké' abbíshsh ó'o .  
And then he fell into the grass and cried.
hítta jáanta hixé aléen úbb ké' abbíshsh ó'o .
hítta j -áata -<n> hix -e´ al -éen ub ´-§G ké' abb -s ´-§P§G o' ´-o .
A_DEM2.F.ACC time -F.ACC -<EMP> grass -F.GEN top -M.LOC fall -3M.PFV.CVB SEQ become_much -CAUS1 -3M.PFV.CVB cry -3M.PFV
A N -infl -post N -infl N -infl V -infl V V -der -infl V -infl