KTB_YT_LECT_2017_QL-CH00-P.EAF     karaoke karaoke2

kú maxáafu irrifammóo Leon Werth yeennó manchíihaat .  
This book is dedicated to Leon Werth.
maxáafu irrifammóo Leon Werth yeennó manchíihaat .
maxaaf ´-u irrif -am -§Go´ -Vhu Leon Werth y -eenno´ manch -íiha -Vt .
A_DEM1.M.NOM book -M.NOM give_as_a_gift -PASS -3M.PFV.REL -NMZ1.M.NOM Leon Werth say -3HON.IPFV.REL person\SGV -M.DAT -COP3
A N -infl V -der -infl -post+infl PN PN V -infl N+der -infl -post
ká maxaafá gagá daqqée ábbaa manchíi irriffoommítannée  
As this book is dedicated to a grown-up (lit. a big person who has found/knows (their) self), ...
maxaafá gagá daqqée ábbaa manchíi irriffoommítannée
maxaaf gag dag -' -ee´ abb ´-aa manch -íi irrif -§Goommi´ =tann -ée
A_DEM1.M.ACC book -M.ACC self -M.ACC find -MID -3M.PFV.REL big -M.OBL person\SGV -M.DAT give_as_a_gift -1SG.PFV.REL =NMZ2 -F.DAT
A N -infl N -infl V -der -infl A -infl N+der -infl V -infl =clt -infl
maxaafás anabbabbáa óosut qannaxxúmbo'ega uuccaqqáamm .  
... I beg the children who read the book not to scold me.
maxaafás anabbabbáa óosut qannaxxúmbo'ega uuccaqqáamm .
maxaaf -s anabbab -taa´ oos ´-ut qannax -tumb -o´ -'e =g uucc -aqq -áamm .
book -M.ACC -DEF read -3F.IPFV.REL children -F.NOM scold -3F.NEG5 -M.OBL[?] -1SG.OBJ =SIM -M.ACC beg -MID -1SG.IPFV
N -infl -post V -infl N -infl V -infl -infl -post =clt -infl V -der -infl
káan assíiha'nne hoolámat máshkut yóo'e .  
I have many reasons to do this.
káan assíiha'nne hoolámat máshkut yóo'e .
káan ass -íiha -n -'e hoolam ´-at mashk ´-ut yóo -'e .
P_DEM1.M.ACC do -M.DAT -LNK -1SG.POSS many -F.NOM reason -F.NOM COP1.3 -1SG.OBJ
PRO V -infl -post -post A -infl N -infl V+infl -post
alamí aléen yoo'é jaalláachch horáachchin ís esáa abbíshsh xúmaa jáala .  
Of all the friends I have in the world, he is the best friend.
alamí aléen yoo'é jaalláachch horáachchin ís esáa abbíshsh xúmaa jáala .
alam -i´ al -éen yoo´ -'e jaal -C -áachch hor -áachch -n ís esáa abb -s ´-§P§G xum ´-a ´_-a jaal ´-a .
world[AMH] -M.GEN top -M.LOC COP1.3.REL -1SG.OBJ friend -PLV1 -F.ABL all -F.ABL -EMP 3M.NOM 1SG.DAT become_much -CAUS1 -3M.PFV.CVB good -M.PRED -M.COP2 friend -M.PRED
N -infl N -infl V -post N -der -infl A -infl -post PRO PRO V -der -infl A -infl -post N -infl
lankí máshkutii yóo'e .  
There is also a second reason.
lankí máshkutii yóo'e .
lam -k -i´ mashk ´-ut -V yóo -'e .
two -ORD -M.GEN reason -F.NOM -ADD COP1.3 -1SG.OBJ
NUM -der -infl N -infl -post V+infl -post
Namely, ...
hittíin -s -n
PRO -post -post
kú gagá daqqée mánchu ciillá maxáaffat fa'u'nnáan hórunkurru sarbí aagánosia .  
... this grown-up understands not only children's book but everything quickly.
gagá daqqée mánchu ciillá maxáaffat fa'u'nnáan hórunkurru sarbí aagánosia .
gag dag -' -ee´ manch ´-u ciil -C -a´ maxaaf -C ´-at fa' -tu'nnáan hor ´-uhu -<n> =rr ´-u sarb aag -ano´ -s ´_-a .
A_DEM1.M.NOM self -M.ACC find -MID -3M.PFV.REL person\SGV -M.NOM infant -PLV1 -F.GEN book -PLV1 -F.NOM remain -3F.NEG4 all -M.NOM -<EMP> =NMZ4 -M.NOM hurry -3M.PFV.CVB enter -3M.IPFV.REL -3M.OBJ -M.COP2
A N -infl V -der -infl N+der -infl N -der -infl N -der -infl V -infl A -infl -post =clt -infl V -infl V -infl -post -post
sakkisí máshkut ammóo  
And the third reason (is that), ...
sakkisí máshkut ammóo
sas -k -i´ -s mashk ´-ut ammóo
three -ORD -M.GEN -DEF reason -F.NOM however
NUM -der -infl -post N -infl DSC
ís gidiiníi gorriiníi faransaayyí baadóon he'anótannée  
... because he lives in France where he is hungry and cold, ...
ís gidiiníi gorriiníi faransaayyí baadóon he'anótannée
ís gid -íin -V́ gorr -íin -V́ faransaayy -i´ baad -óon he' -ano´ =tann -ée
3M.NOM cold -M.ICP -ADD hunger -M.ICP -ADD France[AMH] -M.GEN country -M.LOC live -3M.IPFV.REL =NMZ2 -F.DAT
PRO N -infl -post N -infl -post N -infl N -infl V -infl =clt -infl
án bajigisosíta hasaammíbíihaat .  
... I want to cheer him up.
án bajigisosíta hasaammíbíihaat .
án bajig -s -o´ta -<si> has -aammi´ =bíiha -Vt .
1SG.NOM become_happy -CAUS1 -1SG.PURP.SS -<3M.OBJ> want -1SG.IPFV.REL =NMZ3.M.ACC -COP3
PRO V -der -infl -post V -infl =clt -post
tí hórant máshkut ikkáaba'a yiteentáda  
If you think (lit. say) that all these reasons are not enough, ...
hórant máshkut ikkáaba'a yiteentáda
hor ´-at -<n> mashk ´-ut ih -táa'u -ba'a y -teenta´ =da
A_DEM1.F.NOM all -F.NOM -<EMP> reason -F.NOM become -3F.IPFV -NEG1 say -2PL.PFV.REL =COND
A A -infl -post N -infl V -infl -post V -infl =clt
maxaafá' zákko gagá daqqée manchú ikkó ciilíi irrifáamm .  
... I dedicate the book to the child that later became an adult.
maxaafá' zákko gagá daqqée manchú ikkó ciilíi irrifáamm .
maxaaf -' zakk ´-o gag dag -' -ee´ manch ih -§Go´ ciil -íi irrif -áamm .
book -M.ACC -1SG.POSS later -M.OBL self -M.ACC find -MID -3M.PFV.REL person\SGV -M.ACC become -3M.PFV.REL infant -M.DAT give_as_a_gift -1SG.IPFV
N -infl -post N -infl N -infl V -der -infl N+der -infl V -infl N -infl V -infl
hórant gagá daqqitóo mannáakkat wóna cíillata íkkebala !  
All grown-ups were once children.
hórant gagá daqqitóo mannáakkat wóna cíillata íkkebala !
hor ´-at -<n> gag dag -' -too´ mann -aakk ´-at won ´-a ciil -C ´-a ´_-ta íkke -bala !
all -F.NOM -<EMP> self -M.ACC know -MID -3F.PFV.REL people -PLV2 -F.NOM first -F.OBL infant -PLV1 -F.PRED -F.COP2 PST -PRAG2
A -infl -post N -infl V -der -infl N -der -infl ORD -infl N -der -infl -post PART -post
mámmátoosma ciiloommanús qaaganóo bagáan .  
Although few of them remember their childhood.
mámmátoosma ciiloommanús qaaganóo bagáan .
mát- mat ´-o -Vt -s -ma ciiloomman -s qaag -ano´ -Vhu bagáan .
RED- one -F.OBL -COP3 -DEF -CFOC childhood -M.ACC -3M.POSS remember -3M.IPFV.REL -NMZ1.M.NOM CNTR
NUM- NUM -infl -post -post -post N -infl -post V -infl -post+infl CONJ
hikkanníi irrifú' makkisáamm .  
And so I correct my dedication.
hikkanníi irrifú' makkisáamm .
hikkann -íi irrif -' makk -s -áamm .
P_DEM2.M -M.DAT gift -F.ACC -1SG.POSS become_good -CAUS1 -1SG.IPFV
PRO -infl N -infl -post V -der -infl
kú maxáafu irrifammóo gagá daqqú'nna bíre yóo ciilíi Leon Werth yeennóbíihaat .  
This book is dedicated to the child called Leon Werth before he has become an adult.
maxáafu irrifammóo gagá daqqú'nna bíre yóo ciilíi Leon Werth yeennóbíihaat .
maxaaf ´-u irrif -am -§Go´ -Vhu gag dag -' -ú'nna bir ´-e yóo ciil -íi Leon Werth y -eenno´ =bíiha -Vt .
A_DEM1.M.NOM book -M.NOM give_as_a_gift -PASS -3M.PFV.REL -NMZ1.M.NOM self -M.ACC find -MID -3M.NEG4 front -F.OBL COP1.3.REL infant -M.DAT Leon Werth say -3HON.IPFV.REL =NMZ3.M.ACC -COP3
A N -infl V -der -infl -post+infl N -infl V -der -infl N -infl V+infl N -infl PN PN V -infl =clt -post