KKEC_AV_CONV_131220_MOSQUE3.EAF     karaoke karaoke2

ɛɛ.. dóoènù k' a tàa nun, kɛ́ɛnù máamasɔrɔ  
The other married her, his grand grandfather (he is talking about the grand grand father of Kerno Umar, inhabintant of Kurupanpa, who is standing at the back, with a white had and a brown shawl over his white shirt)
ɛɛ dóoènù k a tàa nun kɛ́ɛnù máamasɔrɔ
ɛɛ dóo nù kà a tàa nun kɛɛ nù máamasɔrɔ
ur one -ART -PL SEQ 3SG take RETR this -PL great.great.grandfather
itj n -mrph -mrph conj pron v prt pron -mrph n
kɛ́ɛnù máamasɔrɔ nin Sàati Mála, anu gɛ̀rɛta mànsáyà fɛ, ha̋a anu kɔ̀rita  
his grand grand father and Saati Mala, they fought for power till they were tired.
kɛ́ɛnù máamasɔrɔ nin Sàati Mála anu gɛ̀rɛta mànsáyà ha̋a anu kɔ̀rita
kɛɛ nù máamasɔrɔ nin Sàati Mála anu gɛ̀rɛ ta mànsáya háa anu kɔ̀ri ta
this -PL great.great.grandfather and NOM.M NOM.M 3PL quarell -PST.INTR power -ART with as.far.as 3PL fail.to -PST.INTR
pron -mrph n conj n.prop n.prop pron v -mrph n -mrph pp conj pron v -mrph
ɓá ma le ma nɔ́ɔ-len de nun ma kɔ́lɔnizɛ-len tìbáabuènù nin fúlan' de bólo  
We were colonized by white people and Fulbe.
ɓá ma le ma nɔ́ɔlen de nun ma kɔ́lɔnizɛlen tìbáabuènù nin fúlan de bólo
ɓáy ma le ma nɔ́n len le nun ma kɔ́lɔnizɛ len tìbáabu nù nin fúla nù le bólo
as 1PL FOC 1PL can -PC.RES FOC RETR 1PL colonize -PC.RES white.man -ART -PL and fula -PL FOC arm
conj pron prt pron v -mrph prt prt pron v -mrph n -mrph -mrph conj n -mrph prt n
ma le n de ɔn bi mín máanditɛ-len, n bi wo le fɔ́ɔ-la wo yen  
We, that what I remember is that what I tell to you.
ma le n de ɔn bi mín máanditɛlen n bi wo le fɔ́ɔla wo yen
ma le n le ɔn bi mín máanditɛ len n bi wo le fɔ́ɔ la wo yen
1PL FOC 1SG FOC DISC be which remember -PC.RES 1SG be that FOC say -GER 2PL for
pron prt pron prt part cop n v -mrph pron cop pron prt v -mrph pron pp
ma i pɔ̀ɔrɛ́ɛ̀ sírɛ, ma i nùmúyà kɛ́ɛ, hári ma i wo főo máa-la le nun, kɔ̀nɔ ma nɔ́ɔ-len de nun nɔn hári  
We wood remove the bark from the rubber tree, we were smiths, we did all this, but we were subdued.
ma i pɔ̀ɔrɛ́ɛ̀ sírɛ ma i nùmúyà kɛ́ɛ hári ma i wo főo máala le nun kɔ̀nɔ ma nɔ́ɔlen de nun nɔn hári
ma si pɔ̀ɔrɛ sírɛ ma si nùmu ya kɛ́ɛ hári ma bi wo főo máa la le nun kɔ̀nɔ ma nɔ́n len le nun nɔn hári
1PL POT caoutchouc -ART remove.bark 1PL POT smith -ABST -ART do but 1PL be that UNIV do -GER FOC RETR but 1PL can -PC.RES FOC RETR but but
pron pm n -mrph v pron pm n -mrph -mrph v prt pron cop pron dtm v -mrph prt prt conj pron v -mrph prt prt itj prt
ɛɛ n sàɲɛ́ɛ̀n' báti mín sɔ̀tɔ, n bát' a sɔ̀tɔ yan sàn bíwɔ́rɔwila a nin kɔ̀nɔntɔ  
the age that I have now, it is seventy nine.
ɛɛ n sàɲɛ́ɛ̀n báti mín sɔ̀tɔ n bát a sɔ̀tɔ yan sàn bíwɔ́rɔwila a nin kɔ̀nɔntɔ
ɛɛ n sàn nù báti mín sɔ̀tɔ n báti a sɔ̀tɔ yan sàn bí wɔ́rɔwila a nin kɔ̀nɔntɔ
ur 1SG year -ART -PL PRF which get 1SG PRF 3SG get that year ten- seven 3SG and nine
itj pron n -mrph -mrph pm n v pron pm pron v pron n num- num pron conj num
fáyida, n bi bíságiɲɛ̀ le tɔ, fáyida  
I'm almost in the eighties.
fáyida n bi bíságiɲɛ̀ le fáyida
fàhín n bi bí ságin le fàhín
DISC 1SG be ten- eight -ART FOC in DISC
part pron cop num- num -mrph prt pp part
kɔ̀nɔ n bi mín máanditɛ-len nun yan, hári ma béle tɔ-sɔ̀tɔ-len  
That what I remembered, it's that before we were not in a good position.
kɔ̀nɔ n bi mín máanditɛlen nun yan hári ma béle tɔsɔ̀tɔlen
kɔ̀nɔ n bi mín máanditɛ len nun yan hári ma béle sɔ̀tɔ len
but 1SG be which remember -PC.RES RETR that but 1PL COP.NEG REP- get -PC.RES
conj pron cop n v -mrph prt pron prt pron cop mrph- v -mrph
an si nàa, an si ma la-bɔ́ɔ, fóndo kólo ɛɛ.. sìise kíli, sìisé, nìngi, bàá, túlu  
They used to come and take from us fonio, eggs, chicken, cows, sheep, oil
an si nàa an si ma labɔ́ɔ fóndo kólo ɛɛ sìise kíli sìisé nìngi bàá túlu
anu si nàa anu si ma la bɔ́ɔ fóndo kólo ɛɛ sìise kíli sìise nìngi bàa túlu
3PL POT come 3PL POT 1PL CAUS- leave fonio bone ur chiken egg chiken cow goat oil
pron pm v pron pm pron mrph- v n n itj n n n n n n
an ni ma la-róndi tùgun ma ni tága, an tàran  
They made us carry it, we would go and find them
an ni ma laróndi tùgun ma ni tága an tàran
anu ni ma la róndin tùgun ma ni tága anu tàran
3PL OPT 1PL CAUS- carry again 1PL OPT go 3PL find
pron pm pron mrph- v adv pron pm v pron v
pɔ̀ɔrɛ́ɛ̀ sírɛ, ma n' tága, an tára  
The rubber, we would go to them (to Fulbe)
pɔ̀ɔrɛ́ɛ̀ sírɛ ma n tága an tára
pɔ̀ɔrɛ sírɛ ma ni tága anu tára
caoutchouc -ART remove.bark 1PL OPT go 3PL pray
n -mrph v pron pm v pron v
wo le tóo-ta háa  
It was so until
wo le tóota háa
wo le tóo ta háa
that FOC leave -PST.INTR as.far.as
pron prt v -mrph conj
n de dòn-na lármɛ tɔ wáttè mín tɔ, hári won tùma, Sɛ́ɛku Tùrɛ́ dɛ̀pitɛ́ɛ̀ le  
At the time when I went to army and the time whe Seku Ture was a deputy.
n de dònna lármɛ wáttè mín hári won tùma Sɛ́ɛku Tùrɛ́ dɛ̀pitɛ́ɛ̀ le
n le dòn la lármɛ wátti mín hári wo nù tùma Sɛ́ɛku Tùrɛ́ dɛ̀pitɛ́ le
1SG FOC enter -ACT.NMLZ army in time -ART which in but that -PL time Sekou NOM.CL deputy -ART FOC
pron prt v -mrph n pp n -mrph n pp prt pron -mrph n n n n -mrph prt
hári hàyi dɛ́pitɛya, a m' a sɔ̀tɔ, a tùgun hári a máa dɛ̀pitɛ́ya sɔ̀tɔ  
he hand't become a deputy yet, fact.
hári hàyi dɛ́pitɛya a m a sɔ̀tɔ a tùgun hári a máa dɛ̀pitɛ́ya sɔ̀tɔ
hári hàyi a máa a sɔ̀tɔ a tùgun hári a máa dɛ̀pitɛ́ ya sɔ̀tɔ
but even ETRG.FR 3SG NEG.COP 3SG get 3SG again but 3SG NEG.COP deputy -ABST get
prt dtm prep pron cop pron v pron adv prt pron cop n -mrph v
hári a máa dɛ̀pitɛ́ya sɔ̀tɔ, háray ɔ̀ya.. Jánwaadɔ..  
he was not a deputy yes, at that time Janwaado
hári a máa dɛ̀pitɛ́ya sɔ̀tɔ háray ɔ̀ya Jánwaadɔ
hári a máa sɔ̀tɔ háray ɔ̀ya Jánwaadɔ
but 3SG NEG.COP ETRG.FR get so faire NOM.M
prt pron cop prep v itj v n.prop
Jánwaadɔ le mànsaya-len nun ɔn tùma  
At that time it was Janwado who was the governor.
Jánwaadɔ le mànsayalen nun ɔn tùma
Jánwaadɔ le mànsaya len nun ɔn tùma
n.prop prt v -mrph prt part n
kɔ̀nɔ ma le y' a la-bìta-la Tínbɔ lè nun  
But we were in Timbo (lit. "we would anser to the name of Timbo").
kɔ̀nɔ ma le y a labìtala Tínbɔ lè nun
kɔ̀nɔ ma le bi a la bìta la Tínbɔ le nun
conj pron prt cop pron mrph- v -mrph n.prop prt prt
ma si dònéè róndi yan, ma n' a wà Tínbɔ, ma n' a wà Bálɛ, ma n' a dòni Máamu  
We used to carry weights, we went to Timbo, we went to Bale, and we carried it to Mamu.
ma si dònéè róndi yan ma n a wà Tínbɔ ma n a wà Bálɛ ma n a dòni Máamu
ma si do róndin yan ma ni a wà Tínbɔ ma ni a wà Bálɛ ma ni a dòni Máamu
1PL POT FOC.do carry that 1PL OPT 3SG go TOPON 1PL OPT 3SG go TOPON 1PL OPT 3SG transport TOPON
pron pm prt v pron pron pm pron v n.prop pron pm pron v n.prop pron pm pron v n.prop
hári ɔn tùma, ma i wo le máa-la  
At that time we did that.
hári ɔn tùma ma i wo le máala
hári ɔn tùma ma bi wo le máa la
but DISC time 1PL be that FOC do -GER
prt part n pron cop pron prt v -mrph
ɛɛ n bi dòn-na sɛ́rvisɛ̀ là wáttuè mín tɔ, n de k' a fɔ́lɔ le nun yan, n ka sɛ́ppi háa ma kée-ta Kíndiya  
when I started the army service, I started from here and went on foot to Kindiya.
ɛɛ n bi dònna sɛ́rvisɛ̀ là wáttuè mín n de k a fɔ́lɔ le nun yan n ka sɛ́ppi háa ma kéeta Kíndiya
ɛɛ n bi dòn la sɛ́rvisɛ là wáatu mín n le ka a fɔ́lɔ le nun yan n ka sɛ́ppi háa ma kée ta Kíndiya
ur 1SG be enter -ACT.NMLZ service -ART LOC time -ART which in 1SG FOC PST.TR 3SG start FOC RETR that 1SG PST.TR go.on.foot as.far.as 1PL arrive -PST.INTR TOPON
itj pron cop v -mrph n -mrph pp n -mrph n pp pron prt pm pron v prt prt pron pron pm v conj pron v -mrph n.prop
wo kèɲɛ́ɛ̀nù  
by your feet
wo kèɲɛ́ɛ̀nù
wo kèn nù
2PL leg -ART -PL
pron n -mrph -mrph
ma kèɲɛ́ɛ̀ là  
by our feet
ma kèɲɛ́ɛ̀ là
ma kèn là
1PL leg -ART LOC
pron n -mrph pp
wo máata sɛ́nkant  
it was in the year fifty
wo máata sɛ́nkant
wo máa ta sɛ́nkant
pron conj -mrph num
in 1950.
in 1950
wo k' a wà.. wo k' a fɔ́lɔ yan wo sɛ́ppita háa Kíndiya  
You went, you started and you went on foot till Kindiya.
wo k a wà wo k a fɔ́lɔ yan wo sɛ́ppita háa Kíndiya
wo ka a wà wo ka a fɔ́lɔ yan wo sɛ́ppi ta háa Kíndiya
2PL PST.TR 3SG go 2PL PST.TR 3SG start that 2PL go.on.foot -PST.INTR as.far.as TOPON
pron pm pron v pron pm pron v pron pron v -mrph conj n.prop
ma k' a sɛ́ppi, ma sɛ́ppi-ta, ma táata Máamu, Máamu káànù ka ma bóloka ɲɔ́ɔ, kó ma n' a wà Kíndiya, ma bìla-ta kúluɲɛ̀ tɔ, kúluɲɛ̀ páanɛ-ta  
We went on foot, we came to Mamu, the people of Mamu left them there and told them to go to Kindiya, we took a train, but it broke down.
ma k a sɛ́ppi ma sɛ́ppita ma táata Máamu Máamu káànù ka ma bóloka ɲɔ́ɔ kó ma n a wà Kíndiya ma bìlata kúluɲɛ̀ kúluɲɛ̀ páanɛta
ma ka a sɛ́ppi ma sɛ́ppi ta ma tága ta Máamu Máamu káa nù ka ma bóloka ɲɔ́ɔ kó ma ni a wà Kíndiya ma bìla ta kúlun kúlun páanɛ ta
1PL PST.TR 3SG go.on.foot 1PL go.on.foot -PST.INTR 1PL go -PST.INTR TOPON TOPON place -ART -PL PST.TR to leave that say 1PL OPT 3SG go TOPON 1PL plunge -PST.INTR pirogue -ART in pirogue -ART have.a.car.accident -PST.INTR
pron pm pron v pron v -mrph pron v -mrph n.prop n.prop n -mrph -mrph pm pp v pron v pron pm pron v n.prop pron v -mrph n -mrph pp n -mrph v -mrph
ɓá a ti páanɛ, ma jìgi-ta, ma s' a.. ma táata ma kèɲɛ́ɛ̀ là háa Kíndiya fàɲɛ́ɛ̀ tɔ  
when it broke down, we went out and went on foot to Kindiya.
ɓá a ti páanɛ ma jìgita ma s a ma táata ma kèɲɛ́ɛ̀ là háa Kíndiya fàɲɛ́ɛ̀
ɓáy a báti páanɛ ma jìgi ta ma si a ma táata ma kèn là háa Kíndiya fàɲɛ
as 3SG PRF have.a.car.accident 1PL descend -PST.INTR 1PL POT 3SG 1PL elder.sibling 1PL leg -ART LOC as.far.as TOPON place -ART in
conj pron pm v pron v -mrph pron pm pron pron n pron n -mrph pp conj n.prop n -mrph pp
wo la kìnáà bi wálè kɛ́ɛ-la nun ye wáttuè mín tɔ, ɓá hári an kɔ́lɔnizɛ-len nɔ̀ɔyáà b' anu kùnma nun  
At the time when your parents worked, it was the time of colonization.
wo la kìnáà bi wálè kɛ́ɛla nun ye wáttuè mín ɓá hári an kɔ́lɔnizɛlen nɔ̀ɔyáà b anu kùnma nun
wo la kìna bi wáli kɛ́ɛ la nun ye wáatu mín ɓáy hári anu kɔ́lɔnizɛ len nɔ̀ɔyá bi anu kùnma nun
2PL POSS old.man -ART be work -ART do -GER RETR TRUTH.FOC time -ART which in as but 3PL colonize -PC.RES colonization -ART be 3PL head RETR
pron conj n -mrph cop n -mrph v -mrph prt disc n -mrph n pp conj prt pron v -mrph n -mrph cop pron n prt
an na dámuènù, an b' a tàa-la nun an bólo le, káa káma le nun, ɓá a bi tàa-la le an bólo nun fɔ̀rsɛ́ le nun  
Their food, did they take it from them, or how? they took it from the because it was forced.
an na dámuènù an b a tàala nun an bólo le káa káma le nun ɓá a bi tàala le an bólo nun fɔ̀rsɛ́ le nun
anu la dámu nù anu bi a tàa la nun anu bólo le káa káma le nun ɓáy a bi tàa la le anu bólo nun fɔ̀rsɛ́ le nun
3PL POSS eat -ART -PL 3PL be 3SG take -GER RETR 3PL arm FOC or.INTERR how FOC RETR as 3SG be take -GER FOC 3PL arm RETR forced.labour FOC RETR
pron conj v -mrph -mrph pron cop pron v -mrph prt pron n prt conj adv prt prt conj pron cop v -mrph prt pron n prt n prt prt
a bi táa-la le an bólon nun fɔ̀rsɛ́ le  
It was taken from them, it was forced.
a bi táala le an bólon nun fɔ̀rsɛ́ le
a bi tága la le anu bólo nù nun fɔ̀rsɛ́ le
3SG be go -GER FOC 3PL arm -PL RETR forced.labour FOC
pron cop v -mrph prt pron n -mrph prt n prt
ani y' a fɔ́ɔ-la le, i le mín bɛ̀rɛ́ɛ̀ b' i bólo, an n' a fɔ́ɔ i ni kùn sàba máa kùn náani ɛɛ.. súman  
They would say that, the little that you have, you have to measure three or four meausures.
ani y a fɔ́ɔla le i le mín bɛ̀rɛ́ɛ̀ b i bólo an n a fɔ́ɔ i ni kùn sàba máa kùn náani ɛɛ súman
anu bi a fɔ́ɔ la le i le mín bɛ̀rɛ bi i bólo anu ni a fɔ́ɔ i ni kùn sàba máa kùn náani ɛɛ súman
3PL be 3SG say -GER FOC 2SG FOC which custom -ART be 2SG arm 3PL OPT 3SG say 2SG OPT head three or head four ur measure
pron cop pron v -mrph prt pron prt n n -mrph cop pron n pron pm pron v pron pm n num conj n num itj v
wo ni láa sɛ́ntuè tɔ, sáŋasaŋa-nden de dáa-la nun  
it was put into "sentue" (Maka doesn't know the word, sort of basket probably), at that time the baskets sangasanga were made.
wo ni láa sɛ́ntuè sáŋasaŋanden de dáala nun
wo ni láa sɛ́ntu sáŋasaŋa len le dáa la nun
that OPT lie ? -ART in basket -PC.RES FOC make -GER RETR
pron pm v n -mrph pp n -mrph prt v -mrph prt
wo sáŋasaŋannɛ̀nù mán dáa, a i láa-la wo le tɔ, kà gúnbanbè fíta láa i n' a róndi, i n' a wà  
When this baskets are made, it was put there, and the leaves of gunbanbe were put there adn you would put it on your head an go.
wo sáŋasaŋannɛ̀nù mán dáa a i láala wo le kà gúnbanbè fíta láa i n a róndi i n a wà
wo sáŋasaŋa len nù máni dáa a bi láa la wo le kà gúnbanbe fíta láa i ni a róndin i ni a wà
that basket -PC.RES -ART -PL COND make 3SG be lie -GER that FOC in SEQ goumbambe -ART leaf lie 2SG OPT 3SG carry 2SG OPT 3SG go
pron n -mrph -mrph -mrph pm v pron cop v -mrph pron prt pp conj n -mrph n v pron pm pron v pron pm pron v
i mán tága Tínbɔ, màgasáɲɛ̀ bi ɲɔ́ɔ, i n' a láa sáaku máa de̋, i n' a la-bòyi ɲɔ́ɔ  
When you go to Timbo, there is a center, you put it not in bags, you threw it there.
i mán tága Tínbɔ màgasáɲɛ̀ bi ɲɔ́ɔ i n a láa sáaku máa de̋ i n a labòyi ɲɔ́ɔ
i máni tága Tínbɔ màgasán bi ɲɔ́ɔ i ni a láa sáaku máa dé i ni a la bòyi ɲɔ́ɔ
2SG COND go TOPON terminal -ART be that 2SG OPT 3SG lie bag NEG.COP EMPH 2SG OPT 3SG CAUS- fall that
pron pm v n.prop n -mrph cop pron pron pm pron v n cop prt pron pm pron mrph- v pron
i ni nàa  
you come back
i ni nàa
i ni nàa
2SG OPT come
pron pm v
si an n' a fɛ́lɛ, si tàranta, a bá' tìɲa kílà là, háray i le ɔn i ti wálè sɔ̀tɔ, si i kálabantɛ máa. i i kálabantɛ le nɔn, a si máa, i ni i dɛ́bruyɛ ɲɔ́ɔ là, háray fɛ̋nfɛn máa máa  
If they look and see that it had spoiled in the road, that you had problems, if you're a resistant person. I you are a resistant person, you would settle it and nothing would be done.
si an n a fɛ́lɛ si tàranta a bá tìɲa kílà là háray i le ɔn i ti wálè sɔ̀tɔ si i kálabantɛ máa i i kálabantɛ le nɔn a si máa i ni i dɛ́bruyɛ ɲɔ́ɔ là háray fɛ̋nfɛn máa máa
si anu ni a fɛ́lɛ si tàran ta a báti báti kíla là háray i le ɔn i báti wáli sɔ̀tɔ si i kálabantɛ máa i bi kálabantɛ le nɔn a si máa i ni i dɛ́bruyɛ ɲɔ́ɔ là háray fɛ̋nfɛn máa máa
if 3PL OPT 3SG watch if find -PST.INTR 3SG PRF PRF road -ART LOC so 2SG FOC DISC 2SG PRF work -ART get if 2SG humbug NEG.COP 2SG be humbug FOC but 3SG POT do 2SG OPT 2SG ETRG.FR that LOC so something NEG.COP do
conj pron pm pron v conj v -mrph pron pm pm n -mrph pp itj pron prt part pron pm n -mrph v conj pron n cop pron cop n prt itj pron pm v pron pm pron v pron pp itj n cop v
ma y' a dòn-na ma kèɲɛ́ɛ̀n' de là nɔn, ɔ́tɔ béle  
we transported it by our feet, there were no cars
ma y a dònna ma kèɲɛ́ɛ̀n de là nɔn ɔ́tɔ béle
ma bi a dòni la ma kèn nù le là nɔn ɔ́tɔ béle
1PL be 3SG load -GER 1PL leg -ART -PL FOC LOC but car COP.NEG
pron cop pron v -mrph pron n -mrph -mrph prt pp itj n cop
ɛɛ ɔ́tɔ béle, wɛ́lɔ béle, móto béle, ma i táa-la ma kèɲɛ́ɛ̀ le là nun  
there were no cars, no bycicles, no motorcycle, we went on our feet.
ɛɛ ɔ́tɔ béle wɛ́lɔ béle móto béle ma i táala ma kèɲɛ́ɛ̀ le là nun
ɛɛ ɔ́tɔ béle wɛ́lɔ béle móto béle ma bi tága la ma kèn le là nun
ur car COP.NEG bycicle COP.NEG motorcycle COP.NEG 1PL be go -GER 1PL leg -ART FOC LOC RETR
itj n cop n cop n cop pron cop v -mrph pron n -mrph prt pp prt
háa ma ni kée ɲɔ́ɔ là  
to come there.
háa ma ni kée ɲɔ́ɔ là
háa ma ni kée ɲɔ́ɔ là
as.far.as 1PL OPT arrive that LOC
conj pron pm v pron pp
bon, i si nìngéè tùgun tàa, i n' a dòni Tínbɔ, máa bàâ, máa sìiséè, i n' a dòni ɲɔ́ɔ là. i mán' a dòni ɲɔ́ɔ là tùgun, fűs béle wo tɛ́ɛma i b' a díi-la an fɛ le tún, i ni nàa.  
Well, then you would take a cow and carry it to Tinbo, or a goat or a chicken and carry it there. When you've carried it there, there's nothing between you, you just give it to them and you go home.
bon i si nìngéè tùgun tàa i n a dòni Tínbɔ máa bàâ máa sìiséè i n a dòni ɲɔ́ɔ là i mán a dòni ɲɔ́ɔ là tùgun fűs béle wo tɛ́ɛma i b a díila an le tún i ni nàa
bon i si nìngí tùgun tàa i ni a dòni Tínbɔ máa bàa máa sìise i ni a dòni ɲɔ́ɔ là i máni a dòni ɲɔ́ɔ là tùgun fűs béle wo tɛ́ɛma i bi a dín la anu le tún i ni nàa
ETRG.FR 2SG POT cow -ART again take 2SG OPT 3SG transport TOPON or goat or chiken -ART 2SG OPT 3SG transport that LOC 2SG COND 3SG transport that LOC again nothing COP.NEG that between 2SG be 3SG give -GER 3PL with FOC jump 2SG OPT come
itj pron pm n -mrph adv v pron pm pron v n.prop conj n conj n -mrph pron pm pron v pron pp pron pm pron v pron pp adv n cop pron n.loc pron cop pron v -mrph pron pp prt v pron pm v
an béle i bálu-la, an béle fɛ̋nfɛn máa-la  
And they didn't feed you, they didn't do anything.
an béle i bálula an béle fɛ̋nfɛn máala
anu béle i bálu la anu béle fɛ̋nfɛn ma
3PL COP.NEG 2SG be.alive -GER 3PL COP.NEG something to
pron cop pron v -mrph pron cop n pp
an tée wo yɔ́gɔ  
They didn't pay you for it.
an tée wo yɔ́gɔ
anu tée wo yɔ́gɔ
3PL NEG.POT that pay
pron pm pron v
kà i yɔ́gɔ?  
to pay you?
kà i yɔ́gɔ
kà i yɔ́gɔ
SEQ 2SG pay
conj pron v
an tée wo kɔ́ɔ  
they didn't give you anything.
an tée wo kɔ́ɔ
anu tée wo kɔ́ɔ
3PL NEG.POT that give
pron pm pron v
a sáŋasaŋa.. a sáŋasaŋa, si sìiséèn' tágata, háray i ti prɔ́blɛm sɔ̀tɔ  
the basket (if it's broken) if the chicken go away, you get problems.
a sáŋasaŋa a sáŋasaŋa si sìiséèn tágata háray i ti prɔ́blɛm sɔ̀tɔ
a sáŋasaŋa a sáŋasaŋa si sìise nù tága ta háray i báti prɔ́blɛm sɔ̀tɔ
3SG basket 3SG basket if chiken -ART -PL go -PST.INTR so 2SG PRF ETRG.FR get
pron n pron n conj n -mrph -mrph v -mrph itj pron pm n v
si sìiséènù bɔ́ɔ-ta an fúutɛ-ta i bólo, háray a ti máa nánbara là  
If the chicken escape from you, you've got problems.
si sìiséènù bɔ́ɔta an fúutɛta i bólo háray a ti máa nánbara là
si sìise nù bɔ́ɔ ta anu fúutɛ ta bi bólo háray a báti máa nánbara là
if chiken -ART -PL leave -PST.INTR 3PL slacken -PST.INTR be arm so 3SG PRF do problem LOC
conj n -mrph -mrph v -mrph pron v -mrph cop n itj pron pm v n pp
an si wo tìgi tɔ́ɔrɔ kóoben  
They would torment the person.
an si wo tìgi tɔ́ɔrɔ kóoben
anu si wo tìgi tɔ́ɔrɔ kóoben
3PL POT that owner suffer much
pron pm pron n v adv
a̋! an si nàa i la-yɔ́gɔ kà i dòni kàsoè là tóode  
They would come and make you pay and then they send you to prison.
an si nàa i layɔ́gɔ kà i dòni kàsoè là tóode
anu si nàa i la yɔ́gɔ kà i dòni ka là tóode
a! 3PL POT come 2SG CAUS- pay SEQ 2SG transport PST.TR LOC ETRG.PUL
itj pron pm v pron mrph- v conj pron v pm pp itj
ɛ́ɛyi, ɔn tùma ɲɔ́ɔ káɲɲa,  
yes, at that time, at that time
ɛ́ɛyi ɔn tùma ɲɔ́ɔ káɲɲa
ɛ́ɛy ɔn tùma ɲɔ́ɔ káɲɲa
yes DISC time that level
itj part n pron n.loc
ɲɔ́ɔ káɲɲa  
at that time
ɲɔ́ɔ káɲɲa
ɲɔ́ɔ káɲɲa
that level
pron n.loc
fɛ́n de.. dɔ́nk, háray wo le b' a máa-len, wo ma nin kɛɛ tɛ́ɛma nɔn, an fàtan-den de? kàn dóon' tɔ i mán' a wà, i s' a tàran, páanɛ bóɲɛ̀ sìya-len  
So, this is the reason why there is a difference between us and them? In some places, when you go there, you would see that there are a lot of metal roof houses,
fɛ́n de dɔ́nk háray wo le b a máalen wo ma nin kɛɛ tɛ́ɛma nɔn an fàtanden de kàn dóon i mán a wà i s a tàran páanɛ bóɲɛ̀ sìyalen
fɛ́n le dɔ́nk háray wo le bi a máa len wo ma nin kɛɛ tɛ́ɛma nɔn anu fàtan len le kàn dóo nù i máni a wà i si a tàran páanɛ bón sìya len
thing FOC ETRG.FR so that FOC be 3SG do -PC.RES 2PL 1PL and this between but 3PL division -PC.RES FOC place one -PL in 2SG COND 3SG go 2SG POT 3SG find have.a.car.accident house -ART be.numerous -PC.RES
n prt itj itj pron prt cop pron v -mrph pronpron conj pron n.loc itj pron n -mrph prt n.loc n -mrph pp pron pm pron v pron pm pron v v n -mrph v -mrph
ɛɛ.. nàafúlè i sìya-len, kɔ̀nɔ wo ma le, fàtafíɲɛ̀nù, yɔ̀ɲɛ́ɛ̀nù, ma le mínnù bi kákkabɛ fɔ́ɔ-la,  
and there are a lot of things, and we, the africans, the slaves, we, who speak kakkabe
ɛɛ nàafúlè i sìyalen kɔ̀nɔ wo ma le fàtafíɲɛ̀nù yɔ̀ɲɛ́ɛ̀nù ma le mínnù bi kákkabɛ fɔ́ɔla
ɛɛ nàafúlu bi sìya len kɔ̀nɔ wo ma le fàtafín nù yɔ̀n nù ma le mín nù bi kákkabɛ fɔ́ɔ la
ur wealth -ART be be.numerous -PC.RES but 2PL 1PL FOC African -ART -PL slave -ART -PL 1PL FOC which -PL be kakkabe say -GER
itj n -mrph cop v -mrph conj pron pron prt n -mrph -mrph n -mrph -mrph pron prt n -mrph cop n v -mrph
i mán' a wà sóo wő sóo fáyida tígitigi hàyi sìgi dúla i t' a sɔ̀tɔ  
Any place where you go, you cannot even get a chair.
i mán a wà sóo wő sóo fáyida tígitigi hàyi sìgi dúla i t a sɔ̀tɔ
i máni a wà sóo wő sóo fàhín tígitigi hàyi sìgi dúla i tée a sɔ̀tɔ
2SG COND 3SG go village UNIV village DISC exactly even sit place 2SG NEG.POT 3SG get
pron pm pron v n dtm n part itj dtm v n.loc pron pm pron v
dɔ́nk, wo le máa-len tɔ́ɔrɛ̀ là wo ma kùnma kà kée bìi, káa káma le?  
So that's what brought suffering on us till present, or how is it?
dɔ́nk wo le máalen tɔ́ɔrɛ̀ là wo ma kùnma kà kée bìi káa káma le
dɔ́nk wo le máa len tɔ́ɔrɔ là wo ma kùnma kà kée bìi káa káma le
ETRG.FR that FOC do -PC.RES suffer -ART LOC 2PL 1PL head SEQ arrive now or.INTERR how FOC
itj pron prt v -mrph v -mrph pp pron pron n conj v adv conj adv prt
wo.. n n' a fɔ́ɔ wo yen mín k' a máa háa an ka kɛ́ɛ kúma yɛ̀lɛmán, an kó kákkaɓɛ, fúlan de  
I will tell you, how is that that they have changed the word and that they say "kakkabe", the Fulbe.
wo n n a fɔ́ɔ wo yen mín k a máa háa an ka kɛ́ɛ kúma yɛ̀lɛmán an kó kákkaɓɛ fúlan de
wo n ni a fɔ́ɔ wo yen mín ka a máa háa anu ka kɛɛ kúma yɛ̀lɛmán anu kó kákkabɛ fúla nù le
that 1SG OPT 3SG say 2PL for which PST.TR 3SG do as.far.as 3PL PST.TR this speech turn.into 3PL say kakkabe fula -PL FOC
pron pron pm pron v pron pp n pm pron v conj pron pm pron n v pron v n n -mrph prt
a tɔ́gɔ le kán fíɲɛ̀  
it is called "black language"
a tɔ́gɔ le kán fíɲɛ̀
a tɔ́gɔ le kán fìn
3SG name FOC neck black -ART
pron n prt n adj -mrph
kán fíɲɛ̀  
black language
kán fíɲɛ̀
kán fìn
neck black -ART
n adj -mrph
kán fíɲɛ̀, wo le fɔ́ɔ-la nun  
"black language" this was told before.
kán fíɲɛ̀ wo le fɔ́ɔla nun
kán fìn wo le fɔ́ɔ la nun
neck black -ART that FOC say -GER RETR
n adj -mrph pron prt v -mrph prt
kɔ̀nɔ fúla, an de tée sɔ̀n wo ni fɔ́ɔ  
But Fulbe didn't want it to be said
kɔ̀nɔ fúla an de tée sɔ̀n wo ni fɔ́ɔ
kɔ̀nɔ fúla anu le tée sɔ̀n wo ni fɔ́ɔ
but fula 3PL FOC NEG.POT agree that OPT say
conj n pron prt pm v pron pm v
a n' a fɔ́ɔ kákkaɓɛ, wo kákkaɓɛ bi mín fírɛ-len, kó háaɓɛ  
They said "kakkabe" and it is translated as "slave workers"
a n a fɔ́ɔ kákkaɓɛ wo kákkaɓɛ bi mín fírɛlen kó háaɓɛ
a ni a fɔ́ɔ kákkabɛ wo kákkabɛ bi mín fírɛ len kó háaɓɛ
3SG OPT 3SG say kakkabe that kakkabe be which signify -PC.RES say ETRG.PUL
pron pm pron v n pron n cop n v -mrph v n
kó háaɓɛ, wo le kó kákkabɛ, si wo máa dún a i fɔ́ɔ-la le kán fíɲɛ̀  
the slave workers, otherwise, it's called black language.
kó háaɓɛ wo le kó kákkabɛ si wo máa dún a i fɔ́ɔla le kán fíɲɛ̀
kó háaɓɛ wo le kó kákkabɛ si wo máa dún a bi fɔ́ɔ la le kán fìn
say ETRG.PUL that FOC say kakkabe if that NEG.COso 3SG be say -GER FOC neck black -ART
v n pron prt v n conj pron cop pron cop v -mrph prt n adj -mrph
kɔ̀nɔ ɛɛ ɓá wo kákkabɛ báti háaɓɛ fɔ́li, wo le b' a máa-la fóo b' a fɔ́ɔ-la kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀ kákkabɛ  
Since the word "kakabe" has become more widespread than the word "haabe",that's why now everybody calls it "kakkabe".
kɔ̀nɔ ɛɛ ɓá wo kákkabɛ báti háaɓɛ fɔ́li wo le b a máala fóo b a fɔ́ɔla kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀ kákkabɛ
kɔ̀nɔ ɛɛ ɓáy wo kákkabɛ báti háaɓɛ fɔ́li wo le bi a máa la főo bi a fɔ́ɔ la kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀ kákkabɛ
but ur as that kakkabe PRF ETRG.PUL surpass that FOC be 3SG do -GER UNIV be 3SG say -GER now kakkabe
conj itj conj pron n pm n v pron prt cop pron v -mrph dtm cop pron v -mrph adv n
mhm, wo le b' a máa-la, n b' a fɔ́ɔ-la kákkabɛ, si wo máa dún kó ɛɛ kúma fíɲɛ̀  
That's why now everybody calls it "kakkabe", otherwise it's "black language".
mhm wo le b a máala n b a fɔ́ɔla kákkabɛ si wo máa dún kó ɛɛ kúma fíɲɛ̀
mhm wo le bi a máa la n bi a fɔ́ɔ la kákkabɛ si wo máa dún kó ɛɛ kúma fìn
yes that FOC be 3SG do -GER 1SG be 3SG say -GER kakkabe if that NEG.COP so say ur speech black -ART
itj pron prt cop pron v -mrph pron cop pron v -mrph n conj pron cop part v itj n adj -mrph
kúma fíɲɛ̀, kán fíɲɛ̀ nɛ́ɛ̀?  
"kúma fíɲɛ̀, kán fíɲɛ̀" right?
kúma fíɲɛ̀ kán fíɲɛ̀ nɛ́ɛ̀
kúma fìn kán fìn nɛ́ɛ̀
speech black -ART neck black -ART EMPH
n adj -mrph n adj -mrph part
wo le fɔ́ɔ-la nun, kán fíɲɛ̀.  
that's how it was called before, "kán fíɲɛ̀"
wo le fɔ́ɔla nun kán fíɲɛ̀
wo le fɔ́ɔ la nun kán fìn
that FOC say -GER RETR neck black -ART
pron prt v -mrph prt n adj -mrph
háray a i fɔ́ɔ-la le kán fíɲɛ̀  
before it was called "kán fíɲɛ̀"
háray a i fɔ́ɔla le kán fíɲɛ̀
háray a bi fɔ́ɔ la le kán fìn
so 3SG be say -GER FOC neck black -ART
itj pron cop v -mrph prt n adj -mrph
ɛɛ háray.. háray nɔn kán fíɲɛ̀ le, an b' a fɔ́ɔ-la kán fíɲɛ̀ le nɛ́ɛ̀?  
So, before they called "kán fíɲɛ̀", right?
ɛɛ háray háray nɔn kán fíɲɛ̀ le an b a fɔ́ɔla kán fíɲɛ̀ le nɛ́ɛ̀
ɛɛ háray háray nɔn kán fìn le anu bi a fɔ́ɔ la kán fìn le nɛ́ɛ̀
ur so so but neck black -ART FOC 3PL be 3SG say -GER neck black -ART FOC EMPH
itj itj itj itj n adj -mrph prt pron cop pron v -mrph n adj -mrph prt part
mhm, i m' a yén kɛ́ɛ.. ma la mɔ̀gɛ́ɛ̀nù mín táa-len nun Bɔ́kɛ  
Don't you know, that there were our ancestors who went to Boke?
mhm i m a yén kɛ́ɛ ma la mɔ̀gɛ́ɛ̀nù mín táalen nun Bɔ́kɛ
mhm i máa a yén kɛɛ ma la mɔ̀gɔ nù mín tága len nun bɔ́ nkɛ
yes 2SG NEG.COP 3SG see this 1PL POSS man -ART -PL which go -PC.RES RETR from -clan
itj pron cop pron v pron pron conj n -mrph -mrph n v -mrph prt conj -mrph
wo tùgun sòséènù kó an ma le ɲɔ́ɔ là mìkifɔ́ɔrɛ  
And susu they say that they are "mikifoore"
wo tùgun sòséènù kó an ma le ɲɔ́ɔ là mìkifɔ́ɔrɛ
wo tùgun sòso nù kó anu ma le ɲɔ́ɔ là mìkifɔ́ɔrɛ
that again sousou -ART -PL say 3PL to FOC that LOC mikifore
pron adv n -mrph -mrph v pron pp prt pron pp n
an y' a fɔ́ɔ-la wonù ɲɔ́ɔ, an kó le mìkifɔ́ɔrɛ̀, an fínden de tűn  
They call them "mikofore" which means simply that they are black
an y a fɔ́ɔla wonù ɲɔ́ɔ an kó le mìkifɔ́ɔrɛ̀ an fínden de tűn
anu bi a fɔ́ɔ la wo nù ɲɔ́ɔ anu kó le mìkifɔ́ɔrɛ anu fín len le tún
3PL be 3SG say -GER that -PL that 3PL say FOC mikifore 3PL become.black -PC.RES FOC only
pron cop pron v -mrph pron -mrph pron pron v prt n pron v -mrph prt prt
an tɔ́gɛ̀ le wo  
that's their name.
an tɔ́gɛ̀ le wo
anu tɔ́gɔ le wo
3PL name -ART FOC that
pron n -mrph prt pron
fɛ́n de b' a máa-len kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀ nɔn ma la mɔ̀gɛ́ɛ̀nù kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀, an ti fɔ́lɔ ka wo kúma ɲɔ́ɔ bóloka-la kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀, an ni bìla fúla kúlè kɔ́ɔma?  
How did it happen that now our people, they started to abandon their language and to take up the Pular language?
fɛ́n de b a máalen kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀ nɔn ma la mɔ̀gɛ́ɛ̀nù kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀ an ti fɔ́lɔ ka wo kúma ɲɔ́ɔ bólokala kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀ an ni bìla fúla kúlè kɔ́ɔma
fɛ́n le bi a máa len kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀ nɔn ma la mɔ̀gɔ nù kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀ anu báti fɔ́lɔ ka wo kúma ɲɔ́ɔ bóloka la kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀ anu ni bìla fúla kúlu kɔ́ɔma
what? FOC be 3SG do -PC.RES now but 1PL POSS man -ART -PL now 3PL PRF start PST.TR that speech that leave -GER now 3PL OPT plunge fula voice -ART behind
pron prt cop pron v -mrph adv itj pron conj n -mrph -mrph adv pron pm v pm pron n pron v -mrph adv pron pm v n n -mrph pp
á, nɔ̀ɔyáà, a nin ángal i yɛ̀tɛ bìta-la  
The colonization and that you don't have control over yourself.
nɔ̀ɔyáà a nin ángal i yɛ̀tɛ bìtala
áwà nɔ̀ɔya a nin ángal i ɲɛ̀tɛ bìta la
well skill 3SG and ETRG.PUL 2SG oneself seize -GER
itj n pron conj n pron n v -mrph
i kɔ̀ntɔn-na Kámara i ni tága i n' a fɔ́ɔ Bári le, máa Jállo  
you're called Kamara, you would go and say it is Bari of Diallo
i kɔ̀ntɔnna Kámara i ni tága i n a fɔ́ɔ Bári le máa Jállo
i kɔ̀ntɔn la Kámara i ni tága i ni a fɔ́ɔ Bári le máa Jállo
pron v -mrph n.prop pron pm v pron pm pron v n.prop prt cop n.prop
é? wo máa-ta káma?  
How did this happen?
wo máata káma
hé wo máa ta káma
hey! that do -PST.INTR how
itj pron v -mrph adv
háray i ti yɛ̀tɛ làfíli, i ti yɛ̀tɛ làfíli  
You disrepect yourself
háray i ti yɛ̀tɛ làfíli i ti yɛ̀tɛ làfíli
háray i báti ɲɛ̀tɛ làfíli i báti ɲɛ̀tɛ làfíli
so 2SG PRF oneself throw 2SG PRF oneself throw
itj pron pm n v pron pm n v
i máa i yɛ̀tɛ làfíli le?  
Don't you disprespect yourself this way?
i máa i yɛ̀tɛ làfíli le
i máa i ɲɛ̀tɛ làfíli le
2SG NEG.COP 2SG oneself throw FOC
pron cop pron n v prt
háray i ti yɛ̀tɛ làfíli  
You disrespect yourself.
háray i ti yɛ̀tɛ làfíli
háray i báti ɲɛ̀tɛ làfíli
so 2SG PRF oneself throw
itj pron pm n v
e̋? si wo máa ɗún i ka.. i ka kán ka kúma mín fɔ́ɔ, i bàaba ka i kɔ̀ntɔn kɔ̀ntɔ́rè mín nà, i ka kán ka wo le fɔ́ɔ káa?  
Otherwise, that what you must say, the name that your father has given you, you must use it.
si wo máa ɗún i ka i ka kán ka kúma mín fɔ́ɔ i bàaba ka i kɔ̀ntɔn kɔ̀ntɔ́rè mín nà i ka kán ka wo le fɔ́ɔ káa
hé si wo máa ɗún i ka i ka kán ka kúma mín fɔ́ɔ i bàaba ka i kɔ̀ntɔn kɔ̀ntɔn ri mín là i ka kán ka wo le fɔ́ɔ káa
hey! if that NEG.COP this 2SG PST.TR 2SG PST.TR ought PST.TR speech which say 2SG father PST.TR 2SG greet greet -NMLZ.TR -ART which LOC 2SG PST.TR ought PST.TR that FOC say or.INTERR
itj conj pron cop dtm pron pm pron pm v pm n n v pron n pm pron v v -mrph -mrph n pp pron pm v pm pron prt v conj
wo ɲàâ le dún mu  
That's it.
wo ɲàâ le dún mu
wo ɲàa le dún mu
that manner -ART FOC so IDENT
pron n -mrph prt part cop
kɔ̀nɔ nɔn si tàran-ta, i le bá' táa kàn dóo i báti i séè mayɛ̀lɛmán, háa?  
But if when you go to another place, you change you nation
kɔ̀nɔ nɔn si tàranta i le bá táa kàn dóo i báti i séè mayɛ̀lɛmán háa
kɔ̀nɔ nɔn si tàran ta i le báti tága kàn dóo i báti i sée ma yɛ̀lɛmán háa
but but if find -PST.INTR 2SG FOC PRF go place one 2SG PRF 2SG means VERB.PL- turn.into as.far.as
conj itj conj v -mrph pron prt pm v n.loc n pron pm pron n mrph- v conj
fɛ́n b' a máa-la háa an b' an ma-yɛ̀lɛmán-na, an bi màliya-la le wo kúma fɔ́ɔ-la káa..  
Why do they change it, are they ashamed of their language or..?
fɛ́n b a máala háa an b an mayɛ̀lɛmánna an bi màliyala le wo kúma fɔ́ɔla káa
fɛ́n bi a ma háa anu bi anu ma yɛ̀lɛmán la anu bi màliya la le wo kúma fɔ́ɔ la káa
what? be 3SG to as.far.as 3PL be 3PL VERB.PL- turn.into -GER 3PL be be.ashamed -GER FOC that speech say -GER or.INTERR
pron cop pron pp conj pron cop pron mrph- v -mrph pron cop v -mrph prt pron n v -mrph conj
fɛ́n de b' a máa-la háa kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀, an béle a fɔ́ɔ-la?  
Why is that they they don't say it?
fɛ́n de b a máala háa kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀ an béle a fɔ́ɔla
fɛ́n le bi a máa la háa kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀ anu béle a fɔ́ɔ la
what? FOC be 3SG or -GER as.far.as now 3PL COP.NEG 3SG say -GER
pron prt cop pron conj -mrph conj adv pron cop pron v -mrph
an bi màliya-la le a fɔ́ɔ-la káa nɔ̀ɔyáà háa kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀ b' an kùnma  
are they ashamed of their language or is it the colonization on them?
an bi màliyala le a fɔ́ɔla káa nɔ̀ɔyáà háa kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀ b an kùnma
anu bi màliya la le a fɔ́ɔ la káa nɔ̀ɔyá háa kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀ bi anu kùnma
3PL be be.ashamed -GER FOC 3SG say -GER or.INTERR colonization -ART as.far.as now be 3PL on
pron cop v -mrph prt pron v -mrph conj n -mrph conj adv cop pron pp
i k' a lɔ́n wo máa-len kómin?  
Do you know, how it came to this?
i k a lɔ́n wo máalen kómin
i ka a lɔ́n wo máa len kómin
2SG PST.TR 3SG know that or -PC.RES how
pron pm pron v pron conj -mrph adv
fúlanù n m' a fɔ́ɔ Pánpa yan  
The Fulbe, I don't talk about Panpa here.
fúlanù n m a fɔ́ɔ Pánpa yan
fúla nù n máa a fɔ́ɔ Pánpa yan
fula -PL 1SG NEG.COP 3SG say TOPON that
n -mrph pron cop pron v n.prop pron
kɔ̀nɔ an ni.. yɔ́n kélen yan  
but they.. here the slave
kɔ̀nɔ an ni yɔ́n kélen yan
kɔ̀nɔ anu ni yɔ́n kélen yan
but 3PL OPT who? one that
conj pron pm pron num pron
fúla kélen yan, kélen pán, wo tée ɲɔ̀gɔn yén, sákkɔ wo ni fɛ̀ɛrɛ tàa ɲɔ̀gɔn fɛ  
and the Fulbe there, you cannot see each other, so that you don't make agreements together.
fúla kélen yan kélen pán wo tée ɲɔ̀gɔn yén sákkɔ wo ni fɛ̀ɛrɛ tàa ɲɔ̀gɔn
fúla kélen yan kélen pán wo tée ɲɔ̀gɔn yén sákkɔ wo ni fɛ̀ɛrɛ tàa ɲɔ̀gɔn
fula one that one there that NEG.POT the.same see not.to 2PL OPT idea take the.same with
n num pron num adv pron pm n v conj pron pm n v n pp
wo ɲàâ le dún, wo ɲàâ le dún  
This is how it is, this is how it is
wo ɲàâ le dún wo ɲàâ le dún
wo ɲàa le dún wo ɲàa le dún
that manner -ART FOC so that manner -ART FOC so
pron n -mrph prt part pron n -mrph prt part
wo i ɲɔ̀gɔn yén-na ɲɔ́ɔ káma? an ti wo bàsan  
How do you see each other? they've mixed you.
wo i ɲɔ̀gɔn yénna ɲɔ́ɔ káma an ti wo bàsan
wo bi ɲɔ̀gɔn yén la ɲɔ́ɔ káma anu báti wo bàsan
2PL be the.same see -GER that how 3PL PRF 2PL mix
pron cop n v -mrph pron adv pron pm pron v
i le pán, ɔ̀ya pán, ɔ̀ya pán, si i kó i si i dɛ̀nɲɔ́gɛ̀ kéle, an n' a kéle, an n' a tɛ́fi, wo i ɲɔ́gɔn yén-na fɛ́n kélen de làko, kó si wo b' anu jánga-la le, ɛskɛ wo bél' an jànfa-la, anu ɲɔ̀gɔn yén-na wo le làko  
You here, he there, he there. If you call your friend, they would call him and investigate him, why you see each other, whether you want to deceive them or not, why do you see each other.
i le pán ɔ̀ya pán ɔ̀ya pán si i kó i si i dɛ̀nɲɔ́gɛ̀ kéle an n a kéle an n a tɛ́fi wo i ɲɔ́gɔn yénna fɛ́n kélen de làko kó si wo b anu jángala le ɛskɛ wo bél an jànfala anu ɲɔ̀gɔn yénna wo le làko
i le pán ɔ̀ya pán ɔ̀ya pán si i kó i si i dɛ̀nɲɔ́gɔ kéle anu ni a kéle anu ni a tɛ́fi wo bi ɲɔ́gɔn yén la fɛ́n kélen le làko kó si wo bi anu jánga la le ɛskɛ wo béle anu jànfa la anu ɲɔ̀gɔn yén la wo le làko
2SG FOC there something there something there if 2SG say 2SG POT 2SG friend -ART call 3PL OPT 3SG call 3PL OPT 3SG investigate 2PL be one.another see -GER thing one FOC for say if 2PL be 3PL ETRG.PUL -GER FOC ETRG.FR 2PL COP.NEG 3PL deceive -GER 3PL the.same see -GER that FOC for
pron prt adv pron adv pron adv conj pron v pron pm pron n -mrph v pron pm pron v pron pm pron v pron cop pron v -mrph n num prt pp v conj pron cop pron v -mrph prt itj pron cop pron v -mrph pron n v -mrph pron prt pp
kɔ̀nɔ Pánpa yan nɔn máa sɔ̀n wo là  
But Panpa didn't want to do it.
kɔ̀nɔ Pánpa yan nɔn máa sɔ̀n wo là
kɔ̀nɔ Pánpa yan nɔn máa sɔ̀n wo là
but TOPON that but NEG.COP agree that LOC
conj n.prop pron itj cop v pron pp
Pánpa yan, fúla béle ma tɛ́ɛma yan nà  
Here in Panpa there are no Fulbe among us.
Pánpa yan fúla béle ma tɛ́ɛma yan nà
Pánpa yan fúla béle ma tɛ́ɛma yan là
TOPON that fula COP.NEG 1PL between that LOC
n.prop pron n cop pron n.loc pron pp
wo ɲàâ le dún mu  
This is how it is.
wo ɲàâ le dún mu
wo ɲàa le dún mu
that manner -ART FOC so IDENT
pron n -mrph prt part cop
ma la hɔ́ɗɛ̀, nàanin fɔ́lɛ̀ wo mu Bɔ̀ɔndenkɔ́ le là  
The first limit of our village is Bondenko (the name of a dich near Kurupanpa).
ma la hɔ́ɗɛ̀ nàanin fɔ́lɛ̀ wo mu Bɔ̀ɔndenkɔ́ le là
ma la hɔ́ɗɔ nàanin fɔ́lɔ wo mu Bɔ̀ɔndenkɔ́ le là
1PL POSS village -ART border first -ART that IDENT TOPON FOC LOC
pron conj n -mrph n adj -mrph pron cop n.prop prt pp
wo ɲàâ le dún mu  
That's how it is.
wo ɲàâ le dún mu
wo ɲàa le dún mu
that manner -ART FOC so IDENT
pron n -mrph prt part cop
an tɛ̀gɛ-len de tún yan nà, kɔ̀nɔ an tán máa gòyi  
They've passed the limit, but it's not their property.
an tɛ̀gɛlen de tún yan nà kɔ̀nɔ an tán máa gòyi
anu tɛ̀gɛ len le tún yan là kɔ̀nɔ anu tán máa gòyi
3PL cut -PC.RES FOC only that LOC but 3PL POSS.EMPH NEG.COP so
pron v -mrph prt prt pron pp conj pron n cop prt
wo ɲàâ le dún mu  
That's how it is.
wo ɲàâ le dún mu
wo ɲàa le dún mu
that manner -ART FOC so IDENT
pron n -mrph prt part cop
Bɔ̀ɔndenkɔ́ kɛɛ kà tága háa káa là ɛɛ ma la sànsɛ́ɛ̀ dóon' bi kɔ̀ɔ kɔ́ma káa là  
Bondendo is untill there, and some of our enclosures are behind the river there.
Bɔ̀ɔndenkɔ́ kɛɛ kà tága háa káa là ɛɛ ma la sànsɛ́ɛ̀ dóon bi kɔ̀ɔ kɔ́ma káa là
Bɔ̀ɔndenkɔ́ kɛɛ kà tága háa káa là ɛɛ ma la sànsan dóo nù bi kɔ̀ɔ kɔ́ma káa là
TOPON this SEQ go as.far.as there LOC ur 1PL POSS fence -ART one -PL be stream space.behind there LOC
n.prop pron conj v conj adv pp itj pron conj n -mrph n -mrph cop n pp adv pp
Margale (the name of the Fulbe part of the village)
ma la sànsɛ́ɛ̀ dóon' i búutɔ ɲɔ́ɔ là  
There are some from our village.
ma la sànsɛ́ɛ̀ dóon i búutɔ ɲɔ́ɔ là
ma la sànsan dóo nù bi búutɔ ɲɔ́ɔ là
1PL POSS fence -ART one -PL be in that LOC
pron conj n -mrph n -mrph cop pp pron pp
wo ɲàâ le dún mu  
That's how it is.
wo ɲàâ le dún mu
wo ɲàa le dún mu
that manner -ART FOC so IDENT
pron n -mrph prt part cop
dóonù búutɔ ɲɔ́ɔ là  
There are some of them there.
dóonù búutɔ ɲɔ́ɔ là
dóo nù búutɔ ɲɔ́ɔ là
one -PL in that LOC
n -mrph pp pron pp
áwà, ɓá kúmà tée bán, n dɔ́rɔn de b' a fɔ́ɔ-la, n bi wo bɛ̀rɛɛ̀ le máanditɛ-len, n bi búyi máanditɛ-len, kɔ̀nɔ n tée nɔ́n a fóo tɔ-lɔ́n-na yan  
Since the speech does not finish, and I talk alone, this is waht I tell, I know a lot, but I cannot remember all this here now.
áwà ɓá kúmà tée bán n dɔ́rɔn de b a fɔ́ɔla n bi wo bɛ̀rɛɛ̀ le máanditɛlen n bi búyi máanditɛlen kɔ̀nɔ n tée nɔ́n a fóo tɔlɔ́nna yan
áwà ɓáy kúma tée bán n dɔ́rɔn le bi a fɔ́ɔ la n bi wo bɛ̀rɛ le máanditɛ len n bi búyi máanditɛ len kɔ̀nɔ n tée nɔ́n a főo lɔ́n la yan
well as speech -ART NEG.POT end 1SG only FOC be 3SG say -GER 1SG be that measure -ART FOC remember -PC.RES 1SG be much remember -PC.RES but 1SG NEG.POT can 3SG UNIV REP- know -GER that
itj conj n -mrph pm v pron dtm prt cop pron v -mrph pron cop pron n -mrph prt v -mrph pron cop adj v -mrph conj pron pm v pron dtm mrph- v -mrph pron
a béle sɛ́bɛ-len  
It's not written.
a béle sɛ́bɛlen
a béle sɛ́bɛ len
pron cop v -mrph
ma ni.. ma i súlɛ tágun nun  
We used to close the iron ore.
ma ni ma i súlɛ tágun nun
ma ni ma si súlɛ tágun nun
1PL OPT 1PL POT get.drunk close RETR
pron pm pron pm v v prt
háray ma ti ma tɔ̀díya wo yen  
We were happy about it.
háray ma ti ma tɔ̀díya wo yen
háray ma báti ma tàdíya wo yen
so 1PL PRF 1PL be.pleased that for
itj pron pm pron v pron pp
ma i bɔ́ɔ-la le yan, ma n táa kùréè tàa, Pàra káa là  
We would go from here, and we would take the stones there in Para
ma i bɔ́ɔla le yan ma n táa kùréè tàa Pàra káa là
ma bi bɔ́ɔ la le yan ma ni táa kùru tàa Pàra káa là
1PL be leave -GER FOC that 1PL OPT fire stone -ART take TOPON there LOC
pron cop v -mrph prt pron pron pm n n -mrph v n.prop adv pp
ma ni kùréènù róndi ɲɔ́ɔ là, ma ni kɛ̀nbuɛ̀ tɛ̀gɛ, kà nàa kà sùlɛ́ɛ̀ la-dáa  
We would carry on head, we would cut coal and we would make the production of the iron.
ma ni kùréènù róndi ɲɔ́ɔ là ma ni kɛ̀nbuɛ̀ tɛ̀gɛ kà nàa kà sùlɛ́ɛ̀ ladáa
ma ni kùru nù róndin ɲɔ́ɔ là ma ni kɛ̀nbu tɛ̀gɛ kà nàa kà sùlɔ la dáa
1PL OPT stone -ART -PL carry that LOC 1PL OPT coal -ART cut SEQ come SEQ iron.production -ART CAUS- make
pron pm n -mrph -mrph v pron pp pron pm n -mrph v conj v conj n -mrph mrph- v
Pàra nin Ndáanta kélen de  
Para and Ndanta it's the same thing.
Pàra nin Ndáanta kélen de
Pàra nin Ndáanta kélen le
n.prop conj n.prop num prt
ma ni kùréè róndi, ma n' nàa yan, ma ni kɛ̀nbúè tɛ̀gɛ, kà sùlɛ́ɛ̀ tágun Márgale yan hári won tùma nɛ̀gɛ béle  
We carried stones, we would come there, we made coal, we made the production of iron there in Margale, there was no iron a that time.
ma ni kùréè róndi ma n nàa yan ma ni kɛ̀nbúè tɛ̀gɛ kà sùlɛ́ɛ̀ tágun Márgale yan hári won tùma nɛ̀gɛ béle
ma ni kùru róndin ma ni nàa yan ma ni kɛ̀nbu tɛ̀gɛ kà sùlɔ tágun Márgale yan hári wo nù tùma nɛ̀gɛ béle
1PL OPT stone -ART carry 1PL OPT come that 1PL OPT coal cut SEQ iron.production -ART close TOPON that but that -PL time iron COP.NEG
pron pm n -mrph v pron pm v pron pron pm n v conj n -mrph v n.prop pron prt pron -mrph n n cop
hári nɛ̀gɛ béle  
There was no iron.
hári nɛ̀gɛ béle
hári nɛ̀gɛ béle
but iron COP.NEG
prt n cop
nɛ̀gɛ.. tùbábu nɛ̀gɛ béle  
There was no iron from the white people.
nɛ̀gɛ tùbábu nɛ̀gɛ béle
nɛ̀gɛ tùbábu nɛ̀gɛ béle
iron white.man iron COP.NEG
n n n cop
wo k' a lɔ́n, fɔ́lɛtɔ, hári ɔ́tɛ̀ labòri-la kɛ̀nbuè là  
You know, before the cars were run with coal
wo k a lɔ́n fɔ́lɛtɔ hári ɔ́tɛ̀ labòrila kɛ̀nbuè là
wo ka a lɔ́n fɔ́lɛtɔ hári ɔ́tɔ la bòri la kɛ̀nbu là
2PL PST.TR 3SG know first but car -ART CAUS- run -GER coal -ART LOC
pron pm pron v adj prt n -mrph mrph- v -mrph n -mrph pp
táà le la-bìta-la nɔn ɔ́tɛ̀ tɔ, s' a n' a wà  
The fire was lighted in the machine, so that it would work.
táà le labìtala nɔn ɔ́tɛ̀ s a n a wà
táa le la bìta la nɔn ɔ́tɔ si a ni a wà
fire -ART FOC CAUS- seize -GER but car -ART in if 3SG OPT 3SG go
n -mrph prt mrph- v -mrph itj n -mrph pp conj pron pm pron v
fɛ̋w s' a n' a bòri  
so that it works
fɛ̋w s a n a bòri
fɛ̋w si a ni a bòri
at.all if 3SG OPT 3SG run
itj conj pron pm pron v
s' a n' a bòri  
so that it works
s a n a bòri
si a ni a bòri
if 3SG OPT 3SG run
conj pron pm pron v
é! kɛɛ tìbáabuènù  
Oh, the white people!
kɛɛ tìbáabuènù
hé kɛɛ tìbáabu nù
hey! this white.man -ART -PL
itj pron n -mrph -mrph
ɛɛ a bɔ́ɔ-ta wo tɔ, a n' táa kà táa láa kúluɲɛ̀ tɔ  
and apart from this, fire would be put in the train.
ɛɛ a bɔ́ɔta wo a n táa kà táa láa kúluɲɛ̀
ɛɛ a bɔ́ɔ ta wo a ni tága kà táa láa kúlun
ur 3SG leave -PST.INTR that in 3SG OPT go SEQ fire lie pirogue -ART in
itj pron v -mrph pron pp pron pm v conj n v n -mrph pp
i mán tága kùta gbɛ́ɛ kɛɛ bi i bólo yan nin i ni kée Kíndiya, háray kùta fóo ti bìntan  
If you went with clean clothes from here to Kindiya, all your clothes would burn.
i mán tága kùta gbɛ́ɛ kɛɛ bi i bólo yan nin i ni kée Kíndiya háray kùta fóo ti bìntan
i máni tága kùta gbɛ́ɛ kɛɛ bi i bólo yan nin i ni kée Kíndiya háray kùta főo báti bìntan
2SG COND go clothes white this be 2SG arm that and 2SG OPT arrive TOPON so clothes UNIV PRF burn
pron pm v n adj pron cop pron n pron conj pron pm v n.prop itj n dtm pm v
tree -ART
n -mrph
i máni kée gáru wő là, jéè bi  
At each station that you arrived, there was water there.
i máni kée gáru wő là jéè bi
i máni kée gáru wő là jíi bi
2SG COND arrive station UNIV LOC water -ART be
pron pm v n dtm pp n -mrph cop
an si táa ɗúyitɛ mín nà  
So that they could diminish the fire with it.
an si táa ɗúyitɛ mín nà
anu si táa ɗúyitɛ mín là
3PL POT fire diminish which LOC
pron pm n v n pp
ɲɔ́ɔ káɲɲa  
at that thime.
ɲɔ́ɔ káɲɲa
ɲɔ́ɔ káɲɲa
that level
pron n.loc
a tóo-ta wo le tɔ háa mɔ̀gɛ́ɛ̀nù báti an ɲɛ̀tɛ ma-sɔ̀tɔ  
It was like that until people got their freedom.
a tóota wo le háa mɔ̀gɛ́ɛ̀nù báti an ɲɛ̀tɛ masɔ̀tɔ
a tóo ta wo le háa mɔ̀gɔ nù báti anu ɲɛ̀tɛ ma sɔ̀tɔ
3SG leave -PST.INTR that FOC in as.far.as man -ART -PL PRF 3PL oneself VERB.PL- get
pron v -mrph pron prt pp conj n -mrph -mrph pm pron n mrph- v
tɔ́sɔ̀tɔ bá' sɔ̀tɔ kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀ dónden dónden, háa màsíɲɛ̀nù fɔ́lɔ-ta nàa-la  
Now we've had a little of development, machines have started to appear.
tɔ́sɔ̀tɔ bá sɔ̀tɔ kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀ dónden dónden háa màsíɲɛ̀nù fɔ́lɔta nàala
tɔ́sɔ̀tɔ báti sɔ̀tɔ kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀ dónden dónden háa màsin nù fɔ́lɔ ta nàa la
development PRF get now little little as.far.as machine -ART -PL start -PST.INTR come -GER
n pm v adv adv adv conj n -mrph -mrph v -mrph v -mrph
wo le, nɔ̀ɔyá ɗúyitɛ-len  
and the dependence has diminished.
wo le nɔ̀ɔyá ɗúyitɛlen
wo le nɔ̀ɔyá ɗúyitɛ len
that FOC colonization diminish -PC.RES
pron prt n v -mrph
ɛ̀nɛ́ɛ̀ nɔn  
ɛ̀nɛ́ɛ̀ nɔn
ɛ̀nɛ́ɛ̀ nɔn
DISC but
part itj
an de nɔ́n bi wo la déɲɛ̀nù tàa-la  
And they would marry your daughters.
an de nɔ́n bi wo la déɲɛ̀nù tàala
anu le nɔ́n bi wo la dén nù tàa la
3PL FOC can be 2PL POSS child -ART -PL take -GER
pron prt v cop pron conj n -mrph -mrph v -mrph
yɔ́n nù
who? -PL
pron -mrph
an de mínnù bi wo nɔ́ɔ-len nun  
Those who before used to be your proprietors
an de mínnù bi wo nɔ́ɔlen nun
anu le mín nù bi wo nɔ́n len nun
3PL FOC which -PL be 2PL can -PC.RES RETR
pron prt n -mrph cop pron v -mrph prt
an ti wo la déɲɛ̀n' tàa kóoben, wo le nɔn  
They have married a lot of your daughters.
an ti wo la déɲɛ̀n tàa kóoben wo le nɔn
anu báti wo la dén nù tàa kóoben wo le nɔn
3PL PRF 2PL POSS child -ART -PL take much 2PL FOC but
pron pm pron conj n -mrph -mrph v adv pron prt itj
ma báta yan, ma báta Pánpa yan a bɔ́ɔ-len de fɔ́lɔ-la  
At our place here in Panpa, it's just beginning.
ma báta yan ma báta Pánpa yan a bɔ́ɔlen de fɔ́lɔla
ma báta yan ma báta Pánpa yan a bɔ́ɔ len le fɔ́lɔ la
1PL at that 1PL at TOPON that 3SG leave -PC.RES FOC start -GER
pron pp pron pron pp n.prop pron pron v -mrph prt v -mrph
hári ma le tée sɔ̀n  
Before we didn't want it.
hári ma le tée sɔ̀n
hári ma le tée sɔ̀n
but 1PL FOC NEG.POT agree
prt pron prt pm v
hári ma le tée sɔ̀n, ɓá an t' a díi ma ma  
Before we didn't want because they didn't give it to us.
hári ma le tée sɔ̀n ɓá an t a díi ma ma
hári ma le tée sɔ̀n ɓáy anu tée a dín ma ma
but 1PL FOC NEG.POT agree as 3PL NEG.POT 3SG give 1PL to
prt pron prt pm v conj pron pm pron v pron pp
fí fɛ́n nà?  
fí fɛ́n nà
fí fɛ́n là
to what? LOC
conj pron pp
é? a fí fɛ́n nà? an i ma nɔ́ɔ-len de nun  
because they were our owners.
a fí fɛ́n nà an i ma nɔ́ɔlen de nun
hé a fí fɛ́n là anu bi ma nɔ́n len le nun
hey! 3SG to what? LOC 3PL be 1PL can -PC.RES FOC RETR
itj pron conj pron pp pron cop pron v -mrph prt prt
an bi wo kɔ́nden de tűn  
So, its just because they didn't like you
an bi wo kɔ́nden de tűn
anu bi wo kɔ́n len le tún
3PL be that dislike -PC.RES FOC only
pron cop pron v -mrph prt prt
ɛ́ nɛ́ɛ̀  
ɛ́ nɛ́ɛ̀
ɛ́ nɛ́ɛ̀
itj part
kà wo kɔ́n tűn  
not to like you just like that.
kà wo kɔ́n tűn
kà wo kɔ́n tún
SEQ 2PL dislike only
conj pron v prt
wo le b' a máa-len, an ka wo kɔ́nden de tűn  
So, they just don't like you.
wo le b a máalen an ka wo kɔ́nden de tűn
wo le bi a máa len anu ka wo kɔ́n len le tún
that FOC be 3SG do -PC.RES 3PL PST.TR 2PL dislike -PC.RES FOC only
pron prt cop pron v -mrph pron pm pron v -mrph prt prt
i bát' an na déɲɛ̀nù dóonù yén yan nà?  
Have you seen any of their children here?
i bát an na déɲɛ̀nù dóonù yén yan nà
i báti anu la dén nù dóo nù yén yan là
2SG PRF 3PL POSS child -ART -PL one -PL see that LOC
pron pm pron conj n -mrph -mrph n -mrph v pron pp
ɔ̀ɔ́, n m' a yén  
No, I haven't seen them.
ɔ̀ɔ́ n m a yén
ɔ̀ɔ́yɛ̀ n máa a yén
no 1SG NEG.COP 3SG see
itj pron cop pron v
n m' a yén bùtun  
I haven't seen it yet.
n m a yén bùtun
n máa a yén bùtun
1SG NEG.COP 3SG see first
pron cop pron v adv
n m' a yén, wo le k' a máa, n k' a ɲìninká kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀ wo le kìnáànù, fó ma ni wo ɲìninká, a sábuè mu mín nà  
I don't see ti, and that is why I asked now, you the oldmen, we have to ask you what is the reason.
n m a yén wo le k a máa n k a ɲìninká kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀ wo le kìnáànù fó ma ni wo ɲìninká a sábuè mu mín nà
n máa a yén wo le ka a máa n ka a ɲìninká kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀ wo le kìna nù fó ma ni wo ɲìninká a sa mu mín là
1SG NEG.COP 3SG see that FOC PST.TR 3SG do 1SG PST.TR 3SG ask now 2PL FOC old.man -ART -PL one.needs.to 1PL OPT 2PL ask 3SG in.order.to IDENT which LOC
pron cop pron v pron prt pm pron v pron pm pron n adv pron prt n -mrph -mrph conj pron pm pron n pron conj cop n pp
ɓá háray wo le kìnáàn' de, kóè fóo bi wo le le bólo  
since, the old people, everything is in your hands.
ɓá háray wo le kìnáàn de kóè fóo bi wo le le bólo
ɓáy háray wo le kìna nù le kóo főo bi wo le le bólo
as so 2PL FOC old.man -ART -PL FOC thing -ART UNIV be 2PL FOC FOC arm
conj itj pron prt n -mrph -mrph prt n -mrph dtm cop pron prt prt n
dɔ́nk, wo le b' a máa-len, ma.. fó ma ni wo ɲìninká, ma n' a lɔ́n, fɛ́n de máata a sábuè là, ma le ma nɛ̀ɛnɛ kéleɲɛ̀nù bi táa-la ɲɔ́ɔ là, an de béle táa-la yan nà.  
So this is why we have to ask you so that we know, what is the reason that our siblings of there, but they don't come here.
dɔ́nk wo le b a máalen ma fó ma ni wo ɲìninká ma n a lɔ́n fɛ́n de máata a sábuè là ma le ma nɛ̀ɛnɛ kéleɲɛ̀nù bi táala ɲɔ́ɔ là an de béle táala yan nà
dɔ́nk wo le bi a máa len ma fó ma ni wo ɲìninká ma ni a lɔ́n fɛ́n le máa ta a sábu là ma le ma nɛ̀ɛnɛ kélen nù bi tága la ɲɔ́ɔ là anu le béle tága la yan là
ETRG.FR 2PL FOC be 3SG do -PC.RES 1PL one.needs.to 1PL OPT 2PL ask 1PL OPT 3SG know what? FOC do -PST.INTR 3SG support -ART LOC 1PL FOC 1PL mother one -ART -PL be go -GER that LOC 3PL FOC COP.NEG go -GER that LOC
itj pron prt cop pron v -mrph pron conj pron pm pron n pron pm pron v pron prt v -mrph pron n -mrph pp pron prt pron n num -mrph -mrph cop v -mrph pron pp pron prt cop v -mrph pron pp
n mákɔ̀nɔn dé  
n mákɔ̀nɔn dé
n mákɔ̀nɔn dé
1SG wait EMPH
pron v prt
sábu fìsa n kɔ le, si i ka n nɔ́n  
the help is stronger than me if you subdue me.
sábu fìsa n le si i ka n nɔ́n
sábu fìsa n le si i ka n nɔ́n
support be.better 1SG behind FOC if 2SG PST.TR 1SG can
n adj pron pp prt conj pron pm pron v
n tée i nɔ́n, sábu fìsa le wo kɔ  
I can not rule you, the reason is stronger than this.
n tée i nɔ́n sábu fìsa le wo
n tée i nɔ́n sábu fìsa le wo
1SG NEG.POT 2SG can support be.better FOC that behind
pron pm pron v n adj prt pron pp
ɛɛ, i kán.. i kán.. káamin lɔ́gɔ b' i là, i béle n gbàsi-la ɲɔ́ɔ le?  
Won't you beat me where you want to?
ɛɛ i kán i kán káamin lɔ́gɔ b i là i béle n gbàsila ɲɔ́ɔ le
ɛɛ i káni i káni káamin lɔ́gɔ bi i là i béle n gbàsi la ɲɔ́ɔ le
ur 2SG IMP.NEG 2SG IMP.NEG when wish be 2SG LOC 2SG COP.NEG 1SG beat -GER that FOC
itj pron pm pron pm adv n cop pron pp pron cop pron v -mrph pron prt
wo ɲàâ le dún mu  
That's how it is.
wo ɲàâ le dún mu
wo ɲàa le dún mu
that manner -ART FOC so IDENT
pron n -mrph prt part cop
ɲɔ́ɔ nun, an tán mu mùséè mín nà, nin an tán mu kán fín tígè mín nà, won de ɲɔ̀gɔn tàa  
Before, their women and the kakabe (kanfintige - kakkabe, those that have black language), they would marry with each other.
ɲɔ́ɔ nun an tán mu mùséè mín nà nin an tán mu kán fín tígè mín nà won de ɲɔ̀gɔn tàa
ɲɔ́ɔ nun anu tán mu mùsu mín là nin anu tán mu kán fín tìgi mín là wo nù le ɲɔ̀gɔn tàa
that RETR 3PL POSS.EMPH IDENT woman -ART which LOC and 3PL POSS.EMPH IDENT neck become.black owner -ART which LOC that -PL FOC the.same take
pron prt pron n cop n -mrph n pp conj pron n cop n v n -mrph n pp pron -mrph prt n v
fí tűn, a n' anu nɔ́n  
Because he was stronger than them.
fí tűn a n anu nɔ́n
fí tún a ni anu nɔ́n
to only 3SG OPT 3PL can
conj prt pron pm pron v
i le wő i la mùséè wő háray wo si tága wáli a yen  
You and your wife you would go to work for him.
i le wő i la mùséè wő háray wo si tága wáli a yen
i le wő i la mùsu wő háray wo si tága wáli a yen
2SG FOC UNIV 2SG POSS woman -ART UNIV so 2PL POT go work 3SG for
pron prt dtm pron conj n -mrph dtm itj pron pm v v pron pp
ani.. an de ɲɔ̀gɔn tàa-la, si i ka dóo gbɛ́tɛ tán tára, an t' a díi  
They married between each other (the Fulbe), and if you asked for their wife, they wouldn't give it.
ani an de ɲɔ̀gɔn tàala si i ka dóo gbɛ́tɛ tán tára an t a díi
anu anu le ɲɔ̀gɔn tàa la si i ka dóo gbɛ́tɛ tán tára anu tée a dín
3PL 3PL FOC the.same take -GER if 2SG PST.TR one other POSS.EMPH pray 3PL NEG.POT 3SG give
pron pron prt n v -mrph conj pron pm n adj n v pron pm pron v
an mán' a wà wáli dúla nɛ́ɛ̀ ɲɔ́ɔ, an s' anu yɔ̀gɔ káa an s' anu kɔ́ɔ dámuè tɔ?  
When they go to work, do they pay them or do they give them food?
an mán a wà wáli dúla nɛ́ɛ̀ ɲɔ́ɔ an s anu yɔ̀gɔ káa an s anu kɔ́ɔ dámuè
anu máni a wà wáli dúla nɛ́ɛ̀ ɲɔ́ɔ anu si anu yɔ̀gɔ káa anu si anu kɔ́ɔ dámu
3PL COND 3SG go work place EMPH that 3PL POT 3PL such or.INTERR 3PL POT 3PL give eat -ART in
pron pm pron v v n.loc part pron pron pm pron n conj pron pm pron v v -mrph pp
an n' an yɔ̀gɔ fɛ́n nà?  
What do they pay them?
an n an yɔ̀gɔ fɛ́n nà
anu ni anu yɔ̀gɔ fɛ́n là
3PL OPT 3PL such what? LOC
pron pm pron n pron pp
kɔ̀nɔ an s' anu kɔ́ɔ dámuè tɔ, báluè tɔ, an si mín láa an búè tɔ  
But they could give them food to eat, that they can put in their stomack.
kɔ̀nɔ an s anu kɔ́ɔ dámuè báluè an si mín láa an búè
kɔ̀nɔ anu si anu kɔ́ɔ dámu bálu anu si mín láa anu búu
but 3PL POT 3PL give eat -ART in be.alive -ART in 3PL POT which lie 3PL stomach -ART in
conj pron pm pron v v -mrph pp v -mrph pp pron pm n v pron n -mrph pp
an t' an kɔ́ɔ fűs tɔ  
They wouldn't give them anything.
an t an kɔ́ɔ fűs
anu tée anu kɔ́ɔ fűs
3PL NEG.POT 3PL give nothing in
pron pm pron v n pp
kà tága tűn kà wáli kà nàa  
They just go and work and come back.
kà tága tűn kà wáli kà nàa
kà tága tún kà wáli kà nàa
SEQ go only SEQ work SEQ come
conj v prt conj v conj v
k' a wà tűn kà wáli  
just go and work.
k a wà tűn kà wáli
kà a wà tún kà wáli
SEQ 3SG go only SEQ work
conj pron v prt conj v
i mán' a wáli.. i mán' a wáli, i nàa-la i báta dé, i máni i tɔ-sɔ̀tɔ mín bɛ̀rɛ́ɛ̀ là, i ni tága i ni nàa wáli  
When you've worked you go home, and the little time that you have, you go and you work.
i mán a wáli i mán a wáli i nàala i báta dé i máni i tɔsɔ̀tɔ mín bɛ̀rɛ́ɛ̀ là i ni tága i ni nàa wáli
i máni a wáli i máni a wáli i nàa la i báta dé i máni i sɔ̀tɔ mín bɛ̀rɛ là i ni tága i ni nàa wáli
2SG COND 3SG work 2SG COND 3SG work 2SG come -GER 2SG at EMPH 2SG COND 2SG REP- get which measure -ART LOC 2SG OPT go 2SG OPT come work
pron pm pron v pron pm pron v pron v -mrph pron pp prt pron pm pron mrph- v n n -mrph pp pron pm v pron pm v v
an na nìngéènù nin an na sàakaànù nin an na bàânù tùgun  
And also their cows, their sheep and their goats
an na nìngéènù nin an na sàakaànù nin an na bàânù tùgun
anu la nìngí nù nin anu la sàaka nù nin anu la bàa nù tùgun
3PL POSS cow -ART -PL and 3PL POSS ram -ART -PL and 3PL POSS goat -ART -PL again
pron conj n -mrph -mrph conj pron conj n -mrph -mrph conj pron conj n -mrph -mrph adv
an bi mínnù nɔ́ɔ-len won de b' a wà-la kà tɔ-ɲíni, káa an na déɲɛ̀nù b' a wà-la kà tɔ-ɲíni nun  
were it those, who were governed by them, that went to take them back or were it their children that went to take them back? (in the morning the cattle is let to go to the bush and in the evening you have to go to and take them back to the village)
an bi mínnù nɔ́ɔlen won de b a wàla kà tɔɲíni káa an na déɲɛ̀nù b a wàla kà tɔɲíni nun
anu bi mín nù nɔ́n len wo nù le bi a ɔ a kà ɲínin káa anu la dén nù bi a wà la kà ɲínin nun
3PL be which -PL can -PC.RES that -PL FOC be 3SG 2PL 3SG SEQ REP- look.for or.INTERR 3PL POSS child -ART -PL be 3SG go -GER SEQ REP- look.for RETR
pron cop n -mrph v -mrph pron -mrph prt cop pron pron pron conj mrph- v conj pron conj n -mrph -mrph cop pron v -mrph conj mrph- v prt
an i mɔ̀gɛ́ɛ̀ le tàa-la, dénnɛ̀ dóonù háray won i ɲɔ́ɔ là kùda̋y, won de i won tɔ-ɲín-na k' an na-dòn, k' an na-bɔ́ɔ, won' i ɲɔ́ɔ là le  
They take people (slaves) and these children, they stay there forever, and it's them who go to look for them (the cattle in the bush), they take them home and they let them out, they are there.
an i mɔ̀gɛ́ɛ̀ le tàala dénnɛ̀ dóonù háray won i ɲɔ́ɔ là kùda̋y won de i won tɔɲínna k an nadòn k an nabɔ́ɔ won i ɲɔ́ɔ là le
anu bi mɔ̀gɔ le tàa la dénden dóo nù háray wo nù bi ɲɔ́ɔ là kùda̋y wo nù le bi wo nù ɲínin la kà anu la dòn kà anu la bɔ́ɔ wo nù bi ɲɔ́ɔ là le
3PL be man -ART FOC take -GER child -ART one -PL so that -PL be that LOC forever that -PL FOC be that -PL REP- look.for -GER SEQ 3PL CAUS- enter SEQ 3PL CAUS- leave that -PL be that LOC FOC
pron cop n -mrph prt v -mrph n -mrph n -mrph itj pron -mrph cop pron pp n pron -mrph prt cop pron -mrph mrph- v -mrph conj pron mrph- v conj pron mrph- v pron -mrph cop pron pp prt
brúsà tɔ  
in the bush
bush -ART in
n -mrph pp
anu báta  
at their place
anu báta
anu báta
3PL at
pron pp
an báta ɲɔ́ɔ là  
at their place there
an báta ɲɔ́ɔ là
anu báta ɲɔ́ɔ là
3PL at that LOC
pron pp pron pp
won ni jéè sɔ̀ri, an ni lɔ́gɔ ɲíni, an si fɛ̋nfɛn máa, an s' a máa, kɔ̀nɔ an t' anu fɛ́ɛtibɔ  
They scoop water, they look for wood, they do everything, but they don't buy them clothes.
won ni jéè sɔ̀ri an ni lɔ́gɔ ɲíni an si fɛ̋nfɛn máa an s a máa kɔ̀nɔ an t anu fɛ́ɛtibɔ
wo nù ni jíi sɔ̀ri anu ni lɔ́gɔ ɲínin anu si fɛ̋nfɛn máa anu si a máa kɔ̀nɔ anu tée anu fɛ́ɛtibɔ
that -PL OPT water -ART get.up.early 3PL OPT tree look.for 3PL POT something do 3PL POT 3SG do but 3PL NEG.POT 3PL buy.clothes
pron -mrph pm n -mrph v pron pm n v pron pm n v pron pm pron v conj pron pm pron v
kɔ̀nɔ an s' an.. an t' an fɛ́ɛtibɔ  
But they don't buy them clothes.
kɔ̀nɔ an s an an t an fɛ́ɛtibɔ
kɔ̀nɔ anu si anu anu tée anu fɛ́ɛtibɔ
but 3PL POT 3PL 3PL NEG.POT 3PL clothes
conj pron pm pron pron pm pron n
wo ɲɔ́ɔ bi tóo-la káa là an tée kùta láa an ma  
They stay like that, and they don't put on clothes.
wo ɲɔ́ɔ bi tóola káa là an tée kùta láa an ma
wo ɲɔ́ɔ bi tóo la káa là anu tée kùta láa anu ma
that that be leave -GER there LOC 3PL NEG.POT clothes lie 3PL to
pron pron cop v -mrph adv pp pron pm n v pron pp
an s' an láa, si an na kìnáànù ka díi anu fɛ yan nà  
They would put it on, if their parents give it to them here.
an s an láa si an na kìnáànù ka díi anu yan nà
anu si anu láa si anu la kìna nù ka dín anu yan là
3PL POT 3PL lie if 3PL POSS old.man -ART -PL PST.TR give 3PL with that LOC
pron pm pron v conj pron conj n -mrph -mrph pm v pron pp pron pp
yan nà  
yan nà
yan là
that LOC
pron pp
an ni tóo wo ɲɔ́ɔ búutɔ ɲɔ́ɔ  
They remain like this
an ni tóo wo ɲɔ́ɔ búutɔ ɲɔ́ɔ
anu ni tóo wo ɲɔ́ɔ búutɔ ɲɔ́ɔ
3PL OPT leave that that in that
pron pm v pron pron pp pron
an tée an na-kàran, an tée fɛ̋nfɛn máa  
They don't makey them study, they don't do anything.
an tée an nakàran an tée fɛ̋nfɛn máa
anu tée anu la kàran anu tée fɛ̋nfɛn máa
3PL NEG.POT 3PL CAUS- study 3PL NEG.POT something do
pron pm pron mrph- v pron pm n v
an y' a fɔ́ɔ-la wo le ma i kó kúrukaadɔɛ̀  
They call them "kurukado".
an y a fɔ́ɔla wo le ma i kó kúrukaadɔɛ̀
anu bi a fɔ́ɔ la wo le ma i kó kúrukaadɔ
3PL be 3SG say -GER that FOC to 2SG say ETRG.PUL -ART
pron cop pron v -mrph pron prt pp pron v n -mrph
the slave
n -mrph
dɔ́nk háray kɛɛ áduna bàngukálè fóo búutɔ  
So, in the whole world,
dɔ́nk háray kɛɛ áduna bàngukálè fóo búutɔ
dɔ́nk háray kɛɛ áduna bàngukáli főo búutɔ
ETRG.FR so this life earth -ART UNIV in
itj itj pron n n -mrph dtm pp
óma le.. óma le tűn de.. ála kíiti-ta, óma le tűn de ka tɔ́ɔrɔya wo sɔ̀tɔ káa mɔ̀gɛ́ɛ̀ dóonù bi háray óma tùgun máa?  
Is it only us, that God decided that we suffer, or are there other people apart from us?
óma le óma le tűn de ála kíitita óma le tűn de ka tɔ́ɔrɔya wo sɔ̀tɔ káa mɔ̀gɛ́ɛ̀ dóonù bi háray óma tùgun máa
óma le óma le tún le álla kíiti ta óma le tún le ka tɔ́ɔrɔ ya wo sɔ̀tɔ káa mɔ̀gɔ dóo nù bi háray óma tùgun máa
1PL.INCL FOC 1PL.INCL FOC only FOC God decide -PST.INTR 1PL.INCL FOC only FOC PST.TR suffer -ABST that get or.INTERR man -ART one -PL be so 1PL.INCL again NEG.COP
pron prt pron prt prt prt n v -mrph pron prt prt prt pm v -mrph pron v conj n -mrph n -mrph cop itj pron adv cop
a béle, a béle wő béle káamin nɔn  
There is no such place where you don't have it.
a béle a béle wő béle káamin nɔn
a béle a béle wő béle káamin nɔn
pron cop pron cop dtm cop adv itj
a bi  
It exists there.
a bi
a bi
3SG be
pron cop
a fínma a gbɛ́ɛma. a bi  
Black or white, it is everywhere.
a fínma a gbɛ́ɛma a bi
a fín ma a gbɛ́ɛ ma a bi
3SG become.black -ADJ 3SG be.clean -ADJ 3SG be
pron v -mrph pron v -mrph pron cop
a bi.. a bi hári i mán táa káamin kùɲɛ́ɛ̀ bi ɲɔ́ɔ,  
Wherever you go, there is a governor,
a bi a bi hári i mán táa káamin kùɲɛ́ɛ̀ bi ɲɔ́ɔ
a bi a bi hári i máni tága káamin kùn bi ɲɔ́ɔ
3SG be 3SG be but 2SG COND go when head -ART be that
pron cop pron cop prt pron pm v adv n -mrph cop pron
dóonù bi ɲɔ́ɔ  
There are others..
dóonù bi ɲɔ́ɔ
dóo nù bi ɲɔ́ɔ
one -PL be that
n -mrph cop pron
mín bi dóonù nɔ́ɔ-len bi ɲɔ́ɔ  
There are those who rule over other people.
mín bi dóonù nɔ́ɔlen bi ɲɔ́ɔ
mín bi dóo nù nɔ́n len bi ɲɔ́ɔ
which be one -PL can -PC.RES be that
n cop n -mrph v -mrph cop pron
wo ɲàâ le dún mu  
That's how it is.
wo ɲàâ le dún mu
wo ɲàa le dún mu
that manner -ART FOC so IDENT
pron n -mrph prt part cop
ɓá si i táa-ta árabu jàmanáà tɔ, a bi  
I you go the the Arab country, it is there.
ɓá si i táata árabu jàmanáà a bi
ɓáy si i tága ta árabu jàmaná a bi
as if 2SG go -PST.INTR Arab land -ART in 3SG be
conj conj pron v -mrph n n -mrph pp pron cop
sínuwan' tɔ, a bi  
In China, it is there.
sínuwan a bi
sínuwa nù a bi
Chinese -PL in 3SG be
n -mrph pp pron cop
ɛɛ áleman, a bi.  
in Germany, it is there.
ɛɛ áleman a bi
ɛɛ áleman a bi
ur German 3SG be
itj n pron cop
tìbáabuènù ka álemannù nɔ́n nɛ́ɛ̀, anu máa anu dɛ́turnɛ le, k' anu nàati anu báta?  
Isn't it that the white defeated the Germans and made them return to them and took them (as captives) with them?
tìbáabuènù ka álemannù nɔ́n nɛ́ɛ̀ anu máa anu dɛ́turnɛ le k anu nàati anu báta
tìbáabu nù ka áleman nù nɔ́n nɛ́ɛ̀ anu máa anu dɛ́turnɛ le kà anu nàati anu báta
white.man -ART -PL PST.TR German -PL can EMPH 3PL NEG.COP 3PL ETRG.FR FOC SEQ 3PL bring 3PL at
n -mrph -mrph pm n -mrph v part pron cop pron v prt conj pron v pron pp
wo ɲàâ le dún  
That's how it is.
wo ɲàâ le dún
wo ɲàa le dún
that manner -ART FOC so
pron n -mrph prt part
dɔ́nk óma la kɛɛ júma sálè tùgun yan de tɔ, ma ti fɔ́lɔ júma kɛ́ɛ sàli-la ma báta yan kómin nà a ti sàn jèlu bɔ́ɔ.. dɛ̀pí júma sálè fɔ́lɔ-ta, a báti sàn jèlu bɔ́ɔ? tèle jèlu bɔ́ɔ.. ɛɛ.. sàn jèlu bɔ́ɔ?  
Our praying there, since we started praying here, how many years have passed?
dɔ́nk óma la kɛɛ júma sálè tùgun yan de ma ti fɔ́lɔ júma kɛ́ɛ sàlila ma báta yan kómin nà a ti sàn jèlu bɔ́ɔ dɛ̀pí júma sálè fɔ́lɔta a báti sàn jèlu bɔ́ɔ tèle jèlu bɔ́ɔ ɛɛ sàn jèlu bɔ́ɔ
dɔ́nk óma la kɛɛ júma sàli tùgun yan le ma báti fɔ́lɔ júma kɛɛ sàli la ma báta yan kómin là a báti sàn jèlu bɔ́ɔ dɛ̀pí júma sàli fɔ́lɔ ta a báti sàn jèlu bɔ́ɔ tèle jèlu bɔ́ɔ ɛɛ sàn jèlu bɔ́ɔ
ETRG.FR 1PL.INCL POSS this friday pray -ART again that FOC in 1PL PRF start friday this pray -GER 1PL at that how LOC 3SG PRF year how.many? leave ETRG.FR friday pray -ART start -PST.INTR 3SG PRF year how.many? leave sun how.many? leave ur year how.many? leave
itj pron conj pron n v -mrph adv pron prt pp pron pm v n pron v -mrph pron pp pron adv pp pron pm n n v conj n v -mrph v -mrph pron pm n n v n n v itj n n v
sàn sàba le káa  
three years
sàn sàba le káa
sàn sàba le káa
year three FOC there
n num prt adv
áwà ɲɔ́ɔ an tòoɲáà bi, kó sàn sàba le  
They're right, it's three years.
áwà ɲɔ́ɔ an tòoɲáà bi kó sàn sàba le
áwà ɲɔ́ɔ anu tòoɲa bi kó sàn sàba le
well that 3PL truth -ART be say year three FOC
itj pron pron n -mrph cop v n num prt
sàn sàba le káa? ma i sàli-la yan  
We've been praying here for three years.
sàn sàba le káa ma i sàlila yan
sàn sàba le káa ma bi sàli la yan
year three FOC or.INTERR 1PL be pray -GER that
n num prt conj pron cop v -mrph pron
ma i sàli-la yan  
we've been praying here
ma i sàlila yan
ma bi sàli la yan
1PL be pray -GER that
pron cop v -mrph pron
ma b' a fóo máa-la wo ma le báta yan nɛ́tɔ  
We do all this here.
ma b a fóo máala wo ma le báta yan nɛ́tɔ
ma bi a főo máa la wo ma le báta yan nɛ́tɔ
1PL be 3SG UNIV do -GER that to FOC at that in
pron cop pron dtm v -mrph pron pp prt pp pron pp
ma b' a fóo máa-la ma báta yan de tɔ, kɔ̀nɔ ɛ̀lla bi ɲɔ́ɔ là  
We do all this at our place, but there is one problem
ma b a fóo máala ma báta yan de kɔ̀nɔ ɛ̀lla bi ɲɔ́ɔ là
ma bi a főo máa la ma báta yan le kɔ̀nɔ ɛ̀lla bi ɲɔ́ɔ là
1PL be 3SG UNIV do -GER 1PL at that FOC in but harm be that LOC
pron cop pron dtm v -mrph pron pp pron prt pp conj n cop pron pp
áwà, fɛ́n ɛ̀lla?  
What problem?
áwà fɛ́n ɛ̀lla
áwà fɛ́n ɛ̀lla
well what? harm
itj pron n
fɛ́n mu wo ɛ̀llaà là? ma la jáamiyè káydè, ma ka kán k' a la-bɛ̀n  
What is the problem? The documents of the mosque we have to arrange it.
fɛ́n mu wo ɛ̀llaà là ma la jáamiyè káydè ma ka kán k a labɛ̀n
fɛ́n mu wo ɛ̀lla là ma la jáamiye káydi ma ka kán kà a la bɛ̀n
what? IDENT that harm -ART LOC 1PL POSS mosque -ART paper -ART 1PL PST.TR ought SEQ 3SG CAUS- meet
pron cop pron n -mrph pp pron conj n -mrph n -mrph pron pm v conj pron mrph- v
wo ɲàâ le dún mu  
That's how it is.
wo ɲàâ le dún mu
wo ɲàa le dún mu
that manner -ART FOC so IDENT
pron n -mrph prt part cop
ma la jáamiyè, a káydè ma ka kán k' a la-bɛ̀n. Ma mán' a la-bɛ̀n, ma tùgun si tàran jáamiyèn' na kɔ̀ntɛɛ̀ tɔ, kɔ̀nɔ nɔn tíɲarè i ma bólo  
Our mosque, we have to arrange it's documents. When we've arranged it, we will be considered in the mosque census, but there is one fault there.
ma la jáamiyè a káydè ma ka kán k a labɛ̀n Ma mán a labɛ̀n ma tùgun si tàran jáamiyèn na kɔ̀ntɛɛ̀ kɔ̀nɔ nɔn tíɲarè i ma bólo
ma la jáamiye a káydi ma ka kán kà a la bɛ̀n ma máni a la bɛ̀n ma tùgun si tàran jáamiye la kɔ̀ntɛ kɔ̀nɔ nɔn tíɲa ri bi ma bólo
1PL POSS mosque -ART 3SG paper -ART 1PL PST.TR ought SEQ 3SG CAUS- meet 1PL COND 3SG CAUS- meet 1PL again POT find mosque POSS census -ART in but but go.bad -NMLZ.TR -ART be 1PL arm
pron conj n -mrph pron n -mrph pron pm v conj pron mrph- v pron pm pron mrph- v pron adv pm v n conj n -mrph pp conj itj v -mrph -mrph cop pron n
wo ɲàâ dún mu  
That's how it is.
wo ɲàâ dún mu
wo ɲàa dún mu
that manner -ART so IDENT
pron n -mrph part cop
kɛɛ jáamuyè i káamin yan, ma bɛ̀n-ta ɔ̀ya láa-la  
There, where the mosque is, we agreed to put there the thing
kɛɛ jáamuyè i káamin yan ma bɛ̀nta ɔ̀ya láala
kɛɛ jáamiye bi káamin yan ma bɛ̀n ta ɔ̀ya láa la
this mosque -ART be when that 1PL meet -PST.INTR something lie -GER
pron n -mrph cop adv pron pron v -mrph pron v -mrph
mɔr.. mɔ̀gɔ máni fàga, a i la-dòn káamin  
the mor.. the place, where the person is put when he is dead.
mɔr mɔ̀gɔ máni fàga a i ladòn káamin
mɔr mɔ̀gɔ máni fàga a bi la dòn káamin
ETRG.FR man COND die 3SG be CAUS- enter when
n n pm v pron cop mrph- v adv
wo mán láa féere, ɛɛ sùtura, a ni láa féere  
it should be put apart and the toilet apart.
wo mán láa féere ɛɛ sùtura a ni láa féere
wo máni láa féere ɛɛ sùtura a ni láa féere
that COND lie ETRG.PUL ur suffer 3SG OPT lie ETRG.PUL
pron pm v adv itj v pron pm v adv
jáamuwɔɛ̀, k' a kɔ̀nti  
The mosque, it has to be censed.
jáamuwɔɛ̀ k a kɔ̀nti
jáamiye kà a kɔ̀nti
mosque -ART SEQ 3SG consider
n -mrph conj pron v
si tàranta si mɔ̀gɔ bílɔ́ɔlu máa mɔ̀gɔ kɛ̀mɛ bɔ́ɔ, háray wo kɔ̀nti-len, jáamiyè dímansyɔn, háray wo tùgun bi  
wheter it can accomodate fifty or hundred people, this should be censed, the dimensions of the mosque, and that too.
si tàranta si mɔ̀gɔ bílɔ́ɔlu máa mɔ̀gɔ kɛ̀mɛ bɔ́ɔ háray wo kɔ̀ntilen jáamiyè dímansyɔn háray wo tùgun bi
si tàran ta si mɔ̀gɔ bí lɔ́ɔlu máa mɔ̀gɔ kɛ̀mɛ bɔ́ɔ háray wo kɔ̀nti len jáamiye dímansyɔn háray wo tùgun bi
if find -PST.INTR if man ten- five or man hundred leave so that consider -PC.RES mosque -ART ETRG.FR so that again be
conj v -mrph conj n num- num conj n num v itj pron v -mrph n -mrph n itj pron adv cop
wo ɲàâ dún mu  
That's how it is.
wo ɲàâ dún mu
wo ɲàa dún mu
that manner -ART so IDENT
pron n -mrph part cop
háray a dímansyɔn, a yáagɛ nin a jànjaya  
it's dimensions, it's lenght and it's width.
háray a dímansyɔn a yáagɛ nin a jànjaya
háray a dímansyɔn a yáagɛ nin a jànjaya
so 3SG ETRG.FR 3SG become.big and 3SG width
itj pron n pron v conj pron v
pàskɛ́ si dɛ́lɛgasyɔn nàata a fɛ́lɛ, a si màɲíninka wo fóo là  
Because if there's a delegation comes to look at it, they will ask about all this.
pàskɛ́ si dɛ́lɛgasyɔn nàata a fɛ́lɛ a si màɲíninka wo fóo là
pàsɛ́ si dɛ́lɛgasyɔn nàa ta a fɛ́lɛ a si màɲíninka wo főo là
because if ETRG.FR come -PST.INTR 3SG watch 3SG POT ask that UNIV LOC
conj conj n v -mrph pron v pron pm v pron dtm pp
a si màɲíninka si mɔ̀gɔ báti fàga, ma y' a dòn-na mín nà  
They will ask where do we put a person when he dies.
a si màɲíninka si mɔ̀gɔ báti fàga ma y a dònna mín nà
a si màɲíninka si mɔ̀gɔ báti fàga ma bi a dòn la mín là
3SG POT ask if man PRF die 1PL be 3SG enter -GER which LOC
pron pm v conj n pm v pron cop pron v -mrph n pp
ma n' a fɔ́ɔ yan de  
We would say: "here".
ma n a fɔ́ɔ yan de
ma ni a fɔ́ɔ yan le
1PL OPT 3SG say that FOC
pron pm pron v pron prt
wo ɲàâ le dún mu  
That's how it is.
wo ɲàâ le dún mu
wo ɲàa le dún mu
that manner -ART FOC so IDENT
pron n -mrph prt part cop
si mɔ̀gɔ i táa-la sútura tɔ, wo b' a dòn-na mín nà? ma n' a fɔ́ɔ: yan de  
When person goes to the toilet, where do you take him? We would say: "here".
si mɔ̀gɔ i táala sútura wo b a dònna mín nà ma n a fɔ́ɔ yan de
si mɔ̀gɔ bi tága la sútura wo bi a dòn la mín là ma ni a fɔ́ɔ yan le
if man be go -GER toilet in that be 3SG enter -GER which LOC 1PL OPT 3SG say that FOC
conj n cop v -mrph n pp pron cop pron v -mrph n pp pron pm pron v pron prt
kɔ̀nɔ si tàranta wo béle, háray a tée gàsɛ  
But if there isn't any, it's not good.
kɔ̀nɔ si tàranta wo béle háray a tée gàsɛ
kɔ̀nɔ si tàran ta wo béle háray a tée gàsɛ
but if find -PST.INTR that COP.NEG so 3SG NEG.POT be.possible
conj conj v -mrph pron cop itj pron pm v
dɔ́nk.. dɔ́nk yan káa ɲáa káa káa káa wo ɲɔ́ɔ le bi wo tɔ́ɔrɔ-la yan nà  
So now, at this very moment, this is the difficulty that you have.
dɔ́nk dɔ́nk yan káa ɲáa káa káa káa wo ɲɔ́ɔ le bi wo tɔ́ɔrɔla yan nà
dɔ́nk dɔ́nk yan káa ɲáa káa káa káa wo ɲɔ́ɔ le bi wo tɔ́ɔrɔ la yan là
ETRG.FR ETRG.FR that there eye there there there that that FOC be 2PL suffer -GER that LOC
itj itj pron adv n adv adv adv pron pron prt cop pron v -mrph pron pp
wo le ma tɔ́ɔrɔ-la wo jáamuyè la kóo, hin ma tɔ́ɔrɔ-len kóoben kóoben  
this is what worries us, it worries us a lot.
wo le ma tɔ́ɔrɔla wo jáamuyè la kóo hin ma tɔ́ɔrɔlen kóoben kóoben
wo le ma tɔ́ɔrɔ la wo jáamiye la kóo mín ma tɔ́ɔrɔ len kóoben kóoben
that FOC 1PL suffer -GER that mosque -ART POSS thing which 1PL suffer -PC.RES much much
pron prt pron v -mrph pron n -mrph conj n n pron v -mrph adv adv
káydèn na kóo le, káydèn' dóon tée gàsɛ́, súturà kɔ́ɔma, káydè, a tée gàsɛ́  
The thing with the documents, it's not good, without the toilet we cannot arrange the documents.
káydèn na kóo le káydèn dóon tée gàsɛ́ súturà kɔ́ɔma káydè a tée gàsɛ́
káydi nù la kóo le káydi nù dóo nù tée gàsɛ sútura kɔ́ɔma káydi a tée gàsɛ
paper -ART -PL POSS thing FOC paper -ART -PL one -PL NEG.POT be.possible toilet behind paper -ART 3SG NEG.POT be.possible
n -mrph -mrph conj n prt n -mrph -mrph n -mrph pm v n pp n -mrph pron pm v
ɛɛ mɔ̀gɔ máni fàga i si la-dòn káamin nɔrmalman mɔ̀gɔ máni fàga, i ka kán kà kìi jáamiyè tɔ le  
When a person dies, the place where you put him, as a rule, when sombody dies his body must be kept in the mosque during the night.
ɛɛ mɔ̀gɔ máni fàga i si ladòn káamin nɔrmalman mɔ̀gɔ máni fàga i ka kán kà kìi jáamiyè le
ɛɛ mɔ̀gɔ máni fàga i si la dòn káamin nɔrmalman mɔ̀gɔ máni fàga i ka kán kà kìi jáamiye le
ur man COND die 2SG POT CAUS- enter when ETRG.FR man COND die 2SG PST.TR ought SEQ spend.night mosque -ART in FOC
itj n pm v pron pm mrph- v adv itj n pm v pron pm v conj v n -mrph pp prt
a béle kìi-la bón de là dé, jáamuyè tɔ  
it' s not kept during the night at home, it should be in the mosque.
a béle kìila bón de là dé jáamuyè
a béle kìi la bón le là dé jáamiye
3SG COP.NEG spend.night -GER house FOC LOC EMPH mosque -ART in
pron cop v -mrph n prt pp prt n -mrph pp
a ka kán la-dòn ɲɔ́ɔ.. ɲɔ́ɔ là, an b' a fɔ́ɔ-la ɲɔ́ɔ le ma.. káma..  
it should be put there.. how do you call it?
a ka kán ladòn ɲɔ́ɔ ɲɔ́ɔ là an b a fɔ́ɔla ɲɔ́ɔ le ma káma
a ka kán la dòn ɲɔ́ɔ ɲɔ́ɔ là anu bi a fɔ́ɔ la ɲɔ́ɔ le ma káma
3SG PST.TR ought CAUS- enter that that LOC 3PL be 3SG say -GER that FOC to how
pron pm v mrph- v pron pron pp pron cop pron v -mrph pron prt pp adv
mɔrg.. mɔrg mhm? ani y' a fɔ́ɔ-la wo là  
"morg" right, that's how they call it.
mɔrg mɔrg mhm ani y a fɔ́ɔla wo là
mɔrg mɔrg mhm anu bi a fɔ́ɔ la wo là
ETRG.FR ETRG.FR yes 3PL be 3SG say -GER that LOC
n n itj pron cop pron v -mrph pron pp
ɲɔ́ɔ, mɔ̀gɔ máni fàga, i la-dòn-na ɲɔ́ɔ le. Ma le dún si dóo fàga-ta, kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀ ma y' a tóo-la bóɲɛ̀ là, ma ni dóo bɔ́ɔ mín s' a kántan háa sàgúèma  
When a person is dead, he is put there. And we, if somebody dies, now we keep him at home, we look for somebody, who would look after it till the morning.
ɲɔ́ɔ mɔ̀gɔ máni fàga i ladònna ɲɔ́ɔ le Ma le dún si dóo fàgata kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀ ma y a tóola bóɲɛ̀ là ma ni dóo bɔ́ɔ mín s a kántan háa sàgúèma
ɲɔ́ɔ mɔ̀gɔ máni fàga bi la dòn la ɲɔ́ɔ le ma le dún si dóo fàga ta kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀ ma bi a tóo la bón là ma ni dóo bɔ́ɔ mín si a kántan háa sàgúma
that man COND die be CAUS- enter -GER that FOC 1PL FOC so if one die -PST.INTR now 1PL be 3SG leave -GER house -ART LOC 1PL OPT one leave which POT 3SG guard as.far.as morning
pron n pm v cop mrph- v -mrph pron prt pron prt part conj n v -mrph adv pron cop pron v -mrph n -mrph pp pron pm n v n pm pron v conj n
wo ɲàâ le dún mu  
That's how it is.
wo ɲàâ le dún mu
wo ɲàa le dún mu
that manner -ART FOC so IDENT
pron n -mrph prt part cop
ma ka tàran ma la kìnáànù tùgun b' a máa-la wo ɲàâ le nun gòyi  
Our parents did it this way too.
ma ka tàran ma la kìnáànù tùgun b a máala wo ɲàâ le nun gòyi
ma ka tàran ma la kìna nù tùgun bi a máa la wo ɲàa le nun gòyi
1PL PST.TR find 1PL POSS old.man -ART -PL again be 3SG do -GER that manner -ART FOC RETR so
pron pm v pron conj n -mrph -mrph adv cop pron v -mrph pron n -mrph prt prt prt
kɔ̀nɔ ɓá nɔn kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀..  
but since now..
kɔ̀nɔ ɓá nɔn kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀
kɔ̀nɔ ɓáy nɔn kɔ̀tɛ́ɛ̀
but as but now
conj conj itj adv
kɔ̀nɔ Fúuta yan wo béle kàyéè kànka-la  
But here on the Futa-Jallon, you don't steal people.
kɔ̀nɔ Fúuta yan wo béle kàyéè kànkala
kɔ̀nɔ Fúuta yan wo béle kàyi kànka la
but TOPON that that COP.NEG man -ART steal -GER
conj n.prop pron pron cop n -mrph v -mrph