ecouter ecouter ʔʌʌʌhh
ecouter ecouter kʼocʼikʼoócʼúwa kattanáw / In order to cook kʼocʼikʼoócʼo
ecouter ecouter dorsáa šukkeéttes // we slaugter a sheep
ecouter ecouter dorsáa šukkídí / having slaughtered a sheep
ecouter ecouter dorsáa ʔašúwa doisseéttes // we cook the mutton
ecouter ecouter loittídí / properly
ecouter ecouter meecʼcʼírgídí hóʔʔo haattán meecʼcʼídí / having washed, having washed it with hot water
ecouter ecouter hóʔʔo haatán meecʼcʼídoóga / that which is washed with hot water
ecouter ecouter doisseéttes // we cook.
ecouter ecouter doissídí / Having cooked
ecouter ecouter liikʼissídí / fine
ecouter ecouter ʔáncʼettes // we mince it
ecouter ecouter ʔašúwa liíkʼíssí ʔáncʼídí / having minced the meat fine
ecouter ecouter mekʼéttaa kʼáss / the meat in turn
ecouter ecouter loittí giigissídí / having prepared it properly
ecouter ecouter ʔʌ ʔʌ ʔa ʔádan ʔádan ʔá giigissí kʼantʼídoóga / that which is cut according to the manner each type should be cut
ecouter ecouter maššán mizí mizídí / (that is) by making slight cuts on the bone meat for garnishing
ecouter ecouter he maššán mizí mizídí / having made slight garnishing cuts with that knife
ecouter ecouter ʔʔ# giigissídí / ʔhh having prepared it
ecouter ecouter ʔoíssaa / butter
ecouter ecouter tʼaárúwan tígídí / having added (butter) in the pot
ecouter ecouter ʔa bollá ha / on it this
ecouter ecouter XXXX /
ecouter ecouter ʔoíssaa tʼaárúwan tígídóga bollán / on the butter that is added in the pot
ecouter ecouter kʼimámíya / spices
ecouter ecouter ʔʔ# sawó maatáa / spices
ecouter ecouter ʔubbbáa kʼómmúwan kʼómmúwan / all (spices), each type apart
ecouter ecouter ʔokašíyaa / cardamom (species)
ecouter ecouter šukʼúwáa / fenugreek
ecouter ecouter karétta sawá boótta sawá / black cumin, white cumin
ecouter ecouter guǰǰídí / having added (these spices)
ecouter ecouter ʔoíssaára hoʔʔídága bollá héee# / on those (spices) which are warmed up with the butter
ecouter ecouter ʔán ʔintínoo ʔee# maššán mizídó mekʼétta // on it, what is it called..., ʔee the bone meat that is slightly cut for garnish
ecouter ecouter guǰǰí guǰǰídí / adding a few/some at a time
ecouter ecouter he mekʼéttáy hoʔʔíšín kʼáss / while the bone meat is getting warm
ecouter ecouter ʔáncʼcʼhídó ʔašúwa liíkʼúwa guǰǰeéttes // we add the finely chopped minced meat
ecouter ecouter guǰǰídí kʼaattídí / having added, stirring it
ecouter ecouter matʼiníya guǰǰídí / having added salt
ecouter ecouter ʔí malʔídoóga / that it is seasoned properly
ecouter ecouter mí tʼeellídí / having tested
ecouter ecouter késseettes // we take it out
ecouter ecouter ʔʔ kʼá naaʔántó kʼocʼikʼoócʼúwa / ʔee again, the second type of kʼocʼikʼoócʼo
ecouter ecouter ʔašúwa lií..kʼíssí ʔáncʼídí / having minced the meat very fine
ecouter ecouter santáa doissídóga lií..kʼísssí ʔáncʼídí / having finely chopped cooked cabbage
ecouter ecouter ʔoíssaa tʼaárúwan tígídí / having added butter in a pot
ecouter ecouter šukʼúwaa / fenugreek
ecouter ecouter karétta sawáa koro# ʔʌʌ ʔokašíya / black cumin, ...ʔʌʌ cardamom
ecouter ecouter matʼiníyaa / salt
ecouter ecouter barbareera daatʼtʼídó barbaríya / fresh red pepper, mashed red pepper
ecouter ecouter guǰǰídí / having added
ecouter ecouter kʼaatteéttes // we mix
ecouter ecouter katteéttes // we cook (let simmer the mix of spices and butter)
ecouter ecouter kattídí / having cooked
ecouter ecouter santáa kasé guǰǰídí / adding the cabbage first
ecouter ecouter ha santáa bollá ʔašúwaa guǰǰeéttes // on the cabbage we add the meat
ecouter ecouter ʔašúwa ss# santáa bolla guǰǰídóga kʼaattídí kessídí / having mixed the meat that is added on the cabbage, taking it out (of the fire)
ecouter ecouter goodettá ʔúncʼaa / kind of ensete dough
ecouter ecouter ʔuúkkídí / baking it
ecouter ecouter ʔoíttaa / bread (of non-fermented dough, pita-like)
ecouter ecouter badalaákka gidín maldúwákka gidín ʔoíttaa ʔuúkkídí / be it of maize flour or of sorghum, having baked the bread
ecouter ecouter maššán kʼantʼí kʼantʼídoóga masóbiyan giigissídí yuušší ʔaattídí masóbiyan wottídí / cutting it into several small pieces with a knife and putting it in circle on the edge of a broad serving plate
ecouter ecouter ha kʼoocʼikʼoocʼúwa šaatíyan // that kʼocʼikʼoócʼo (put) in a small clay bowl
ecouter ecouter kʼólídí / putting it
ecouter ecouter hegaára meéttes // we eat it with that