widimɔ## ˈme iˈṃɔs wɐˈdiːːːḍḍazɐn d ˈɐwedɐn win# ## | Who is this one which is touching (me) here ? (asked the genie). This person... |
iˈḍḍaz ɐjkʔ# imˈiʒar naʔ# ## | He is touching deserted camps... (meaning : he is touching the genie which appears in the deserted camps, when people moved). |
iˈnnas iˈnnas ˈfɐlan akkɐˈji ḍəẓ innaːs / | Fellan said to him, said to him : 'I will kill you' (Litt : 'I will touch you'). He said to him : |
ˈnɐkk əlˈmoʃi d ihɑn da wan əʒəˈffənʒər // | 'Me, I have a knife with me, the one used to tear (the nose of animals)'. |
ˈinnaːːːs ɐz dɐˈri wər təgmɐːḍɐɣ əːːːʔ ## | Fellan said : 'If you do not go out...' (litt. : 'with me', but we understand that only the genie has to go out) |
ˈewɐḍɐnˈtɪn ɣas / | They only finished (this fight) (Litt. : They arrived it there to the end.)(Mohamed chauffeur : He didn't notice him anymore -verb : to miss : oḍɐn) |