ecouter ecouter dɐ tɐˈmaʒəq əːːː / In Tamasheq
ecouter ecouter aˈʒuːːːwənk iːːːg ˈeːːːhɐḍ // He took a walk, it was dark
ecouter ecouter iˈssãː fˈɐl aʔ# ## He was expecting (a date)...
ecouter ecouter ˈənt ˈfɐlæn // This is Fellan...
ecouter ecouter iˈssãːːː fɐl aʔ ## He was expecting (a date)...
ecouter ecouter tamiˈditneta / This friend (fem) of his,
ecouter ecouter iʰˈṛɑʔ // he was in love (with her)
ecouter ecouter ɐˈmɐrɐn əˈniːːːlmɐdɐ̃ // Then, they became familiar
ecouter ecouter ˈharˈtɐdd ɔṣɑ // One day, he came to see her. (Litt. : Until he arrived her.)
ecouter ecouter ˈhard oṣ ɐˈɣejwɐn // One day, he came to the camp. (Litt. : Until he arrived the camp)
ecouter ecouter ˈazd ˈoṣa ɐɣiwɐn d ˈɐjtedɐn əˈggi:lɐ̃ // When he arrived to the camp, people had already moved on.
ecouter ecouter ˈuhun iggɐzˈduw aʔ# ## Then, he entered...
ecouter ecouter ˈehɐḍ jæʔ# ## The night surp...
ecouter ecouter ˈiḍgaṣṭɪd ˈɐhɐḍ / The night surprised him.
ecouter ecouter daʔ# d ˈɐḳʷonaX // And the rain.
ecouter ecouter Xggɐz ˈduw aʔ# ˈəgɐrbɐn // He entered a shack
ecouter ecouter ˈganɐt ˈʃijjej // It was dark
ecouter ecouter i-ˈdɐzˈdadɐ harˈɣas ˈiḍɐz ɐrɐt // He was groping until he touched something (a genie).
ecouter ecouter ˈwɐ iḍɐzda // What he touched here...
ecouter ecouter innah# ˈinnaːːː əʔ# wədi said... The one
ecouter ecouter iˈḍḍæːːːzɐn ˈdæ // who is touching (me)....
ecouter ecouter ma# jɐˈma# maˈdiˈḍḍæzɐn ˈde // What (is the thing which) is touching (me) here ?
ecouter ecouter widimɔ## ˈme iˈṃɔs wɐˈdiːːːḍḍazɐn d ˈɐwedɐn win# ## Who is this one which is touching (me) here ? (asked the genie). This person...
ecouter ecouter iˈṃɔs awaːːː da urdaʔ# ɐlˈʒɐjn // This is a genie (who was speaking).
ecouter ecouter lˈʒɐj // a genie.
ecouter ecouter wɐˈdiːːːˈḍḍæzɐn de // The one which is touching (me) here (said the genie),
ecouter ecouter iˈḍḍaz ɐjkʔ# imˈiʒar naʔ# ## He is touching deserted camps... (meaning : he is touching the genie which appears in the deserted camps, when people moved).
ecouter ecouter naieʔ# naieʔ# ˈekɐrbɐn əːːː imiˈʒar n ɐħɐ // a hut... a camp where people went away in the night,
ecouter ecouter kɐrˈbɐn ən ɐhɐḍ // a hut of the night.
ecouter ecouter aˈdi wər ˈtələsɐɣ eːːːḍəz / 'Don't touch me again', (said the genie)
ecouter ecouter iˈnnas iˈnnas ˈfɐlan akkɐˈji ḍəẓ innaːs / Fellan said to him, said to him : 'I will kill you' (Litt : 'I will touch you'). He said to him :
ecouter ecouter ˈnɐkk əlˈmoʃi d ihɑn da wan əʒəˈffənʒər // 'Me, I have a knife with me, the one used to tear (the nose of animals)'.
ecouter ecouter ʒəˈffənʒər ənæ ## 'Tear'...
ecouter ecouter eʔ# gɐr ˈimi t ˈʃĩnʒɐr // 'Between mouth and nose'...
ecouter ecouter ilan sXXX (LAUGHTER) // (Laughter)
ecouter ecouter ˈinnaːːːs ɐz dɐˈri wər təgmɐːḍɐɣ əːːːʔ ## Fellan said : 'If you do not go out...' (litt. : 'with me', but we understand that only the genie has to go out)
ecouter ecouter azdɐʔ# az dɐˈri wər təgmɐḍ ˈeːːːhɐna innaːs // 'If you do not go out of this house', he said...
ecouter ecouter ad əˈḍəsɐɣ ˈæːːːʔ ## 'I will touch' ...
ecouter ecouter iːmi t ʃinʒɐʔ# ## 'mouth and nos'...
ecouter ecouter æd əḍəsɐ ʔ# ## 'I will kill you'...
ecouter ecouter sərɐk ad əˈḍəsɐ imi ˈʃʃiːnʒɐr // (With you), 'I will touch your mouth and nose'...
ecouter ecouter gɐr imi ˈtʃiːnʒɐr // 'between your mouth and your nose (to kill you)'.
ecouter ecouter mmhm // So...
ecouter ecouter ˈuhun ɐːːː // So...
ecouter ecouter əhˈu d# ˈewɐḍɐnˈṭɪn // So, they finished this fight.
ecouter ecouter ˈewɐḍɐnˈtɪn ɣas / They only finished (this fight) (Litt. : They arrived it there to the end.)(Mohamed chauffeur : He didn't notice him anymore -verb : to miss : oḍɐn)
ecouter ecouter s ˈiga ˈmɐzɐj jəqqab / After some time, Fellan himself went out.
ecouter ecouter iˈṃanedə ˈfɐlan // Fellan himself went out.
ecouter ecouter ˈiṇɐj ˈɐḳʷonaḳ as ˈiga wimejʔ# ## He saw the rain, when there was...
ecouter ecouter imɐlXX // (when there was) a flash of lightning.
ecouter ecouter s ˈimɐlɐwwɐt ˈiṇɐj ˈawiːːːm / When it was a flash of lightening, he saw something.
ecouter ecouter mˈɐllɐnin de // (Something) white there.
ecouter ecouter ˈikkajin harˈtɨn ˈoṣa / He went in this direction (to see it).
ecouter ecouter əs ˈtin oṣæ iṃɔs ˈtanṭuṭ ṭa ˈdɐd ikka den / təmiˈditned ə / When he arrived, he saw this woman he had come to see, his friend.
ecouter ecouter ˈzɐɣnin æ // So, ...
ecouter ecouter ɐˈbaːtɐt ˈwər islæː di // She was dead. He had not heard this news.
ecouter ecouter ˈiḳḳa tiʒej# / He went...
ecouter ecouter ʒɐˈrɐkkɐntɐdˈdu muˈdɐrɐn / Wild animals had dug her up,
ecouter ecouter da tsɐˈsḳɔtnet // From her grave.
ecouter ecouter ˈuhun ˈoṣatɩn aʔ# // Then he went there...
ecouter ecouter ɐjnatiz# ˈizdɐjtɐt / He recognized her.
ecouter ecouter iːːː# ˈiʒɐrɐkkɐt ˈaṇuʷe jʔ# / He dug up this well.
ecouter ecouter ˈissoːɣɐl̥tɐt ˈimbɐl̥tɐt // He put her back (in the well), he burried her.
ecouter ecouter ˈinna ʃərˈmaːɣnet ˈza dɐɣ ˈəddənet // He said : as far as my cares are concerned in this world,
ecouter ecouter ejʔiʔijəeʔeʔ# ˈaːdi // The one...
ecouter ecouter ˈʃin ˈogɐrnen // which was the most important,
ecouter ecouter əntæ ˈdæ teyˈdi de // It was this one.