ecouter ecouter ʤùn gìnìm Tale opener
ecouter ecouter sīn jāw ʔúrbɔ̄jn vàɮìˀ . A man took five women
ecouter ecouter mī ɬī dìmììdà , He took a sheep
ecouter ecouter ɬī mɛ́ɛ́dā , ɬī dījdāˀ , He took a goat, he took a dog
ecouter ecouter ɬī vɛ̀ttāˀ , He took a hare
ecouter ecouter ɬīī gùkkā . He took a pigeon
ecouter ecouter sīn ʧɔ̄l ʤìgɛ̀j kɛ̀jnīīī As he stood there,
ecouter ecouter gùn kúl ŋùrɔ̄m zɔ̀wˀ There was a tree behind him
ecouter ecouter nàmììì kál pɔ́jā kɛ̀jnīīī , As he goes out to walk,
ecouter ecouter kā ɦùn gūn gù kɔ̄m ɓád kāl ɦīn gūn kɔ̀mū He cut a branch a branch and went with it.
ecouter ecouter tūɗ kɛ̀jnīīī ŋāj gùnīj gù ŋàj kɛ̀jnīīī As he went, after hiding the branch,
ecouter ecouter dì ʔúrbɔ̄j màām lààà nàm kɨ̄lɛ̄j gù kɛ̄jn gūn zɔ̀w ʔàzī gùlɔ̀m sīnīmū sīnīm lɛ̀w máj hàj ɗī nī . He told his wives that he has gone out; that they should look after the branch. If the branch is no more there,
ecouter ecouter kājn nàm mìdìjā ʔàzī ʧùgùm tìjìmū lìt gɛ̀ ? then he is dead. They should in that case start his funerals.
ecouter ecouter lī bùr hīndī . Three days passed
ecouter ecouter tūɗ hàj bùūr mí fīɗīn kɛ̄jn sí tūɗīj gɔ̄l gūn kɛ̄jn fī sīn gūn kāʔɛ̄j gɔ̀ . As the fourth day came, they went to check the tree and found that it had been cut.
ecouter ecouter sí māj ɗíj vù kɛ̄jn As they got home,
ecouter ecouter là sí ʧùk tìjnāˀ they say they should start the funerals
ecouter ecouter tūn tìīn wànīīī , They started the crying
ecouter ecouter ʔààà okay,
ecouter ecouter kūlūmbā nàk ʔīnīī tí ŋɔ́ldā mɛ̄j tùnùk tìjnī ʤɛ̄wɛ̄ˀ Horse, you are the eldest wife, open the crying
ecouter ecouter kūlūmbá ʔáj wān là : hɛ̀ hɛ̀ hɛ̀ , gɔ̀r màndā , kàlɛ̀j tàj hàt ɦùnìjāˀ . The horse neighs 'he he he, my daughter, let's go eat some hay'
ecouter ecouter mɛ́ɛ́dā tìjìkāʔ ɗìì ; nàʔ mɛ́ɛ́ɛ́ ʤùvūn ʧùkŋà , mɛ́ɛ́ ʤùvūn ʧùkŋ kál ʤíjā Goat, cry. The goat cries: 'mee, my husband xxx my husband goas out'
ecouter ecouter dìmììdà tìjìgājāˀ sheep, cry
ecouter ecouter dìmììd : màà gɔ̀r màndā tàj kàlɛ̀j tàj hàt ɦùnìjāˀ . Sheep bleated 'baa my daughter, let's go eat some hay'
ecouter ecouter ʔɛ̀ɛ̀ɛ̀ gùkkā tìjìkā ɗī dìˀ . Pigeon, cry...
ecouter ecouter gùkkā kàgīj ɗíjɔ̄ˀ Pigeon started then
ecouter ecouter ʔā lā : " hɛ̄ʔ dìkɛ̄rkɛ̄rā She says (pigeon call)
ecouter ecouter hɛ̄ʔ dìkɛ̄rkɛ̄rā , (pigeon call)
ecouter ecouter ʤùvūn màān mɛ̄j bàˀ , My husband
ecouter ecouter hɛ̄ʔ dìgɛ̄rgɛ̄rā , (pigeon call)
ecouter ecouter ʤùvūn nàjgìzìj mí ʧī ɬɔ́k káw dān ká dì mɛ̄j My husband Naigizij who killed elephants and tells me
ecouter ecouter ʤùvūn nàjgìzìj tùlūm má kūr zìnnà . My husband Naigizij the ficus gnaphalocarpa who stands in the midst of the farm
ecouter ecouter lúláwdī lúláwdī lúláwdī gɔ̀ ; lúláwdī gɔ̀r gùkkī lúláwtī gɔ̀ lulawti pigeon child lulawti
ecouter ecouter kùk ɓúrúmbī hààà tījnāāā zàlì ; sùn gàmbì ʧúk dìffì sālīīī màdām , sùn gàmbì ʧúk bìdɛ̄wnī sālīīī màdām
ecouter ecouter bìtɛ̄wnī lì hīndī súw kààʔ wāˀ ; dɨ̀ffɛ̀ lì hìndì súw kààʔ wāˀ ; nìgī màjdīˀ nìgī màjdī gɔ̀lɔ̄ nìgī mājt màrmàsīn tí ʧɔ̀līj wì dɛ́krɛ̄k lɔ̀ˀ
ecouter ecouter kājn nàm lī bùrīj hīndī kɛ̄jn ʧɔ̄j ɗíjɔ̄ˀ So, he stayed three days and came back
ecouter ecouter màāj wān ʤɔ̄b ʔúrbɔ̄j màām là ʔúrbɔ̄j mànnā He comes there and asked his wives: 'my women,
ecouter ecouter kí tījīn tījīt kɛ̄ ? "How did you cry me?"
ecouter ecouter sí là sí tījī ɦīn nàmū They say they have cried for him
ecouter ecouter nàm lā ʔàà ʔàzī màʔɛ̄j gù tín tàmū ; tīj má ʔàzī tìjīm kɛ̄jn vùmbīj dìrìmī gɔ̄ . He said ok, they should come around him and show him how they cried.
ecouter ecouter sí làgī tām ɗíjɔ̄ ; ʔā lā ʧīt ŋɔ́ldā tìjìgī gɔ̄ They stayed beside him. They said: "The eldest wife, cry it then"
ecouter ecouter nàʔ kūlūmbā ʔáj ʤɛ̀ : " hɛ̀ hɛ̀ hɛ̀ , gɔ̀r màndā , kàlɛ̀j tɛ̀j hàt ɦùnìjā ". Horse is seated there. She neighs "he he he my daughter, let's go eat some hay"
ecouter ecouter dìmììd : " màà gɔ̀r màndā kàlɛ̀j tàj hàt ɦùnìjā " Sheep bleats: 'baa, my daughter, let's go eat some hay'
ecouter ecouter mɛ́ɛ́d " mɛ́ɛ́ ʤùvūn ʧùkŋà , mɛ́ɛ́ ʤùvūn ʧùkŋ kál ʤījāˀ ". The goat cried: 'My husband who dresses elegantly (when) he goes out'
ecouter ecouter dījt ʔáj wān lāāā " ʔàn tíjīŋ sí gɔ̄ˀ . Do is there. She says "I'm crying for you"
ecouter ecouter háj hɔ̀dīj ɗī hà lɛ́j , háj hɔ̀dīj wā hà lɛ́j 'hay! if he comes back, good, if he does not, good too'
ecouter ecouter gùkkā tìjgījāˀ Pigeon, cry
ecouter ecouter gùkkī " hɛ̄ʔ dìkɛ̄rkɛ̄rā (pigeon call)
ecouter ecouter hɛ̄ʔ dìkɛ̄rkɛ̄rā , (pigeon call)
ecouter ecouter ʤùvūn màān mɛ̄j bà , My husband
ecouter ecouter hɛ̄ʔ dìkɛ̄rkɛ̄rā , (pigeon call)
ecouter ecouter ʤùvūn nɛ̀jgìzìjà mí ʧī ɬɔ́k kāw dān ká dì mɛ̄j My husband Naigizij when he kills an elephant tells me
ecouter ecouter ʤùvūn nàjgízìj tùlūm má kūr zìnnā ; lúláwɗī lúláwdī lúláwdī gɔ̄ . My husband Naigizij the ficus gnaphalocarpa who stands in the midst of the farm
ecouter ecouter lúláwtī gɔ̀r gúkkī lúláwtī gɔ̀ɔ̄ˀ lulawti pigeon child
ecouter ecouter kùk ɓúrúmbī hààà tījnāāā zàlì ; kùk ɓúrúmbī hààà tījnāāā zàlì ; sùn gàmbì ʧúk dìffì sālīīī màdām ,
ecouter ecouter sùn gàmbì ʧúk bìdɛ̄wnī sālīīī màdām ; bìtɛ̄wnɛ̀ lì hìndì súw kààʔ wāˀ .
ecouter ecouter dɛ̀ffɛ̀ lì hìndì súw kààʔ wāˀ . Three pearls are too much for her
ecouter ecouter nìgī màjdīˀ nìgī màjdī gɔ̀lɔ̄ nìgī mājt màrmàsīn tí ʧɔ̀līj wì dɛ́krɛ̄k lɔ̀ˀ
ecouter ecouter nàmɛ̀ɛ̀ɛ̀ He
ecouter ecouter ʧɔ̀jɛ̄j kɛ̄jn ɦīn ʤàān kɔ̀mūū , He arrived with some meat
ecouter ecouter ɦīn kùlùfī kɔ̀mūūū with fish too
ecouter ecouter ɦìnī ɬɔ̀knɛ̀j ʧìjɛ̄jn kɔ̀mūˀ . With many killed chicken too
ecouter ecouter màʔɛ̄j kɛ̄jn dījt kɛ̀jnīīī As he arrived, dog,
ecouter ecouter nàm ɦə̀lāāā ɬɛ̄kkā he gave her a chicken
ecouter ecouter kūlūmbī ɦìnīīī dìmììt làkŋīīī , Horse and sheep,
ecouter ecouter nàm ɦālzīīī ʤàn nɛ̄ʔ nɛ̄ʔ He gave then just a bit of meat
ecouter ecouter gùkkī kɛ̄jn , nàm tūkɔ̄ʔ ɬùkɔ̀jn ɗíj kɔ̀ʔɔ̄ tɛ̄ŋgɛ̄lɛ̄ŋ Pigeon, he brought her many things
ecouter ecouter ʔā là ʔàsì lùm tìnāā līt gɛ̀ He asked them to prepared him food
ecouter ecouter sí ʧūk ɗíj lúm tìīn zɔ̀w kɛ̀jnīī They then started to prepared him food
ecouter ecouter gùkkī tūn ɬúkɔ̄j màāʔ wù hàj kūt tāānīīī , Pigeon put her stuff on the fire around her
ecouter ecouter dìmììt ɦīn kūlūmbī lààà ɦàlzì ɬúkɔ̄jn ŋāā ɗī . Sheep and horse say they have not given them nice things
ecouter ecouter dī gùkkī lààà gùkkī mɛ́j kál ʤūn gū ɗī zūˀ ? They tell pigeon "won't you go and get some wood?"
ecouter ecouter gùkkī kāl wì ʤūn gūnā nī síj fī sɛ̄k gàjt tā , kɛ̄j , ɬāʔ sɛ̄k gàjt hàj táásāw tá nījn ɗɔ̄w gāʔ ɗíj ʔār ɗùf màāʔn tíf As pigeon went to look for wood, they found salt there in her water bowl. They threw it in her preparation.
ecouter ecouter ɓālgāʔ dùf màāʔ gù wāˀ They spoiled her sauce
ecouter ecouter nàm tūɗ wī hìnʤīt tànīīī , As night came,
ecouter ecouter ʔā là ʔúrbɔ̄jn jàw fùnīj gù ɗíjɔ̄ nɔ̄ līt gɛ̀ He asked the women to bring him food
ecouter ecouter ʔúrbɔ̄jn jāw fùnīj gù jāw jāw kɛ̄jn dījt rāw kɛ̄jn tūn tùwàʔ kɛ̄jn , ɦàl màànīj ʤɛ̀w fāɗ nàm tī nɛ̄ʔ As they women brought the food, Dog, brings hers first.
ecouter ecouter ʔɛ̄ɛ̄ɛ̄ [hesitation]
ecouter ecouter kūlūmbī mār màànīj wā Horse brought hers
ecouter ecouter nàm hīnīm tā̰ He left it
ecouter ecouter dìmììt mār màànīj wāˀ Sheep brought hers then
ecouter ecouter nàm hīnīm tā̰ He left it there
ecouter ecouter sí bàr gù ɗíj kɛ̀j gə̀làm lāk lāk là gùkkī ʧɔ́j ɦīn màān ɗɔ̄wn They all sit there beside him waiting for pigeon to come with hers.
ecouter ecouter līt gɛ̀ ; gùkkī màʔɛ̄j wù ɗíjɔ̄ nàm tūɗ túm kúl ɦùnūm kɛ̄jn ʔīn sɛ̄k gàjt dɛ̀ɛ̀rāˀ As pigeon brought her food, he brought it close to his mouth and found it is full of salt
ecouter ecouter nàm dìgìɗ ʔīn kɛ̄j gùkkū wā . He chases pigeon
ecouter ecouter gùkkī pīr màāʔ ɦùnɔ̄ʔ fágá fágá kāl wā . Pigeon ran away
ecouter ecouter nàm hɔ̀ʔɛ̄j wū gìɗɛ̄m dìmììt ɦìnīīī kūlūmbā ʔā lààà ɦàlzìj ʔā ɦàlàmīj nɛ̄ʔ nɛ̀ɛ̄ʔ līt gɛ̀ . He returned to sheep and horse begging them to give him a bit of theirs
ecouter ecouter sí ɦə̀làm nɛ̄ʔ nɛ̄ʔ mɛ̄jˀ They give him some (food)
ecouter ecouter ʤùn kɨ́lɛ̄w wù dɛ̄wˀ . tale closing