hikkáan yú teesó beezzée ma'nnéen osa'llú daggáa hoolamáta qaacilchaakkáta | "This means, (consider it as if I had given you), in the place of stars, a lot of little bells that knew how to laugh ... |
aasseenkéhanníga wollísi . | .. consider (lit. count) it as if I had given you (a lot of little bells ...)." |
mexxénin ammóo osalús agúrr hittigúta yée'u . | Then quickly he became serious (lit. stopped his laughter) and said as follows: |
má káa'lluntaat hikkáan hawwitaantíi ? | ... It is not worth the trouble (lit. what's the use to suffer (like) that?)." |
án waaltókkoont yáayyoommii worríichchu karókkoohe yíneebbe . | ... I am saying 'Don't come!' because the snake might bite (lit. sting) you. ... |
mexxíta laagatáa maccooccisú'nnan áda ís orooqqí fájjee'u . | (As I became aware afterwards) he went out without making any sound. |
abbíshsh sarbamán murticcí maramáyyoo íkke . | ... he was walking along with a quick and resolute step. |
hikkáan yí ké' angá' táff a'í maramánin | Having said this, he took my hand and (continued) walking, ... |
teesó nubaaphphíyan uujjeemmá kobíga ihanó ká alí' uujjí oróoqqu | "Me leaving behind this body of mine which is like an old abandoned shell (is) ... |
án xahaaqqú hoogíinta' qakkíchchu láahu aazéentas qahúnka tassáa múrree íkke . | The Little Prince was a little discouraged by the fact that I didn't talk. |
ikkodáa mexxé xahaaqqíi háshsh ké' hittigúta yée'e . | But he tried to talk (to me) once more and said as follows: |
hítt hórant beezzéet esáa teesó nubaaphphitóo púulit yóo bu'lleechchúta aguddáa'e . | ... All these stars will seem like a well with an old pulley for me. ... |
muccurú agaammí wo'á buqissáa'e . | ... (all these stars) will pour out clear drinking water (for me)." |
kesáa ónte xibbé milooní qakkichcháannut qaacilcháakkat he'áahe . | ... You will ahve five hundred million little bells. ... |
muccurú wo'á buqissáa bu'lléet he'áa'e . | ... I will have (five hundred million) wells that pour out clear water." |
hikkanníichch zakkíin qakkíchchu láahuhuu o'óon aaggótannée | After that the Little Prince (couldn't say anything (any more), because he started to cry ... |
kárag íi fiitichchóo wólu ánnu áyi yóosela ? | "Look, does my flower have anybody that is responsible for her? ... |
ísinsin diiníichch kamoséta mexxurráa dandúmbua . | ... And these are of no use at all to protect herself against enemies." |
anisíi hikkanníichch zakkíin uurríi dandú hooggoommítannée | Because I, too, was not able to stand up (any longer), ... |
qahúnka kídd yí egerróhanníichch etaríin afuu'lléebeechch xóqq yí ké' matíta lokkáta qaaffodáa | When he, after he had hesitated a little, got up from where he was sitting and took one step, ... |