aazí' ábbu kichchéchchu wíimm agúrro . | ... I was terribly sad (lit. great sadness filled my interior). |
qakkíchcho laahí osalúta lankíi maccooccíi dandumbúu íhus gágunkus | Not being able to hear the Little Prince's laugther again ... |
isí osálut esáa teesó uullá udumí aléen yóo muccúro bu'lléechchoagga íkke . | His laughter was for me like a spring of clear water in the desert. |
kabár woggeechchú' ikkótannée | "Because it is (exactly) one year today (lit. because it is my (exact) year today)... |
íi beezzéechchut kabaré woggáa uulláta dirreemmí ma'nnichchó alúudiin xuudantáa'u . | ... my star is seen exactly above the place where I came down to the earth a year ago." |
kúun haqéetaa yíbbe kúle'e ! | ... tell me that this is only a (bad) dream (lit. saying 'this is a dream', tell me)!" ... |
daqqammáamm yaqqanteentá má'nnit | ... the place where you agreed to meet (lit. the place (of) which you said to each other 'we will meet'), ... |
ís án uuccaqqeensíra agúrr ké' hittigúta yée'e . | But he ignored (lit. left) my plea and said as follows: |
illéen xuudeenúmbua xáha dág manníi kaa'llanóo . | "What is important to people are things that the eye cannot see," ... |
beezzeechchó aléen yóo matíta fiitichchúta iittitaantíi ikkóochch | ... If you love a flower that lives on a star, ... |
ankarí samáa xúudu kées abbíshsh bajigisánohe . | ... it makes you happy to look at the stars in the night. ... |
hítt hórant samáan yóo beezzéet fiittáahanníga assít xuuddáantissa . | ... All the stars in the sky seem to be abloom for you (lit. you see all those stars in the sky, doing as if they are blooming)." |
híkka án águnta aattoonte'é wo'á | ... (Because you pulled it out of the hole with a rope, using a pulley) the water that you gave me to drink ... |
wodarchíin eléechch mídd fushshíteentii ikkótannée | ... because you pulled (the water that you gave me to drink) up from the hole with a rope (, using a pulley), ... |
hittigúnta ammóo ankarí beezzéeta samáa láqq xuuddáant . | "And at night you will look up at the stars. ... |
án he'aammíbeechchóon hórunkurru abbíshsh qakkichchú ikkótannée | ... Because everything is tiny where I live, ... |
íi beezzéechchut hakkánne dagantáando kulisohéta dandáamba'a . | ... I cannot show (lit. make tell) you where (lit. at which) my stars is found. |
íitaa beezzéechchu yít ké' aaqqitáant . | ... you will consider (one of the stars that you see in the sky) as your star (lit. saying '(it) is my star' you will take it). ... |
hikkannítannée samáan yóo beezzéeta horánta xuudú | ... So (you will love very much) to look at all the stars in the sky ... |
hikkannéenin bargí án ammóo matíta irrifúta aassohétaat . | ... And on top of that, I am going to make you a present." |
ánnunku ánnunku aazéentas beezzéetannée sáww yaanó xáhu annánnaa . | ... what each of them thinks about the stars is different. ... |
beezzéet woqqáa malakkáahaarra . | ... the stars are travel guides (lit. are ones that show the road). ... |
mámmatiro'óohans ammóo sá'mm yít samáan lallanó | ... For some others, (they are) simply (little lights that) shine in the sky ... |
qakkíchchu cáakku yóossaarra . | ... they are (simply) little lights (lit. ones that have little lights). ... |
mexxíchchuankakk kanníichch zakkíin beezzéeta annánnaagiin xuudíi danditaantíi . | ... you alone can see the stars in a different way from now on." |
hikkanníi át ankarí ankarí samáa láqq beezzéeta xuuddaantí jáata horánta | ... So when you look at the stars in the sky at night ... |
beezzéet osa'llitáahanníga assít ké' xuuddáant . | ... it will seem to you as if the stars were laughing. ... |
jeechchóon higúmbu kichchéchchu yóoba'iankabay ? | ... time soothes all sorrows (lit. there isn't sorrow that does not pass with time) - ... |
maskootákk fánt samáa xuuddán osa'llitaantí jáata | ... when you will open your window, look at the sky and laugh, ... |
kíi jáallat maalaltán kéesin fanqashshít osa'llitáahe . | ... your friends will be astonished and they will laugh about you (lit. they will laugh back; returning you, they will laugh). |