át qée'rran dúbb dúbb yitán íiba waaltaantíga maccooccí ké' | ... I hear you coming, dubb dubb, from far (and) ... |
wóluarriichch annanná assí dagú rosáamm . | ... I will learn to distinguish them from those of others. ... |
teesó culú attáa shalága uullá aazí bonqoqíichch ga'ít ké' fushshitaa'éeta ikkáa'u . | ... (your footsteps) will be like beautiful music that calls me out from my burrow underground ... |
át ées gabbartoonte'é jáata híkku xáhu | ... (How wonderful, do think, will be) this thing (i.e. the wheat) when you have tamed me ... |
habanká culú assánondo xúuddeent ? | ... how wondeful, do you think (lit. see), will be (this thing) for me? ... |
isú xuujjoommí jáata kéesin xuujjoommíi agudáno'e . | ... when I see it, it will bring me back the thought of you (lit. it will seem to me that I am seeing you). ... |
wengereellíchchunku haasaawwanóra agúrr agúrr | The fox stopped speaking (lit. stopped what he was speaking) (and) ... |
isíichchin abbá án dagóta hasaammí hoolámu xáhu yóo'e . | ... And beyond that I have many things to understand (lit. know)." |
gagás gabbaréen gagíbíi eecceemmádaat . | ... if one has tamed (them) oneself and made (them) one's own," ... |
mánnu mátuarriitannée dagíi hasóta jéechchunt yóosiba'ia . | "The people don't have time any more to understand anything. ... |
wónan wezámm afuu'lléera dikkóochch hi'rráno . | ... They buy ready-made things (lit. ones that are have been produced before and are sitting) at (lit. from) the market. ... |
ikkodáa jaalloomá iittáta hi'rreennó méxxit díkkutii yooba'ítannée | ... But because there is no market where one can buy friendship ... |
teesó hixé aazéen afuu'llitoontíhanníga íkk afuu'llitáant . | ... you will sit down in the grass like you are sitting down. ... |
lúusa wortáa bagáan mexxurráa kaa'llitáaba'a . | ... (words) are the source of misunderstandings (lit. put into/lead into mistake) and are of no use. |
baréen baréen íibeechchu hínc yitán hínc yitán afuu'llitáant . | ... Every day you will sit a bit closer to me." |
beré waaltoontí saatáanin fanqált wáalteent íkkiyan danáamua íkke . | "It would have been better if you had come at the same hour like yesterday," ... |
hítta jáata bajigo'é mahoomatáa galatisée dagáamm . | ... At that time I will come to know the meaning (lit. what-ness) of and the value (lit. thans) of my happiness. ... |