ká maxaafá gagá daqqée ábbaa manchíi irriffoommítannée | As this book is dedicated to a grown-up (lit. a big person who has found/knows (their) self), ... |
maxaafás anabbabbáa óosut qannaxxúmbo'ega uuccaqqáamm . | ... I beg the children who read the book not to scold me. |
alamí aléen yoo'é jaalláachch horáachchin ís esáa abbíshsh xúmaa jáala . | Of all the friends I have in the world, he is the best friend. |
kú gagá daqqée mánchu ciillá maxáaffat fa'u'nnáan hórunkurru sarbí aagánosia . | ... this grown-up understands not only children's book but everything quickly. |
ís gidiiníi gorriiníi faransaayyí baadóon he'anótannée | ... because he lives in France where he is hungry and cold, ... |
tí hórant máshkut ikkáaba'a yiteentáda | If you think (lit. say) that all these reasons are not enough, ... |