ecouter ecouter kú maxáafu irrifammóo Leon Werth yeennó manchíihaat . This book is dedicated to Leon Werth.
ecouter ecouter ká maxaafá gagá daqqée ábbaa manchíi irriffoommítannée As this book is dedicated to a grown-up (lit. a big person who has found/knows (their) self), ...
ecouter ecouter maxaafás anabbabbáa óosut qannaxxúmbo'ega uuccaqqáamm . ... I beg the children who read the book not to scold me.
ecouter ecouter káan assíiha'nne hoolámat máshkut yóo'e . I have many reasons to do this.
ecouter ecouter alamí aléen yoo'é jaalláachch horáachchin ís esáa abbíshsh xúmaa jáala . Of all the friends I have in the world, he is the best friend.
ecouter ecouter lankí máshkutii yóo'e . There is also a second reason.
ecouter ecouter hittíinsin Namely, ...
ecouter ecouter kú gagá daqqée mánchu ciillá maxáaffat fa'u'nnáan hórunkurru sarbí aagánosia . ... this grown-up understands not only children's book but everything quickly.
ecouter ecouter sakkisí máshkut ammóo And the third reason (is that), ...
ecouter ecouter ís gidiiníi gorriiníi faransaayyí baadóon he'anótannée ... because he lives in France where he is hungry and cold, ...
ecouter ecouter án bajigisosíta hasaammíbíihaat . ... I want to cheer him up.
ecouter ecouter tí hórant máshkut ikkáaba'a yiteentáda If you think (lit. say) that all these reasons are not enough, ...
ecouter ecouter maxaafá' zákko gagá daqqée manchú ikkó ciilíi irrifáamm . ... I dedicate the book to the child that later became an adult.
ecouter ecouter hórant gagá daqqitóo mannáakkat wóna cíillata íkkebala ! All grown-ups were once children.
ecouter ecouter mámmátoosma ciiloommanús qaaganóo bagáan . Although few of them remember their childhood.
ecouter ecouter hikkanníi irrifú' makkisáamm . And so I correct my dedication.
ecouter ecouter kú maxáafu irrifammóo gagá daqqú'nna bíre yóo ciilíi Leon Werth yeennóbíihaat . This book is dedicated to the child called Leon Werth before he has become an adult.