ecouter ecouter ane / I
ecouter ecouter jaːs / a dog
ecouter ecouter winneːt fagar iːbiri / very clever I had.
ecouter ecouter hamiʃ / Greyish.
ecouter ecouter mhaːgal / Formerly.
ecouter ecouter oːn gabeːti niːwaːj / Towards the end of Gabeet
ecouter ecouter bʔaʃoːt lawtaːjt / a fox appeared and
ecouter ecouter oːn oːdheːj oːreːw hoːj tiːhanhoːb / when it was taking cattle from the people
ecouter ecouter eːn eːjaska / all those dogs
ecouter ecouter haːj ibiːneːbka wʔaːs / went with them. The dog
ecouter ecouter digiːti tiːʃibbeːk / when it looked back
ecouter ecouter gade hagittiːt wʔaːs ɖaːbeːti / while stopping, after having waited, the dog running
ecouter ecouter ʔiː / was coming
ecouter ecouter eːn eːjas bess / these dogs only
ecouter ecouter siraːkʷhaːt // were afraid and
ecouter ecouter baroː ibʔaʃoː jaːs / it, the fox, a dog
ecouter ecouter oːʃeːj / among****
ecouter ecouter gaːl eːdna / one, they say.
ecouter ecouter aneːb jhaːkaːka eːnoːka[ka] / Everytime they told me 'go on!'
ecouter ecouter daːjiːti dijeː / while saying: 'it is good'
ecouter ecouter iʃi[ka] ʃanheː ʃagaːmeː / but while I was dealing with my own affairs
ecouter ecouter bʔeːb gaːl / one day
ecouter ecouter uːdeːniːtheːb aram / they gave me an appointment and I accompanied them.
ecouter ecouter awwal / First
ecouter ecouter oːt tibʔaʃe / this fox
ecouter ecouter ibeːnhoːn jhakisjaːneːb oːdoːr / when they made it start going towards us
ecouter ecouter tibʔaʃe / the fox
ecouter ecouter bʔinloːja jas lameːdtuːjt / because it was used to coward dogs
ecouter ecouter ontʔa / so
ecouter ecouter (tifidin) / it moved away
ecouter ecouter tiʃibib oːjaːs / it looked at the dog
ecouter ecouter tifidin taltaːj thiːt / it trotted away and
ecouter ecouter wʔaːs / the dog
ecouter ecouter winneːt dhaːj ɖaːbjaːneːb oːdoːr / when it ran well after it
ecouter ecouter fartaːj theː ontʔa / it jumped well, now
ecouter ecouter uːʔaːs idaːr iːdeːt toːna tikanej / because it knew that the dog would kill it,
ecouter ecouter gidhoː istoːbt / it conveyed it beyond it and
ecouter ecouter jʔagir haːj eːjaːjt / because it came back with it
ecouter ecouter eːn hinin ikitimoːnhoːb / when it arrived towards us
ecouter ecouter oːn oːɖijaːj hariːsi jibkaːtka / when it grasped the back thigh from behind
ecouter ecouter iragada eːriːneː wʔas agiːramjhoːb / when the dog reclined on the rear legs
ecouter ecouter ibʔaʃi han / the fox also
ecouter ecouter akiraː bʔaʃe / (was) a strong fox
ecouter ecouter reːw lamdaːbuːjt / since it was accustomed (to eat) cattle
ecouter ecouter wʔaːs hoːj itirifif baruː / the dog dragged*** it on the ground, it
ecouter ecouter gedhoː beːti fafaːreːti iw / was jumping forward next to it
ecouter ecouter oːn iwaraːjoː weːreː / Again and again,
ecouter ecouter hassijaːjthoːn / it was going beyond us
ecouter ecouter malja jʔagir haːj eːjaːnhoːb / then when it came back
ecouter ecouter nigid ɖibiʃiːnaːjt ibʔaʃoːjoːn nharid / we made it fall on the floor and and we slaughtered our fox.
ecouter ecouter wʔaːs / The dog
ecouter ecouter toːsi nhiː / we gave the liver
ecouter ecouter uːn ibʔaʃi / this fox
ecouter ecouter ʔakira mheːl eːn / (is) a powerful medicine, they said.
ecouter ecouter oːmhiːn whoːj lhiːjoːk / The place that hurts you
ecouter ecouter tamteneja eːn / you eat, they said.
ecouter ecouter iragad / The leg
ecouter ecouter lhiːjuːk / if it hurts
ecouter ecouter iragad / the leg
ecouter ecouter tamtenejaːːː / you eat.
ecouter ecouter wʔaj lhiːjuːk / If the hand hurts you
ecouter ecouter wʔaj tamtenea / you eat the hand.
ecouter ecouter uːngʔaː lhiːjuːk / If the back hurts you
ecouter ecouter tikʷireːtaːti uːngʔajuː / the backbone of its back
ecouter ecouter weːr areː / Other then
ecouter ecouter dhoːn hadiːdiːt baroː / among us told that it
ecouter ecouter areː / then
ecouter ecouter uːːːmbaruː / it
ecouter ecouter imheːluː / its medicine
ecouter ecouter asijaːb ikteːnaːti / what proves it is correct is that
ecouter ecouter baːbuːn / Our father
ecouter ecouter bʔaʃoːb / a fox
ecouter ecouter bʔaʃoːb marrijeːk abdalla iːhaː / Hey, Abdalla, if you find a fox
ecouter ecouter baːʃir alʔoːr / Bashir Al'oor
ecouter ecouter oːn aneːb / I
ecouter ecouter girmaːjt lhaneːj gallabaːteːta / headaches come and go troubling
ecouter ecouter oːn igilma / this head
ecouter ecouter haːj mʔaːheːb idheːb // bring it to me! he says.
ecouter ecouter irizgi naːtiːt / By chance
ecouter ecouter bak eːwaːjeː ʃaːkib / hunting my ibex like that
ecouter ecouter defaːb akajeː / while leaving
ecouter ecouter oːn whuːdi gʷaːb akitimhoːb / when I arrived at Huudi Gwaab
ecouter ecouter bʔaʃoːt tisinheːb ini / I met a fox, he said.
ecouter ecouter mhale jas iːbiːriː / I had two dogs
ecouter ecouter kiribaːjwa lʔaːlikwa / Kiribay and L'alik
ecouter ecouter iːdneːb / that they were called
ecouter ecouter aːn aːjas farsamjaːn ini oːn ibʔaʃi // These dogs jumped after this fox, he said.
ecouter ecouter ɖaːbeː ɖaːbeː ɖaːbeː / Running and running
ecouter ecouter handiːb bak amlawaw jheː eːn / it prowled around a tree like that, he said.
ecouter ecouter handib amlawaw jheːhoːb When it prowled around a tree
ecouter ecouter uːjaːs uːn gaːl / one dog
ecouter ecouter tingʔaːteː eːjaːjt ibʔaʃi // came from behind, the fox (= it passed behind the fox)
ecouter ecouter imsʔabak ini / the dog caught it (and the fox resisted)', he said.
ecouter ecouter imsʔabakhoːb / When they caught each other
ecouter ecouter gaːlika / each one
ecouter ecouter oːmhiːn jʔabikni ɖibiʃjaːnhoːb / that they took the spot, when they made it fall,
ecouter ecouter finaːt eː# / a spear
ecouter ecouter ijafiːb daːsan / I put in its mouth
ecouter ecouter ibʔaʃoji aharid ini / I slaughtered my fox, he said.
ecouter ecouter rabab bʔaʃoːjuːjt / It was a male fox and
ecouter ecouter winneːt ɖhaːbuːjt / it was very fat and
ecouter ecouter asaːjt oːntʔa / I skinned it and now
ecouter ecouter ibʔaʃoːji / my fox
ecouter ecouter oːn abaːj haːj hantajanhoːb / as I was going, when I moved with it
ecouter ecouter ʃoːkana geː / a hunter, then ...
ecouter ecouter aːbreːt hantajijeːb oːdoːr / always when I move
ecouter ecouter oːdheːj isikkaːj kiriftiːt / the people I meet on the road and
ecouter ecouter hande raːjimaːb tikatijeːk / if you gain like that
ecouter ecouter iraːji naːt heːhoːn eːdna / my profit, they say, give us something!
ecouter ecouter gaːl ragad iw / To one I would give a leg,
ecouter ecouter weːr bajib iw / to another I would give a rib
ecouter ecouter weːr / to another
ecouter ecouter iragad oːrib oːraːw iw / I would give the other back*** leg,
ecouter ecouter weːr ragad isuːri iw / to another I would give a front leg,
ecouter ecouter hiː jʔan ini / I gave to whoever came, he said.
ecouter ecouter bʔitiri akoː / because it disgusted me,
ecouter ecouter tiʃaːtoː kataman ini // I don't eat its meat, he said.
ecouter ecouter areː ibʔaʃi darrijeːb oːdoːr / Then when you kill the fox,
ecouter ecouter oːkna baraːmiːni / it really stinks.
ecouter ecouter ontʔa / So,
ecouter ecouter iraːwi / my friend
ecouter ecouter igirma dha haːj jʔan / I brought the head
ecouter ecouter igirma sarwaːji / (who said) to send the head
ecouter ecouter baːʃi# /
ecouter ecouter baːʃiːruːjt / as it is Bashir.
ecouter ecouter lheːjt / The following day
ecouter ecouter bess haːj inʔir ʃaːwi / he was cured with it, then
ecouter ecouter bess oːn amsi hadid / until today
ecouter ecouter nʔiratteː / recovery
ecouter ecouter ikʷaːs iːdhoːn / he made, he told us.
ecouter ecouter beː doːr dhoːn hadidjanhoːb / When he told us that formerly
ecouter ecouter oːn ibʔaʃi / this fox
ecouter ecouter hallaːn ani amireːk aknaːj / now, if I find, myself
ecouter ecouter tamijeːt hajʔaːtib eːfeː / I have to eat.
ecouter ecouter suːri han tamaːbu / I had eaten before also.
ecouter ecouter bʔaʃoːt / A fox
ecouter ecouter gida deraː / firing, killing
ecouter ecouter uːn gʔaː lheːbjameːb (fira) / as the back was aching, in the water (it gave birth, sic.)
ecouter ecouter afirʔa jhaːjt / ***
ecouter ecouter oːt tikʷireːtaːtiːtiːt miːtatteːb / in the bones of this backbone
ecouter ecouter gaːt miːtaːt / one bone
ecouter ecouter farakat tiki / had stuck out,
ecouter ecouter rizgiːnaːtiːt / Like by chance
ecouter ecouter bʔaʃoːt amrijeːb oːdoːr / when I found a fox
ecouter ecouter kʷililkʷililsnaːjt / as we surrounded it completely
ecouter ecouter nidir // we killed it.
ecouter ecouter tʔagija taman / I ate the back.
ecouter ecouter uːn uːdheːj salaːtib idineːb oːdoːr / When this people wanted grilled meat
ecouter ecouter hardaːbuːjt / as I had slaughtered it
ecouter ecouter jʔar bahrida bahrida dijeːheːb hardaːbuːjt / while the children were telling me, don't slaughter it, don't slaughter it, as I had slaughered it
ecouter ecouter tʔagja taman / I ate the back
ecouter ecouter toːjiːn the day
ecouter ecouter timalja iraː uːn uːngʔa / the second, gosh, this backbone
ecouter ecouter lhiːniheːb han kalheːheːb ani / that is hurting me, is not not hurting me anymore, I
ecouter ecouter tibatoː tamaneːt / that I ate it
ecouter ecouter toːjiːn / the day
ecouter ecouter timhaja geː toːkna / the third, itself
ecouter ecouter naːt hassijaːb kaːki / I did not feel anything
ecouter ecouter oːn amsi hadid // until this day.
ecouter ecouter haːj nʔiraːb haːj hireːrani / I walk around cured.
ecouter ecouter umbatuː / It
ecouter ecouter tibʔaʃi winneːt daːjiːti // the fox is very good.