ber jarlə ɣəna babaj öjöndä köršäk ešläü menän zanimat'sja itä inde | One poor old man was making pots at his place. |
bik matur itep biðäkläp ešläp bötkäs bənə baðarɣa apsəɣəp hatərɣa bula | When he has finished painting (the pots) beautifully, he takes them to a market to sell. |
išägenä tejäj ðä arbahəna haləp baðarɣa kitä | He makes his donkey carry (his pots), puts them in a cart and goes to the market. |
babaj aptərap ilaj-ilaj bəl köršäktärðe nəq itep ontaj bašlaj inde tege pesok xälenä kilterep torop | The old man cries in shok (and) begins to smash the pots completely. |
vis ontap bötöp bötöp ber qapsəqqa tultərəp ala la baðarɣa kilep inä inde | Once he smashed everything, he puts everything into a bag and goes to the market. |
šunda ašjawləq ɣəna töröp bəl pesoktə awðara keše kürhen ösön | And over there, he makes the sand fall from the bag so that other people could see it. |
bəl äjtä inde bəl səsqandə ülterä torɣan darəw | This (old man) answers that this is a medicine to kill mice |