ecouter ecouter elek bašqort qäviläläre arahənda, bašqort ərəwðarə arahənda huɣəš vulɣan bit Formerly, there was a war between the Bashkir tribes, between the Bashkir clans.
ecouter ecouter ber qäbilä menän ikense qäbilä huɣəša ba... huɣəšqan One tribe fought with another tribe.
ecouter ecouter bəna šul ber huɣəš uaxətənda ike... ber qäviläneŋ haldattarən ikensehe qərəp vötkän. During a battle, soldiers of one tribe completely exterminated their opponents.
ecouter ecouter ularðəŋ ber etäksehe genä täkeš isemle bulɣan, qasəp ölgörgän Only one of the leaders named Takesh managed to escape from the battlefield.
ecouter ecouter šul bejek taw, töšörgä üðäne var. This is a very high mountain, and still there was a descent.
ecouter ecouter šunan kilep, üðändän atə menän töšöp, iðeldeŋ tašqan saɣə bulha la, aɣiðeldeŋ, jöðöp səɣəp beððeŋ awəlɣa kilep kergän Going down with his horse, swimming through the Agidel, despite the flood, he got into our village.
ecouter ecouter šunan, ana šul miŋä höjlägän junəs olatajðəŋ atahənəŋ at öjörö jöröp jatqan bulɣan qərða The father of Yonos’s grandfather, who told me this, grazes a herd of horses in this field.
ecouter ecouter ul šunəŋ arahəna barəp kergän dä, tege olataj, unə, bəl täkeš batərðə, jäšergän üðen, attə attar arahəna evärgän dä qujɣan And this grandfather hid Takesh uphill and he sent his horse with the others.
ecouter ecouter eðläp kilhälär ðä tava almaɣandar they were looking for him, but they did not find him
ecouter ecouter juq, ütep kitte ul šul jaqqa tip aldap evärgän no, he went that way, so he deceived them
ecouter ecouter šul batərosqan tauən ana šul uaxəttan aləp täkeš batər osop šunan qotolɣan bit, batərosqan tau vit ul, tere qalɣan bit ul, xaləqtə jaqlaɣan bit ul tip, maqtap höjläp, räxmättär uqəp haman höjlänelär. since that time that mountain from where Takesh Batyr escaped is called "the mountain where Takesh Batyr flew away", he remained alive and defended the people, we are very grateful to him
ecouter ecouter ana šul jonos olataj höjläne lä, beððe jəjəp utərtəp aləp, gel mineŋ bašəma törttö and this grandfather Yonos always told us this tale and poked me in the head
ecouter ecouter hin höjläj torɣanəŋ, iθläj torɣanəŋ, hölärheŋ, hölärheŋ kiläsäkta tip you usually talk, you usually talk a lot, so in the future you have to tell this story
ecouter ecouter məna min šul junəs olataj höjlägände höjlänem and so I told what grandfather Yonos told me
ecouter ecouter äle lä batərosqan tauə imen-aman ultəra, šul juq julə and now the mountain to which Batyr flew stands still
ecouter ecouter šul uq küð həmaq, ber mämerjä həmaq qəna tišege var and there is something like a cave
ecouter ecouter xääs kešeneŋ bašə ul tau häm küðle a lot of people gathered around this mountain
ecouter ecouter məna šulaj vulɣan ike qävilä arahənda and so it was between the two tribes