faːʃ xaːli ɣajsəmməʕni < wish you wəṛhiːṛ > djaːl < Pink Floyd > // | when my maternal uncle made me listen to "Wish you were here" of Pink Floyd. |
məṛṛa məṛṛa fṛanṣa lmɛriːkaːn kaːnaːda u daːkəʃʃi / | sometimes to France, to America, Canada and so on.. |
fħaːl haːkda bdiːt kansməʕ mʕaːhum muːsiːqa / | It was like this that I started listening to music with them. |
bdiːt kanmijjək ʃwija ʕla daːkəʃʃi lli kunt kansməʕ liːh qbəl // | I began to leave aside what I used to listen to before. |
biːna daːk< l’album > daːr < boum > maːʃi ɣiːṛ fəlmaɣṛɛb / | that this album had done "boum" not only in Morocco, |
bəsbaːb haːd < ɛm ti vi > u haːd< les chaînes > u haːdəə::: / | because of all these MTV and those channels and er.. |