ħətstsa təbqa raːsək kaːtsəxdəm //
until you stay yourself working
ehːːː /
bsəttiːn dərham //
for sixty dirhams
jaʕniːːː /
it means
bsəttiːn dərham /
for sixty dirhams
maʕraftiʃ səttiːn dərham //
don't you know sixty dirhams?
umm /
kaːtsǝbqa /
you stay
xəddaːm bsəttiːn dərham /
working for sixty dirhams
kaːtǝːːː# ##
kaːtʕiːʃ mǝnna /
you live on it
kaːtʃəbbar ehːːː /
you take
sətta u tlaːtsiːn aːlaːf fraːnk /
thirty six thousand francs
fəs /
fəsseːmaːna /
in a week
xəṣṣək təxxər mənna /
you must go shopping on it
ehːːː /
qarʕa dəzziːt //
a bottle of oil
kaːtəʕməl eh /
səbʕaːlaːf utmənmja /
seven thousand and eight hundred
jaʕni /
it means
ktər mənnhaːr dəlxədma djaːlək //
more than a day of your work
kaːtəʕməl qarʕa dəzziːt xamsa liːtro //
a five liters bottle of oil costs
ktər mǝnnhaːr djaːlǝk //
more than one of your days
ʃkaːraṭṭħiːn /
a sack of flour
kaːtəʕməl mja dərham /
costs one thousand dirhams
ssukkaːr kaːjəʕməl /
sugar costs
ʒuːd /
kiːlo kaːjəʕməl ʕaʃra dərham //
kilograms cost ten dirhams
ʕaʃra dərhamudərham //
ten dirhams and one dirham
eh /
jaʕni diːksət u tslaːtsiːn aːlf fraːnk /
it means those thirty six thousand francs
matʕajjʃǝkʃi fǝlmuːstaːwa lli bɣiːtsi //
don't allow you live at the level you want
jaʕni /
it means
xəṣṣək tənqəṣ ʃwiːja mənhna //
you must reduce a little from here
u ʃwiːja mənhna //
and a little from here
u ʃwiːja mənhna baːʃiːmkən lək tʕiːʃ //
and a little from here in order to be possible you live
u baːʃ twuffar /
and so that you earn
uːla txəbbaʕ /
or you hide
uːla ts /
or you
baːʃ təbniːːː /
so that you build
uːla baːʃ eh /
or so that
tkuwwən waːħədəlmuːstəqbaːl makaːjǝnʃ /
you create a future, there is not
jaʕni matʕiːʃ fəlmaɣriːb diːkəlmuːstaːwa /
it means you don't live in Morocco at this level
jaʕni /
it means
daːba iːda ʕiʃt diːkəlmuːstaːwa /
now if you live at this level
xəṣṣək tkuːn xəddaːm mʕaddawla /
you must work with the state
u xəṣṣək tkuːn ʃəffaːr //
and you must be a thief
jaʕni /
it means
ddawla matxəlləṣʃi /
the state does not pay
ddawla ʕandalmaxzən djaːla /
the state has its men
kiːʃəbbar /
he takes
mjaːtsaːjn u xamsiːn aːlf fraːnk //
two hundred and fifty thousand francs
lʕaskar //
the soldiers
lʕaskar dǝlħduːd //
the soldiers of the borders
jaʕnilʕaskar dəlħduːd /
it means the soldiers of the borders
xəṣṣum tskuːn ʕandum waːħədəlmartaːba ʕaːlja //
they must have a high position
xəṣṣum ʕandum fluːs /
they must have money
baːʃ kiːħərsulblaːd //
so that they watch the country
huːma kaːiːːː /
ʃħaːl kaːiːʕṭum //
how much does he give to them?
kaːiːʕṭum mjaːtsaːjn u xamsiːnaːlf fraːnk //
he gives to them two hundred and fifty thousand francs
mjaːtsaːjn u xamsiːnaːlf aːtsǝʕmǝl //
what does he do with two hundred and fifty thousand?
ʕaskri /
a soldier
iːwa lɣorba /
then the loneliness
kiːḍrab //
kiːḍərb baːrbʕ ʃhoːr /
it hits during four months
bsətsts ʃhoːr /
six months
ʕaːd kaːiːʃəbbar kaːiːmʃi nʕand uːlaːdu //
he just decides to go to his boys' home
jaʕni /
it means
makaːfihaʃ //
it is not enough
jaʕni /
it means
ʕandumjxǝlliːːː /
they have to allow
ʕandumjxəllilħarraːga /
they have to allow illegal emigrants
iːduxlu //
come in
ʕandumiːxǝllilħʃiːʃ iːduxlu //
they have to allow the hashish come in
baːʃ jəmkən luiː /
so it is possible him
wuffar huːwa ʕaːjəʃ /
to earn (more) (and) he lives
mjaːtsaːjn u xamsiːnaːlf fraːnk mat /
two hundred and fifty thousand francs don't
wukkulʃ //
tswukul njaːlu /
it feeds to him
ʕaːdiːṣiːfəṭ nuːlaːdu //
he will send to his boys
matswukkulʃ //
it does not feed
jaʕni /
it means
ḍaːruːri xəṣṣu iːxəllilħarraːga /
It is obligatory, he must allow the illegal emigrants
wiːxəllilħʃiːʃ wiːxəlli /
and to allow the hashish and to allow
tstsassnaːħ iːxəlli iːduːz //
he allows to past even the weapons
ʕlaːʃ ṣṣulfluːs //
why does he need money?
jaʕni /
it means
kitsəmma /
as there
ʕandu /
he has
ḍoːɣoːṭaːt //
tstsalkbiːr djaːlum /
even the powerful
xəṣṣulfluːs //
needs money
jaʕni /
it means
qaːllum ɣaːnxədmu /
he said them we will work
xalliddraːritsxəddəm //
Allow boys take effect
jaʕni /
it means
hiːja hajda /
she is like that
ʕaːjʃiːn hna fəlmaɣriːb //
we live here in Morocco
u /
tsaːnjan /
ʃʃurṭa iːspaniːja /
the Spanish police
zaːjda tstsaːman ʕliːhum //
increases their price
jaʕni /
it means
kiːrbaħ fluːs /
he earns money
u ʕandum ehːːː /
and they have
ʕandum iːmkaːniːjaːts /
they have oportunities
ʕandum iːmkaːniːjaːts kaːmliːn /
they have all the oportunities
uːːː /
taːnjan //
ħnaːːː /
ħnalmɣarbaːːː /
we the Moroccan people
gaːʕ maːʃiːːː /
all are not
maːʃiːːː /
are not
uːlaːddəlmaɣrib //
sons of Morocco
uːlaːdkastiːjeːxo //
sons of Castillejos
uːla uːlaːd ṭaːnʒa //
or sons of Tangier
uːla uːlaːd tseːṭwaːn //
or sons of Tetuan
huːmalli daːxliːn fəddiːwaːna kaːmliːn //
they, all of them, are who come in across bordier,
kaːtlqa //
you find
lmaɣrib //
all Morocco
kaːːːməl //
lmaɣrib //
all Morocco
kaːːːməl //
maːʃi hna //
is not here
maːʃi f /
is not in
blaːd ṣʕiːda //
a happy country
blaːd səbtsa //
jaʕni maːʃi /
it means, is not
ʕaːddʒi təxṣa /
you just come to ask
tsquːl lu ntsa miːntsiːna /
you say him where are you from?
jquːl lək aːna mən kaːstiːjeːxo //
He says to you: I am from Castillejos
maːʃi mǝn kaːstiːjeːxo //
he is not from Castillejos
ʕaːdi tsbəħats lu /
you will investigate him
lxuːluːq djaːlu /
his birth
ʕaːdi madʒəbruʃi mәn kaːstiːjeːxo //
you will not find that he is from Castillejos
jquːl lək aːna wəld kaːstiːjeːxo //
he will say you, I am a boy from Castillejos
aːna wəld tsəṭwaːn //
I am a boy from Tetuan
aːna wəld ṭaːnʒa //
I am a boy from Tangier
la //
maːʃi wəld ṭaːnʒa uːla /
He is not a boy of Tangier or
kaːdʒəbrum /
you find that they
mən ḍaːrbiːḍa /
mərraːkəʃ /
faːs //
məknaːs //
aːzaːjḷa /
ləʕraːjəʃ /
xniːfra /
səṭṭaːṭ /
ləʕjuːn /
ṣaħra /
jaʕni /
it means
ʒzaːjir /
kaːtəlqaːum kaːmliːn /
you find all of them
fhaːdəlkoːra /
at this globe
larḍiːja //
f haːd /
at this
fniːdaq /
waːxxa hiːja mdiːna ṣɣiːra /
even if it is a small city
waːlak tsaːni /
but again
ʒmiːʕ /
bnaːdəm /
fiːha maːʃi //
in it don't
kiːʒi ndiːwaːna //
come to the frontier
taːnja /
kiːuːṣal /
he arrives
kiːuːṣal ʕand ehːːː /
he arrives at
ʕand puːliːs //
at the policeman
puːliːs spaːni /
Spanish policeman
kiːuːṣal nʕandu //
he arrives at his place
kiːhdər mʕaːh /
he speaks with him
bәlluːɣa /
in the language
makaːjaʕrafʃ //
he does not know it
haːdiːːː /
this is
lluwwliːja /
the first one
majaʕrəfʃi jahdar mʕaːh //
he does not know to speak with him
kiːʧuːfu /
they see that
majaʕrafʃijahdar mʕaːh //
he does not know to speak with him
ʕandum iːḍərbu //
they hit him
ʕlaːʃ //
majaʕrafʃjahḍar /
(because) he does not know to speak
u majaʕrafʃ /
and he does not know
iːdaːfaʕ ʕla raːsu //
to defend himself
maːːː # ##
maːtsaːlan //
for instance
nnaːs xəddaːmiː /
people who work
kiːːː /
kiːʕamlu waːħəlħaːʒa //
do something
lli ki /
aːddi biːha nnaːs /
damages to people
kaːmliːn //
all of them
kjaːdi biːhannaːs kaːmliːn //
it damages all people
jaʕni /
it means
waːħədliːnsaːn kiːbiːʕəlxoḍra hnaːja /
somebody sells vegetable here
kiːdəxxlulxoḍra /
they put vegetable
kiːbiːʕu hnaːja /
they sell here
huːwa maʕəmmru /
he never
baːʕəlxoḍra /
sold vegetable
ʕaːwd tsaːni ɣaːjəʃrilxoḍra /
again he will buy vegetable
ɣaːjaʕməl fiːhalmuːxaːddiːraːts /
he will put drugs in it
u jədxul biːha /
and he will come in with it
waːlaːk taːni ɣaːjaħsab //
but again he will put prices
məlli ɣaːjaħsab /
when he will put prices
ɣaːjaːdi diːkənnaːs kaːmliːn /
he will damage all that people
u ɣaːiːbqaːw iːfətʧuːhum kaːmliːn /
and they will remain to inspect all of them
u ɣaːiːbqaːw iːddu lum əlxoḍra djaːlum /
and they will remain to take them their vegetable
iːddiːw luməlxoḍra //
they will take them the vegetable
u jәrʒ# jʒarriːw ʕliːhum minmaɣrib /
and they run quickly behind them from Morocco
ʕaːdiːːː /
u ʕaːdi xaːljuːmah /
daːbaːʃ ʕaːdaːdənnaːs //
now what about many people?
daːbalxoḍra /
now vegetable
kaːiːddiːwah lum //
they take it to them
ssbaːb /
the cause
ssbaːb muːxaːddiːraːt //
the cause are drugs
fəttoːnoːbir /
in the car
matəqdərʃ tərkəb //
you can not get in
təqdərʃ tərkəb //
you can not get on
ʕlaːʃ /
təlqa fiːhalħʃiːʃ //
you find in it hashish
iːdalqiːti fiːhalħʃiːʃ /
if you find hashish in it
ntsa maːdi mʕaːhum /
you are damaged with them
iːdaʃəbbruk əlmɣarba //
if they take Moroccan people
ʕaːw ɣaːiṭrǝbəlħabs kaːmliːn biːhum //
All of them will enter in prison
ʃəbbratək ʃʃorṭa iːspaːniːja /
if Spanish police takes to you
jaʕni kaːtddilli kiːsuːq ttoːnoːbir //
it means they take who is driving the car
huːwa lli ʕəmla //
he is who did it
huːwa lli ɣaːiːddiːwah //
he is who they will take him
waːlak tsaːnilmɣaːrba /
but again Moroccan people
makaːiːʕarfuːʃi /
don't know
lli kiːsuːq /
who is driving
ttoːnoːbir //
the car
tstsantsatsəmʃi mʕaːh //
you also will go with him
ʕaːdʤi mʕaːh ttalmaħkaːma //
you just come with him until the court
maħkaːma //
the court
mʃi u aːʒi //
(they say yo) go and come
mʃi u aːʒi //
they say you go and come
ʕatsxəlləṣ waːħəlɣaːraːma //
until you pay a sum of money
əlɣaːraːmaːːː /
a sum of money
lmiqdaːr djaːla /
the sum of
sətsts mja /
six hundred
dərham //
jaʕni untsa maʕandəkʃ biːh /
and you don't have (money)
txəlləṣ sətsts mja dərhəm //
to pay with it six hundred dirhams
jaʕniːːː /
it means
maʕandikʃ //
you don't have
maʕandək fiːːː /
you don't have
maʕandək fiːn dʤəbra //
you don't have where to find it
f diːkssaːʕa /
at this moment
u matəlqa la ħbiːb /
you don't find a relative
uːla rħiːm //
or a merciful
lli tsquːl lu ʕṭiːni //
whom you say "give me"
ʕaːdiːquːllək aːna xaːj maʕandiʃ //
he will say to you: "I, my brother, don't have"
ʕaːdʤi ʕand xaːk ʕaːiːquːl lək aːna aː xaːj /
you will come your brother's house, he will say you "I, my brother,
biːddi maʕandiʃ //
don't have in my hand
jaʕni matəlqaʃ //
it means you don't find
jaʕni /
it means
iːda makuntiʃi /
if you are not
waːħliːnsaːn /
a person
waːxxa maqaːriʃ /
even if you are not cultured
maqaːriʃ /
you are not cultured
stiːlo /
a pen
maqaːriʃ mədraːsa /
you don't study in a school
tkuː qaːri /
you are cutived
jaʕni kaːnquːlu /
it meand we say
ħna lkulliːja dəʧʧwaːriʕ //
we are in the faculty of the streets
mədraːsadʧwaːriʕ //
school of the streets
mədraːsadʧwaːriʕ xx jaʕni /
school of the streets, it means
iːnsaːnrraːs djaːlu /
people's head
mhərrəs //
is broken
jaʕniːːː /
it means
qaːri em /
he studies
qaːri bnaːdəm /
he studies people
u qaːrilfʕaːjəl dbnaːdəm /
u he studies people's bad acts
qaːri bnaːdəm /
he studies people
lli kiːkdəb //
who lies
qaːri bnaːdəm lli kjəsraq /
he studies people who steals
qaːri bnaːdəm /
he studies people
lli xəṣṣu ʃi ħaːʒa /
who needs something
ʕaːjǝglәs ħdaːk /
he will sit down next to you
iːtshaːwəd /
to agree
mʕaːk /
with you
jaʕni /
it means
kaːtəʕrəf xəṣṣu ʃi ħədd //
you know he needs somebody
jaʕni XX /
it means
tta xəṣṣu iːsəlləf /
even he needs to borrow
uːla xəṣṣu jːːː /
u he needs
jənṣəb ʕliːh /
to set a trap
jaʕni iːʕarfu /
it means they know
ʕaːjəʕməllək ʃi ħaːʒa /
he just will do someting for you
jaʕni haːdi lli ħna /
it means we are like this
ħna lli /
we are who
qaːrjiːn feh /
are studying in
tsrabbiːna ṣɣaːriːn /
we were brought up since we were small
fəddiːwaːna u /
at the frontier
uʤʤbəl /
and at the mountain
u haːdi /
and this
ʕaːrfiːn ssiːsteːm dəliːnsaːn kaːməl //
we know the whole system of the people
jaʕni ɣiːr kiːʒi ħdaːk /
it means only he comes next to you
makaːjaʕʒǝbniʃi ṣaːfi //
he does not like, it is enough
jəmkən nquːllu mʃi fħaːlək /
maybe I say him "go away".
uːla nħəzz /
or I need
maːtsaːlan /
for instance
qahwa //
a coffee
u ʃaːrəb qahwa /
and I am drinking a coffee
u ʒa waːħəd liːnsaːn gləs /
and a person came and sit down
maʕʒəbniʃi kaːnhəzz /
I did not like, I take
lqahwa djaːli kaːnəmʃi fħaːli /
my coffee and I go away
lli ngləs //
because I am sitting
jaʕni ʕlaːʃ /
it means why?
kaːnṭləbssaːlaːma //
I ask for the safety
jaʕni /
it means
ṭləb /
I ask for
ṭləb xəṣṣni nəbqa mərtaːħ /
I need to stay relaxed
maxəṣṣniʃ nəbqaːːː /
I don't want to be
aːna gaːləs /
I am sitting
ħiːt aːna wuqʕət li waːħəlxaṭra /
because once it happened to me
kunt gaːləs /
I was sitting
fəlqəhwa /
in a cafateria
aːna gaːləs /
I am sitting
u ʒa ʕandi waːħǝdinsaːn /
and a perso came next to me
u gləs mʕaːja /
and he sat with me
u /
bqiːna kan /
we stayed
ḍaːkru aːna u jjaːh /
talking, I and him
u kaːntskijjfu /
and we take cannabis
txullmaxzǝn //
state's men came in
txullmaxzǝn /
state's men came in
mahdər mʕa tstsa waːħəd //
they did not speak with anybody
ʒmaʕ /
they grabbed
diːkliːnsaːn /
that person
lli ħdaːja //
who was next to me
ʒəmʕwah ʕəmlu XX /
they grabbed him, did xx
ddaːwah /
they took him
ddaːwni ħətstsa aːna /
they took me as well
u tshawdu /
and we discussed
qaːlu aːʃ kaːtəʕrəf haːdiːnsaːn /
they told (me), do you know this person?
qultlum makaːnʕərfuʃi /
I said to them, I don't know him
ʒa gləs ħdaːja /
he came and sat next to me
haːdi haːdi qaːl fiːh /
he said that he is
ʤuːʕ /
fiʕlan //
qaːl fiːh əʒʒuːʕ maʕanduʃ /
he said that he was not hungry
ʕrətstsu ʕla qahwa /
I get him a coffee
ʃrəbəlqahwa /
he drank the coffee
u klalħəlwa /
and he ate the sweet
haːdilmʕaːlaːqa //
this is the relation
jallaːh //
let's go
dxulna fəl /
we spoke about
lmawḍoːʕ demm /
the topic of
bqa iːtshaːwəd mʕaːja /
he stayed discussing with me
u ʃrək mʕaːjalhaḍra //
and shared the conversation with me
qaːlu li /
they told me
haːdəlinsaːn haːda raːh riːʃorʃi /
this person is looked for
bda haːdi u haːdi /
he started this and this
ṣaːfi //
it is enough
aːna ṭəlqu li /
they let me go
u huːma bqaːw tsəmma kiːːː /
and they stayed there
ħiːts ħna ʕandnaːːː /
because we have
fәlmaɣriːb //
in Morocco
ʕandna kuːmiːsaːrja ṣʕiːba //
we have difficult police stations
jaʕniːːː /
it means
bə# ṣʕiːba //
jaʕniːːː /
it means
kiːn snaːsǝl kiːn /
there are chains, there is
ṭaw /
kiːn baŋeːːː# ##
there is
baːŋeːra hajda b /
baths like that with
bәlleːxja /
with bleach
bәlleːxja //
with bleach
kaːiːħʃiːw lək raːsək fwəsṭ mənna /
they pluge your head in the middle of it
kiːqəllʕu lək ddəfriːn /
they remove you the nails
bəzzaːf //
many times
lʕaːdaːb /
the torture
lli kaːiːʕamlu baːʃ kaːtəsqqar lli /
what they make in order to force to confess who
uḍḍaw /
the electricity
ʕandum waːħədəlbarmiːl ʕaːmər /
they have a barrel fill
bəddəmm xaːmis /
with blood XX
jaʕniːːː /
it means
muːdda sniːn fiːh //
it is there several years ago
kiːhabbṭuk fwəsṭ mənnu /
they introduce you in the middle of it
marbuːṭ bəssnaːsəl fərrəʒlək /
your feet tied
ʕaːdaːdǝnnaːs /
many people
ʃənni u kaːj /
u kaːjənnnaːs /
and there are people
lli ḍərbətəlħabs /
who were put in prison
u kaːtsʕawwullna ʕlalħabs /
and they tell to us about (the life) in prison
dəlmaɣrib //
of Morocco
lmaɣrib /
lħabs djaːlu /
qaːṣaħ //
waːlak tsaːni /
but again
fiːhəlbiːʕuʃʃridmuːxaːdiːraːt //
there is buying and selling of drugs
xxa qaːṣaħ /
even if it is hard
fiːhəlbiːʕ uəʃʃri //
there is buying and selling
ajj ħaːʒa //
of any thing
la dəlməxzən wala kull ʃi //
neither state's men or anything
jaʕni ʕandək fluːs ɣaːtʕiːʃ //
it means you have money, you will life
u ɣaːtbiːʕ u təʃri fəlħabs //
and you will sell and buy in prison
uːːː /
bəzzaːf dənnaːs /
many people
uːːː /
u kaːjnalħogra /
there is the humiliation
fəlħabs //
in prison
jaʕniːːː /
it means
lħogra /
the humiliation is
dʒilʕaːʔiːla djaːlək /
your family comes
dʒiːb ləkəzzjaːra dʒiːb lək eh /
they visit you and bring to you
ehːːː /
maːtaːlan eh /
for instance
dʒiːb lək ehːːː /
they bring to you
ssoxra deh /
some provisions
ssoxra //
lli ʕaːtsaːkul fəlħabs //
which you just eat in prison
jaʕni kiːddiːwah lək //
it means they take it for you
haːdilluwwliːja /
this is the first one
kiːddiːwahlək /
they take it for you
blħaqq kiːddia lək lħaːris dəlħabs /
but the watchman of the prison take it off from you
kiːddi /
he takes
kaːjaːkul lək mənna lħaːʒa lli mziːwna /
he eats the good things
kiːddialək /
he takes if off from you
u /
iːda ʒaːbu lək ʃiːːː /
if they bring to you a
ʃi spardiːna /
a flip-flop
uːla ʃi ʧaːndaːl /
or a tracksuit
uːla ʃi ħaːʒa //
or any athing
kiːddiːwah lək lħəbbaːsa //
the guardians take it from you
kiːddiːwah lu lħorra //
they take it from him net
jaʕni maʕandəkʃʃi /
it means you don't have
iːmkaːniːjaːts fəlħabs //
oportunities in prison